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Everything posted by Panni

  1. I'm a Jet Fan, and I don't like the Giants much at all. That being said, I consider Eli Manning in the lower half of the Top 10 QBs in football. The only QBs right now off the top of my head that are better are Brady, Peyton, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Roehtlisberger, & Vick. Matt Ryan may be close, but I'm not willing to say that's definite just yet. I've never seen so many interceptions occur due to passes off receivers hands. I feel like thats where 75% of his picks come from. My point is Eli is not to blame for this.
  2. Are they definitely going to match-up with KC/San Diego as opposed to Indy? I really hope that's the case because Peyton scares me far more than either of the AFC West teams.
  3. The Jets don't have to apologize, nor did they back in the playoffs. They are 10-5, and most fans would have accepted that record at the beginning of the season. If they needed to win they probably would have defeated Buffalo next week. You can say what you want about them, but they beat Pittsburgh last week, as well as have a win against New England. They earned their spot in the playoffs. I don't think they'll go far at all in the playoffs, but I'm happy to see them in.
  4. Dodge was buried on sports radio all day. Seriously though what are the odds someone runs a punt all the way back? 1 in 20 for Jackson? Make a tackle.
  5. They certainly need to fix up that third down defense. I guess people can stop saying we can't beat tough teams. Who else has defeated New England and Pittsburgh this year? Sadly, they are still probably going to be a Wild Card spot making it virtually impossible to get to the Super Bowl.
  6. It's been a bad week as a Yankee fan with Lee not signing and Boston getting only stronger. The only NY team that has been having a good week is the Rangers. As a Jet fan I would sign a contract that guaranteed me one Super Bowl in the next twenty years (you cant win more, but you will win once). With the Yankees you can even sign for one World Series in five years, that would be a failure for the franchise. I think 1 in 3 years is a fair contract to sign up for them. I know it's irrelevant, but this is a question I always ask me Giant/Met/Jet fan friends. The G-Men will bounce back from this though. I believe they get Green Bay next week...if they don't have Rodgers they won't have a chance.
  7. That was insane. Holy Shit. Someone needs to break Desean Jackson in half. Those antics at the end of the game were just uncalled for.
  8. I'm a big fan of Community, but I just didn't get into the Christmas episode at all. Sometimes I feel like the show gets a little too full of itself. Instead of focusing on their own storylines they turn everything into a satire to seem "smart" I guess. That turns me off sometimes. I just wanna hear Chevy Chase's ridiculous statements, and see Troy just be hysterical.
  9. I'd be willing to agree that Phillies vs. Red Sox won't be the World Series. Very rarely do the two best teams match-up in the actual series. One of them will probably lose in the postseason. I also won't crown Philadelphia as WS Champs right now for another reason. Throughout the 90s and into the 00s the Atlanta Braves had just as good of a rotation, if not better. Their hitting wasn't bad either with the likes of Chipper, Andruw Jones, Galarraga/McGriff, David Justice, and more. Yet they only managed to win the World Series once. As usual it will just come down to who plays the best ball come the postseason.
  10. I'd be willing to agree that Phillies vs. Red Sox won't be the World Series. Very rarely do the two best teams match-up in the actual series. One of them will probably lose in the postseason. I also won't crown Philadelphia as WS Champs right now for another reason. Throughout the 90s and into the 00s the Atlanta Braves had just as good of a rotation, if not better. Their hitting wasn't bad either with the likes of Chipper, Andruw Jones, Galarraga/McGriff, David Justice, and more. Yet they only managed to win the World Series once. As usual it will just come down to who plays the best ball come the postseason.
  11. I think Cliff Lee is better than Sabathia as well. I think Lee is the 3rd best pitcher in baseball (behind Halladay-Hernandez). I would say Sabathia is 5th after Lincecum. I also am looking forward to listening to Francesa. I hate that guy, and I'm a Yankees fan. He's such a stubborn asshole.
  12. I think Cliff Lee is better than Sabathia as well. I think Lee is the 3rd best pitcher in baseball (behind Halladay-Hernandez). I would say Sabathia is 5th after Lincecum. I also am looking forward to listening to Francesa. I hate that guy, and I'm a Yankees fan. He's such a stubborn asshole.
  13. The Yankees were desperate from Cliff Lee. Is anybody worth that sort of money? Other than Pujols and Hallady, probably not. As a Yankee fan I really wouldn't mind Chris Carpenter at all. Seeing how the Cardinals have to make some room for Pujols' contract it may make sense. I want to see them get Johan Santana from the Mets. They could give the Mets a nice young package of players since it now seems extremely difficult they will be able to contend in that division for the next few years. I like Mark Buehrle, but I just don't know if he'll strike fear into the Boston line-up. I see Buehrle as a slightly better version than Pettitte. If they want to compete with Boston and Philly this year they need a pitcher a level higher than Buehrle. As far as the future goes for the Yankees, they'll be fine. They'll always have enough money to get a team to the playoffs, even when the likes of A-Rod and Jeter get old. Sure they may miss the playoffs one year, but they'll throw a ton of money at the free agents available the next year. With that money always being invested in the team they'll always be around. Once you're in the playoffs anything can happen, as proven by this year.
  14. I don't think anybody stands a chance against that. If I had to pick a team I would disgustedly pick the Red Sox.
  15. I think they should take that flier on Brandon Webb. Make it an option contract that really can't hurt. My Plan B would honestly be try to lure Johan Santana from the Mets, if the Mets are in some sort of rebuilding mode. Johan is still a great pitcher, in my opinion, but his value has never been lower. But, if the Mets believe they can make the playoffs which they should, they would never give up Johan.
  16. This is a disaster for the Yankees. The Red Sox get much better, and then the Yankees don't get Lee. I don't consider Greinke a worthwhile Plan B. What I hate about this is now we're probably going to have to part ways with Jesus Montero to get a big arm which means I'm going to have to watch more of boring old Jorge.
  17. I'm one of those New Yorkers who love seeing relevant basketball in the Garden again. I've fluctuated between the Nets and Knicks over the years just because I never got really passionate about one team. As a kid Michael Jordan dominated the NBA so obviously I loved him. I honestly root for both teams, but moreso the Knicks. That Garden crowd was wild for yesterdays' game. As far as the Spurs go, I have nothing but respect for those guys. If "The BIg Three" Lebron/Wade/Bosh have half the success of Tim Duncan/Tony Parker/Manu Ginobili they had a good run. Nobody ever talks about how great the Duncan Spurs dynasty is. It's because Tim Duncan isn't too flashy I guess. I have a lot of friends who hate him because they think he's so boring. I just consider him one of the best of the game, and a true role model. He's an absolute winner. The Onion articles about him are hysterical though.
  18. The New York Giants D-Line would have probably broke him in half if he played tonight. I honestly think in this particular game Tarvaris Jackson gives the Vikings a better chance of winning.
  19. 1. Dexter 2. Community 3. South Park 4. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 5. The Office 6. Eastbound and Down 7. How I Met Your Mother 8. Modern Family 9. The Jersey Shore 10. Entourage
  20. I hate to be that guy, but I was a bit disappointed by the ending of this season. I guess after the jaw-dropping conclusion of last year I had really high expectations. The scene with Debra - Dexter & Lumen was great, but everything after that was just kind of there.
  21. Will this be the episode where Debra finds out Dexter's mystery? I feel like it has to be. This is the sort of story-line they would need to play out. They can't just have Debra find out Dexter's secret on the last ever episode. We would want to see so much more. Who knows how many years Dexter has left, but we do know they will return next year. That being said now may as good a time as ever to pull the trigger.
  22. Screw this team...it's Knick season anyway.
  23. What an asshole. At least it hasn't affected the outcome of the game though. The dude will most certainly lose his job.
  24. I think it was a sideline guy. This has been where the Jets have been dangerous this year. That was when they knew how to get touchdowns though.
  25. That guy should immediately lose his job.
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