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Posts posted by NM!

  1. Geez this hasn't been updated in a while. I'm working on some stuff right now, considering I haven't done any graphics in almost a year and figured I should try to do at least one a week.However, this was the last thing I did do that I didn't put up here. Not the greatest thing but I figured I'd just place this in here before I finish everything up. :)


  2. I really hate myself for seeing their new promo for Community. :(

    Major spoiler regarding Community. No seriously, if you 200% honestly don't care about potentially ruining next week's episode, then go ahead and click the spoiler.

    Seriously guys.


    It appears as if Troy is eliminated by a trap when a box or bag of paint falls on him. I hate whoever put that promo up.

  3. I think it was stated that he will meet the mother at the wedding. The time where they were both there but didn't meet was at the St. Patrick's Day party. That night brought talk to some people that the girl he bumped into was the mother, but all in all, I just see her as a red herring.

  4. Very true, but I don't believe my theories are TOO out there considering some people are still arguing that Robin is the mother even though the show points out dozens of times that she isn't.

    The spoilers ordeal was just because of Marshall's big story this season and with my luck, I would get a warning. :shifty:

  5. I recently stumbled upon some How I Met Your Mother theories on who the mother is and I thought of two twists that the writers could throw at us.

    While anything is possible, I just can't see this show just ending on a simple note of "this is the mother and then we had you two." For some reason, I can see the mother being shown at the end of this season and then bringing her into the whole fold during next season. One thing that I do see is that the mother will be shown with the kids once she is announced in the flashbacks. However, I don't see her just sitting there and continuing the story with Ted. It doesn't really fit to me. With my first theory, I'm basing this off of the drama that seemed to be much more heavy during this season than any other, with Marshall and Barney's dad. I can see these as events that get the audience accustomed to some of the bigger moments that are coming. So with that, I do see Ted meeting and dating the mom, and even having the kids but in the series finale getting killed off some how as a big lesson that "While life throws terrible moments at you, in light comes better ones." (Referring towards the kids) and giving a reason as to why the kids are asking just Ted instead of both of the parents. Every episode ends with some lesson that everyone is learning and this could be another one, to a grander extent as she would have become part of the regular cast for 2 seasons or so.

    My second theory is that Ted doesn't find love, and instead adopts kids from a lady. He can still technically meet the mother and while it wouldn't be as great as a send-off is a scenario I can see them doing, just to add another layer. The last scene of the show could have Future Ted doing something outside the house while past Ted gives some big speech, before a girl drops something and Future Ted picks it up to leave it off with a cycle of sorts.

    Just some theories that came into my head, but I figure someone probably has some better ideas than the ones I have.

  6. Thor

    I really enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun and I felt Hemsworth did a great job. Plus it's got the best cameo since Stark at the end of Hulk

    Hawkeye! Renner was such a good choice, can't wait to see more of him in Avengers

    It was a very good movie!

    And I felt bad, I couldn't think of Hawkeye's name in the movie. I knew he was a hero...just couldn't think of the name at the time. And am I crazy, or was there a Hulk reference with the talk of Gamma Rays?

    Although I didn't get the ending after the credits completely.

    I just see that scene as a set up to the idea that Loki will still be a major villain in The Avengers movie.

  7. If it's a video review, then I would prefer it be less than 15 minutes. If it's a text review, then it can be about a page or so. Nothing really short, but nothing extremely long. Just something you believe passes as a nice review that doesn't drag on and gets to important points. :)

  8. It's been a couple days, and I wanted to ensure you all that I am planning on getting this up soon. However, I was wondering if me making a free site would work and you guys just send me the reviews, I'll approve it, and put it up, or if we should do a group blog type of site. Also, for the people showing interest in this still, I would like some sort of review that gives me a general idea of how your work would be. :)

  9. I want to know who at Sony had the bright idea to not encrypt customers' personal data, and whether that person/those people still have a job/jobs.

    Speaking of GT5, I still never recieved it from The EWRiddler. <_<

    Not a big deal since I would have gotten the game for answering a riddle, but I just hope it didn't get lost in the mail. :crying:

  10. It's decent. Not the greatest show to watch but it didn't bore me. One thing I do like is that they aren't going with the 'generic' gay guy. In fact they bring in a character like that in the second episode who is exactly that, and he despises it. However, I do believe they jumped the gun on that joke pretty early. Overall, give it a watch and see if you enjoy it.

  11. Video reviews could be interesting. I'm sure we could work that in to the site. Now I'm looking to start this up this week so if there's anyone else who'd like to join, I'd suggest you post soon. As for the people who already have interest, I would like for you to make a review of any movie and pm me it. It would serve as an audition so I can get a feel as to how you would do. You can also use the review as your very first review on the site. Thanks for the support guys, :)

    By when do you need this? I could knock it out this weekend if that is fine.

    Yeah, that's fine. And I think I'll go with the ones that are good. Thanks for all the help. :)

  12. Video reviews could be interesting. I'm sure we could work that in to the site. Now I'm looking to start this up this week so if there's anyone else who'd like to join, I'd suggest you post soon. As for the people who already have interest, I would like for you to make a review of any movie and pm me it. It would serve as an audition so I can get a feel as to how you would do. You can also use the review as your very first review on the site. Thanks for the support guys, :)

  13. Hmm..

    I'm not so big on just allowing people to write about a specific set of movies, due to the restriction that would occur a while into it, but what if we do "Counter-Reviews"?

    If anyone sees a review that is just completely against what they feel about the movie, and they feel the need to counter it, they can write a separate review that would be a mix of a review and "dissecting" the other's contribution. The only thing we would have to be sure about with this would be that the counter is in no way going to be a "You're stupid" ordeal. It would have to be a "professional" review that has clear points. Do you think that might work out better? If not, then I would have to go with your idea on using a 'top' list, at least for the start of this project.

  14. Is Ultimate X-Men worth checking out? I been looking into it, and there's 19 volumes, but by like, the tenth book, the reviews are pretty bad over on Amazon. I just ordered Astonishing X-Men, and if Ultimate X-Men isn't any good, can anyone recommend any other X-Men stories for me?

    Also, I been looking for any good Fantastic Four stories, I looked into Ultimate Fantastic Four, but I'm looking just for a couple of books, not a whole series, are there any one shot stories you guys would recommend to me?

    I've read a 4 issue comic series called "One Month to Live" which was a decent read. It featured the Fantastic Four and Spiderman if it helps.

  15. Well, I'd hope that the people contributing would take it a bit serious, :shifty:

    I think we could probably figure out if someone is just spamming the place with over-the-top reviews of movies that aren't at least average. I guess I would just say that it would depend on the situation, and we could vote on if we take the review down for spam or leave it as a legitimate contribution.

  16. Yeah, tv shows can fit into the site nicely. I'll just leave this open for about a day or so? Hoping more can get involved, but two definite writers and two 'guest' contributors can work as well. I'm going to put up a test site considering we can change the name of the site whenever we please.

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