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Posts posted by NM!

  1. (that can´t be this hard to understand, you guys need to work your english. :mellow: )

    This is my favorite part.

    Comic Spoilers (Depending on where you are)

    I can't wait until the Prison season, just because it's possibly my favorite arc in the entire series to date.

    I also echo the statement that the people I care for have narrowed significantly. I still care for all the originals, naturally, and the only new characters who I care for are Maggie, Michonne, and Abraham. Heath seems like someone who I will end up caring about if he stays alive long enough. I'm guessing I just like the idea of having another version of early Glenn.

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  2. I honestly think the only people who closely resemble their counter-parts in the comics are Rick, Glenn, and Dale. Feels weird seeing the same characters with different looks to me, but that's just me being picky. Also, is Michonne going to be making her debut this season? She's probably one of my more favored characters in the series.

  3. Green Lantern - Yeah, it's pretty bad. And worst of all, it's so damn boring. My expectations were low and I still walked away hating almost everything about it. The CGI was pretty bad, especially for the costume. And Ryan Reynolds much like how I expected, didn't play a good Green Lantern, making a lame joke almost every scene. I really hated the movie. Basically, the romance side of the movie was way too cheesy to take seriously and everything else was pretty damn boring. I'd pass no matter how interested you are in it. Especially if you just saw First Class, it'll make this movie that much worse.

    But, if you do see it for some ungodly reason, there is a scene after the credits to anybody interested. So they're probably making a second one.

    Out of curiosity could you list your top 3-5 movies of all time please?

    ...And the #1 favorite movie is!...


  4. Awake just looks like it's going to be a fantastic show. Seriously one of the shows I'm looking forward to.

    Awake Trailer

    I'm actually really excited for television shows this coming season. There's Awake, Persons of Interest, Alcatraz, and Terra Nova which are going to be much see shows to see. Also going to give The River a chance, as well as Up All Night, Grimm, Playboy Club, and New Girl (Mainly because Zooey Deschanel :wub: )

    Plus with other shows such as a new version of The Office, Raising Hope, 30 Rock, Community, Harry's Law, Parks and Recreation, Happy Endings, Modern Family, and Workaholics, I'm sure it's going to be a good season.

  5. Saw some gameplay earlier and from the looks of it, it's worse than '11. The movement looks much more blocky and stiff, the bars look worse, and the camera angles are less dynamic than last years. It just looks like a 3D version of the arcade side-view. Granted it changed positions once, but for the most part it just seemed bland. These new additions don't entice me to buy the game and neither did the gameplay so if the final version is pretty much what I saw, I passing this year.

  6. For those of you who love Naya (Santana) you're more than likely to hear more from her. According to TvSquad, Naya just signed a record deal with Columbia Records.

  7. Well, the whole joke is a reference to a previous episode when the study group's flag design won. They intentionally made the flag's symbol look like an anus.

    I don't think it's so much the actual joke as it is the reference.

    Don't remember the flag design from the earlier episode, but that does make it a bit better. Thought it was just a simple "LOL buildings shaped like a penis" joke, but nevertheless, just ignore my previous post then.

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