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Posts posted by NM!

  1. I'm sure you can work with that. I mean with plenty of people, you can kind of appear from here and there with a running: "guest review" sort of deal.

    As for monitoring it, I found out that you can make a group site on posterous. I need to check it out a bit more, but if that doesn't work, we can try out another site that would allow us to run it together.

  2. The thing with this though, is that you can explain why you liked it so much, and go into as much detail as you'd like on it. Everyone's taste in movies is different and this site gives each one of us the chance to share the ones we like. We can just hope that someone who finds the site interesting sticks by and can find 'new' movies to watch that they may have never known about, or even considered watching.

  3. Something to that effect, but it can easily be more than the "big movies" that come out every week. It can be any movie that you have revently seen, whether it be brand new or a movie that came out years ago. It could be anything really. There's not much of a restriction on what this site could be, and how we can go about it. I would be in no means the "main" poster for the site, since I could see this being a nice mutual site that a few of us could write our thoughts, perceptions, and some insight on anything in entertainment. Like I said, this site could become anything. I'd just like to get a few people together, make some really good ideas, and try it out.

  4. I've been thinking about doing a group site for a while now. As for the actual site's theme remained a mystery to me until just now. I can see that there's plenty of people here that enjoy watching movies and television on a regular, if not a daily, basis. Now, this site would revolve around that very theme of movies and tv, however the articles don't necessarily have to be just reviews. It could be a place to post any other column you believe could fit for the site, whether it be lists of top/worst/"game changing"/etc., news, or something never seen before. Do you guys believe we could get something started, or is it something that wouldn't be worth putting tume into?

  5. Woah, Woah, Woah. You can stand Outsourced but you don't approve of Mr. sunshine? I'll agree in saying that its average, but I'm almost certain the show can get to a second season. Hell, Cougar Town got another season and that show is TERRIBLE.

  6. Longshot here, but a tweaked version of Knightfall can be in order with Jean Paul Vally/Azrael.

    The only fun part of Knightfall was the Batfamily having to deal with their entire Rogues Gallery all at once. With the Nolan films, seeing as Ra's al Ghul and Two-Face were killed off and reprising Joker is obviously difficult, that leaves, what. Scarecrow again? Mr. Zsasz? I'll pass.

    Scarecrow is wonderful! :angry:

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  7. I really want to put together a really detailed NXT Story Mode.

    If any has some CAWs they'd be willing to donate to the cause, it would be much appreciated. I'm on the PS3, so you can either upload it online and give me the name, or you can draw up the formula and send it to me (preferably with pictures).

    I'll donate my CAW for it. Just give me a day or so, and I'll upload him. My PSN is USBouncer. :)

  8. Apparently someone managed to take a picture of a stuntman running around in the suit and uploaded it.


    Quite honestly, from what can be seen in the pic, I don't like it. Can't really put my finger on the reason, but I just don't like it.

    Am I the only one who can only see this as a miniature version because everything around him looks insanely disproportionate?

  9. Saw The Green Hornet as well. I thought it was actually funny in some parts with plenty of action, but seeing as I went in with extremely low expectations, I probably liked it just because it passed them. If you don't really care about seeing it right now, I'd say rent it.

    Also, did Kato have trouble speaking English or what? I'm sure he'll get better over the years though.

  10. Man. The ending of the latest HIMYM was so sad. You don't write a storyline that sad for a character as loveable as Marshall! You just don't! :(

    Such a sad moment, but something that everyone has to go through :/

    Marshall was the perfect character for it to happen though. With him being so close to his dad just impacted it even more to me, as I seem to enjoy my pop's company than my mom's. It's part of life and this episode goes down as one of my favorite episodes in the series' run just for that moment.

    I loved that they had that count-down in the background to the bad news through out the episode as well.

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