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  1. Who's fuckin face is this?

  2. Who's fuckin face is this?

  3. The first list, I second. Except the exclusion of Em..
  4. So, metal? All times I'd go... Metallica Pantera ...and maybe Killswitch, on the strength of Harold Jones' voice and organization... ...or maybe Down, cause Anselmo and Pepper Keenan do it for me and I like bluesy root metal. Right now tho, it's all about Iwrestledabearonce. Dope ass name. Dope ass arrangements. I like weird shit. Totally gonna get some down on the pod tho.
  5. When the girls turn on each other in the lighthouse. So awesome..but it could be I'm a jap cinema mark. Takeshi Miike is really dope. That thirteen assassins was amazing. Lol @ gap cinema
  6. Heya. I'm a long time follower, second time threader. So, Battle Royale. The movie about ninth graders trapped on an island and forced to kill to win. FCKING DOPENESS. I'm like forty min in an lil Japanese students are dropping like flies. So crazy, if I had a complaint it would be the frenetic pacing. After that fat kid tries for first blood, the shit hits the fan hard and fast and splatters every where...but logically, they are kids. That shit would be sooooo crazy irl. That GoGo chick from Kill Bill is in it too. She's hot
  7. So...anime? Been following this thread, heard about some cool stuff to track down...though there's been no mention of Baki, the Grappler. IMO, quite possibly the best fight anime I've ever seen. I'm a fight guy and if you get into that kinda stuff, do yourself a favor and check it out. Two seasons, that I've found. The first is exposition, yanno, but the gem of it all, though I appreciate/kinda identify with the mother issue thing...is the second season and the totality of the SFC King of Pankration tourney(fight geeks will totally dig the Pankration nod, as I did) It's like thirty o so fights, each with independent stories and character interaction. Dope characters like Dixon(based off Rickson Gracie, BJJ Pioneer) and there's even nods to puroresu with Mt. Toba(Great Baba) and the Antonio Inoki guy, I forget his name. There's even a dude who competes with a broken arm...only to repeatedly bash said broke arm to prove he doesn't need the wing to beat his challenge. Crazy as shit, but damn if that shit wasn't dope. So, peep it. I'd like to hear y'all thoughts.
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