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Posts posted by GhostMachine

  1. You know who I think got the best deal out of this trade? The Expos! They got Alex Gonzalez. With the team's attendance being down and the Expos having an uncertain future, they're lucky to have been able to get anyone, instead of trading away someone they really needed for some single-A level prospects that might not even make it to the majors.

    That said, I'd have to say the Cubs got the better deal....in the short term. Like slimg said, Nomar is the 2nd or 3rd best shortstop in the majors right now. The Red Sox got....a decent (but not as good as Nomar) shortstop in Orlando Cabrera, and Doug Mientkiewicz, who will likely be backing up David Ortiz for a while. There shouldn't even be a question of who got the better deal...RIGHT NOW. It depends on if the Cubs can keep Nomar around for several more years, or if he decides to go somewhere else once his contract is up, or asks to be traded out of the Cubs organization at some point. The minor league prospects that were traded around by all the teams involved don't even figure into the equation because they're unproven in the majors. Just because someone hits a lot of home runs or wins a lot of games in the minors doesn't mean they'll do the same in the big leagues. Just like it doesn't mean jack when going from Little League to High School or from High School to College. So I see the prospects as an x-factor.

    One thing I'd like to mention is something that Backn brought up: The rumors that Nomar may have been faking the injury. Why exactly would you fake an injury? If you're on the DL, you're bringing your career stats down, and if you want off the team, wouldn't it be simpler to just go to management, demand a trade, and refuse to play if you don't get it? I don't believe he was faking, but if he was and the truth ever comes out, forget everything I said, because that would mean Boston got the better end of the deal by getting rid of someone with that kind of character.

    And the Cubs may be undefeated since acquiring Nomar, but I think Nomar made a mistake in opting out of Beantown. I'm calling it right now: Boston will make it to the final round of the AL playoffs, and maybe even to the Series itself. The Cubs will be lucky to make it to the postseason, and will definitely be a wild card team if they do. I don't see them surging back to beat the Cards for the division title unless Pujols and half the Cardinals' rotation end up on the 60-day DL.

    Too bad, because a Red Sox\Cubs World Series would REALLY be interesting after this trade.

  2. As a Cowboys fan, I'm a pissed about this. I didn't want Dallas to sign Testaverde in the first place, because I've always felt he was overrated. Still do. He's a decent quarterback, but not great.

    But if Carter was snorting, then I'm glad they have Testaverde, because that means they'll at least have one proven quarterback to rely on.

    I just hope Parcells doesn't try to get any more players who played for him on the Jets or Giants....

  3. Rockstar would likely have been sued by either Dark Horse Comics or Frank Miller (or possibly both) if they had used the Sin City name. (Even though `Sin City' is an old nickname for Las Vegas, they'd likely have a case)

    Regarding Spider-Man 3, they could possibly throw a huge swerve.....


    The way things are, its likely that the villain will most likely be Harry as GG 2, or possibly the Lizard or even Man-Wolf.


    There was more than one capsule of the GG formula in the secret room, and there were two gliders.

    What if they have both the second Green Goblin AND Hobgoblin, with Harry finding someone who also has a reason to hate Spider-Man to be the Hobgoblin, and the two team up against Spidey?

    (If Harry is the villain, then I hope they add least add some purple to the GG suit.)

    *End Spoilers*

    But as long as the villain isn't Venom, Carnage, the Vulture or Kraven, I don't really care which villain they use.

  4. NFC East






    NFC North






    NFC South






    NFC West






    AFC East




    Dolphins (I'd still have them ranked third even if Ricky Williams hadn't retired)


    AFC North






    AFC South




    Titans (Would be ranked second if they hadn't given in and let Eddie George go)


    AFC West







    NFC - Bucs, Eagles

    AFC - Broncos, Jets

    Playoffs (only doing the finals):

    NFC - Cowboys over Packers or Rams

    AFC - Patriots over Ravens

    Super Bowl: Patriots over Cowboys (unfortunately, as I'd rather see Cowboys over Colts)

    Anybody who has Dallas finishing worse than second and\or the Giants better than fourth in the NFC East has GOT be joking! The Eagles *may* be a threat. But Washington hasn't got the players it needs to overcome Dallas this year, even if Joe Gibbs doesn't have rust from not coaching in several years. And the Giants are a lock to finish in the basement. (If something happens to the Redskins' other QBs and Patrick Ramsey gets much playing time, they're definitely screwed)

  5. Meh. They're more likely various cover mock-ups for the comic adaptation.

    The first poster looks reminicent of one that was actually done for Return Of The Jedi, which I believe featured Luke and Vader dueling.

    The second one looks most like what I would expect for a movie poster (a teaser poster, that is. Not one for the actual release) that has an image of Vader on it, but it should be more of a ghostly\shadowy image rather than dominating most of the pic. If its legit, I hope they do a t-shirt with that artwork on it.

    The third is actually my favorite, but looks like some really good fan art, or something that a rock album cover artist would do as a tribute.

  6. The Doctor = Best Character ever.

    Yeah. But only when played by Tom Baker. :P

    Tom Baker was never in Star Trek. :P

    Perhaps you've heard of a show called Doctor Who?.....

    It was a joke, because Tom Baker was the 4th Doctor.

  7. The Doctor = Best Character ever.

    Yeah. But only when played by Tom Baker. :P

    Seriously, though, I'm a big Trek fan. My two favorites are the original series and Next Generation. I actually liked Voyager, didn't like DS9 too much after they started the war with the Dominion, and can't get into Enterprise. I watch Enterprise occasionally, but I've probably seen less than a dozen episodes, and only one from this season.

    I wish the rumors I had heard about a series featuring Riker and Troi had been true. :(

  8. A Clockwork Orange

    Citizen Kane

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (funny, because I've actually seen TCM 2 and Leatherface, aka TCM 3 (2 was decent because of Dennis Hopper. 3 was utter shite)

    The Great Gatzby

    There are more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

    As for the Rocky movies:

    I. Good.

    II. Good.

    III. Okay, but not as good as I or II, really. But it has Mr. T in it, which is a big bonus. Mr. T rules!

    IV. Meh. Skip to the end and watch the fight.

    V. Waste of film.

    I haven't seen any of the Harry Potter films, nor do I plan to. One of my goals in life is to die in bed at a very old age, and be able to honestly say I never saw a Harry Potter film (or read a Harry Potter book).

  9. Max, it looks like Cole came down with stage fright or a sore throat, or something. So I'm stepping in.

    Brian Floyd, Knoxville, Tennessee.

    I think Williams leaving the NFL is a good thing for him, but a bad thing for the Dolphins. The Saints didn't use Williams to his full potential, and by the look of things, the Dolphins likely would have done the opposite this season, making him overworked. And when someone is overworked, that means a greater risk of injury. He's already been injured enough in the past.

    It'll hurt Miami's ticket sales some, but they'll recover. No matter if you're a star player or a no-name, you can always be replaced. I don't know if they'll be able to recoup enough of the money they were supposed to pay him, but if they do, you can bet they'll sign another name player....someone not as prolific, maybe....to take his place when it comes to drawing in fans. Whether that player will be able to replace him on the field, though, will remain to be seen.

    I don't see his leaving having any effect on the NFL whatsoever, unless they decide to make some changes to the way contracts are handled in case of something happening like this again. And I don't see that happening.

    Frankly, if I was Williams, I'd have done the same thing. He's young, and he's made enough money from the NFL already, so why should he risk suffering a serious, even possibly permanent, injury, if he doesn't have to?

    Of course, I doubt the Dolphins and their fans feel the same way....


    edit: Not part of my argument, but according to ESPN, he failed a drug test (tested positive for Marijuana). He would have been suspended for the first four games of the season if he hadn't retired, so that lessens the impact of his loss to the team this season a little bit.

  10. She Blinded Me With Science - Thomas Dolby

    The Safety Dance - Men Without Hats

    Melt With You - Modern English

    Der Kommisar - the original Falcon German language version AND After The Fire's English language version

    Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners (Save Ferris also did a darn good cover version, but its weird hearing a woman sing it)

    Not really a guilty pleasure, since anyone who doesn't like it has to have to something wrong with them, but I'll list it anyway:

    White Wedding - Billy Idol

  11. The hacking isn't as bad as it used to be.

    The big problem right now is people using auto-buyer programs to clean out the shops.

    A couple of days last week, there was some kind of glitch that was causing shops to restock every minute, instead of every eight. You can bet the people who used auto-buyers made out like bandits.

  12. I recently got a neomail mentioning that I got 2 referrals recently, and since this is the only place I've posted a link to Neopets in a in a long time (I always post it so I get credit for anyone who signs up - you get loot and stuff, if you get enough referrals), I've got to assume that those two referrals were through the link I sent in the other topic.

    If so...thanks for signing up. :)

    Either PM me your screen name, post it here, or neomail revenant71, and I'll send you some stuff as a thanks, and send you some links to some sites you should check out that have helpful information about the Neopets site.

  13. This is a list of the games I've played this year:

    PS2 games:

    Xenosaga - 10/10 (I'd give it an 11, if I could)

    War Of The Monsters - 8.0/10

    Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain - 7.5/10

    Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth - 8.0/10

    Unlimited Saga - 1.0/10 (and that's being generous)

    Playstation games:

    Final Fantasy Tactics - 8.0/10

    Legend of Dragoon - 8.5/10 - I want a sequel for the PS2, dammit!!!

    My explanation for giving HCTP a lower rating that SYM has to do with the CAW system: they removed some of my favorite CAW parts that were in SYM. I also don't like: season mode is only a year long, most of the entrance themes are missing lyrics, and that you can't interfere in a tag Cage match once you leave the cage. If it wasn't for the addition of three improvements: JR and Lawler not commenting during matches (since it got waaaaay repetitive in SYM), the damage meter and submission system, I would've given HCTP a 7.0 rating.

    Unlimited Saga is hands down the worst RPG I've ever played. AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS! (Use it as a coaster if someone gives you a copy as a gift, or go trade it in someplace for credit)

  14. I'm guessing that they added Tim to the actors list now when he said "the reality show part is over for me now". If that's the case then the show will go down a peg cause he's a great schmo who just fell for a reconciliation over something that meant so much to Bryce.

    We'll have to see I guess.

    *****SPOILERS AHOY!*****

    I doubt it. When Tim said the reality show part is over, he probably meant being a contestant and possibly coming back for the judging part of the show (where they bring the dismissed people back to watch Austin and Piper pick the winners, or something like that).

    I'm guessing they'll pull yet another `contestant gets to come back' swerve with Tim next week. (Bryce gets kicked off the show for attacking\killing Montecore, and Tim gets to come back to take his place, maybe?)

    For the record, I don't really like Tim that much. Don't know what it is, but something about him rubs me the wrong way.

    ********End Spoilers**********

    P.S. For Joe Schmo 3, they should swerve everyone: have a bunch of actors think they're performing for real people, and have the people they're performing for (the Schmo\Schmoes) be actors who think they're performing for a group of real people! :thumbsup:

  15. Well, the twist in the eviction ceremony tonight was interesting....

    I'd have to say that this was probably the funniest episode so far.

    And the look on Bryce's face when he was looking at the bird during the eviction ceremony? :thumbsup:

  16. Country can be ok. That guy who talks about putting a boot in the terrorist's asses. I cant stand that guy  :angry:

    That would be Toby Keith. I like most of his songs, but not the patriotic\political stuff, because he is obviously pro-Bush.

    And I agree with the Dixie Chicks. If I was from the same state as Bush, I'd be ashamed, too.

  17. GM:

    Oui les Alouettes sont 6 et 0. Quand tu dits dans anglais.

    Suck That Ottawa.

    Well, I don't speak French (I speak English and a little bit of Spanish. `Little bit' being the key words), but I assume that means they're 6 and 0 right now? Not bad.

    No idea what the rest of that says.

    And for the record, I don't follow the CFL much. Used to catch a few Toronto Argonauts games on tv here, when one of the cable stations carried some of their games.

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