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Posts posted by GhostMachine

  1. Worst movie I've ever seen in theaters? Beetlejuice. Or Masters Of The Universe.

    Worst movie I've seen on tv\cable\PPV\video rental ? Toss-up between Super Mario Brothers or just about anything with Steven Segal except Under Siege. Steven Segal makes Jean-Claude Van Damme look like Sir Lawrence Olivier.

    for me its gotta be the blue collar comedy tour, if you can call that a movie. It was the worst comedy ive ever seen, 4 stupid rednecks making stupid ass jokes, and none of them were funny in the slightest. I dunno why i kept watching it, but it was like a trainwreck. I hate Larry the Cable Guy more than life itself, and Jeff Foxworthy isnt far behind him.

    If you stare at a can of orange juice because it says `concentrate', you might be a redneck.

  2. Dr. Pepper in the Gym with a Ham Sandwich! :shifty:

    Seriously, though, Clue's a pretty good board game. I don't own a copy, but have played it several times. So I wouldn't be all that surprised if it does become popular again.

    Ever seen the movie, by the way?

  3. ESPN did a poll yesterday about which player you'd rather build a team around, Kobe or Shaq. Shaq won with over 60% of the votes (something like 64.5%, I think)

    I agree.

    If I was the Lakers' owner, I would've done everything to try and get Shaq to re-sign, and told Kobe not to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.

    Kobe = Over-rated.

  4. *Sigh*

    Okay, I've tried to write Friday Night Fury Episode 8 twice now, and had problems both times. Once, I somehow accidentally clicked a link on my toolbar (don't know how, really) and ended up wiping out my writing (and I had 90% of the show written. :( ). The other time, I got an error message popping up and had to close the window.

    So screw it. I'm posting a synopsis of Episode 8, instead of re-writing it for a third time.

    Friday Night Fury Episode 8

    Footage of the end of the main event from the PPV airs before the usual opening for FNF. When the show opens, the camera pans across the crowd and it seems the show is being broadcast inside a giant circus tent, instead of the XCW Arena. Styles and Meltzer are at ringside, but instead of their usual custom-made announce table, they're at what looks like two wrestling tables set side by side with a black cloth that has the XCW logo on it draped over it. Joey Styles explains that the owner of the building known as the XCW Arena tried to screw over XCW owner Brian Floyd, who was having none of it. Bottom line is, Mister Floyd bought the land out from under him and he has until the end of the month to move the building or it will be destroyed, and the XCW Arena won't be used again. Mister Charisma somehow supplied the circus tent.

    Jason Kintro vs. Marc Korver vs. Johnny Stylez

    A good, solid triangle match with no one really dominating. Match ends when Kintro puts Korver down with a Tiger Driver `91, Stylez dodges a clothesline attempt by Kintro, and rolls him up for the pin, grabbing Kintro's tights for leverage.

    All 4 members of Violent Conduct cut a promo about how bad ass they are, and about how they're going to dominate in their match later tonight. Big Bad Brad does most of the talking. (65% rating)

    XCW Television Title Match - 999 © vs. SRFC-DanP vs. Biotech

    A triangle match. SRFC dodges a back heel kick by Biotech, only to take a Death Valley Driver by 999 for his trouble. 999 hits the 3-Digit Death on Biotech and pins him to retain.

    (Cutting and pasting this next one - I was using The Dames' commentary, but I've switched to CRZ's since then (I actually used CRZ for the first few episodes, btw))

    Survivor Match - Team Rose vs Violent Conduct.

    Match Background: Team Rose consists of Danny Rose, Travis Andrews, Kijimara, and Pierroth Jr.. Violent Conduct consists of Big Bad Brad, Christopher McDonald, Troy Johnson, and Joe Crazy. This will be a survivor series bout. Rose is making his debut at this show.

    The Match: First Fall : Joe receives some punishment by Pierroth Jr. but with that horrid offense, we're the only ones truly being punished. Pierroth Jr. strikes Joe Crazy with a hard blow. Hooks the leg for a two count. Joe Crazy avoids a Pierroth Jr. avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Tor-NADO DDT from Joe Crazy, Pierroth got planted! Pin, but Pierroth is out just before the three count. Pierroth counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Weak bodyslam by Pierroth. ONE...TWO...THREE. Pierroth defeats Joe. Second Fall : Pierroth Jr. strikes Christopher McDonald with a hard blow. Pierroth hits a piledriver on Christopher McDonald. I know I wouldn't let someone that bad give me a piledriver. Hooks the leg for a two count. Chris McD reverses a waistlock. Pierroth gets hit with SPLASH MOUNTAIN~! out of the corner! Christopher McDonald has Pierroth Jr. down on the canvas. Sharpshooter!!! Pierroth Jr. taps out! Third Fall : Flying elbow from Danny Rose connects. Chris McD takes a NICE hurrancarana from Danny Rose. Covers for a quick two count. Danny Rose misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Christopher McDonald. Danny Rose gets knocked to the ground by Chris McD. Sharpshooter!!! Danny Rose taps out! Fourth Fall : Flying shoulder tackle by Troy J sends Wildcard CRASHING to the mat. Spear by Troy Johnson. Covers for a quick two count. Travis Andrews comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Flying knee to the face from Travis Andrews. For the record it was more of a Rusty Wizard than a Shining one. Travis Andrews stuns Troy Johnson. The Ace!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Fifth Fall : BBB scoops and slams Kijimara. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? BAAACK Body drop by Kijimara gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Covers for a quick two count. Kijimara avoids a Big Bad Brad avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Powerbomb on BBB. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! BBB powers out of a headlock. A sit out full nelson slam on Kijimara. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Big Bad Brad pins Kijimara. Sixth Fall : BIG clothesline on Wildcard. A sit out full nelson slam on Wildcard. Hooks the leg for a two count. Wildcard blocks a punch. Flying knee to the face from Travis Andrews. For the record it was more of a Rusty Wizard than a Shining one. Travis Andrews climbs to the top turnbuckle as Big Bad Brad is stunned. The Ace!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Final Fall : Wildcard hits a spinning back kick. All those spinning kicks look alike, don't they. Flying elbow off the top rope by Travis Andrews, getting as close to zero air as possible. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Travis Andrews with an enziguri! HBK isn't moving...uh oh. Oh, sorry, I had a flashback to the last time I got fooled. Chris McD reverses a waistlock. Vertical suplex by Christopher McDonald. Christopher McDonald floors Travis Andrews. Travis Andrews gets locked in the Sharpshooter! Submission victory! Winners: Violent Conduct

    AJ Styles comes to the ring and hypes his match with Juvi and Ultimo Dragon before a commercial break. (81%)

    XCW Cruiserweight Title Match - AJ Styles © vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Ultimo Dragon

    Ultimo rolls Juvi up for a Magistral Cradle, but AJ breaks it up and nails Ultimo with a Shining Wizard, kicks Juvi in the gut after blocking a punch, and hits the Styles Clash on Juvi to retain.

    Valeria Cage cuts a promo, and the fans eat it up. (93%)

    Ron Killings vs. Jerry Lynn

    Jerry Lynn hits a DDT off the top rope, then the Cradle Piledriver for the win. Killings dominates Lynn for most of the match, and they brawl up the entrance ramp afterward.

    Kevin Nash hypes the main event, a match between himself and `Demented' Danny Dawson. (75%)

    `Demented' Danny Dawson vs. Kevin Nash - 10 Minute Time Limit

    The match goes to a time limit draw. At one point, 3D charges Nash, who grabs him and hits the Snake Eyes, but takes an elbow upside the head when he grabs Danny afterward. Only one pin attempt during the match: 3D gets a 2-count on Nash, after a Full Nelson Slam. Nash charges into the corner but eats BIG BOOT right as time expires. Nash refuses a handshake.

    Show Stats

    Overall Rating: 71%

    0.89 rating, with 5, 028 in attendance. Made $201,120 from ticket sales. PI is now 20%

    Kintro\Stylez feud is still at 38 heat.

    Post Show Notes

    Paul Armstrong has been suspended for the rest of the month for blasting the promotion on a nationally broadcast radio show.

    XCW Friday Night Fury Episode 9 will feature:

    JuggaloNinjaLee vs. Kijimara - Winner gets a TV Title shot!

    Elimination Match - Dragon Jones vs Super Hentai vs Troy Fenix vs David Levy!

    Biotech vs. John Rodz!

    TV Title Match - 999 © vs. the winner of the JNL vs. Kijimara match!

    XCW World Tag Team Title Match - Konnan and Killings © vs. Lash LeRoux and Norman Smiley!

    XCW World Title Match - Sting © vs. Scott Hall!

    And the announcement of an interesting new signing by XCW owner Brian Floyd!

  5. I'm also skeptical. I haven't watched the past few episodes (I think last Thursday's episode was the last one I saw - I usually watch the Law & Order re-runs on TNT, unless its an episode I don't like or have seen a lot of times), but there was one episode where he hit the buzzer a little too fast on a question. And it was a fairly hard one.

    Incidentally, on one episode, the $64,000 Question was one of the answers. :D

    At any rate, I'm sure the 5-time limit will be back next season, if Ken Jennings is legit.

  6. Nope. I'd love to see Liger in his other outfits, but so far all I've seen are a few different versions of his normal red and white outfit. (That is, the same outfit done by different CAW creators)

    I think there are also some of his alternate outfit - the stripped-down outfit with no shirt and a mask where his eyes are visible that he wears when wrestling heavyweights - but I don't remember where I saw them at.

    I'd like to see one of Liger from the match he had with Muta in `96 where Muta ripped off Liger's mask and he had facepaint on (wouldn't be possible to do the bodypaint, though).

  7. Pearl Jam sucks.

    I watched the 1990 episode today. Those wrist bracelets were the gayest craze ever.

    Amen on both accounts. I always thought Pearl Jam was waaaaay over-rated, and still can't believe people wore those bracelets.

    I Love The 80's>I Love The 90's, though. (Because more goofy shit happened in the `80's)

  8. I'm glad they managed to keep Ralph Garman as the host. His new look\disguise is interesting, and his accent is fairly decent. At least to me, anyway.

    I'm not digging this season as much as the first. I saw just about every episode of the first season, but I've skipped a couple so far this season.

    Can someone PM with what the swerve was at the end, please? I was out of the room, and didn't get back in time.

  9. If Shaq's reasons for wanting the Lakers have more to do with being lied to than Shaq's ego and his problems with Kobe, like he's claimed, that's fine.

    If Shaq wanted out simply because of his overblown ego and the fact that he can't get along with Kobe, then I hope Miami has the worst record in the NBA every season he plays for them.

    I see Rudy Tomjanovich as more of a transition coach than anything, but who knows? He might surprise me.

    And I'm not surprised at what's happened with the Cavs. They're one of the worst run organizations in the NBA, in my opinion.

  10. I apologize if I sounded like I was accusing you of ripping off the name of my fed.

    My diary is the second incarnation, but I don't remember if the first one was at EWBIII or II. It didn't last long.

    This does look like its going to be a good diary, though. :)

  11. The damn quote button isn't working again!

    thuganomic: I'm sure that there are plenty of American League teams who would be willing to take him on as a DH\backup Outfielder (that is, he DHs but goes into the Outfield if needed).

    CM Punk: I understand why the Reds signed him, BUT....I happen to be a Reds fan, and I was saying that I didn't want them to sign him in the first place. I sat in front of my tv and watched the press conference, and let out a big `OH, HELL NO!'. I thought at the time, and STILL think, that even had he been 100% healthy with no trips to the DL, they would have been better off spending the cash on pitching.

    I still sort of like Griffey, but NOT when he's on the DL all too often, and I think he'd be better off back in the AL.

  12. *sigh*

    I wish the Reds would wise up and trade him. I never wanted them to sign him in the first place (they needed pitching more than they needed him at the time), and its hard to justify paying him the kind of money he's making when he's on the DL as often as he is.

    The Reds might have made it to the World Series, or at least the last round of the playoffs, by now if they had spent that money on pitching and a semi-decent outfielder instead of Griffey.

    Problem is, he's likely got a no-trade clause in his contract, and his contract doesn't run out for a few more years.

  13. Michael, I'd definitely suggest giving Star Wars Galaxies a go. A lot of people in my Everquest guild quit to go play SWG, and the players who play both say SWG is really fun.

    (I've even been thinking of trying it)

    Plus, they're supposed to be adding an expansion later on that will add space combat to the game, and you'll even be able to get your own X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, or Millennium Falcon (and other people can board your Millennium Falcon, if you let them) - may have other ships you can get, as well. Supposedly, it'll work with a flight stick, but you won't need one if you don't already have one.

  14. Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt(Rumored & Not Denied)

    Male: Elmo

    Female: Canola

    Julia Roberts & Her Babies' Daddy(Twins, Boy & Girl)

    Male: Jethro, Heathcliff

    Female: Maude, Violet

    Marc Anthony & Jennifer Lopez(Rumored & Denied)

    Male: Paco

    Female: Louise

    Liv Tyler & That Guy From Spacehog

    Male: Popeye

    Female: Olive

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