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Posts posted by GhostMachine

  1. I'm a major baseball buff, and Eight Men Out is one of my favorite movies - Not just favorite BASEBALL movies, but favorite MOVIES. Period.

    My thoughts about the scandal:

    1. Buck Weaver got just about what he deserved, in my opinion. Knowing what's going on and not doing anything about it makes him almost as guilty as the players who were throwing the game. He should have received a punishment that was long enough to keep him out of baseball as a player (ie, being banned long enough so that he'd be too old to play), and even after that, no one in their right mind would have hired him as a coach, scout, or anything involving contact with players.

    2. Shoeless Joe Jackson was hosed. Other than the confession he signed (which he would not have signed if he wasn't illiterate), there's no proof that he was in on the fix. If Pete Rose gets in the HoF before Shoeless Joe, I'll be mega-pissed, because there's definite proof of Rose's guilt.

    3. One thing I didn't like about the movie is that it doesn't throw enough guilt on the owners, and on Charles Commiskey in particular. Commiskey was a stingy bastard who screwed his players at every opportunity. The movie mentions one incident, where Eddie Cicotte was supposed to get a bonus if he won 20 games, and Commiskey had him benched after 19, so he didn't have to pay him the bonus. Frankly, the way baseball was run in that era, with players essentially being slaves to their teams (no free agency, and players had to take what pay the owners offered), and with Commiskey being a total bastard, its easy to see why the players threw the Series.

    I just wish the Series had been against another team, instead of the Reds. Because that gave my favorite team a tainted championship. (Who knows...The Reds might have won it anyway, but its very unlikely.)

  2. A Winner R Me!

    Really though, that was a fun show, Price winning or not. Lets just hope that we see his valet/manager soon :P

    I like the use of La Parka, because outside Mexico he dosen't seem to get used, and on the board it seems no one but me really uses Luchadores unless their doing retro WCW.

    Well, unfortunately, after I went through the next week to get to the following Friday, La Parka got snapped up to a written contract by the WWE. (I thought I had signed him to a written contract after the first show, but I hadn't) And since Arsenic can't steal workers with written contracts from other shows....

    La Parka being snapped up by the WWE pisses me to no end, because I planned on pushing him to the moon. In fact, I was going to have him beat Road Warrior Animal at the PPV and then form a lucha stable, with someone I recently signed acting as the manager. (I signed them as a tweener, but all the stable members were going to be faces) Without La Parka, the stable idea is on hold....temporarily, anyway.

    I'm going to have to do some killer signing and hope I get a second show at the end of the month (I sent a promo tape to E!), because if I keep losing PI, I'm going to drop to National level. If I get a second show, I'll sign more midcarders through main eventers (I mostly have jobbers and openers, thanks to all the submitted wrestlers), and use the jobbers and openers more sparingly (ie, one match per show).

    Oh, and if JDK reads this, Jason Kintro and Johnny Stylez are feuding. The heat went from 10 or 15 (don't remember which) before their match to a whopping 35 after it! :blink:

  3. XCW Friday Night Fury Episode 2

    A re-cap of Kevin Nash hitting the Jackknife on L.A. Park and then attempting to Jackknife him onto a steel chair, only to be stopped by Sting, is shown. Then the usual opening, with the theme `Fast Like A Bullet' plays.

    Joey Styles and Dave Meltzer are at ringside:

    Joey: "Ladies and gentlemen, it has been confirmed by XCW owner Brian Floyd that Sting will indeed by Kevin Nash's opponent for the XCW World Heavyweight Championship at Evolution Of The Revolution. However, it will NOT be a standard rules match."

    Dave: "However, its been decided that the stipulations for the match will not be announced until next week. Mister Floyd could not be here tonight due to some personal commitments, and wants to announce the stipulations for the match himself. He has confirmed, though, that it won't be a Guest Referee match."

    Joey Styles: "Dave, it appears that we are ready for the first match of the night...."

    Jason Kintro vs. Johnny Stylez

    Jason Kintro connects with a forearm shot, but Stylez dodges a second attempt. Whip into the corner by Stylez, who charges in, but Kintro moves out of the way and eats turnbuckle. Kintro grabs Stylez by the neck and smashes his face into the turnbuckle again. Stylez misses with a clothesline and takes out the ref by mistake. Sit-Out Powerbomb into a pin by Stylez, but the referee is still down. Stylez appears to set up Kintro for a belly to belly suplex, but Kintro delivers a wicked headbutt that stuns Stylez. Stylez and Kintro start trading punches. Stylez delivers a wicked right hook. Wait a second....Stylez pulls something out of his tights! Its brass knuckles! He hits Kintro with a wicked shot that sends Kintro crashing to the mat, then tucks the knucks back into his tights and goes for a pin. The ref apparently saw the knucks, and he DQ's Stylez! Stylez starts arguing, then decks the ref and leaves the ring. Winner: Jason Kintro by DQ at 6:41

    Commercial break.

    The show comes back on, and the members of Violent Conduct are in the ring: Big Bad Brad, Joe Crazy, Troy Johnson, and Christopher McDonald. They do a good job of putting themselves over as the assholes they are, even mentioning Joe Crazy's (tainted) victory last week. Big Bad Brad does most of the talking, but they all get a few words in. When the crowd isn't booing them, that is. - 63%

    Joey Styles: "Next up, we have a 10 man Battle Royal, with the winner facing Halloween for the XCW Television Title. The TV Title match was originally supposed to take place immediately after the Battle Royal, but XCW General Manager Valeria Cage decided that it would be unfair to make the winner wrestle twice tonight, so the match will not take place until next week. Halloween has been given the night off."

    10 Man Battle Royal - Winner is the #1 Contender for the Television Title (match to be held next week)

    Gabriel Price uses a forearm to the face. Troy Fenix gets bundled out by TTP! (Elimination # 1) Biotech hits an arm drag on OB. Obliverator gets backdropped to the outside by Biotech! (Elimination # 2) Back heel kick from Biotech. Biotech goes for the elimination, but Dragon Jones holds on to the ropes! Super Hentai gets hip tossed by Dragon J. Slingshot clothesline by Dragon J. Super Hentai gets hip tossed by Dragon J. Dragon J tries to eliminate Super Hentai, who hangs on to the top rope! Dennis gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Hajjhowe. Dennis Harris gets eliminated by Hajjhowe! (Elimination # 3) Spinning bulldog in the corner, Hentai is down. Falcon goes for the elimination, but Super Hentai holds on to the ropes! Hajjhowe hits a dropkick on Super Hentai. Hajjhowe backdrops Super Hentai over the top rope! (Elimination # 4) Dragon J hits a quick kick on Falcon. Dragon J clotheslines Falcon to the outside! (Elimination # 5) Stiff chop lights up Hajjhowe. TTP slams Hajjhowe down. Double arm suplex by Dragon Jones, TFA hits hard. Dragon J eliminates TFA with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 6) Big backdrop on Biotech, executed well. TTP goes for the elimination, but Biotech holds on to the ropes! Some chops from Hajjhowe on Biotech. Biotech gets backdropped to the outside by Hajjhowe! (Elimination # 7) Short range spear from Dragon Jones. Dragon J tries to eliminate Gabriel Price, who hangs on to the top rope! Back heel kick from Hajjhowe. Hajjhowe tries to get Dragon Jones over the top rope, but can't. Some chops from Dragon J on Hajjhowe. Dragon J clotheslines Hajjhowe to the outside! (Elimination # 8) Dragon J takes a headbutt from Gabriel Price. Gabriel Price with a spinning neckbreaker on Dragon J. Dragon Jones can barely stand. Here it comes - LeVey Driver. TTP clotheslines Dragon Jones to the outside! Winner: Gabriel Price at 9:27

    Dave Meltzer: "The Torn Prince wins a hard fought Battle Royal. But will he be able to defeat Halloween to take the TV belt next week?"

    Commercial Break.

    Sting and `Demented' Danny Dawson are on the stick, talking about their match with Nash and Animal. Sting does most of the talking, and ends the segment by sayings he's going to make Nash regret trying to hurt La Parka last week, and he'd better be ready, because....IT'S SHOWTIME, FOLKS! - 58%

    10 Minute Time Limit - Ayako Hamada vs. Victoria

    Ayako and Victoria shake hands before the bell rings. *RING!* Victoria hits an arm wrench on Ayako, but Ayako counters a second attempt at one, turning it into an arm drag. Kick to the chest by Victoria, who goes for the pin. 1....2....shoulder up! Hamada counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Dropkick by Hamada, followed by a pin. 1....2....th...KICK OUT! Victoria blocks a DDT attempt and turns it into a Snap Suplex. Second rope splash by Victoria, pin gets to about 1 and 1/2 before Hamada gets a shoulder up. Victoria applies a hammerlock, but Ayako powers out with an elbow to the face. Flying neckbreaker by Ayako, followed by a running dropkick as Victoria gets up. Ayako and Victoria charge at each other, but both crash to the mat as they clothesline each other. The ref starts to count: 1....2....3....4....5....6....*RING!* Time Has Expired, and ref declares a draw! Victoria and Ayako both get up slowly, then shake hands after they recover. Wait a second! Someone's running down the ramp! IT'S GAIL KIM, AND SHE'S GOT A CHAIR!!! Gail Kim nails Ayako with a wicked chair shot, but Victoria blocks a shot aimed her way and kicks Gail Kim in the gut! WIDOW'S PEAK!!! Time Limit Draw

    The camera comes on and shows `Demented' Danny Dawson enjoying a cup of coffee backstage. All of a sudden, Kevin Nash and Road Warrior Animal appear and start beating the hell out of him. 3D manages to get loose long enough to grab the pot from the coffee machine and tosses the hot liquid on Animal, but Nash grabs him and Jackknife Powerbombs him through the craft services table. - 65%

    Hardcore Match - Terry Funk vs. Sean O'Haire

    Various weapons are scattered at ringside (but none actually in the ring itself). Both men start trading punches, and O'Haire finally counters and hits a suplex on Funk. Funk rolls out of the ring, and grabs a golf club, then slides back into the ring. O'Haire easily dodges a swing of the club....then takes a shot upside the back of his head from the club. Bodyslam by O'Haire. Pin attempt barely gets to 2 before Funk kicks out. They end up brawling at ringside, and O'Haire slams Funk face first into the ringpost. Funk is opened up! O'Haire starts gloating to the crowd as he looks for another weapon. Big mistake, because once he turns back toward Funk, he eats a trashcan shot to the head and drops the cookie sheet he had picked up. Funk puts the dented trashcan over O'Haire's face, then trips him. O'Haire dodges a clothesline attempt by Funk, but slides back into the ring instead of counterattacking. Funk climbs back in, only to get kicked in the head. Funk reverses an irish whip, and sends O'Haire into the ropes. O'Haire is tied up, and Funk hits a series of chops that light up O'Haire's chest. O'Haire eventually gets loose and they start brawling again. O'Haire grabs Funk, but Funk has a toaster in his hand and blasts O'Haire in the head with it. Now O'Haire is opened up, and bleeding badly! Funk goes for the Spinning Toe Hold, but O'Haire stops it by kicking him in the rear and gets up. O'Haire dodges a clothesline, grabs Funk by the back of the shirt, and spins him around. CRUEL INTENTIONS!!! 1....2....3. Funk kicks out too late. O'Haire starts taunting the crowd, but Funk is back up and they start brawling again. They fight all the way up the ramp, and Funk looks like he's almost ready to pass out from the massive blood loss. His face AND the front of his shirt are both completely red by now. Winner: Sean O'Haire at 6:46

    The camera opens up on Valeria Cage, sitting in the office. She looks in the direction of the camera, and it is clear that she is NOT happy....

    "I have no idea what Nash and Animal thought they were doing, or what they would accomplish when they attacked 3D earlier tonight. Danny had to be taken to the hospital due to his injuries, so he will not be able to compete tonight. And Animal has severe, but not life-threatening, burns on his chest from the coffee that Danny threw on him. However, since Animal was attacking 3D and basically got what was coming to him, he is not going to be allowed to sit this one out. He still has to compete tonight." (pauses) "Tonight's main event will still be a tag match. After phoning Mister Floyd and discussing the situation, we have decided to assign Sting a new partner....."

    Valeria looks to her right. The camera pans over to show....La Parka, who waves to the camera.

    "There are also two additional stipulations: First, If Nash or Animal attack either of their opponents after the match is over, then Big Sexy forfeits his title shot at Evolution of the Revolution!" (pauses) "Second, to keep Animal from weaseling out of tonight's match, he MUST start the match for his team!"

    The scene switches to Joey Styles and Dave Meltzer at ringside.

    Joey Styles: "Wow!"

    Commercial Break.

    Main Event - Sting and La Parka (subbing `Demented' Danny Dawson) vs. Kevin Nash and Road Warrior Animal.

    Nash and Animal come out first. Animal appears to have his chest bandaged up and is wearing a black tank top in addition to his usual wrestling gear. "Seek and Destroy" starts to play, and Sting walks to ring, with La Parka at his side instead of entering separately. Sting has his usual black baseball bat with him, and La Parka is carrying a steel chair.

    La Parka and Animal start the match. Test of strength, and Animal breaks it with a kick to the gut, then hits a spinning neckbreaker on La Parka. Animal tries to lift La Parka for a Gorilla Press, but La Parka punches him in the face, forcing him to let go. La Parka whips Animal into the ropes, then hits the BIG BOOT!!! La Parka starts dancing, then goes over and steps onto the apron as Sting steps in. Animal and Sting start trading punches, and Animal eventually blocks one and hits stick with a left jab. He steps out of the ring, and Nash steps in. Nash whips Sting into the corner and charges in, but Sting dodges and Nash eats turnbuckle. Nash grabs Sting and hits the Sidewalk Slam. Nash picks up Sting and signals for Animal, who comes in to help out with a double team move. Sting counters with a double clothesline. Powerslam by Animal, as Nash leaves the ring. 1...2....La Parka kicks Animal in the head, breaking the pin, then quickly heads back to the ring apron. Sting turns around and knocks Nash off the ring apron after Sting gets too close and Nash hits him in the back of the head. Bodyslam by Animal, but Sting kicks out of the pin almost immediately. Irish whip reversal by Sting sends Animal into the corner, and....STINGER SPLASH! Nash tries to interfere, but La Parka runs in and stops him. Animal and Sting trade blows, but Sting gets the best shots in. Animal crashes to the mat, and Sting signals La Parka, who climbs the turnbuckle. SKY TWISTER PRESS!! Nash charges in to the ring, but La Parka clotheslines him out of the ring, as Sting grabs Animal's legs. Seconds later, Animal taps to the Scorpion Deathlock, just as Nash climbs back into the ring. La Parka and Sting celebrate with crowd, as Nash and Animal look irate.Winners: La Parka and Sting at 19:38

    The show is running over, so no comments from Styles and Meltzer as the camera fades out.

    Show stats

    Drew a 0.94 rating. 4,030 in attendance, and made $161,200 from ticket sales.

    Unfortunately, the 64% rating for the show caused XCW to lose two points of PI once again, dropping from 13% to 11%

    XCW Owner logbook:

    The show went off a little better than I expected. Unfortunately, I had to attend a business meeting in Ohio, but Valeria was more than capable of running things in my absence. I'm not happy about our PI taking hits two weeks in a row. At this rate, we'll drop to National status within a month. I'm hoping the promo tape I'm sending to E! Television draws the attention of someone there, as I could try to use a second show to improve things. It would let me use the enhancement talent and curtain jerkers more sparingly, for one thing.

    Vince McMahon pissed me off on Monday by signing La Parka to a written contract. I had big plans for La Parka, so I am not happy about that AT ALL. I just hope the new signings we've had this week can help make up for his loss, but I'm not really sure they can.

    Episode 3 will feature the following matches:

    Travis Andrews vs. Paul Armstrong

    Biotech vs. Heavy D

    Television Title Match - `The Torn Prince' Gabriel Price vs. Halloween (Champion)

    Norman Smiley vs. Sean O'Haire

    Texas Death Match - `Demented' Danny Dawson vs. Road Warrior Animal - If Kevin Nash interferes, he is FIRED!!!!

    And one or two other matches that haven't been decided yet.

    I'm considering adding either Ayako Hamada or Victoria vs. Gail Kim, but I *may* save that for the PPV.

  4. XCW Owner logbook.

    An interesting development happened on the Monday following our first show; Court H. Bauer showed up at our offices and claimed to be my new boss. Turns out some nut sold him a fake document giving him ownership of XCW. I explained the document was a fraud, wished him luck in finding the crook and getting the money back, and promptly had security toss him out on his ass.

    The WWE had some interesting firings. As a result, XCW has had some interesting hirings. I'm going to try to get at least one of the new signees booked for the next show. Saves me the trouble of either recalling one of the female workers from Developmental to face Ayako Hamada or putting Ayako up against another Japanese worker, and should provide an interesting match.

    Still haven't decided on Scott Hall or Macho Man yet......


    JDK: Yes, I'm using Animal as a heel.

    sirdavinator: Dennis Harris will be in the Battle Royal. (Its only a 10 Man Battle Royal, btw)

    I have about 60 wrestlers on roster, and only 3 of them (all female, btw) are in Developmental at the moment. So it'll be a few more shows before I've used everyone on roster.

    Roster for the Battle Royal (in no particular order, and subject to change, since I haven't done the show yet):

    1. Dennis Harris

    2. Dragon Jones

    3. Biotech

    4. Obliverator

    5. Hajjhowe

    6. Falcon

    7. Gabriel Price

    8. Troy Fenix

    9. Super Hentai


  5. No Torn Prince makes me cry :P

    He's in the Battle Royal on the next show. :)

    And I already have him scheduled for a 6-man tag match on the show after that. ;)

    And is Halloween the Mexico's Most Wanted Halloween?

    Damn skippy, he is! :) In fact, there's no tag belt at the moment, because MMW is the only true tag team that I have on the roster right now.

  6. XCW Friday Night Fury Episode 1

    Pre-show, backstage

    XCW owner Brian Floyd has all of the talent gather backstage to listen to a statement:

    "I'm sorry that not all of you will have a chance to appear on the first show, but there simply isn't enough room. However, Valeria and I discussed it, and we've decided that, next week, we will hold a Battle Royal, with the winner getting a shot at facing the winner of tonight's Television title match. To keep things fair, the loser of tonight's title match will NOT be in the Battle Royal." (pauses) "Now, those of you who ARE on tonight....good luck, and good show!"

    The show

    The show opens to a montage of action shots, and the XCW theme, "Fast Like A Bullet". After the opening, the cameras pan across the crowd gathered at the XCW arena, before switching to the announce team of Joey Styles and Dave Meltzer seated at ringside.

    Joey Styles: "Welcome to Xtreme Combat Wrestling Friday Night Fury. I'm Joey Styles, and will be calling the action alongside my broadcast partner, Dave Meltzer."

    Dave Meltzer: "The crowd here at the XCW Arena is rabid, Joey."

    Joey Styles: "Then lets get right to the action!"

    Elimination Match - Cade Sydal vs. David Levy vs. Joe Crazy

    Sydal goes for a standing leg lariat on Joe, which connects. David Levy lays into Joe with a series of chops, as Cade climbs the turnbuckle. Cade goes for a splash on Joe, but Joe gets his knees up. European Uppercut by David Levy on Joe, cover gets 2...just barely. Cade gets back up and hits a dropkick on Joe, followed by one on Levy. Pin attempt, but Levy kicks out before the ref even counts 1. Joe connects with a spinning roundhouse kick, sending Sydal flying. Levy grabs Sydal, and Joe comes over to help, as they double Suplex Sydal. Joe climbs the turnbuckle and connects with a Diving Headbutt. 1-2-3. Cade Sydal pinned by Joe Crazy at 3:08. David Levy dodges a clothesline attempt and counters with a front dropkick. Hooks the leg, but Joe gets his shoulder up on 2. David Levy reverses a backdrop attempt, and starts taunting. David Levy backs up to the ropes, just in time to be nailed in the back by a chair shot from Christopher McDonald, who must've come from out of the crowd. Unfortunately, the ref doesn't see it. David Levy turns around to see who hit him, and is promptly rolled up by Joe Crazy for the 1-2-3 at 5:29. Winner: Joe Crazy

    Kevin Nash is on the mic. He rips into LA Park, saying Big Sexy will destroy LA Park and walk away with the World Heavyweight Title belt at Evolution Of The Revolution, no matter who his opponent is. Nash makes some funny comments about Park, and himself, during the segment. (83% rating! W00T!)

    Commercial break.

    The show comes back on with a match already in progress....

    JuggaloNinjaLee vs. Marc Korver

    The two men are trading punches back and forth. Finally, JNL manages to avoid a behind the back clothesline attempt (the one where the victim ducks and the attacker hits them in the back of the head), whips Korver into the corner, and hits the Reaper Bomb for the 1-2-3. He celebrates for a few seconds, looks down at Korver, kicks him in the back of the head, then leaves the ring. Winner: Juggalo Ninja Lee. (Only about 30 seconds of a 1:49 match aired)

    (My computer froze for a second, and somehow I skipped past the match, so I didn't feel like writing it completely from scratch. Sorry about that)

    Ladder Match for the XCW Television Title - Pierroth Jr vs. Halloween

    (Unlike a lot of ladder matches, XCW matches start with the ladder already in the ring, lying underneath the ropes and on the apron on the side opposite the entrance isle)

    Halloween and Pierroth Jr hook up for a test of strength. Pierroth Jr breaks loose and applies a headlock, but Halloween powers out. Halloween hits Pierroth Jr with a punch to the gut, but Pierroth Jr blocks a shot aimed at his face and counters with a kick to the stomach. Stump Piledriver by Pierroth Jr, who goes for the ladder, but Halloween gets up and grabs him by the back of his pants, spins him around, and picks him up and slams him down on the ladder. Pierroth Jr counters a Sleeper Hold attempt with a Jawbreaker, then puts Halloween down with a forearm shot. Tornado punch by Pierroth Jr barely connects, but hits hard enough to put Halloween down again. Pierroth Jr goes for the ladder and sets it up, but Halloween grabs him by the back of the neck and slams his face into the ladder. Spinning neckbreaker by Pierroth Jr, who glances at the ladder for a second, then decides to pick up Halloween and go for another spinning neckbreaker. Big mistake, because Halloween reverses it into La Calabaza (aka the Crippler Crossface)!! Pierroth Jr struggles to reach the ropes, but passes out. Halloween adjusts the ladder, climbs it, and grabs the belt at 7:14 then raises it high into the air before coming down with it! Halloween checks on Pierroth Jr, who got up as Halloween finished decending the ladder. Halloween extends his hand, and Pierroth Jr shakes it, congratulating Halloween on the win. Winner (and first SCW Television Champion): Halloween

    The camera opens up on the Hardcore Icon himself standing backstage. That's right folks, Screamin' Norman Smiley is in the hizzouse!!! He talks about his upcoming match with Mister Charisma, explaining that it doesn't matter where the match ends, because the Big Wiggle is ready to be unleashed! (66% rating)

    Commercial Break.

    Falls Count Anywhere Match - Norman Smiley vs. Mister Charisma

    Norman Smiley enters to his old WCW music. To get over with the crowd, he's wearing a Steve McNair Tennessee Titans football jersey (home model, of course). He plays to the crowd, dancing in the ring for a few seconds.

    Mister Charisma enters next, flashing his white teeth that are so bright the glare causes the camera man to make some adjustments. He's walking with his black lacquer cane and dressed in his usual red leather pants and coat, with a black sleeveless t-shirt and black boots. He steps into the ring, takes off the coat, and shakes hands with Norman, as they wait for the bell to ring.


    Both men charge in, and Norman is sent to the ground by Mr. C's shoulder block. Mr. C taunts when he should be fighting, because he turns around right into a stiff flying clothesline by Norman. Vertical Suplex attempt by Norman is blocked, and he pays for it by taking a devastating Backbreaker from Mister Charisma. The front row of the crowd is blinded as Mister C turns around and smiles, gloating at his handiwork. German Suplex by Norman, who makes the mistake of holding on. Mister Charisma breaks the waistlock and slips behind Norman, slapping on a Sleeper Hold. Norman appears to be close to giving in, but eventually powers out with a Jawbreaker. Funny, because he turns around right into a Jawbreaker by Mr. C! Mister Charisma slips out of the ring and starts looking for a weapon, but Norman slips out, too, and comes up behind him, then whips him into the railing. Right hand shot by Norman, who sees Mister C's cane lying on the ground. Shades of Sandman, because Norman uses the cane to assist in a Russian Leg Sweep on the Charismatic(less) One! Pin attempt by Norman. 1....2....thr....NO! Mister Charisma kicks out! Drop kick by Norman, barely a 2-count before Mr C gets a shoulder up. Norman eats a couple of punches to the gut and one to the face, but dodges a clothesline attempt and takes Mister Charisma down. Here it comes....NORMAN CONQUEST!!! MISTER CHARISMA TAPS!!! Norman climbs back into the ring, and celebrates, doing the Big Wiggle. Winner: Norman Smiley by Submission at 10:36

    Cage Match - Ultimo Dragon vs. Super Hentai vs. Damien 666

    Ultimo Dragon hits a spinning kick to the jaw of Super Hentai, then is whipped into the cage wall by Damien 666. Hentai counters an avalanche attempt by Damien 666 by raising his foot - how's that toejam taste, Damien? Running dropkick by Super Hentai sends Ultimo crashing to the mat. Super Hentai starts to climb the cage, but about halfway up, he is pulled down by Damien 666. Springboard blockbuster on Damien 666 by Ultimo Dragon. Super Hentai goes for a flying elbow on Damien, but misses.....Damien rolls out of the way, just in time. Asai DDT on Damien 666, and Ultimo Climbs out of the cage for the win! Winner: Ultimo Dragon - exiting the cage at 8:44

    Commercial break.

    Joey Styles: "Just in case you've only recently tuned in, or didn't see the line-up for tonight's show posted on the XCW website, tonight's main event features Big Sexy Kevin Nash taking on LA Park, with the winner facing a mystery opponent to determine the first ever XCW World Heavyweight Champion at the first XCW Pay-Per-View, Evolution Of The Revolution, in Cincinnati, Ohio on July 18th."

    Dave Meltzer: "Now, we can't tell you who the mystery opponent will be. Because, quite frankly, even we don't know who it is. All that XCW owner Brian Floyd....who will be the special guest referee for tonight's main event, by the way....will tell us is that its someone that a certain owner of a certain fed located in Stamford has been trying to get his hands on for years."

    Joey Styles: "Lets go to the ring!"

    Main Event - Winner gets a shot at the XCW World Heavyweight Title - Kevin Nash vs. LA Park - Special Guest Referee: XCW Owner Brian Floyd

    Mister Floyd motions for someone to hand him a mic. The timekeeper hands him one.

    "Before I came out here, I decided that me being the referee wouldn't make this match special enough. As the first XCW Main Event, I decided it needed something else to be special. So I used the XCW Match Randomizer computer in my office, and it determined that, to make things interesting....chairs WILL be legal!" (pauses) But all other weapons, such as tables, are STILL outlawed. And I want to keep one thing perfectly clear: No cheating will be tolerated. I will not hesitate to call a disqualification, and if I have to do so, then I guarantee that the person who is DQ'd won't get another title shot for AT LEAST 6 months! So lets keep it clean!" (pauses) "Now ring the damn bell and lets get it on!"


    Nash offers his hand, but when LA Park goes to shake it, Nash headbutts him and slaps on a Bearhug. Park manages to get his arms free and boxes Nash's ears, making Big Sexy let go. Series of stiff chops on Nash by Park, who slaps on a Mexican Surfboard after Nash goes down, but Nash won't give up. Splash by Park, but Nash gets his knees up. Nash picks up Park, who is still holding his ribs, and hits the Sidewalk Slam. Nash sets Park up for the Jackknife, but Park starts punching Nash in the face and Nash crashes backwards to the mat (in other words, Guillotine Strikes from the Smackdown games). Park slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. Nash starts to get up, and Park nails him with a wicked chair shot, busting Nash wide open. Park starts to dance with the chair. Bad move, because Nash is up and is pissed! He jerks the chair from Park's hand, tosses it out of the ring, whips Park into the ropes, and....BIG BOOT!!! Nash picks up Park, and hits the Jackknife Powerbomb for the win. Nash is still mad. He slides out of the ring, grabs the chair, places it flat on the mat, grabs LA Park, and signals for the Jackknife. Just as Nash lifts Park up, `Seek And Destroy' starts to play, and the crowd goes wild! Joesy Styles: "OH MY GOD!!!!! IT'S STING!!!!" Sting slides into the ring and decks Nash, causing him to let go of Park. Sting whips Nash into the corner and hits the Stinger Splash!!! Winner: Kevin Nash at 11:34

    Dave Meltzer: "I think we just found out who Nash's mystery opponent will be....."

    Camera fades to black as Sting checks on LA Park to make sure he's okay.

    Show stats

    Drew a 0.91 rating. 4,007 in attendance, and made $92,280 from ticket sales.

    Unfortunately, the 61% rating for the show caused XCW to lose two points of PI, dropping from 15% to 13%

    XCW Owner logbook:

    Valeria and I discussed things, and we decided we need to bring in some bigger name talent. Mister Charisma, who was asked for some advice, suggested we try to re-unite the nWo Wolfpac, but that idea was quickly nixed. We don't want to re-do WCW (or WWF\E) shtick, for one thing, and re-uniting the full Wolfpac would mean signing that waste of space Lex Luger. I don't care if he's a friend of Sting's, Luger will NEVER work for XCW....unless we're desperate for enhancement talent to put over our current jobbers, that is. Also, I'd rather stick with using Nash as a heel for now. He *might* turn a few months down the road, but not just now

    It looks like we may sign either Randy Savage or Scott Hall. There's even been some talk of getting the Ultimate Warrior to come in for a show or two. But I don't know if that would be a good idea, considering how he bombed in WCW (and the fact that he's nuts)....

    Valeria recommended jumpstarting the women's division, but that's not possible. Most of our female workers aren't ready for the ring yet. However, I did decide to book a women's match for the next show. I'm definitely going to book Ayako Hamada, but haven't decided on her opponent yet.

    And L.A. Park is definitely getting the La Parka name back next week.

    Episode 2 will feature the following matches:

    Jason Kintro vs. Johnny Stylez

    10 Man Battle Royal - winner faces Halloween for the Television Title

    Ayako Hamada vs. ????

    Hardcore Match - Terry Funk vs. Sean O'Haire

    Tag Match - Sting and `Demented' Danny Dawson vs. Kevin Nash and Road Warrior Animal

  7. Some things to know about XCW rules:

    XCW has a few rules differences than most other federations:

    1. Count Outs: XCW uses a count of 20, instead of the usual 10. However, rolling back into the ring to intentionally stop a count out does not work like it does in other feds. The ref will keep counting, as if they never rolled in and back out. (If someone rolls in and is yanked out by someone, then the ref WILL restart the count - this keeps people from getting their opponent counted out by exploiting the rules this way)

    2. Ladder Matches: XCW Ladder Matches start with the ladder already placed in the ring. However, it will be positioned lying underneath the ropes on a particular side of the ring (usually directly across from the entrance way). leaning in a corner.

    3. Cruiserweight matches: Ladders are legal during cruiserweight matches. (Chairs, tables, and other weapons are not, though)

    4. Tag Matches (regular 4-man tag): Normal tag matches use Lucha tag rules, meaning no tag is required if a wrestler's partner leaves the ring. Unlike other tag matches, where breaking a pin by interfering is the norm and may happen several times during a match, each tag team is allowed only two pin interferences per match (NOT per wrestler). More than that will get you DQ'd, and titles CAN change on a DQ of this manner.

    5. Other Tag Matches (6 or 8-man tag): Due to the fact that keeping up would be too confusing, 6 and 8 man tag matches use regular tag rules. The same pin interference rules that apply to 4-man tag also apply to 6 or 8 man tag.

    (Note: The interference limit rule does NOT apply to Tornado Tag or Elimination Tag matches)

    XCW Owner Brian Floyd also has a special system in his office called the XCW Match Randomizer. This is a program on his personal computer that he can use to add random rules to matches. He only uses this program for special matches, and will actually decide the rules\stipulation changes himself as often as he uses the program to do so.

    Other rules changes may occur later (and will be added to this post, if they happen).

  8. Sometime in November, 2003

    I won the lottery!!! Roughly 65 Million dollars, after taxes! After spending a long time thinking about what I should do with the money, I decided to do the only logical thing that I could think of: Start a wrestling promotion!

    Now, my mother didn't raise no fool, so I wasn't about to blow it all on wrestling, so I shoved most of it in the bank, and invested the rest in stocks, and decided to wait a few months.....

    Mid-February, 2004

    Thanks to some smart investments, I have $40,000,000 to spend on a wrestling promotion. Not bad, considering I started with $15,500,000. :)

    I called up some old friends of mine, and asked them if they would be involved:

    Valeria Cage - Valeria thought I was insane when I told her about my plans....then signed on anyway. A former wrestler who worked in the indies but also spent quite a bit of time in Japan, she retired from the ring after a shoulder injury - when it healed, she decided she'd rather work behind the scenes instead of stepping back into the squared circle, and has been working as a road agent for some indy fed that's about two footsteps from going bankrupt. She's going to be on-screen talent in my new fed. Probably acting as an authority figure. Hopefully, I'll be able to convince her to wrestle again someday.... (She's a Face, but uses a Vampire gimmick as a wrestler, by the way)

    Mister Charisma - An old acquaintance of mine, Mr. C not only has the gift of gab (Fonz Factor), but he's also an accomplished booker and trainer. His gimmick is based on the fact that he has really low charisma but doesn't realize it. His perfectly white teeth that gleam when he smiles add to the effect.

    Mister C also recommended that I take a look at one of his students as a possible signee for the fed:

    Mariko Anzai - A fairly charismatic, high-flying Japanese worker. I flew to Japan to witness her compete in a couple of matches at the school she was attending, and agreed to sign her, but only if she got more training. She's good, but not quite ready yet. Mr. C agreed.

    We figured it would take a few months before everything would be ready, and started building the fed. But first, we needed a name. I finally settled on the name Xtreme Combat Wrestling, after going through a list of around thirty suggestions.

    Thanks to some connections, I even managed to get a show, even though the fed doesn't even exist yet! XCW Friday Night Fury will air Friday Nights (GENIUS!!!!) on MTV2.

    Projected start date:

    July 2, 2004.


    Note: Due to the fact that most of the wrestlers submitted were Openers and Jobbers, and I want to keep the roster at around 60 workers to keep it manageable, I don't know how well this fed will do. I have Arsenic, but am not willing to use it to change anything, with the exception of injuries to anyone who is currently holding a title, gets injured from doing a Sick Bump, or is in a feud. (i.e., I get an incident report that someone is injured, that injury WON'T be fixed)

    If anyone gets an injury that I am not willing to fix and they will be out for more than 3 months, they'll likely be fired. If someone goes into Rehab, I'll flip a coin. The diary ends if: The fed goes bankrupt, I get fired, or the fed drops to National level and I can't get it back to Global within 2 months of it dropping.

  9. Creed broke up?!


    One of the most overrated groups ever. I only liked one song I ever heard by them, and I can't even remember the name of it. (I think it was the last song they did a video for, though - had angels with swords, or something like that, in it)

    ORLANDO, Florida — The biggest rock band of the past decade has broken up.

    MTV reporters are funny.

    Biggest Christian rock band of the past decade, maybe. But.....


  10. Besides the shows already mentioned, I'd also recommend:

    Big O - Just in case your mind is in the gutter, its not porn. The Big O is a giant robot that the main character pilots. Some of the voice actors from Cowboy Bebop do voices in Big O, but only the voice of Roger Smith is recognizable (same guy who does Spike's voice in Bebop. Its the exact same voice, in fact). First season is mostly stand alone episodes (the first two are a two parter), but the second season is one long story, with a `WTF?!' ending. (I have the entire first season on DVD) Unlike most shows with giant robots, the robot ISN'T the main focus of the show in most episodes, which is a good thing.

    Sorcerer Hunters

    Tenchi Muyo - the OVAs, that is. Avoid Tenchi In Tokyo at all costs! (Boring as hell, for the most part) The Tenchi Universe stuff is good, but its an alternate reality, not part of the regular continuity.

    Robot Carnival - An old movie which is actually a series of shorts by different creators.

    Armitage the Third - Get subbed, if you can. They had name actors do the voices for the dub, and it detracts more than anything. (I think Keifer Sutherland was one of the voice actors, iirc. I do know for a fact that Elizabeth Berkley, of Saved By The Bell and Showgirls fame, did the main character's voice.)

    Roujin Z - A weird ass movie that's best seen instead of described. The plot is funky, but its a good flick.

    Might post some more recommendations later.

    You should check this site out. They have a TON of stuff (I used to get print catalogs from them every year), some of which is bargain priced:


    And in my opinion, Akira is over-rated. Good, but over-rated.

    (By the way, if you were a fan of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (or Power Rangers Zeo) when you were younger, Johnny Yong Bosch, who played Adam (the second Black Ranger in MMPR, Green Ranger in Zeo) does the voice of Vash the Stampede in Trigun.)

  11. Anything by Avril Lavigne is automatically shit. I still want to slap the holy crap out of her for fucking up "Fuel" on the MTV Icons Metallica special.

    Haven't heard SoaD's Chop Suey or Avril's (thank God!), but I'm assuming its not a cover of the old 70's song by the same name?

    My personal crap list:

    St. Anger by Metallica

    Anything by Avril Lavigne or Slipknot (other than `Wait And Bleed' (I think that's the name of the song, but I'm not sure)

    Anything by Britney Spears other than Stronger and Toxic

    Warm It Up (aka `That Milkshake song') by Kelis

    Underneath Your Clothes by Shakira (I have the cd, and that's the one track I never listen to on it)

    Rubber Band Man by whoever the hell that no-talent rapper is who does it.

    Boot Scootin' Boogie by Brooks & Dunn. I like most of B & D's songs, but that one SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I used to play pen and paper RPGs, but I haven't had a regular gaming group in years, and the gaming convention I looked forward to every year (Tenncon) suddenly stopped without any warning (ie, no notice they weren't going to hold Tenncon anymore) a few years back. :(

    Pen & Paper RPGs I've played:

    AD&D 2nd Edition

    D&D 3rd Edition (they dropped the Advanced part of the name, since the basic Dungeons & Dragons game doesn't exist anymore - 3.5 is out, and I don't care)

    Champions - Don't remember the edition, but it was the hardcover one.

    Call of Cthulhu - Only played a couple of times

    Legend of the 5 Rings - Ditto - I have all the Clan books (but not the extra ones, like the book for Ronin)

    Shadowrun - I have three different characters that I alternated using when I played.

    Star Wars - I have the 2nd Edition, but only played it TWICE. I have the current d20 version (and a few sourcebooks) and converted the character to it, but I've yet to play it.

    I've also been in 2 different wrestling e-feds, and one of them may be starting up again (but starting over, as well) in a month or two.

    Oh, and I play Everquest, when I'm in the mood. Haven't logged in to play in a few weeks, but I run a lvl 52 High Elf Magician named Zyrtryx Conjureblade and a lvl 15 Human Monk named Dherrunkynn on the Rathe server.

  13. Linkin Park - In The End, Crawling

    Blink 182 - I Miss You

    Limp Bizkit - Rollin', Break Stuff

    Robbie Williams - Millenium

    Pearl Jam - Do The Evolution, Evenflow

    Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box

    R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People, Its The End Of The World As We Know It

    Britney Spears - Stronger, Toxic

    And I agree that most of Metallica's stuff post-Black Album has been crap (St. Anger is possibly the worst song they've ever done), but they're still a good band.

  14. Thanks for the links, Doc. :)

    (I already knew about Smackology. Downloaded some CAWs from there earlier today, in fact)

    I've been mainly using Just Bring It World, Hacking Hideout, and Neoseeker for getting CAWs. (Neoseeker has the same FAQs posted as Gamefaqs, and the people on the message board aren't jerks)

  15. I'm trying to find the following CAWs. I posted over at Neoseeker, but never got a decent reply.

    AJ Styles (`The X-Styles' t-shirt outfit)

    Akira Hokuto

    Alexis Laree

    Curry Man


    Hayabusa as `H' (I've seen plenty of CAWs for Hayabusa and Darkside of Hayabusa, but none for H)

    Kensuke Sasake

    Lollipop (NWA-TNA dancer)

    Major Gunns

    Masato Tanaka

    Psicosis (his unmasked, short-haired look)

  16. Oh, there's a TON of stuff out there. Player-made meshes, skins, mods, voicepacks, etc.

    By mods, I mean stuff that changes the game entirely. Like new scenarios that use characters that didn't come with the game, for instance.

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