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Different Cloud

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Everything posted by Different Cloud

  1. I think you would have had a better chance if you were playing a foreign team in the Semis. As people have said, you have been much better in Europe than in the Premiership. You definetely have a chance of beating Chelsea but saying you could/should have beat them earlier in the season isn't really a good point, Mourinho's teams "should" lose a lot of their games, but always somehow pull through. The only reason I said you wouldn't beat them is that at the start, I couldn't see anyone in the Champion's League knocking out Chelsea apart from maybe Barca and Milan. And Rangers would quite possibly still be in Europe if we had a Manager that had a clue. Don't give a fuck about Celtic. Where's Morientes?
  2. John Terry for me, been brilliant all season.
  3. I never really got what was so good about Pokemon and why it was SO popular.
  4. I was interested in this game when I first heard about it (like a year ago), but gradually lost interest. How much does it cost a month?
  5. Already mentioned a few times, Freddie Mercury.
  6. Madrid v Barca would be a good starting point. ^_^
  7. Yeah, that was rather scary. I also read last night on the Fountain of Knowledge that is Gamefaqs.com, that Ocelot is the son of The Boss and The Sorrow? I'll need to find a site that explains the whole Metal Gear story.
  8. Got a loan of it from a mate last week and completed it tonight. Spoiler: So Ocelot = ADAM?
  9. I'd be interested, I'm addicted to gambling. This might stop me wasting real money.
  10. That's a shame, hope he's ok. Good young player.
  11. Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed Jem also does a version.
  12. Vignal is semi-decent but nothing more, not Premiership quality in my opinion but could possibly be improved. Gives 110% all the time though.
  13. TRL said it wasn't an April fools, the sheep eating Wembley's grass pitch however was.
  14. Scotland we're a lot better tonight, if Kenny Miller didn't bottle it and Buffon didn't have that quality save, it might have been different. Rab Douglas is shit.
  15. Supposed/Rumoured starting Line Up: -------------------------R. Douglas----------------------- J. McNamara----S. Pressley---D. Weir---G. Naysmith -----------------------G. Caldwell-------------------- P. Hartley---Barry Ferguson---N. Quashie---L. McCulloch ---------------------------K. Miller--------------------------- Decent team, even though we are missing 2 of out best players (McFadden/Fletcher) it still looks a much better side than what Vogts was putting out. EDIT: P.S. I put £2 on Joe Cole to score first and £2 or 4-0 England
  16. Pretty well refereed so far, not too Stop/Start.
  17. BBC 1 Scotland? It's definetely on in Scotland on that, might be a Teletext night for you though mate.
  18. Scotland game is on BBC Scotland, you might be able to get it if you have Sky? Wales 2-1 Austria Israel 0-2 Republic Of Ireland Italy 0-1 Scotland England 4-0 N Ireland
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