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Posts posted by B-Rad

  1. I am obsessed with Amazing Race, and actually have boot leg copies of the first 5 seasons, just need to get seasons six and seven. I have even applied to be on Amazing Race with my sister, tho I plan on changing up my partners and applying again soon.

    As for the Family Edition, it's okay. The first half of the show, the Paolas kept it interesting, but since then, the Weavers have kept it WAYYY more interesting. I feel back for the son on that team, seems to be the only semi-normal one.

  2. If you missed it on VH-1 tonight, you have to go watch the performances on VH1.com. It was some of the best TV that I have watched in a while (is that sad?).

    Some of the celebrities had decent performances. I thought Morgan Fairchild, Michael Copon, and Carmine Gotti Agnello were all decent and should definately move on to next week.

    They are eliminating three people this week, and if you want to hear some shitty performances by semi-well known celebrities, definately go over and watch Antonio Sabato Jr. totally fuck up "Every Breath You Take", Bai Ling do a horrendous version of "Like A Virgin", and the WORST of all, Kim Alexis doing "The Way You Love Me."

    The other three people (Larry Holmes, Myrka Dellanos, and Joe Pantoliano) all were decent enough, just not the best or the worst.

    Anyway, definately go check them out for a good laugh, and let us all know what YOU thought of the show by voting for your favorite!

  3. I am sort of looking forward to it. The fact that Trump picked 11 of the 12 contestants seems like it may make the show kind of ehhh, cause its all people that he would consider hiring, so we know how they will be.

    I watched the Martha Stewart version last night, it was alright, seemed a lot nicer, which I guess is what they are going for. I hated her ending thing, where she is like "I'm sorry, goodbye" and then writes them a letter apologizing for firing them. Its like, damn it, be mean!

    I'll probably be missing tonight's episode anyway, tho, have other stuff to do.

  4. I have the other two Cold albums, so I ran out and bought this one (they have it at Wal-Mart, unedited, can you say DISCOUNT?!?). I liked it, I don't think it's as good as their other two, as you can tell they are trying to follow in Staind's footsteps, IMHO. Still good, nonetheless.

  5. Taking Back Sunday - These guys are a really good band. I like their new album better than their old one, though I am probably one of the few. Definately worth checking out.

    Hellogoodbye - How do I describe these guys? You will listen to a song by them and think "What the hell is this shit". However, as soon as you are done listening to it, you will be singing it. As soon as you listen to it again, you get the feeling "man, this is really bad, but its so damn catchy". Seriously, go check out their first single "Call N Return"

    The Black Maria - Ehhh, I heard a song or two, didn't really like them.

    The Used - I am obsessed with The Used, so I am not a fair person in that sense. I loved their first album, and their second album was decent. I'd say their first one is DEFINATELY worth picking up, and their second one you should get if you liked the first.

    No Warning - never heard of them.

    Rise Against - Heard a song or two from them, both were decent, not good enough for me to buy the album yet, but they are alright.

    Senses Fail - I love their album. I heard their two singles, "Rum is for Drinking, not for Burning" and "Buried A Lie" and ran out and got there album. Very solid album, definately worth checking out. They are so good, that my friend who hasn't been into any modern band EVER (Van Halen obsessed) loves this album.

    Hawthorne Heights - I am not a fair person for them, either, but for a different reason. I have heard the whole album and it sounds okay...the first few times through. My brother jammed to their album for 2 months straight in his bedroom, so Iam kind of sick of EVERY SONG on that album.

    Alexisonfire - Heard a song or two, don't know them well enough to make a comment...but I just did.

    Chevelle - They are good, I have all three albums, and I think their first one that got NO mainstream attention is their best. Their third one it sounds like they are going for a Tool-esque sound, IMHO, tho others may argue that. Still worth getting.

    Brand New - These guys have two totally different sounds on their two mainstream albums. Their first one was punk rock, straight out. However, their second was more of an EMO type cry for me my life is horrible type music. Personally, I am into the second album more, but the first one was alright, too.

    Atreyu - They are good, from what I have heard. Haven't bought an album, so ???

    FFTL - Saw them at Warped Tour a year or two ago, and they sounded good there, but I haven't really checked them out other than that.

    My Chemical Romance - Only have their new album, but now it seems like everyone is getting into them, including the MTV Teeny Boppers...ugh. Still, "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" is an A- album and definately worth checking out. My favorite song on there is "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison", tho the whole album rules.

    There's my take on the albums, take from that what you will.

  6. Ahhh, Tommy Lee. Funny story.

    Tommy Lee actually could not get any record labels to release "Tommyland", because of his last album flopping, so he went to the Handleman company. For those of you who don't know, Handleman is the company that puts out and cleans up the CDs at Wal-Marts (and sometimes other stores). Anyway, Tommy Lee was all like "I will give you a CD slip cover with artwork that I designed since you guys are releasing my album", so Wal-Mart was given the Tommy Lee album with exclusive artwork. Literally 1 hour before the CD was supposed to go on the shelf, every Wal-Mart store was called and told "DON'T PUT IT OUT!" Some people still did, so a few people got it, but they pushed his album sales back at Wal-Mart to Friday. What was on this drawing you ask? Why, it was several naked women coming flying out of Tommy Lee's crotch, that's what. I saw the pictures, and there is tons of groping and sexual stuff, and Handleman threw a fit.

    So, if you want to see if your Wal-Mart has the version with the picture, you can tell very easily. On the Tommy Lee albums that have the word "EDITED" written under the price, they are not the right ones. If you find one at Wal-Mart that doesn't have the word "EDITED" written under it, grab it quick, because we aren't even supposed to be selling them, and they may become collector's edition.

  7. I love Amazing Race, even applied to be on Amazing Race 9 (still got my fingers crossed that I get picked, tho I doubt it). However, this whole family thing is stupid, IMHO. I have read some spoilers, and not to give anything away, but it looks like they don't even leave the Americas (not sure if that's ENTIRELY true, so don't take my word for it). I could be wrong, but still, it takes away from the show. I, personally, am not looking forward to hearing the 7 and 9 year olds whining because their legs hurt. Oyy, I can't wait until season 9, and season 8 hasn't even started yet.

    I'm complaing now, but I know I'll watch, starts Sept. 27th!!!

  8. Bloodhound Gang are awesome, but unfortunately, there are always going to be the annoying people who only remember them for one song. That one song, of course, being "Bad Touch". But how can you forget the classics "Why's Everybody Always Picking On Me", "Tricky", "Fire Water Burn", "Mope (The Pac Man Song)", and, my personal favorite, "A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying". I love "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo", but I guess you just have to really like BLoodhound Gang. Their album comes out next month, WOOT!!

  9. 1 Amazing Race

    2 Family Guy

    3 Extreme Dodgeball

    4 Invader ZIM

    5 Celebrity Poker Showdown

    6 Malcolm In The Middle

    7 The Apprentice

    8 Damage Control

    9 Celebrity Fit Club

    10 Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law

    Those are my favorite shows, and pretty much the only shows I watch on TV anymore. This, of course, does not include wrestling, or else the bottom three wouldn't have made the list, as I always catch Smackdown, RAW, and Velocity.

  10. The newest Interpol single out right now is "Evil". Personally I can not watch the video any more. That giant pupet thing scares the shit out of me, no joke. First time I saw it I had nightmares...

    The single before "Evil" was "Slow Hands" like someone else said.

    I am thinking about getting their album....should I?

  11. I was getting in to "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss", so I am a little upset we dont even get to see the person who was the real boss....that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

    I really miss Clone High, as I even have that stupid Marilyn Manson "Food Pyramid" on my computer. I also have to go with most of the ones others have said, as Titus and Futurama.

    Also, if they dont bring Joe Schmo back, they had better put the second season out on DVD, as that was good....

  12. I thought it was hiliarious, and the stuff with the dog had me rolling on the floor. The only thing that annoyed the hell out of me is that annoying ass fish (tho I did like it's origin), it just was stupid and unfunny in my opinion, but otherwise, I liked it.

    Everyone who complains I bet will be watching the second episode on May 1st, right after Family Guy....I think this will become another cult classic show, too.

  13. I am a little upset Marky Chavez is taking over for the lead singer of the Filter group project thing. The former lead singer of Lifer/Driver/Strangers With Candy was supposed to be the lead singer of them, and it was going to be called Widescreen. Now I guess Chavez is taking his place.

    Damn, now what is the lead singer of Lifer going to do?

  14. Muse are actually pretty big in the US. "Time Is Running Out" got up to around 15 on the rock singles charts, and now "Hysteria" is up around number 7 or 8, so they are beginning to get popular. One other way I know is Walmart used to only carry one copy of ABSOLUTION at a time, but now, we have 3 or 4 at a time and we still run out, so they are getting popular.

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