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Posts posted by B-Rad

  1. Well, the other doctor (not Sara) made a right decision by telling Warden Pope about Sara and then telling the police at the end of season 1...

    Anyway, I have heard that they are doing 6 seasons, but I also heard only 3 with "these charactors". While second season is them escaping, third season is supposed to be them taking down the company...I don't know how good that would be, but whatever.

    I can't wait to see what this Bolshoi Booze is, I mean, I've seen it all over the place, and I hope like hell that is the secret they reveal this coming week. I just hate that we only have 3 more episodes before they go on their break few month break, what am I going to do without my Prison Break for two or three months?!

  2. Back to the europeangoldfinch.net...

    The date that it is in Prison Break world is 6/2 (we learn that because Sara's bird states that they are meeting 6/3, which Mahone says is "tomorrow")

    The only post for 6/2 or 6/3 is the following one, which I can't think is any kind of clue...




    Has anyone else heard about the possibility of a new sub-species of European Gold Finch discovered in the black forests of Germany? I recently heard something on the radio about a biology team that spent four weeks hiking through those forests, which are incidentally very remote and relatively uncharted. At any rate, one of the scientists was being interviewed, and discussed how they came across these bird nests that were nearly identical to those of a European Gold Finch, only there were two discrepancies. EGF’s are typically not found in that part of Germany, AND the spotting on the eggs were black as opposed to the traditional brown. Later on in their expedition, they spotted a European Gold Finch, or what they believed to be was an EGF with SILVER coloring in the neck area instead of gold. Could there be a European Silver Finch??? I’ve tried to find other articles online about this phenomenon, but haven’t had any luck –has any one else heard anything about this?




    Wow that sounds crazy. I’m not sure about that, though my Aunt always used to speak about coloring of birds changing in the colder climates, becoming different from when they are in the hotter ones. Could be very cold in the black forest.




    That’s fascinating Betty. I haven’t heard anything about that, but have to imagine it has to do with some sort of camouflaging element gained from the silver coloring rather than the gold, which serves to protect it from some of its predators out there. Wonder how they made it to that area of Germany though… I’ll definitely keep my ears and eyes open for further news stories that might cross my path about this matter.

  3. I think with Sucre we are supposed to assume he is currently going back to Vegas or something, cause he did find out Marie Cruz said no at the wedding. Either way, great episode. I don't recall having seen a really bad episode this season.

    Scofield should have realized Mahone was saying he knew where he was going when he made the little "see you sooner than you think" comment. You know its going to get really good.

    T-Bag getting the stitches ripped out was....ugghh, I HATE things like that. Though I knew right away she left when she heard he got out.

    Lincoln and LJ getting caught, ugh, lets just hang out at the train station after a guy who was giving us weird looks slowly stalks off...

    C-Note getting his family was nice. When his wife asked 'what do we do now', I thought of the website he told Sucre about (europeangoldfinch.net) and have been watching that site to see if anything updates.

    Cant wait for next weeks, I am so damn obsessed...

  4. Agree, absoultely loved this movie. Matter of fact, you just made me want to go watch it again. Definately worth checking out. I think it's hilarious what happens to Ben Foster's charactor...but then again, I am morbid...

  5. My friends saw em live and said they were obviously playing to a tape

    Your friends are wrong. I've seen them perform acoustic in small rooms in front of 40 people with no way for them to be using a tape and they sound ridiculously better than they do on CD. Also, in interviews, they frequently talk about how 90% of the bands they perform with use some sort of backing tape and they do not; they wouldn't be bringing it up if they did. Their music ain't exactly original or great, but they're good at what they do and I can assure you, seeing them perform several times, they don't use a tape.

  6. There has not been an episode that has had me not able to sit down during the last part. Sucre turning on T-Bag, Scofield, and C-Note was not expected. Really pissed at the way Tweener died. I heard rumors he would die, but was hoping it was doing something heroic, like jumping in front of a bullet aimed at Scofield or something.

    Gov. Tancredi got killed off, too! When he died I was thinking "oh, there's the person who won't make it out alive", stupid Prison Break pulling the bait-and-switch.

    I did call the whole LJ thing, I knew for a fact that him being released was solely to draw Burrows out. ARRRRGGGHHHH, I can't wait 3 weeks to see what happens! Stupid Fox...

  7. I love 3 Days Grace. Actually went to see them a few weeks ago at a local fair, twas them, Staind, Crossfade, and Black Stone Cherry. 3 Days Grace was by far the best performance.

    Love the new CD, too, and glad to hear they decided to release my favorite song on the album, "Pain", as the new single.

  8. I am (as can be told by my sig) obsessed with Prison Break. Never got to catch any of it the first time around, cause Monday nights were the nights I closed at work. However, I bought season 1 (which is great), and then caught up to where we were at season 2. Don't get me wrong, season 2 is no where NEAR as compelling as season 1 was, but it is still a great show that I can't miss.

    The only show on Sundays on Fox worth watching, which I found out the past two weeks, is definately War at Home. Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, I just didn't laugh at any of them once any of the past two weeks. Meanwhile, the G-I-D-E-O-N piano bit had me rolling on the floor, and this week's visit to a comic book convention was pretty damn funny, too.

    Other than that, the only other show I am really watching is the newest season of Amazing Race. It's good, but it has lost a little bit of the appeal this season. I mean, they went out and got the whites, blacks, arabs, hispanics, hicks, handicapped, beauty queens, drug addicts, islams, I mean, seriously, they are trying WAYYY to hard to get completely different people. Still good, but I miss the days of season 4-6...Ahh well...

    I dunno, guess I need recommendations of good shows. I have resorted to going and pulling out my DVD sets of Grounded for Life so I could have a good laugh every once in a while...

  9. Ozzfest 2002. Camden, New Jersey. I'm at this concession stand and end up talking to this guy named Mark for a few minutes about System Of A Down, who's on stage in an hour. Well, I leave and go back to my crap grass seats. Well, when System Of A Down came on later, they were just starting to play "Chop Suey". All of a sudden, I get pushed forward about five feet. I turned around to see what happened and the guy I met earlier, Mark, is getting the shit kicked out of him by a guy with no shirt on. Now, there's this girl screaming at the guy with no shirt on to stop so, I assume she is the girlfriend of the no shirt guy and Mark probably tried to hit on her. Well, they eventally get broken up by this guy with a blue shirt on. Mark is bleeding from his nose and mouth, and is leaning on some stranger. Well, the stranger doesn't obviously take kindly to strangers so, he shoves Mark right into blue shirt guy. The blue shirt guy turns around and Mark is trying to apologize but, to no avail. The blue shirt guy punches Mark and lays him out. He layed on the ground for a few more minutes, before emergency services came and took him to the health station.

  10. 1. Absolution

    2. Black Holes and Revelations

    3. Showbiz

    4. Origin of Symmetry

    Granted, I started really listening to them when Absolution came out, and have since become obsessed with that AND BHaR. I have had Showbiz for a while, and really like it, too, but not better than BHaR. I just bought OoS, and while it is ok, I just didn't like it as much as the other 3.

  11. HOLY SHIT what an episode!! And did everyone see the previews for next week at the end? Now you can all quit being pissed at me for mentioning Haywire...

    Either way, this show gets better and better. Just when you think that it's gotta start going downhill, WHAM!

    T-Bag is great, saying Tweener has the map and then eating it.

    Then Kellerman quickly saying he is gay and his "partner" was out of town on business so he could get into Sara's house...

    OHH, OHH, and how Sara's Dad is beginning to realize all the stuff Sara tried to tell him originally...

    Arrrgh, I can't wait until next week. I am such a dork :(

  12. Not to give anything away, but we will see Haywire again...

    Anyway, I was EXTREMELY happy that it was Abruzzi and not Tweener. Tweener is my favorite charactor, comedy relief I guess (come on, how hilarious was that singing?). I was getting worried when they were going to a hotel. It's all good, tho, Tweener is still alive.

    The Kellerman and Sara story is getting quite intriguing, and I can't wait to see how that turns out.

    T-Bag must be pretty damn skilled if he is able to kill a guy with just one hand. Was I the only one kinda grossed out when he cut his finger?

    Can't wait for next week's episode, looks AWESOME. I just hate having to wait a whole friggin' week...

  13. Finished off season one and then watched the first three episodes of Season Two I had DVRed waiting for my slow ass.

    So far I think this season is doing a great job of keeping the suspense up and throwing the guys into enough situations where it's not the same monotonous thing over and over again. Aside from few minor complaints like Sucre being able to get out of the car when the cop was 15 feet behind him and looking his way pretty much nonstop aside, there hasn't been much of anything that completely fell apart yet.

    Random thoughts:

    -Veronica being dead is golden, even if I was shocked to see it happen. God that bitch annoyed me.

    -I hate stupid recastings. Steadman being recast annoyed me to no end.

    -Where the fuck is that Presidential bitch?

    -I love C-Note, John, Michael, Linc, Sucre, Tea Bag, and Haywire pretty much in that order, but jesus do I dislike Tweener.

    -If Sarah dies I will rant like a moron.

    -I feel sorry for The Pope.

    -Bellick joins my list of supporting characters that I KNOW I'm supposed to hate that I just can't help but love.

    That is all until Tuesday.

    Oh, as for Vanished, meh. It's pretty much stock characters doing stock things with what looks like neat twist. Sadly the acting is pretty bad too. I can't help but think our FBI guy was supposed to be a badass in the vein of Bauer, and yet the fucker simply comes across like a complete douche and a fucking asshole. "Hi, I'm the lead agent on this and I'm going to alienate everyone involved on every side instead of even trying to work with people to find this poor missing woman." And when did Rebecca Gayhart forget how to act at all?

  14. Batista, JBL, Randy Orton, The Big Show, Jillian Hall, Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley, Joey Mercury, Ric Flair, The Boogeyman, John Cena, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Johnny Nitro, Shawn Michaels, Candice Michelle, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Ken Kennedy, Snitsky, Chavo Guerrero, Kid Kash, Super Crazy, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Torrie Wilson, Chris Masters, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Daivari, Lita, Triple H, Edge, Mark Henry, Trish Stratus, Eugene, Matt Hardy, Umaga, Finley, Melina, The Undertaker, The Great Khali, Mickie James, Viscera, Gregory Helms, Paul Burchill, Vito, Hardcore Holly, Psicosis, William Regal
  15. I watched, and there were one or two moments that were funny.

    First, with the winners, considering some of the competition, the winners weren't bad. You can tell that MTV was shocked at some of the winners (first year the fans could vote for every award), cause almost all of the awards that had multiple genres up for awards, the more "rock" sounding songs won.

    BTW, 30 Seconds to Mars won the MTV2 Award.

    The parts I thought were funny were Sarah Silverman's Paris Hilton joke (and I also laughed at her Lance Bass joke, too). Also, tho it wasn't really funny, I got a kick out of one thing. After Timberlake's HORRIBLE performance, he went backstage to talk to Jack Black and said something to the effect of "Wow, this is a great room, but do you know what it needs? Some shelves". 2 hours later, when Jack Black runs to his dressing room because Kyle joined Black Eyed Peas, Timberlake is in there again, this time with a nifty little shelving unit built. He jumped up when Black ran in and was like "Isn't this so much better, now with shelves? AND LOOK, LITTLE HOOKS FOR KEY RINGS!!!" Meh, I found it funny.

    One last thing (man, I am a loser, I must have enjoyed it), I thought it was funny that EVERYONE was making fun of "Sexy Back". Avenged Sevenfold went on stage and said something to the effect of "We didn't think we would be aloud on stage, since tonight Justin Timberlake was bringing sexy back. Seriously, why are we up here". And then Al fuckin' Gore makes a "I wasn't going to come, but when I heard Justin was bringing sexy back, I knew I had to be here". Come on, when you get dissed by GORE?!?

    Overall, I hated all of the performance, but the rest of the show was decent...considering I HATED last years.

  16. A - Avenged Sevenfold "Seize The Day"

    B - Black Stone Cherry "Lonely Train"

    C - Crossfade "Invincible"

    D - Day of Fire "Fade Away"

    E - Evanescence "Call Me When You're Sober"

    F - Flyleaf "Fully Alive"

    G - Godhead "Trapped in Your Lies"

    H - Hurt "Falls Apart"

    I - Incubus "Megalomaniac"

    J - Joan Jett and the Heartbreakers "ACDC"

    K - Kasabian "Empire"

    L - Lacuna Coil "Enjoy the Silence"

    M - Muse "Knights of Cydonia"

    N - Nightmare of You "I Want To Be Buried in your Backyard"

    O - OK Go "Here It Goes Again

    P - Papa Roach "...To Be Loved"

    Q - Quarashi "Stungun"

    R - Rise Against "Ready To Fall"

    S - Stone Sour "Through Glass"

    T - Thousand Foot Krutch "Absolute"

    U - Underoath "Reinventing Your Exit"

    V - Vaux "Are You With Me"

    W - Wolfmother "Woman"

    X - X-Ecutioners "It's Going Down"

    Y - Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Gold Lion"

    Z - Zox "Can't Look Down"

  17. thug was going on about how the FBI agent couldn't figure out where the money was hidden, when in fact he shouldn't have any idea, as no one with that authority (or essentially no one knew until he told Scofield) would have had any idea where it was.

    So although true, your point didn't have much to do what I was going on about :P

  18. Well, they don't know he was in on it. They just found his body in the infirmary with a wound in the stomach. They might have presumed he was a human shield.

    And of course, he told no one (except Scofield) where he buried the money.

  19. Which version of the season 8 did everyone get? Did you get the "LIMITED EDITION" Maggie Head or just the regular box? I, personally, made sure to get the Maggie head...

    Anyway, just checked, mine has a book, too.

    The most recent episode that I really liked was when Bart, Milhouse, Ralph, and Nelson were the boyband.

    My ALL-TIME favorite episode is definately, no question, "Behind The Laughter". Friggin' hilarious!

    "That's ridiculous, how could I get all 5 necessary drops into her cereal? What?"

    "Coming up, was it really over? Yes, it was...or was it?"

    "I was so gay, but I couldn't tell anyone"


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