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Everything posted by fusionFX!

  1. Add Heath Hatton. Add Bull Bronson. Add Christian Rose. Add Kyle Sykes. Add Matt Cage. Add Zakk Sawyer. Add Christopher Hagstrom. Add Adam Page. Add Aaron Relic as an alter-ego for Ace Hawkins. Raise his selling to 64. Make Ace Hawkins' finisher #1 Air Hawkins(Top Rope). Finisher #2 is AceCrusher(Impact). Add Adam Testa as a staff member, Production, 55 talent, 80 backstage, Born in September, 30 years old. Check booker. Picture: http://prowrestlingcollision.com/sites/default/files/wrestlers/adam_testa.jpg Add Kevin Hunsperger as a staff member, Announcer, 50 talent, 90 backstage, Unknown birth month, 39 years old(guess). Picture: https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/2687203482/6791e10639b3e9d97071319623c66dc6.jpeg Check menacing for Jake Omen. http://www.wrestleohio.com/photos/jakepromo.jpg Also change him to a heavyweight.
  2. Add Joseph Conners Add Josh Bodom Add Alex Cyanide Add Sam Bailey More will be posted later. Edit: Check Superstar Look for Bubblegum. Raise charisma to 50, brawl to 43, speed to 72, and technical to 60.
  3. Is this the same Sam Shaw that won his TNA Gutcheck match/contract? http://www.ovwrestling.com/roster/samshaw If so, he needs to be a heavyweight.
  4. Check Superstar Look for Timothy Thatcher. Edit: Nevermind, he's already got it. Edit 2: Do check menacing for Tilo Samoa though.
  5. I'd keep superstar look for him. He's got a good build too him. As for fonz factor, he's got that natural charisma.
  6. My name isn't Ryan, but alright. I don't have AIM either. Just add me on PSN. izzy_deadyet21 is the account name.
  7. Matt duchenace, you still looking for people for a ps3 league?
  8. Don't need to be a dick about it Maxx. And GoN, it may be the same topic title and in the same page, but that other topic is for the Xbox, I'm talking about the PS3.
  9. So I got NBA 2K13 for the PS3 over the weekend. If anybody else has it for the PS3 and wants to create an online association, that'd be great as I've been wanting to start one up myself but it's a little too complicated for me.
  10. Gutter's name needs to be changed to Caleb Stills. He also needs to be a lightweight, he's 220 lbs. Finishers should be Diamond Gutter(Impact) and Gutter Cutter(Impact). According to the webpage, he's Canadian. Not American. New picture of him: http://www.xicwdetroit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Caleb_Stills.jpg Raise brawl to 59, technical to 10, and speed to 44. Proof: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=1095&name=Caleb+Stills ----------------- Gruesome Gary needs his wages lowered to $5000. Make a tag team between Gregory Iron and Zach Gowen. Name it The Handicapped Handguns. 10 exp. Raise Bobby Shields' charisma to 62. Raise his technical to 52. Lower speed to 63. Krimson should be a heavyweight. He's 230 lbs. Check menacing, raise brawl to 57. Change his primary finisher to Witches Wheel(Impact). Raise charisma to 80. http://primewrestling.com/roster/gory.jpg Maybe check menacing for Jason Gory. Raise Ryan Kidd's technical to 40. ---------------- Can somebody get some stats made for Jason Kincaid and Jock Samson?
  11. Add "Infamous" Shawn Vexx Add Bolt Brady. Question: Why aren't the spoiler tags working?
  12. Well let's get on with the discussion process then. Edit: Plus, nobody ever discusses KrisClassic's stat changes. They just get changed, in game.
  13. Haha wow guys...seriously? I'm just going off of basic wrestling knowledge. Truth Martini deserves a raise in charisma as he's one of the best talkers on the mic in ROH. 83-85 just seems right for him. Edit: Major tool? Ha. No need to be dicks. I'm just saying that's what they deserve. Whether they get it or not ultimately comes down to the whole "discussion" process.
  14. That's right, that's who that was. Speaking of him, I believe he needs a charisma boost. I'd say take him to about 83-85. Up for discussion.
  15. You got proof? Oh dear god, this again? Really? Screw it, I'll answer your "You got proof?" question. 1. Their promo tonight on ROH Television, that is if any of you actually watch ROH. 2. Kevin Kelly and the other random color commentator dude, whoever the hell he is was calling Hardy an egomaniac. His charisma deserves to be higher than 74, not only because of that reason but he's just a great talker on the mic. 3. His feud with Mike Bennett and Maria. YouTube it, Mondo's great on the mic. Hopefully that sums that up, without anymore discussion. Not going to argue with you there, I guess I'll know what you're talking about when it airs on my local station in about 90 minutes. (That was on this week's broadcast, right?) Correct.
  16. You got proof? Oh dear god, this again? Really? Screw it, I'll answer your "You got proof?" question. 1. Their promo tonight on ROH Television, that is if any of you actually watch ROH. 2. Kevin Kelly and the other random color commentator dude, whoever the hell he is was calling Hardy an egomaniac. His charisma deserves to be higher than 74, not only because of that reason but he's just a great talker on the mic. 3. His feud with Mike Bennett and Maria. YouTube it, Mondo's great on the mic. Hopefully that sums that up, without anymore discussion.
  17. Also, Raise Kyle O'Reilly's and Bobby Fish's charisma to 63 and 66 respectively. And change Matt Hardy's gimmick in ROH to Egomaniac and raise charisma to 77. Raise Mike Mondo's charisma to 80.
  18. Fair enough, I'll just search for more backyard promotions more up-to-date and get stats made for their wrestlers..that solves that problem. But, it's really up to Bill. If he wants to add them into the game, then let him. It's really up to him. Plus these backyard wrestlers will come in handy when it comes to backyard to global games as most of the backyarders in game now are between 30-40 years old. There's just a fair few that are between 18-29.
  19. That's exactly what happened. Go to YouTube and search them yourselves. Its not really that hard.
  20. Just go to YouTube and search the names of the wrestlers yourselves then. I'm seriously not gonna say anymore on this damn subject. Just go to YouTube and search the names of the wrestlers yourselves then. I'm seriously not gonna say anymore on this damn subject.
  21. Omg watch the damn videos!! How many times do I have to freaking say it!?
  22. Have you watched the videos of them yet? Clearly you haven't. They deserve the stats I gave them. End of discussion.
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