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Everything posted by fusionFX!

  1. Thanks for the clarification here Bill. I've noticed that the NXT website does have him listed as 230 lbs, but when they did his introduction last night on RAW, they said he weighed in at 225, which is why I suggested to drop him to a lightweight.
  2. I'm just going by what Bill said, since he is the one doing the updates..
  3. I think, if I'm not mistaken, Bill's had this discussion in the past and everybody had agreed that 230 lbs and over was heavyweight. I'm not 100% positive on that though.
  4. Seriously not trying to start an argument or anything but Bo should be a lightweight. He's only 225 lbs, heavyweights in the game are 230 lbs and over.
  5. Downloaded a ton of fonts and decided to try a Dolph Ziggler sig. Tell me what you think.
  6. What do you think I should do to make it look better, background wise? But thanks for the feedback.
  7. And another thing, Australian is a nationality in the game, so there's gonna be Australian workers in the game. Common sense.
  8. There's many already in the game so why should it matter now? There are so many guys who need stats compared to Australian backyarders. and may I ask name all the ones that are already in the game. I would now really like to know Why don't you just look for yourself?
  9. Yeah I've actually seen their matches on YouTube. Just look up IYHWA.
  10. They're all Australian backyard wrestlers. I don't know anything about them..just my take on it just cause of them being backyard wrestlers.
  11. Yeah I did..just didn't feel like editing posts constantly to update them with newer things. Jaykus Plisken was Bio-hazard at one point. As for the Nicky girl, maybe not that high in charisma. Probably could be lowered to about 65 but no lower. As for her wage, its the same as everybody else in the promotion she's in. Michael Diablo, Chris Cryptic, and Scyther.
  12. On this Nicky addition, add friendship relationships between her and Michael Diablo, and her and Scyther. Love relationship between her and Chris Cryptic.
  13. Figured this deserved it's own post...I think we should consider adding this promotion into the game..http://www.acw-wrestling.com/ It doesn't have everybody in the game as of right now, but by the end of next month it should as I will get stats for everybody not currently in the game. For some odd reason, here's another link with more talent not on the first website: http://anarchy-roster.blogspot.com/ Anyway, I did create stats for one guy on this roster: Johnny Axxle Playboy Male, September, 26 Lightweight http://www.acw-wrestling.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Johnny%20Axxle%203.jpg B 37 S 60 T 46 Stiff 32 Sell 64 Over 7 Charisma 66 Att 90 Behav 90 Check Fonz Factor. Finishers: Cock Block (Impact), Sex Drive(Impact) Heel, Arrogant, $3000 Add Johnny Axel as alter-ego. Trained By: Hernandez and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Polishing by Jeremy Young and High Roller Hayze. Edit: Straight from Mia Yim's page: http://anarchyroster.blogspot.com/2012/02/mia-yim.html Trained By: John Kermon, Mark Bravura, Christian York, CZW Training, ROH Academy, Daizee Haze Add a couple loyalties that she doesn't have. Edit: Add Nicky Nicky Nicky Female, September, 23 Lightweight http://www.iyhwa.com/images/roster/nicky.jpg B 15 S 11 T 5 Stiff 21 Sell 54 Over 4 Charisma 70 Att 90 Behav 90 Check Diva and Announcer. Finishers: Step Up Enziguiri(Impact), Cryptic Connected(Impact) Heel, Seductress, $0 Add Nicola Alderton as an alter-ego.
  14. Tell me what you think. Default font, I know but it was the best out of what I do have on this computer.
  15. Rhett Titus should be a heavyweight as he is 236 pounds. Edit: Jaykus Plisken is 258 pounds so he should also be a heavyweight. Also check menacing. Proof for menacing: http://www.thewrestlingrevolution.com/images/wrestlers/jaykusPlisken.jpg and http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GnQqIPqGO2c/TwtqwS61CnI/AAAAAAAAAgQ/gpnIxAWbl1I/s1600/Jaykus+Plisken.jpg Also his secondary finisher should be Deathproof Drop(Impact). Darin Childs is 194 lbs, make him a leightweight. Raise speed to 60, technical to 45 Secondary finisher to Child's Play Deathlock(Submission). Raise Mat Fitchett's speed to 83, technical to 70, and charisma to 60.
  16. Raise Michael Elgin's charisma to 64. Check superstar look for Silas Young if it isn't already. Can somebody give some stats for Adam Page so he can be added into the game?
  17. Raise Jessie Godderz's overness to 55, raise his charisma to 70, and his selling to 65.
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