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Everything posted by fusionFX!

  1. Kyky please? http://aawrestling.com/imx/jmiller.png - J. Miller http://aawrestling.com/imx/gregoryiron.png - Gregory Iron http://aawrestling.com/imx/truthmartini.png - Truth Martini http://aawrestling.com/imx/joshraymond.png - Josh Raymond http://aawrestling.com/imx/cameronskyy.png - Cameron Skyy http://aawrestling.com/imx/shanehollister.png - Shane Hollister http://aawrestling.com/imx/joeyeastman.png - Joey Eastman https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9bGxzipp11xsILLrYMyEUwg5KpDF6PGA9Y3KRFxTZ1fumpfIH7g - Shaun Tempers https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHgWQhNr77l6WQ3dyJcLKQkjKe-dlJuIjVE5Qy1HounzJg0y9UWQ - Bad Bones https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3mjVYhDYwWbLc6ktevla8vhf_XlS5R0z8gT2YTxZWl5Rb9gRH - Facade https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWlTXNhnoAUh03G0XMdx6n0Cle-0nF7pW70oG8rsTcvaPTaUJF - Facade
  2. There have been a few others in that steelhorsing thing, a couple that come to mind is Bruce Santee and Kory Chavis. I can't think of anybody else.
  3. Not jumping on anyone's bandwagon or anything, but Stone Cold was in The Condemned and that's a pretty well known movie, plus he's on that Redneck Island show on CMT.
  4. Sorry for the bump but can you PM me too?
  5. Fonz factor for Brad Maddox would be a good addition, maybe even a raise in charisma. It's currently 73, maybe go up to about 77.
  6. The Eve leaving WWE thing is now confirmed. Legit link: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1484357-wwe-news-eve-torres-expected-to-part-ways-with-wwe-tonight
  7. Marty Wright isn't exactly known as being an honest person. He lied about his age on the first Tough Enough. :lmao: What a loser.
  8. Everybody that's currently in the tag team division in Anarchy Wrestling deserves a significant increase in stats. That would include Derrick Driver, Steven Walters, JT Talent, and Andrew Pendleton III, Dany Only, Stryknyne, Anthony Henry, and Dustin Knight. I'd say increase all of their stats(except for behavior, over, and attitude), by 10. The Bail Out needs to be made Talent and Money's tag team finisher. Also raise their experience to 35. Hate Junkies tag team finisher needs to be The Hate Crime. Youth Gone Wild NWA-A's tag team finisher needs to be Crossbody/Frog Splash Combo. Experience needs to be raised to 35. Jacob Ashworth's brawl needs to be raised to 67 and his technical to 45. Check shooting. Buck Wylde should be Billy Buck's primary finisher. Raise his selling to 66. Make a team with him and Andrew Alexander. 15 exp. They are the current AW tag team champions. Raise Shaun Tempers' speed to 51. Check Shooting and Fonz.
  9. Yes, close enough to Christian's speed at 79.74 does seem a bit low for him.
  10. Well think of it like this, maybe its his opponent's fault for making him look sloppy. That has happened many times before.
  11. No way. 74 is generous for him. He is incredibly sloppy. When exactly has he been sloppy? Every match I've seen of his is pretty good.
  12. Speaking of Christian York's speed, Zema Ion's speed needs raising too. I'm not on my computer right now so I don't know what history speed actually is. Either way, I'd say raise it close to the same amount as York's.
  13. I got a promotion and its workers added. When I get back on the computer ill upload it and post a download link.
  14. And another thing, Amasis is supposedly retired right? Well, after looking he wrestled not too long ago. Might be safe to say to bring him back as a worker instead of a non-wrestler. Here's proof: http://www.onpointwrestling.com/now-or-never-results-w-pics.html It's the 4th match down. But then again, it could be a one off appearance. Check fonz factor for Christian York. I believe he deserves it.
  15. But Jeff Hardy can keep up in a high speed match, hence why Christian York had a great match with him back in November after he won his Gutcheck match and TNA contract. Hardy's had great matches with a ton of X-Division stars. His speed is 74 as of right now, but around 83 seems right for him.
  16. Jeff Hardy's speed should be increased to be about 83. He's a really quick guy, his Swanton Bomb doesn't really show it, but when he does the Twist of Fate, he's really fast at executing it.
  17. http://i50.tinypic.com/nw6k3.jpg Thanks man.
  18. You forgot one of the NXT guys I posted stats for last month. Other than that, I see no mistakes. Great job Bill. Add Baron Corbin
  19. Thanks Bill. Keep up the good work in the upcoming data releases.
  20. http://ncw.qc.ca/images/champ/ic_jay.jpg Can somebody put this on kyky for me?
  21. Change Josh Alexander's primary finisher to Rusty Nail. Check SS Look for Mike Rollins.
  22. It's the latest version. Thanks for getting it uploaded SpanishMen. And Darnez, I've added a few into the game so far. If it's alright, I'm gonna add another promotion into the game, as well as it's workers.
  23. Raise Big E Langston's brawl to 72, speed to 33 and technical to 48. Raise Roman Reign's brawl to 71. Raise Dean Ambrose's brawl to 80. Check SS Look for Chase Donovan. Here's stats for all the missing NXT guys. They are all American unless otherwise stated. Add Enzo Amore Add Baron Corbin Add Angelo Dawkins Add Denton Blackwell Add Knuckles Madsen Add Memo Montenegro Add Mojo Rawley Add Sawyer Fulton Add TAC Add Travis Tyler
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