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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. First, I'll just say that I'm not a big fan of the thrash metal kind of stuff. Having said that, this isn't really that bad. There's clear musical ability here. I'm not a huge fan of the vocals(I dislike the all-screaming stuff, as a singer myself, just listening to it makes my throat hurt. No idea how people do that so much), but they could be a lot worse. Just being able to keep everyone in time with this kind of music is difficult.

    Like Midget said, you guys definitely know what you're doing, and do it well. I probably wouldn't buy this, but if I happened to be in a venue where you were playing, I wouldn't hate it.

  2. I get them every once in a while, the punch or the kick, but by the time I get one I'm already surrounded so they really do me absolutely no good. So far it hasn't been that much of a problem as I've gotten pretty good at simply running away, but I'm guessing that it won't be so easy later on.
  3. I've been playing for about two or three hours now, and I just made it to Damascus. I agree with Hamstah--the first scene of the city is incredible. The controls are a bit tough to get used to, but the game gives you plenty of tutorial type stuff to get used to it.

    The only thing I absolutely hate is how slow Altair has to move. I'm so used to being able to run around in games like this, having to walk slowly to make sure not to offend anyone is really irritating.

    Other than that, I'm digging it. I have a massive headache from my shitty TV, though. I think I might play with the brightness a little more to make it better.

  4. I went to Gamestop to buy Assassin's Creed today, and they had Mass Effect cases on the shelf with sale stickers on them. I almost had a heart attack in the store until the lady working the counter told me they were just pre-orders and they put the stickers on so people "will know how much it costs."

    Damn them for getting my hopes up.

  5. Question about pre-ordering online, as I've never done it.

    If I were to pre-order ME from BestBuy.com, would I get it the day it's released, or will it be released, then they ship it to me, meaning I don't get it for a few days?

    EDIT: Never mind. I'm an idiot. I was thinking of Assassin's Creed.

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