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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. I finally broke down and hooked my 360 up to my router.

    Gamertag: KevinStorm

    Games I own(not sure which are multiplayer and which aren't):

    Guitar Hero 2

    Saint's Row

    NCAA 2008

    The Darkness

    And various original XBox games, including Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2.

  2. At around 0:38 of "Are You the Rabbit?" by Marilyn Manson, when the whole song kicks in, that riff just has a dirty sound. Now that I think about it, that whole song just sounds like dirty, auditory fucking.

  3. The best line was, "Ice T is so old, when he got a record contract, the first thing he bought was his freedom."

    Just because that's a lot like a joke I would probably make.

    I thought the roast was pretty good. I hate Jimmy Kimmel, and the Chris Benoit line did seem like just a lame attempt to be edgy and mostly just offended the crowd. Nielson did all right, but it was obvious she was reading straight from her cards. I felt sorry for Carrot Top. He took so much shit all night, and then got almost no reaction when it was his turn.

  4. Are you kididng me? There's been stacks. If it's not the endless demo videos playing in game shops or shopping centres(playable demo machines are never going t happen are they? Too easy to steal the remotes) with the hot teen girls playing Wario Ware, there's the Brain Trianing ads with the family dissing their dad (admittedly, that's DS, but still). Nintnedo's been shooting at non-conventional gamers for a while now.
  5. 360 is out-selling the Wii, but the 360 has been out longer, too.

    This article says a lot of what I've been telling people for a while: the Wii is targetting little kids and people who don't usually play video games. I even had a lady come into my store telling me about how she works in an old folks home and they bought a Wii for the old people there, and the old people love it.

    But the 360 is still around for the hardcore gamers, and the PS3 is around for those with more money than sense ( <_< )

    Yeah, like it's a big secret. Nintendo's own promotional clips tell you that.

  6. 360 is out-selling the Wii, but the 360 has been out longer, too.

    This article says a lot of what I've been telling people for a while: the Wii is targetting little kids and people who don't usually play video games. I even had a lady come into my store telling me about how she works in an old folks home and they bought a Wii for the old people there, and the old people love it.

    But the 360 is still around for the hardcore gamers, and the PS3 is around for those with more money than sense ( <_< )

  7. I've always considered Korn to be hit or miss--I either really like a song or I hate it. I will say I don't like how a lot of their material sounds similar, and when I watched their Live at the Hammerstein DVD it was difficult to tell where one song ended and another began, but "Evolution" is a pretty good song.

  8. So I've had an XBox 360 for several months now, but I haven't had the desire to hook it up to the internet and play the online multiplayer. My major concern is the possibility of ten year old douchebags causing problems and starting shit(which I've seen on several PC multiplayer games). Is this an issue on XBox Live?

    Another concern I have is, is it really worth it for the money, and does it improve the gaming experience that much? I don't have much free time to play single player games, so would Live be worth the time and money?

    That's about all I can think of right now.

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