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Posts posted by Beeker00Zero

  1. The best tape is "Straight Outta Compton" came out in 89 or so. Just full of brilliant (at the time) unique gansta rap. Quite possibly the pinnacle of gansta rap.

    Easy E's solo album "Easy does it?" is much like the NWA stuff, but with a lot more humour thrown in.

    100 Miles and runnin' is a good song... but the album is poor. NWA really went down hill once Ice Cube left.

    One of Ice Cube's best solo songs is "Jacking for Beats" as is "Dead Homiez" or Homies.

    What ever happened to MC Ren... come back Ren!

  2. And, Hardcore Canuck, have you ever even picked up a Potter novel? If not, then don't knock it. I must be the only person alive that actually likes the Potter movies, too, everybody fucking bashes them. However, the books > the movies.

    Picked up and read the first two my friend. The books themselves arn't horrible, it just that the whole Harry Potter thing has gotten out of control and I want it to stop as soon as possible. I had a friend who is going to get the lightning bolt scar tatooed on his forehead. Sad, really.

  3. Nick,

    Or is it Nic so you can be a Nature Boy?

    Fun show, actually reminds me of the First Show the WEF put on, called, the First Show or even Snow White Fields. But still distinctly and uniquely AWO.


    A few thoughts. "The Angry Plant" is a brilliant finisher, but you should give it a name. Either, "Emma The Angry Plant" (a person's name) or "Dandelion the Angry Plant" or "Tulip the Angry Plant" (a flower name.) It would be odd, but so fitting. I think,

    For Nic the Wreslter, I'd play up the whole Luke Skywalker vibe you've got going. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but whenever he falls over and then jumps up and says "I'm okay." I keep seeing the scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina when Luke first goes there with Obi-Wan, and gets shoved over in the first altercation, pops back up, goes "I'm okay," after doing nothing to help Obi-Wan and looking like a perfect putz. But I'm odd that way.

    I so expected there to be a double-bounce on the tramo-ring.

    You should consider keeping the trampo-ring around. One) it's an actual round ring! Two) it would be a fun alternative to those square rings, daddio. The wrestlers could challenge one another to one sort of ring or another. I dunno, that's just a thought.

    If you don't create a character called Mark Out with the finisher Moment, I will.

    I give you fair warning. That's too good a character NOT to use.

    Did you rip off Norcross' catchphrase? :lol: I'm aghast!


    And I'm not the man.

    Vader'll always be the man. No matter how much Bubba Dudley asks 'who's the man.' Just once I'd love for an opponent to yell VADER at him. Well, I'd Mark out for it.

  4. I don't know why this diary got pinned, but I wouldn't have found it otherwise. But the odd thing is I'm far more interested in the backstage politicing than in the in-ring action. I think I read the first couple of shows, but now I'm actively awaiting another creative meeting. I think those characters are the best flushed out of any on the show. The crusty old guy who I *know* Verne would love and links the AWA to the past, the wacky guy with brilliant or bizarre ideas (he's my fav,) the other two that seem to be more forward thinking, but not always right.

    And I really enjoy the handcuffs you've given yourself with Verne Gagne being an paranoid, ye olde school promoter. "Where the men are men n' the moose are nervous!"

    I promise to try and get more in to the on air talent... of course, you need to turn Corporal Hughes on Col. DeBeers because that his whole gimmick was pro-aparthied. Also, as I *loathe* Zbysko I find it hard to read his stuff and he's the focal point of your promotion.

    Keep up the good backstage work... and I'll try and give the in-ring stuff another chance.

  5. I tried the demo, but got rid of it after one day. All my scripts were 4*s, and I could never seem to get them to a 5* script. 5*s in certain categories, but never an overall 5* script. Then I dumped the whole thing because it seemed to be overheated my computer all the damn time. I mean, spiking my CPU by nearly 20 degrees. It seemed like a decent game, and other than losing money all the time (mainly to studio rental costs) I don't know if I enjoyed it or not.

    Oh well, I won awards, but lost money.

    I feel like an auteur!

  6. Nick,

    El Bulldust goes for the gold... I'm assuming it was a Not-So Big Gold Medal you won... but more importantly what song will he see-ingah?

    Thanks for the compliments about backyardery and comedy. It's been funny re-reading and re-editing all my posts.

    You got Race to offer you a job and keep you updated on the wrestling industry. I'm ever so jealous! But after only two or three months getting that sort of offer, that's pretty damn sweet. As an aside, if you keep Harley as a correspondent (and you should) if you start to get too big or too successful, remember Vader lives/lived in Colorado... and is good friends with Harley.

    Now I'm going to have to rip off that "Tag" concept for my Pillow of SOFTcore.

    Yet another top notch incarnation of the AWO.


    Starting to mark out for Ace.


  7. To finalize the Fast Forward debate from the Amazing Race. There are only 2 and each team can only use one. Luckily this means Corpus and Christie squandered their FF option.

    It's down to five teams, and I actively loathe 3 of them. Corpus and Christie - both arrogant fools who deserve to lose and lose badly. I loved his line 'if this egg was cooked more I could blast right through it.' So he cooked it more... and still struggled. The twins are actually too dumb to live and that Blonde Mop and his thick headed girlfriend give models a bad name.

    I've been to West Africa, so I found it hilarious that those two teams didn't realize they were being utterly ripped off on that bus. Of course, that's the way those places work, you can pay more to go now, or you can wait until the bus fills up. As I wasn't in a race of any sort, I waited. The village they went to must have been popular as three buses left in just a few minutes.

    I truly hope Chip and Kim win, they're the only team that seems to genuinely enjoy the experience and appreciate what they have. Here's my example, when they delivered the furniture, he took time to meet and greet the family. Sat down, had a chat, enjoyed some watermelon, when the locals took them to get pillows he just laughed it off... while Corpus and Christie raced on, ignoring the people they delivered the chairs to.

    Chip and Kim's biggest advantage is their trust in each other and in humanity. None of the other teams have that.

    I didn't hate Mierna the Midget, only Charla. Charla did nothing, other than get the team on the show in the first place. You know the producers saw their application and thought 'a midget and a girl who lusts after Phil? ON THE SHOW!' Mierna tried hard, sure she was a sneaky lil oompa loompa, but at least she didn't fear doing the work. Charla just yelled. Like making Mierna eat the monster scrambled egg. Way to pick on the midget cousin!

    Go Chip n' Kim.

    Thumbs in the middle for the Bowling Moms.

    Big raspberry of distain for the other three teams.

  8. Because basically they're in the same 'block'. Just like if there was a Family Guy/Futurama thread every week..it would be just that, a thread for both because most who watch see both.

    Fair enough reason I suppose. Of course, I guess I don't fit most the regular profile as I only watch the Amazing Race. I just recall when the first BB was up against the first Survivor and for me it was no contest, people trying to run a clock using a potato as a battery or people trying to build a shelter using a machete and nothing else while rats and snakes and bugs tormented them.


    Oh right, I picked Survivor.

    As for the Amazing Race. I think Corpus and Christie are idiots. They have this HUGE Lance Armstrong-like lead but anyone who's watched the Amazing Race knows that the producers don't want a run-away winner, so you have to know that this team will get roped back in and if the preview is anything to go on, it'll happen sooner rather than later.

    And the twist on the Bowling Moms is a good one. I'd have rathered the twins were penniless in Egypt, but oh well.

    Still love the show, just not the contestants.

    Chip and Kim by default!

  9. I'm confused, why have a joint Amazing Race and Big Brother thread?

    I ask because I have *Loathed* BB from the first one and find the Amazing Race to be one of the few reality shows worth watching. Is there a reason there can't be two separate threads? I just find it annoying to sift through all the chaff that is BB to find the wheat of the Amazing Race.

    They are such different shows. One, stick people in a closed environment and watch what happens. The other, take non-travellers and make them go around the world at least once.

    As for the competitors in the Amazing Race...

    I don't hate the midget, but her cousin needs to be fed to sharks.

    And am I the only one who sees that team from Corpus Christie, Texas and as the girl is called Christie just dubbed the guy Corpus. Because those two need to be left stranded in an airport!

    None of the teams truly have my support, but by default it's Chip and Kim or the Bowling Moms.

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