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Posts posted by Beeker00Zero

  1. Arcade Games

    WrestleFest Best WWF Arcade game ever. Couldn't play the Road Warriors, which was sad. I don't know if I ever hit with Ted DiBiase's flying elbow, but damn it was fun to try. Mr. Perfect's PerfectPlex was impossible to win with. Sgt. Slaughter rules in the Battle Royale option. RIP Earthquake.

    Excite or Exciting Hour I loved this game. And could rock at it. Coco Savage! The evil masked Pirana! No continuations, but I could play this game like a champ.

    Centipede one of the most playable games ever. Something a lot of games have forgotten lately. And a stylish use of the rollerball.

    Addams Family Pinball THE Ma-Mush-ka! Just a fun fun pinball game.

    Galaga Space Invaders with super graphics (back in day - before most of you were ever born. Jerks!)

    Atari 2600

    Pitfall I still have pictures of my TV with my high scores on this game. It was that great. Indiana Jones before Indiana Jones existed!

    Q*Bert I'd forgotten how much I loved this oddity of a game until Biggz mentioned it up above.

    Atari Baseball My brother doesn't play video games, we played this for hours. We'd normally go into 15 innings tied at 1. He could just flat out play, I had to get creative. Only game where I could do a Fast-slow-fast ball. Or a pitch that snaked to catch the back corner of the plate.


    Shingen the Ruler I just really loved this game, my Crimson Hoarde killed all.

    Super Mario III I think. Whichever one you could have the flying raccoon suit in. This was a lush, huge world.


    Speedball 2: Brutal Delux Fun, foolish, nasty game, with trades and a game that looked a lot like Rollerball.

    Altered Beasts Just because it rocked.

    Dragonwarrior Before there was Final Fantasy, I found this game. Still love it, although not the greatest of RPGs.

    Shining Force don't know if it was one or two, but this was just a fantastic game with a unique style.

    Sonic the Hedgehog Sega wanted their own emblematic, they succeeded wildly. I never beat this game but made it to the end often enough. :(


    Final Fantasy VII for all the reasons listed above (and below likely)

    Final Fantasy Tactics I have a kick ass bard who strums a lute and heals his team. how can you not love that? A very cool spin-off from a super successful series.

    WWF Attitude Yes, there are better wrestling games, but this game allowed me and my brother to pummel each other with our favourite created wrestlers. The first time I saw No Clue Stu McGrew make his entrance to the ring (as Mankind) it appeared as though he'd injured himself... which was perfect for his gimmick! Plus... the Big Head Punch. SUCH a funny move.

    Computer games

    EWR/TEW I feel for playability, the sleek, friendly set-up of EWR 4 tops them all. Still, I respect his game making skills and hope he continues to succeed in the industry.

    Civilization III: Gold I can't recall how much time I lost playing this game. Sort of games I love.

    How many is that?

    Oh, and anyone else, say WHY you love the games please. I makes it much more enjoyable to check out than a mere list.

  2. I hate you both.

    so So SO hate you! BOTH!


    Hatey-hate-haterize you!

    ECCW is my local promotion.

    You've ruined it for me.

    HATE! :Crying.gif:

    EDIT: And you took the title off Snitsky. I hate you cubed now!

  3. I just got back about an hour back I guess from a Vancouver Giants playoff hockey game, and man oh man, if you have a junior team in your city, go out and give them some love. You can't appreciate how awesome the pace is of the games and how crisp the plays until you see it, and the kids hit, they want to fight, they just play their fucking hearts out, and in the smaller buildings the crowd is just electric. If you can do it, you can go, it's an awesome experience.

    The only downside was this asshole sitting next to me...

  4. Nick,

    I nearly missed it, but I didn't, as it wasn't until your Harley update that I realize you were updating the aWo again.

    I do enjoy this stuff.

    It's like finding a book by a favourite author that you never knew existed.

    Eh, I don't feel like recapping the show itself, but El Bulldust continues to be a favourite. And am I the only one going to call Nick Adams (the EWR Superstar) "Crashpad?" And did Mal leave the aWo? Konrad might just cry!

    And techically I went 4/7 with bonus marks for my preview calls. The Ultimate Marks dissention, Nick Crashpad's Shooting Star... Oh Shit!, Jeff Hardy Tribute Persona...

    Good to see the Pirate retain!

  5. Hamster and Zan,

    Hamster - I guess my biggest issue was that it went from one sneaky (LCS's death) scene to me being very obviously Mitsuko. I don't mind not winning the game or dying. It was the jarring leap that irked me.

    Now Zaz in his interview with Hamster said that he thought this might be one of the future's of the cube and I don't think he's wrong but there needs to be some modifications to it.

    One is that while it's not roleplaying, a complete lack of participation should not be rewarded. I'm not sure exactly how to work something out so that the coasters can't glide through to the finals without contributing much of anything but it is a topic that needs to be addressed.

    I do think there were some set-up issues in the game (like Zan and Hamster acknowledged) hopefully future games of this sort (not RPs, not sims... interactive diaries maybe?) learn from this and attempt other alternatives.

    And Yubari, you're somewhat right about me in this game but even being somewhat inactively puts me (sadly) in the top half of the players... and that's not a good thing at all. I won't go into all the things I had in mind until the game is finished because I don't want to spoil it for those who are still remaining.

    But clearly, the talent level dropped once I died. :P

  6. Well, if we go by actual abilities or content then Zaz deserves to win this whole thing.

    Now, I can honestly say this Mafia:BR blows about as many dead goats as most WWE Cut and Paste Diaries over in the Dome.

    Of course, when I tried to stay active AND sneaky, it doesn't help when Hamster essentially outs my character. Fuck Hamster, that was a poorly written attack of me on mudda, off the top of my head I came up with at least 3 better options. I know everyone raves about the abilities of Hamster, but I didn't see it in this outing. I think Zan and Hamster just assumed it would be great and didn't put in the planning to execute it properly.

    I don't blame Zaz for his accusations, but the rest might as well be 'sir davinators' from Mafia II. Bunch of Sheep.

    How fucking sad is it that the Church whomever doesn't even know how many people are left and he's still alive. Green Demon only votes when someone accuses him. NiceGuy offs Future Shock in a McMahon Event Promo (which was entertaining but went on too long) and then falls silent. I'd forgotten Marcos was in the game. mudda essentially thanks me for offing him. Katsuya and GoGo are off making out in character form.

    This will go down as a tribute to the slackers and the hiders.

    :thumbsdown: :puke: :thumbsdown:

  7. Letters from Harley... who's no Jerry Jarrett, but still enjoyable in his own right... and a lot more legitimate legend than Jerry ever will be.

    TO: Nick, AWO Ownah

    FROM: "The King" Harlah Race

    SUBJ: Rasslin' - what else do Ah talk about with ya'?

    Harley... makes more sense than Jerry.


    - Antonio Pena desahded that if Francisco Lutteroth can run a rasslin' companah in Canada, he can run one in Jersey.

    - Not wantin' t' be undah a man used t' Lucha Libre, the followin' people left - Rocky Gunn, Bob Backlund, Magnum TOKYO, HEAT, Rocky Romero, an' TJ Wilson. Ah wondah if th' Rockys an' the capitals lef' 'cause Pena told 'em to?

    - Well, eithuh way, ter replace 'em, he brought in Trent Acid, Chris Stylez, Sharmell Sullivan, Mike Sullivan (no relation), Chigusa Nagayo, Axl Rotten, and, in a surprise hirin' that Ah nevah saw comin', Batista.

    - It's a far cry from AAA, but it's a start.

  8. Rich,

    Great show.

    Now that ending, I loved! Very savvy to make them tune in next week rather than go for the standard overrun. For certain obvious reasons I'm rooting for Lucha-licious to eke out a victory over Not-Roger-Moore.

    Is that a healthy 5 team tag division in a small fed? SWF or HGC will be black balling you to Britain with stuff like that. I like the parity you've got going on.

    Very effective use of CCTV too. (For those non-Brits that Closed Circuit TeleVision - I think)

    Eventually I want to see Brute Hammer against the Maori Madman.

    Oh... and just coz I'm more shameless than Mick Foley... the First First Show is about half done. Should be up sooner rather than later.

    Keep up the excellent work!

  9. Nick,

    Good to have the AWO back. I didn't realize I'd missed it as much as I did.

    Well the AWO sure took an unexpected turn, how very... unrollercoastery of it! I'm intrigued to see what you have planned. It adds a layer of... mystery/danger that has been absent from all previous AWO incarnations.

    Michael Shane as the Peace Man? That just might work, I do hope you have his matches set up in a peaceful manner.

    I have to be honest, I'd forgotten some of the characters, like Landred but I have missed it. And Harlah. Funny that Harlah doesn't even spell his own name right. :D Well, it made me laugh. Jerry has great admiration for Harley. Oh, one other thing, I think the changing recappers mid-show is a bit weak. Either have Nick be sitting out the show OR let Cory or someone else do it. I'd prefer you to go with Cory and have your commentary on what you intended be sprinkled throughout.

    Still the Orange Soda or Screwed show better have El Bulldust!


    Abosolutely Yesh!

  10. Rich F,

    Is it Ben or Brute Hammer? Personally I'm leaning towards the latter, just sounds more menacing. Ok and Alex Stone should be from Quebec I believe, as it is the DeColts who run things out of Calgary. (I only know this because the only game I made any headway with was as CGC.)

    I'll forgive the ending of the debut show, but only coz you're you. :D

    I just figure doing that on the first show, Main Event SWERVE~ would be a bit of a slap in the face the fans, but hell, I'm still reading.

    Oh, and here is a signature spot for the Maori unMonikered... I'm sure he's coated with the tribal tattoos Maori are renowned for, so what I think you should do as the set up for his Island Driver, have him 'ink up' a tattoo on his forearm then deliver a Savage Forearm to his opponent's chest. Victim reels back off the ropes sporting an inky temporary tattoo and up into the Island Driver.

    Leaves his opponent's chest red and blackened.

    Just a thought.

  11. Rich,

    Finally I can comment. :D

    It was hard earlier because outside of the bWo ("We're taking over!" Quiet guys.) I'd read the majority of it before.

    For the first show I thought it really strong and loved the characterizations, but found the final segment odd. It left a bad taste in my mouth. The reason being that on your first show to have a non-match as the final image struck me as not the way you should have debuted your product. Was it a 30 minute or 1 hour show?

    But all the other things amazed me. The link to another diary... inspired. The characterization of Tumatauenga & Reed were spot on, although I'm a bit saddened you jobbed out Reed-let so easily. At least it was to the Monster Maori. (Oh, another quibble, Maori Maurader is ok, but I prefer Monster Maori or Maori Mauler - but that's just me being me.)

    Thought the Bhangra Boys and UGS's match was fun and the Firm interfering set your tag division up better than a lot of current promotions.

    Great to finally see a show, loved the Haka video, mark my words - that Maori is gonna be HUGE!

    Creed/Highspot needs to kick off huge next week to get the fans tuning in and Billy Clark... needs some steel drums mon!

    Great stuff (as ever)

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