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Posts posted by Beeker00Zero

  1. I don't know what other side could be sent West, but good gods the league is going to be unbalanced with the West having far too many quality sides. Vancouver really doesn't need the extra competition as we try to establish ourselves as an improving, developing squad.

    So thanks for nothing Chivas... did they ever achieve anything other than being MLS' punchline of a franchise?

  2. Given that Caitlyn said she and Ronnie were like "Fire and Ice", I think they are hinting at the possibility of Killer Frost and Firestorm being a thing... it could be a red herring though. But when I heard her say that I was like... okay... either George RR Martin is on the writing staff OR... it is a tip of the hat to who these characters might become.

    Plus with it being an Amell safe to say it isn't the last we've seen of Caitlyn's crispified fiancee.

    With regards to Harrison Wells

    I'm quite alright with him being a wholly new character. I like TV versions varying from the comics to keep new watchers and old readers guessing. If he is HG Wells I will find it hilarious and somewhat silly.

  3. I am a pretty astute and proactive television watcher, I often watch shows with my parents to see how they see shows. In police procedurals, I often have the killer figured out early on. It isn't exactly challenging most nights, but my folks find themselves surprised week after week.

    They also enjoy the ability to have zero recall of shows, so each repeat of the Big Bang Theory starts with... "I don't think I've seen this one before", which is impossible given how frequently TBBT is on every channel. (I enjoy it, but I remember it).

    Friday nights we watch the Amazing Race - my favourite reality program ever - and at then at 10pm they watch Bluebloods. Mostly, I think, so my mother can marvel at just how dreamy Tom Selleck remains after all these years. Still rocking the 'stache. Which... fine... it isn't my show and it isn't targeted at me but...

    tonight... it offered up the most contrived preface I can recall in recent history.

    Off duty cop finds a beaten woman alone in a park and strikes up a conversation. Okay, fine. Then a squad car rolls up 100 feet away or so. Off duty doofus tells battered bitch, "Stay here, I'll go talk to those guys and we can go to a medical centre", and leaves her there. Quick cut to Off duty doofus talking to squad car cops about the girl, the cops look over to the bench and... Girl Is Gone! Dun dun duuuuuumb!

    How this episode never happens... Off duty doofus, "Come with me to the squad car and we'll see what they can do."

    Total episode running time... 45 seconds.

    From that point on, I was rooting for the bad guys.

  4. I looked into who R.W. speculates the not-so-good Doctor might be... and the first look made me think...

    Dante from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and I nearly put a hole in my computer screen, but a bit of digging and I think a modified version could be killer. (Figuratively and literally). Thankfully I corrected my own mistake.


    Very strong episode, top to bottom.

    I loved Adrienne Palicki's character, I wish she could have been in an earlier episode just so she wasn't a new on-screen character and suddenly shown her hand, but I understand why what would have made sense.

    More scenes between Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter please.

    I approve of the understated reunion too.

  5. I found the whole editing of this episode rather strange. It seemed that it was going to be either Dale, Baylor or Missi, and Missi would have been the best choice as she doesn't comprehend how to ration rice and taught her daughter the same skill, doesn't have much of a social game and I can't recall her adding a single thing to challenges. Didn't she help lose a puzzle reward challenge at some point after her tribe had a huge lead.

    I think Kelley could have been a successful player but that her father scuppered those chances by not putting up with clueless people - that or Missi possibly asked Dale to be husband number four and his laughter bit to her core.

    Jon and Jaclyn - Jon appears to be approaching Drew levels of delusion and I think he helped Jaclyn make a poor decision. The sooner those two are gone the better, Jon can stick around for a bit for dumb guy laughs.

    Keith played that situation absolutely perfectly, although why Dale and Kelley didn't offer him up a mini-alliance was beyond me. I can't recall one scene of those three together post immunity loss.

    Man, the best part about this season... inept Hunahpu vs. dickish Jeff Probst.

    I'm curious to see precisely the steep price of rice.

    Oh and Sassy GoGo... I remember Julie because while she slims down... amazingly her breasts do not!

    And Sassy Rick Grimes looks like Gina from Brooklyn Nine-Nine to me. That's what she should be for the Halloween episode!

  6. Penguin continues to be the breakout character of the show but I found this episode to be all over the place in pacing and character portrayal. It seems to be losing its voice rather than finding it.

  7. I don't know exactly what it was about this episode but I loved it.

    Isn't CW going to put Arrow and Flash back to back in a two parter story sometime this season? I seem to recall reading that.

    Felicity is off to visit Barry for a few days, and there will be continued cross overs until Arrow establishes itself.

    I think what you might have liked about the show was the amount of sunlight and day scenes in it. Arrow seems to be at night so much, a new viewer might mistake it for a vampire show. This episode was 'Hood' light and Oliver heavy. There were some reveals. It wasn't a superhero story, but a story about siblings.

    This might make me a bad person, but Laurel getting her ass handed to her was necessary for this step in her character arc (and makes more sense than Laurel's got a gun from the last episode.)

  8. Panabaker was the best she's been this week by far. And I mean Mist being boring, we haven't actually met Firestorm yet.

    Perhaps, but that is as pretty low bar. Maybe she grows into it but her scenes are chores to get through, whereas the rest of the cast seems to have found a good grip on their characters straight away.

    It was the wording of your previous post that confused me.

    I liked Mist. A simple villain with a straight forward, simplistic revenge motif.

    Also, the Ghostbusters Containment Unit for Metahumans should add for some tension.

  9. Do you mean NimbMist or Firestorm? I actually think the way they are doing things is pretty savvy, not throwing anyone too big or too bad at Flash yet. Let him find his footing. I would like to see him starting to take, at the very least, some police training from Joe as he realizes 'running really fast' doesn't seem to solve every metahuman problem. Seems a natural progression and he has the resources right there.

    I wasn't sold on Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells, it was how he said 'Wun Bawwy Wun' in the first episode, but he is winning me over... at least until

    he organized the lightning strike on Barry... the intentional detonation of the particle accelerator I enjoyed however

    The only truly weak note is Danielle Panabaker's wooden delivery. It is like she is reading cue cards just off screen.

  10. Fun episode! Even if the trip to Sweden was pointless... it did permit Robbie to display his amazing knowledge of geography.

    "Sweden... is that another country or something?" Ah Robbie, doing great things to debunk the myth of the dumb rassler.

    The Cyclist Chicks obliterated this leg... I like them. Good team, cool style.

    Robbie and Brooke finished second? Wowza. They did much better than I expected today.

    I like the scientists, I doubt they can win the race but they seem like a sweet pair.

    Shelley and Nici... yes, the daughter was a bit petulant, but shutting down and giving the silent treatment, not informing your daughter when you see the mat means that mom is just as much to blame, if not moreso. Really surprised at how poorly Shelley behaved throughout the episode.

    I hope it was just an off day for the Surfers, I really want them to do well, Bethany should have done the roadblock though.

    Well hello Dentists, shame that was a non-elimination leg. Enjoy your humble pie with a large dose of hubris. Seeing Dennis defeated on the mat was a highlight of the season. Oh, and my mother, who rarely swears dropped an f-bomb when she realized the toothy two didn't have to use their save. Hope the Speed Bump is a doozy next week.

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  11. I never read the comics but she's Lois Lane, Smallville's Chloe AND Lana and Lois, Arrow's Laurel, just another journalist fangirl and I can't stand it.

    It may be true to the comics but it makes for dire television.

  12. I hate Iris because she is every previous non-super female on a TV show since Smallville or the Toby McGuire Spiderman.

    Girl who pines after the masked superhero... who she already knows!!~~~!

    I wish Iris took any class other than journalism because it is so forced.

    Actually, the two women on this show are anti-Felicities... whereas she was amazing from the outset, Iris and Caitlin as beyond bland.

    Also, I am not sold on Tom Cavanagh. It might be the horrible ads he made in Canada for CIBC or something else but I am not buying his current act. The first episode 'Wun Bawwy wun.' Set my teeth on edge.

    Still, I want to like this show.

  13. I'll miss Drew because his ineptness combined with delusions of ability and intellect were truly impressive.

    The Kingpin? The Mastermind? He wouldn't be able to win a game of tic-tac-toe.

    I will say one thing I hadn't really thought through before was how until a tribe goes to a first elimination vote that the cracks in the tribe are revealed.

  14. "The devil invented punting to punish the English."

    Shelley and Nici are THE BEST. They even clearly used their Amazing Race superfan knowledge to not pull a Kisha and Jen (or, well, the part where they would have had to have stopped racing, anyway).

    I like the mother, but the daughter breaking down like that in the cab on episode 2 and displaying TAR's Killer Fatigue suggests they aren't long for the race.

    I'm quickly learning to loathe the Firefighters, particularly Scott.

    The Bike Babes got a HUGE assist from the bowlered clue guy, otherwise they might still be there (Well, at least until the next team showed up and figured it out.)

    Finally, the eliminated team... "We believe in another universe we won the million dollars." They finished 10th out of 11 teams, that's gotta be a lot of universes before they win. Which is too bad, I quite liked them.

  15. Not sure where the Gotham comments go but...

    I really am enjoying the interactions between Gordon/Bullock, and Donal Logue was made for this roll and I've liked him for ages.

    It seems like a good police procedural with some supervillain undercurrents, of course, I'm a bit worried about how long these storylines might have to be drawn out until Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. He is currently 12, so even if he hits 13 before the end of the year, that's still a good length of time before he can start rumbling with Catwoman or Penguin.

    Finally, in episode 2, there was some extremely lazy writing that... a person could drive a school bus through. It was *glaringly* bad.

  16. I'm digging the Fitz, Mack dynamic, I think it is an interesting counterpoint to the FitzSimmons dynamic from last season, plus Fitz finally seems to be finding some personality.

    I really hope that isn't the last we see of Absorbing Man, he's a great minor villain of the week. Shows up, does some damage, his own stupidity dooms him.

    Not sure about casting Kyle MacLachlan in that role, but it was a delight to see Flower Lady return to add a new faction to the mix.

    Also, Pasdar needs to be a recurring thorn.

  17. Val only has herself to blame. I thought Rocker's look of disbelief when she didn't play either of her TWO idols, was fantastic.

    She brought her demise upon herself, and will like push John off his rocker.

    Early episodes are so easy to read, as only people in jeopardy get any screen time. Personally, if I were in this game, I'd be taking Rocker along with me as far as possible. He is going to get zero votes from women or minorities on the jury, which means either of the other finalists (one or two) are a lock for winning (or second.)

  18. This is undoubtedly B99's best part ever. Don't click if you don't want the season 2 premiere spoiled.

    Also, warning: Don't be having anything in your mouth when you watch it, unless you want to be cleaning spaghetti off your screen like um, someone I know.


    Best use of a high quality Rayon sunhat ever.

    They made 3 sunhat jokes!

  19. You realize the college sweethearts are gay male Asians... so it might be hard for them to succeed in the "hot girls" role. I would say they would be anything but stereotypical if they play the hot girl card. I couldn't predict it. :D

  20. Margie was okay. Luke was the silent, deaf, clueless, horrible cripple.

    Gods was he terrible. Why they brought him back is beyond me.

    This season only has three 'stunt cast' teams; A Survivor team I don't recall at all, team Tiger Shark (a surfer girl who lost her arm to a tiger shark, she's pretty badass), and the Wrestlers.

  21. I liked the shout-out, throw back to the first race.

    Especially since that was Frank from TAR1 who told the lead teams where it was. I remain heartbroken that Frank and Margarita didn't win, they were the first of the many, many awesome TAR teams that didn't win so some boring-ass white dudes could win instead.

    It would be cool if they could work in homages to prior races in every leg this season. PARTICULARLY if it could mean the return of the Hay Bales of Doom.

    For reasons I don't recall (likely out of the country) I have never seen the first two seasons. I vividly recall watching an episode of Season 3 and falling immediately in love with everything about the show.

    I'm always happy when the not-white-boys win, although, a great thing about season 1 is they didn't know how to 'bunch' properly. So Team Deigo (I think) were days behind and still sledding across Alaska. Which, was great.

    They've rearranged the show so that it is always down to the last leg... which means some undeserving teams win... but I will always love this show.

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