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Posts posted by ravenjuice

  1. Well I doubt they'll be selling day tickets this year if they stick by what they're saying. They've announced that they've just released the last batch of weekend tickets and that they've opened up more room for camping this year than they had last year. So someone should probably notify Dan if he hasn't got his ticket yet.

  2. 10. The Blues - Guns N Roses

    Say what you want about Axl and his band, this is a well written ballad that I recommend you seek out if you have the slightest interest in the band and haven't heard this yet.

  3. When my 360 arrives I'll be online, hopefully under the name ravenjuice, games I'll be on most are Pro Evo and Top Spin 2, but I also have access to;

    Gears of War


    Lost Planet

    Perfect Dark

    and possibly some others, I forget what my brother has. Feel free to add me when I appear

    Yeah, just registered as ravenjuice

  4. Yeah, I'm a big pantera fan, always have been...well, since I was thirteen, but I didn't know him by name until after he died. It's all a bit late really, and I think it's to shut up all the people complaining about the lineup and the order. But as long as we don't get dedication after dedication, it'll be alright I think.

  5. So I just shelled out 250 on a new premium package with Smackdown. Granted it's a game I've already got and completed, but 250 is the cheapest I can find one and I want to still have some money for download. Going into town tomorrow to trade in my ps2 and games, I asked in Gamestation today and know it's 30quid trade in for the slim console, any idea how much it is at game? Or for an original Xbox while we're here? At either Game or Gamestation.

  6. So, where do you guys find best for trade in prices? I've got a lot more money than I thought I had and feel like splurging on a 360, got some stuff I might as well trade in while I'm there too, so Game or Gamestation? or for those of you that live in the midlands, how does Forbidden Planet do nowadays? It's been about 2 years since I've traded anything in.

  7. Alien

    Absolutely brilliant. I thought I'd seen this round my mates house when I was a lot younger, but I must of been thinking of Aliens. The bit in the air vents was the first time a films made me scared in a long long time. Class movie


    Bride Of Chucky

    Personally I was glad when they let comedy take the emphasis in this film, not a classic by any means, but has some laugh out loud moments


  8. Yeah the monday was horrid weatherwise. But it was the monday morning, and a change of shoes is pretty much irrelevant then. As if you'd put new ones on they'd just of gotten soaked. But sums right with everything else.

  9. It's a good idea. It just hasn't happened yet. It always manages to stay bone dry all weekend. And yeah it's a bit of a risk, especially in england, but it's one I take every year.

    As for the lockers, you can get one, but there aren't many and you have to order one when you order your ticket. I've never bothered with them myself.

  10. Have you been before? That's a lot more than I personally take. First year I camped i took a bit more than that and moving it all around wasn't worth the hassle. I cut back a bit on things that were done for comfort, like the duvets and pillows, and only took one pair of shoes.

  11. I think with the Friday the 13th movies, or at least parts 1 through 5 and 9 onwards, is that none of them are particularly good as films, but as slasher movies, they're all fantastic. Yeah some really stupid things happen, but you're supposed to leave your brain at the door aren't you?

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