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Posts posted by Essa

  1. Ooooh I know one that Cole would like. You should try Malibu's Most Wanted. You see, it's about this white guy that gets taken to the ghetto where he surrounds himself with black people. So he acts like he's black, and talks like he's black and tries to get people to think he's black when in the end it really just doesn't fucking matter. But hey, any guy that would do something like that is a complete douche anyway.

  2. user posted image




    As the feed begins, "Dead Cell" by Papa Roach is playing while they show a profile of all the contestants. They show a little bit of Bob Jenkins, Brian Greggs, Enrique Mastabez, Gary Cahill, Hector Trazpeno, Jeffrey Lacour, Jenna Lawton, Kimberley Hanton, Kristin Downey, Lawrence Carter, Leslie Gorchesky, Letitia Whiteley, Mack Strents, Nigel Fairweather Marshall, Rachel Watson and Rodney Griffin before showing some clips of past TE winners, and the trainers.

    After the little opening video package we cut right to Traxx. We see all sixteen students standing up in front of their customized steel chairs. The video fades out a little bit and we see Al Snow facing them with Kanyon, Gail Kim and Kidman standing behind him against the ring. Snow paces back and forth before speaking.

    Al Snow: You were all told that there would be a cut before you moved in to the house tonight. So, let's get on with it...

    Chris Kanyon: Actually, before we get on with the cut, I just got a little something I want to get off my chest. Ya know, you guys were picked to come here so you can come here and train under four world class athletes. And what'dya some of ya guys do? Ya half assed it. I took ya outside to run, and just about half of ya came in walkin'. Well, let me tell ya this right now that [bleep] isn't gonna fly. I'm not gonna mention names, because ya know who ya are, but if I see that again ya might as well just pack your [bleep] up and go. Alright Al, the floor is yours.

    Al Snow: Thanks Chris, but now let's get down to business. Here's how this is going to work. I'm going to walk around you all and, if I tell you to sit down that means you have survived the cut and will keep on training. If you end up being the last person standing, then that means you are cut. Any questions?

    Al waits for a response but doesn't get one.

    Al Snow: Okay, then let's get on with it.

    Snow walks between the two rows of eight before stopping at Hector Trazpeno.

    Al Snow: Hector, you performed great in the running drill. You bumped well off the ropes, and you learned the back bump well. Hector, congratulations you're safe.

    Snow and Trazpeno shake hands, but all the while Hector is trying to avoid being in the direct focus of the camera. Anyway, Snow starts to circle again, before sitting Lacour, and Nigel Fairweather Marshall down. He starts to circle again before stopping at Bob Jenkins.

    Al Snow: Jenkins, you showed a lot of heart when you kept on running even though you were totally drained. The effort will get you past this cut, but you're definitely going to need to work on your endurance if you're going to expect to win this thing. You may sit.

    Jenkins sits after receiving somewhat of a compliment. Snow walks around again, as the video shows Hanton, Lawton and Cahill sitting down. Then it goes back to Snow in motion. Leslie Gorchesky, Rodney Griffin, Brian Greggs, Letitia Whiteley, Lawrence Carter, Mack Strents, Kristin Downey, Rachel Watson, and Mastabez are still left standing. He stops at Griffin.

    Al Snow: Rodney, let me just tell you that I was pleasantly surprised to see someone of your age group making it this far. Heh, I think it might get a little awkward when I start calling you one of my kids. But anyway, Rodney, you're safe.

    As Rodney sits, the video also shows Brian Greggs, Kristin Downey, Rachel Watson, Lawrence Carter, and Enrique Mastabez all sitting down. This leaves us with Leslie Gorchesky, Letitia Whiteley, and Mack Strents standing there. Gorchesky and Mack are standing there looking manly... which is really scary for Gorchesky. Letitia on the other hand has her eyes watering and looks to have shed a tear or two. Al Snow circles for a lot longer this time, making all three of them sweat it out. Snow then stops in front of...

    Al Snow: If you plan on winning this thing, you've got to believe in yourself. You did great in the running exercise, and you did good after I had a talk with you during the bumping exercise, but I'm not going to hold your hand through this. From here on out you're going to have to do just have faith in yourself, and believe that you can do it. You've got the ability, but do you have the heart? We'll have to wait and see. But, Letitia, you are safe.

    Letitia, crying more now despite not being cut, sits down and starts to smile for making it past the first cut. There are now only two left. Al Snow walks around in front of the final two students, knowing full well that one of them will be cut. He stops in front of Leslie...

    Al Snow: Leslie, you're obviously a very muscular girl with some athleticism. But I think in this competition your physique may work against you. The bumps you took were definitely not the best we saw, and I think it has something to do with your size. I'm sorry Leslie, but we just don't see enough talent, heart or character to keep you here any longer. I'm very sorry, but Leslie Gorchesky, you are cut.

    Leslie starts to cry and nod her head in acceptance of losing.

    Leslie Gorchesky: Thonk (pronounced thonk, not thank) you all veddy veddy much for the opp-o-tune-ity.

    Leslie starts to head for the door, as the girls hug her and say their goodbyes, while the guys decide they would much rather just wave goodbye to the muscleheaded female. As they are all saying their goodbyes, Al Snow confronts Mack Strents.

    Al Snow: Look, that [bleep] you pulled, throwing in your sarcastic comments while I am trying to teach you all what it takes to succeed in this business is, better stop and stop now. I wanted so bad to get rid of you this week, but Gail, Bill and Chris persuaded me to give you one more chance. And believe me Strents, you are getting one and only one more chance. If you pull that [bleep] again, your ass is going to be out that door two seconds later. So consider this a warning. Oh, and just a word of advice... You better perform well this week, because you're still at the top of my list as far as future cuts go. So go out there and give it your all, or you're next. You got that?

    Mack Strents: Yeah, I got it.

    Al Snow: Good. Alright, everybody let's get you to your new house for your time here at Tough Enough.

    The camera shows everybody loading into a few SUV's. They all seem pumped up except for Letitia, as usual, and Mack Strents who seems kind of bummed after getting bitched out twice by Al Snow. We then go to a testimonial from Leslie, which will most likely just be her farewell. She is dabbing at her face with a tissue, so she's still kind of crying.

    Leslie Gorchesky: Eet was fun but Meester Snow not think I good and tough enough so I leave now. I wish I will win but I not.

    Overall: 42

    Leslie Gorchesky gained overness


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    We see the SUV's driving down a long, winding driveway, which eventually leads up to a big huge house. Everyone gets out of their SUV's and walks towards the door when John "Big" Gaburick walks out the front door and waves them all inside. They all gawk at the house from the outside, while waving to Big. They all enter the house and sit down in the huge living room on the wrap around couch that covers most of the room.

    Big: Out of thousands and thousands of applicants, the fifteen of you have made it this far. You survived the initial casting call, and the first cut, and now it is my pleasure to welcome you all into my home. Over the course of the next eleven weeks this will be your place of residence, and I expect you all to treat it like you would treat your house. Ya know, so keep your feet off the furniture, wash the dishes, and make sure you don't piss on the seat. Because, A it'll piss me off, and B it'll piss off your roommates. See, living in this house serves two purposes. It gives you a place to stay during your training, and it also helps to give you a taste of what life is like on the road. The two of you that do receive the WWE contracts will have to be traveling, and bunking up with roommates for at least five days a week, sometimes six and sometimes seven. You'll learn that life on the road is very tough, and while it might not be too tough here, it will be a small taste of what you're getting into. With that said, there are five bedrooms in this house, and there are fifteen of you. Split yourselves up into groups, and then pick your bedrooms. I'll check in with you guys later.


    Room One: Two Beds - King Size, Flowery Decorations, with Diva Posters on the Wall

    Room Two: Three Beds - Two King, One Queen, Pictures and Posters of Raw Superstars

    Room Three: Three Beds - King Size, Pitchers and Posters of Smackdown Superstars

    Room Four: Three Beds - One Twin, One Set of Bunk Beds, No Ventilation

    Room Five: Four Beds - Two Sets of Bunk Beds, Very Small, No Ventilation

    Jenna Lawton: So, like, we were all thinking that there'd be five rooms with three beds. But, oh my god, me and like, Rachel and Kristin carried our stuff upstairs and it was like WHOA there's this room. And, I walked in and it was just like "That's hot." I needed to have that room, but there was only two beds. And, like, we were gonna just go to the next room, but I wanted that room, and I so totally get what I want. So, I just dropped my bag on the one bed, and Rachel put hers on the other bed. I don't know what Kristin is gonna do, but like, oh well, it's not my problem.

    Room One: Jenna Lawton and Rachel Watson

    The camera then shows Jeffrey Lacour, Gary Cahill, and Nigel Fairweather Marshall walking into Room Three. They seem like they just want a comfy place to sleep, and aren't worried about who they are rooming with.

    Jeffrey Lacour: Wow, Kurt Angle! Chris Benoit! Nathan Jones! My favorites!

    Room Three: Gary Cahill, Nigel Fairweather Marshall and Jeffrey Lacour

    Then we see a group of females walking towards a bedroom. It's Letitia Whiteley, Kim Hanton and... wait, that's Enrique Mastabez. Well, the way he was shaking his hips, you'd think he was a chick too. They walk into Room Two and nod their heads in approval. But then Enrique darts across the room and dives onto the smaller bed.

    Enrique Mastabez: I am soooooo getting the queen bed!

    As the girls, and guy put their stuff down on the bed, Kristin Downey peeks her head in the room . She looks around, looking for an open bed, but after seeing all three of them being taken, she hangs her head and walks out of the room.

    Room Two: Enrique Mastabez, Letitia Whiteley, and Kim Hanton

    There are two rooms left, and seven people that are currently without a room. Bob Jenkins, Kristin Downey, Mack Strents, Lawrence Carter, Hector Trazpeno, Rodney Griffin and Brian Greggs are all still looking to see which room they will take. The six guys are walking down to the end of a hallway, where they come to two incredibly tiny bed rooms that look more like prison cells. Inside room five is two sets of small bunk beds, with just enough room for the contestants to fit themselves and their bag in the room. In room four there is one set of bunk beds, and one bed that is just the size of one bunk bed. Just like the other room, there is practically no floor space and just enough room for their bags. Brian Greggs and Rodney Griffin look like they want to room together, while Carter and Strents look like they want to room together. After a few seconds of deliberating, Greggs and Griffin walk into Room Five. Griffin goes to start climbing to the top bunk.

    Brian Greggs: Hey, you stay down here pops. We don't want you hurting yourself.

    Griffin chuckles at getting called pops.

    Rodney Griffin: Hey man, age before beauty.

    That didn't make much sense, but if you couldn't tell already, Griffin likes to speak in cliches. We then hear from Jenkins.

    Bob Jenkins: Ya see, that feller Lawrence, and his friend Mack, or Mike, I don't believe we ever talk to each other, but I reckon they aint no good. So I reckon they was gonna bunk up with one another, so I just says to myself that I dont wanner room with those hoolergans. So I goes ta the other room.

    The ever eloquent pig farmer went into room two, and laid on the bottom bunk of the other bed. Then we went to Hector talking... but for some reason he had his back to the camera.

    Hector Trazpeno: The uh, how you say, room? not very big. And hot. But I no care bout hot. I work outside in hot hot time.

    Hector followed the other three guys footsteps and went into Room Five. He got the top bunk above Jenkins.

    Room Five: Brian Greggs, Rodney Griffin, Bob Jenkins and Hector Trazpeno

    So with Room Four being the only available room, Mack Strents and Lawrence Carter went in. They swung the door open really strongly, knocking it backwards into the wall. That'll leave a bit of a divit. They walk into the room like they own the place. Strents chucks his bag onto the bottom bunk, while Carter throws his onto the small bed. They are getting their stuff organized when Kristin Downey walks in. She sees Strents and Carter and is about to walk out.

    Mack Strents: Hey ma, why don't you come on in here?

    Lawrence Carter: Yeah yeah, we only got one bed left in the whole house.

    Kristin Downey: Oh, uh, hehe I think I'm going to sleep on the couch then...

    Lawrence Carter: What naw, baby no you aint. You gonna stay right in here.

    Mack Strents: Yeah yeah don't worry, we know how to treat a lady.

    Kristin Downey: Gee, well, okay I guess. Ummm so where am I staying?

    Mack points to the top bunk.

    Mack Strents: Get yo ass up there girl.

    Kristin Downey: Hehe...

    Kristin climbs the ladder to get to the top bunk, while Carter is fixated on Kristin's ass. Carter mouths "She got a PHAT ASS" to Strents.

    Room Four: Mack Strents, Lawrence Carter, and Kristin Downey

    Overall: 48

    Rachel Watson Gained Overness

    Nigel Fairweather Marshall Gained Overness


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    After everyone finished picking their rooms, we see a sunset through their window. Then we go into fast forward mode as the sunset quickly turns into a sunrise. We hear a big cockadoodledoo as the contestants are seen entering Traxx. Inside the ring are the four trainers once again tossing around Matt Fairlane and Dillon Robson of Velocijobber infamy.

    Al Snow: So you're back for more?

    After Snow made that comment in jest, we once again went to a sped up showcase of the next couple days as we see the fifteen participants doing all of the bumps that they learned on the last episode, as well as taking a couple moves from the trainers. It's nothing too extensive. Just a couple of hiptosses, armdrags, and a snapmare here and there.

    Al Snow: Well I'm glad to see that you're all making good progress... some of course, more than others.

    We then go to testimonial Al Snow.

    Al Snow: That comment was aimed at just a couple people. Nobody has really screwed up that badly yet, outside of Mack belittling what we do in the ring. But hey, he's green, he doesn't know any better. I can let that slide this one time. But, then there are guys like Nigel. He's one of the most athletic, and talented people on the show, but he just seems like he's not even trying. It looks like he's holding back, and that's never something you want to do, especially when there will be eliminations. But yeah, that was directed partially at Nigel, and partially at Bob and Letitia. You know the story about Letitia, and how she's got some kind of confidence issues, and I'd really like her to just shove those off to the side and just give this competition her all. Bob is the big boy on the show. He's tall, he's muscular, and due to that it's kind of hard for him to really get what we're teaching everybody else. It's not so hard to tuck your head in and flip over when you're say, the size of Enrique or Jeffrey, but when you're 6'5 and 270 pounds, it's tough. Basically, size bit Leslie in the ass, and we're hoping it doesn't do the same to Bob.

    Al Snow: But now we're going to show you how to take one more new move for this week. Kidman, Kanyon, go ahead.

    Kidman walks over to Kanyon, who lifts him up and plants him with a simple Body Slam. Billy lands, and grabs at his back before getting up.

    Al Snow: Any of you that have actually watched wrestling before this show should be very familiar with that move. It's just a simple Body Slam. But, you're going to want to take that bump exactly how Billy just did. If you don't tuck your chin in at exactly the right time, you're going to get dropped right on your head. And, come on guys, it's a Friday night, I don't want to fill out accident reports all night. And before we get started, let me all just let you know that tommorow morning there will be a cut. So that means that we're going to be evaluating you all on your performance both this week and last. However, we have one special guest trainer that will be coming in later on during our session. So just a word of advice... make sure he sees your talent, and try to keep all of your stupid comments to yourself.

    As he said that, he looked right at Mack Strents.

    Al Snow: So, who wants to go first?

    Since Snow talked about the dangers of the Body Slam, and how important it might be, nobody really wanted to go first. That is, until, Jeffrey Lacour got into the ring. He walked up to Snow and grabbed his hand.

    Jeffrey Lacour: I would be absolutely honored to have the privilege of going first Mr. Snow.

    Snow then pointed him in the direction of Kanyon, who picked up Lacour and slammed him. Luckily for Lacour, he tucked his head in at the right time and landed safely on his back. Then Lacour got up, and motioned for Kanyon to give him another one. Kanyon obliged and slammed Lacour down, but with a little bit more oomph this time. But yet again Lacour got up and motioned for Kanyon to give him another bodyslam. This time Kanyon hoisted him up and launched him across the ring. Lacour over rotated and landed in a sitting position on his ass. We then get a Kanyon testimonial.

    Kanyon: That little [bleep] is getting on my nerves. He's been kissin' ass since he got here and it's pissin' me off. Who tha hell does he think he is? We gotta give everybody equal time to show what they can do, and this punk thinks he can spend as long as he wants in the ring? No fu[bleep] way.

    We then go to clips of Brian Greggs, and Kim Hanton taking the Body Slam. After them comes Enrique Mastabez. He gets in the ring, and now it's Gail Kim doing the slamming. She slams down Enrique, who takes the bump just as good as anyone else, but he pops right back up, and out of the ring, holding his back. Then Enrique talks to the camera.

    Enrique Mastabez: For a little lady she is very strong. I couldn't help it, I just had to check her out. And WOWWEEEE does she have a nice set of... *coughs* arms! I mean oh my gosh she must work out every day. I would so totally go to the gym with her. But not anytime soon, because my back is sore. Everyone was like telling me about how I sold something? I don't know what that means, but that really hurt!

    Now that the fag is off camera, we see a few more people getting slammed. Then we go to a testimonial of Letitia.

    Letitia Whiteley: I was just so nervous. I knew how badly I wanted to make it past the next cut and how almost everything was riding on this. But then I just started thinking about how a lot of the people here are talented, and strong, and you know, I'm just sort of me. So I'm at a disadvantage just because I'm me. But I remembered what Al has been saying to me since I got here, about being confident... and, well, I just went out there and gave it my all, and hopefully it was good enough. But I doubt it.

    After yet another clip of Letitia being melodramatic and self-loathing, we see her take the bump and much to her surprise, she did okay. It wasn't the best, by far, but itt definitely wasn't the worst. As Letitia was getting out of the ring, the door opened and a very wide shadow appeared in the Traxx facility.

    OR: 47

    CR: 39

    MQ: 56


    The contestants heard the sound of the door opening, and turned to see who it was. What they saw was Rikishi Fatu decked out in full Phat Farm regalia. They show a quick little video of Rikishi's accomplishments. They show his splash off the top of the steel cage on Val Venis, him dancing with Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay, and Rikishi getting chokeslammed off the top of the Hell in the Cell by the Undertaker. Rikishi went right to the ring, and hopped up onto the apron. He wiped his sneakers on the apron before getting in the ring.

    Rikishi: Mind if I give it a go bruddah?

    Al Snow smirks.

    Al Snow: They're all yours.

    Rikishi waved them in one at a time by pointing at them and telling them to get in the ring. After a few people, he called in Bob Jenkins. Jenkins came in, and Rikishi scooped him up and went to slam him. But, Jenkins' size, and the way he had his weight positioned caused Rikishi to stumble a bit and put Jenkins down.

    Rikishi: Come on ova here big man.

    Rikishi and Jenkins went into the corner furthest away from everyone.

    Rikishi: Man I know it sucks bein' a big boy and getting slammed around, but to win this contest this is what you gotta do. Now they gonna be cuttin' people that can't do what they tryin' to teach. So I'm gonna teach ya a little shortcut. Instead of doin' what everybody else is doin', you gotta shift your weight a little bit, and tuck yo' head before you even get slammed. That way your gonna end up landing it perfectly, despite being your size. Ya feel me?

    Bob Jenkins: Yessuh.

    Rikishi: Alright then lets do this.

    They go back to the middle of the room, and Jenkins takes Rikishi's advice and does the bump perfectly. The other trainers give a small round of applause to Jenkins.

    Rikishi finishes up, and wishes everybody the best of luck, before we see the trainees walking into the showers, and the trainers walking off into their room to decide on the next cut.

    OR: 50

    CR: 36

    MQ: 64


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    Al Snow: Alright, so, first off, Kish, what do you think man?

    Rikishi: I think you got some talent on your hands here. I think once you guys narrow it down a little bit more things are gonna get really hard for you guys.

    Kanyon: Yeah, I think so to. But we gotta get rid of the guys that are slowin' everybody else down. I'm talkin' about that Lacour guy. I don't like him.

    Gail Kim: Well, Chris, no offense or anything, but he seems like he does have some athleticism. He's a kiss ass, and none of us like a kiss ass, but as long as he can do what we're trying to teach him, then we should keep him here. When the field narrows down a little bit more, if he doesn't improve his attitude then we should get rid of him. But now, I think there's other people that need to leave first. What do you guys think?

    Kidman: Yeah, sorry Gail but I've gotta agree with Chris here. He's getting on my damn nerves, and I think I'm going to choke him if he asks me why I stopped scratching myself one more time. Now one guy I'm impressed with his Hector.

    Al Snow: He's probably the most talented person we have, but there's something a little off about him. I dunno what it is about him, but the camera guys have been noticing it too. A camera presence is important, and we can't have our guys being afraid of the camera. But, again, we can't worry about that till the time comes. Now, Brian Greggs, Gary Cahill, and Rodney Griffin...

    Kidman: They've shown that this is what they want to do, but they haven't shown the ability to do it. Don't get me wrong, they haven't shown that they can't win this competition, but there is just nothing about them that sticks out from the crowd.

    Gail Kim: Except for Gary Cahill. Holy [bleep] have you seen his nostril! Wow. There's surgeries to fix that!

    Al Snow: Moving on... Letitia. We all know that she's got some confidence issues to deal with, but we've got to ask that all important question, is she tough enough?

    Kanyon: I don't think so. And, we can ask the same question about Bob Jenkins...

    Rikishi: Hey, I know this is your show and alll, but lemme speak my mind here for a minute. Bob Jenkins might struggle a little every now and then with the stuff you guys are teachin' now. But if you let him through, I have a feeling he's gonna develop into a guy that would be a perfect fit for the WWE.

    Al Snow: Point well taken. But, let's all sleep on it and we'll have our final decision tommorow. Thanks a lot for helping us out today Kish. Now let's get out of here.

    The trainers all get up, and leave the room as the credits start to roll.

    OR: 50


    So, everyone, cast your votes for who you'd like eliminated from Tough Enough next week. Be sure to provide a reason or I will politely request that you receive a warning for postwhoring.

  3. user posted image

    Tough Enough started just last week but there have already been quite a few exciting developments. We've already seen someone cry, friends have been made, enemies have been made, and we've almost seen a trainer/student fight.

    Week two has even more in store for the new cast of Tough Enough students, as we will see the first cut of the season. Also, this week we will see the remaining Tough Enough students enter the house that they will be staying in for the next couple months. They will also be introduced to a special trainer for this week. You know him as The Phattest Man on the Planet, Rikishi! Tune in this Wednesday at 10 PM, and decide for yourself just who really is Tough Enough!


    Injury Report

    Big news as far as injuries go, as one of the top main eventers in the WWE is out with a neck injury. WWE Champion Brock Lesnar will miss approximately eight months. Brock has been complaining of a sore neck recently, and after his match at the Smackdown Tapings Tuesday night, he was X-Rayed. The results were not good, and an immediate surgery is needed to repair it.

    Indy Signings

    Eric Angle has signed an open contract with ACW.

    Big Vito has signed an open contract with CZW.

    Psychosis has signed an open contract with RoH.

    Juventud Guerrera has left CZW to work for RoH.

    Teddy Hart will make apperances for CMLL.

    Mr. Aguila will do some work for MXPW.

    Low Ki has signed an open contract with MLW.

    Competition for WWE?

    TNA has recently reached global status. They have television and pay per view exposure, and have now made efforts to make sure they have a consistent talent base.

    Raven, Jerry Lynn, Shane Douglas, BG James, Konnan, Glenn Gilbertti, Danny Doring, Roadkill, The Sandman, Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger, Vampiro, AJ Styles, Ron Killings, Joe E Legend, James Mitchell, Sonny Siaki, Desire, X, Erik Watts, Jimmy Hart, Don Callis, Dusty Rhodes, and Lollipop have all agreed to work exclusively for TNA.

    With their rise to the global level, TNA has decided to sign some wrestlers that are more for name value, than an in ring product. Ken Shamrock and The Macho Man, Randy Savage have now signed exclusive deals with TNA.


    For the past years, a growing trend has been No Way Out getting a poor buy rate. The February Pay Per View has always been viewed as just taking up time until WrestleMania. The WWE is considering replacing No Way Out with more of a specialty show. We're unsure now as to what this show could be, but we'll tell you more when we hear it.


    With Brock Lesnar injured, the booking team for Smackdown has decided to run with a tournament on Smackdown to decide a new champion. The tournament could start as soon as next week's Smackdown.

    Remember, Tough Enough comes before Smackdown. I'll put a preview up for Tough Enough later.


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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2003


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    Once nine o'clock hits, instead of going to Union Underground, we cut right to the Evolution locker room. Batista is in his ring gear and lifting loose weights without breaking a sweat when we hear a door open. Batista looks at whoever just walked in, and dropped the weights down with a big clank.

    Batista: What the hell are you doing in here?

    The camera then pans out a little to show Christopher Nowinski with a big smirk on his face.

    Nowinski: I'm part of Evolution now David. I have just as much right to be in here as you do. But don't worry David, I mean no harm. In fact I'm just here to talk a little bit of strategy with you.

    Batista: YOU want to talk strategy with ME?

    Nowinski: Why yes, yes I do.

    Batista: Ric Fla...

    Nowinski: So just listen to me.

    Batista starts to fume.

    Nowinski: You're a big guy David. You're strong, you're tough. But, well, to phrase it as nicely as I can, you certainly wouldn't have been accepted into Harvard.

    Nowinski snickers to himself while Batista grows redder and redder.

    Nowinski: So, I was just thinking that maybe instead of just trying to over power Kevin Nash, you should try and attack the legs. He's had knee injuries before, and it'd be incredibly hard for him to get you up for the Jacknife if he can't stand up. You know what I'm saying?

    Batista: Shu..

    Nowinski: Good. I mean, look at yourself David, you're certainly a physical specimen, but let's face it. In the ring you've been getting a little predictable recently. David, do we have to look back to two weeks ago, and your match with Garri

    Batista grabs Nowinski by the collar and holds him against the wall.

    Nowinski: Come on David, I'm just saying that right now you're the animal of Evolution. Correct?

    Batista snarls, and nods his head.

    Nowinski: But, the question is what animal are you? Right now I think you're somewhere in between being Evolution's bear, and Evolution's great white shark.

    Batista lets go of Nowinski, after getting that verbal blowjob.

    Nowinski: But that's not what you need to be Batista. Well, not unless you feel like preventing forest fires... and, well, come on, we've all seen the ending to Jaws. If you really want to be the animal of Evolution, then you need to focus more on your opponent than on yourself. Maybe, just maybe instead of trying to slam your opponent to death, you should focus on their weaknesses and their vulnerable areas. Maybe instead of being a shark, you should be a hawk... or a vulture. Go in for the kill, but in a more strategic method than you usually would. That powerbomb and spinebuster of yours can only get you so far

    Batista lunges at Nowinski, but before he can get him, the door flings open and slams right into Nowinski knocking him down. In walks Ric Flair and Triple H both decked out in their suits.

    Ric Flair: Whoooooo. The Naitcha Boy is here in Sacramento. And Big Dave, tanight is a big night for us for TWO Woooo reasons. First, tonight, main event, you're going out there and you're gonna throw that chump Kevin Nash around like he's nothing! Wooo. And second, once that's all done and over with The Naitcha Boy, The Game, Big Dave, Randy, and hell even that punk Nowinski are going out with some of the finest ladies Sacramento has to offer.

    The arena crowd cheers at his mention of the ladies in Sacramento.

    Triple H: Come on Naitch, you know there aren't any good lookin' broads in this town. And where is Randy anyway?

    Batista: I think he said he was going to Jericho and Christian's locker room to get ready for their six man tag match tonight.

    Flair gets upset about this.

    Ric Flair: What? HE is a member of EVOlution. He needs to be in the Evolution locker room.

    Triple H: Relax Ric, he's just getting ready for his match. And where's that punk Nowinski?

    He's laying behind the door that got slammed into him.

    Triple H: Kevin Nash had no right to be in the same ring as me last Monday. Hell, I'm out of his league, he has no business EVER being in the same ring as me. I retired him months ago inside the Hell in A Cell. But Nowinski tells him that he can have the match anyway? I told you all, I'm done with Kevin Nash.

    Ric Flair: Look Game, just relax. Nowinski is NOTHING. He lost a reality show, and got into Evolution on a technicality. Me and you have more to worry about that that nobody. We've got to go get you that title match at Armageddon.

    Triple H: Alright, let's go. And Dave, if you see Nowinski... make him wish he never even heard of Evolution.

    Batista smiles, and then as Flair and Triple H walk out, he looks down at the unconscious Nowinski.

    Overall: 69

    Triple H lost overness

    Jim Ross: Well fans, welcome to Raw. It certainly looks like Evolution is worrying about more than just Batista's main event match tonight with Kevin Nash.

    Jerry Lawler: Of course they are. Nowinski thinks he's running the show, Randy Orton isn't even in their locker room, and Triple H doesn't even have a shot at the Armageddon Title Match for now. Kevin Nash is the least of their worries.

    Jim Ross: Maybe so King, but up next is someone who Evolution has every right to worry about. Goldberg is going to "wrestle", and I use that term loosely, Eric Bischoff.

    Jerry Lawler: And if Bischoff doesn't show up again like last week, Austin said he's fired!

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    Union Underground's Across the Nation plays, as the opening Raw video starts to air, now with clips of Animal powerbombing Christian, and bits and pieces of the War Games match from Survivor Series thrown in. Then after the Raw pyro finishes going off, we hear the war march playing, as fans start to chant "Gold - Berg, Gold - Berg". Goldberg comes out, and walks through his little sparkler tunnel. Goldberg's got a goofy grin on his face. Something tells me he's not shuddering in his boots about having to face Eric Bischoff.

    Then Bischoff's music plays... and plays... and plays and no sign of Bischoff, until Lillian Garcia gets on the microphone.

    Lillian Garcia: General Manager Steve Austin has made the official ruling that if Eric Bischoff does not report down to the ring within the next thirty seconds, he is fired!

    They try Bischoff's music again, and this time he does come out and he's wearing his karate outfit. At first he looks like he's a bit nervous, but then he puffs out his chest and starts shadowboxing out to the ring.

    Bischoff gets in the ring and waves Goldberg on to come fight him. Goldberg walks towards Bischoff, but Bischoff has a change of heart and starts cowering in the corner. Bischoff tries getting the referee to order a break, even though Goldberg isn't touching him. Bischoff tries to beg Goldberg off, like he's pleading for his life, when Bischoff tries to sneak in a quick kick to the balls of Goldberg. But Goldberg catches the leg of Bischoff. Goldberg spins Bischoff around, hopping on one foot, and then pushes him down. Bischoff stays down for a second, while Goldberg starts crouching in the corner... we all know what's coming here. Bischoff stands up, and gets Speared out of his... well, he wasn't wearing shoes, but yeah, you get the point. Goldberg picks up Bischoff, and hits the Jackhammer.




    Goldberg squeaks out the upset over Eric Bischoff

    OR: 70

    CR: 83

    MQ: 40


    Jim Ross: Well that was one of the quicker matches we'll see here on Raw.

    Jerry Lawler: I don't see why Bischoff even showed up tonight. If he didn't show up, he would have been collecting unemployment but now he's just going to end up collecting disability pay!

    Jim Ross: Wait, hold on King, it looks like Goldberg has something on his mind.

    user posted image

    Goldberg, after disposing of Bischoff without even breaking a sweat called for a microphone while stomping around the ring. After about fifteen seconds Lillian Garcia slid a microphone in to Goldberg.

    Goldberg: Eric Bischoff... you have no idea how LONG I've been waiting to do that to you! Now you're not my boss, you're not my general manager, you're just another name in the long list of people that fear... the... spear! And, now that Bischoff is off my list I'm moving on to the next name. Do you all want to know WHOSE NEXT?

    The crowd gives off a good ovation.

    Goldberg: Kevin Nash is next!

    Mega pop there.

    Goldberg: Not next week... not at the next pay per view Armageddon... not even sometime later tonight... Nash, your time is now. Get your ASS out here!

    Goldberg leans over the ropes and starts calling Nash, and waving him down towards the ring.

    Goldberg: Come on Nash. I don't have all nig...

    "Diesel Blues" hits, as Kevin Nash struts out from behind the curtain with a smirk on his face. He's definitely ready to go, wearing his ring attire. Goldberg keeps waving Nash on, and Nash obliges.

    Goldberg: You know... after that stunt you pulled at Survivor Series... Jacknifing me, I oughta kick your ass right now. But I'm going to give you one chance Nash, ONE CHANCE, to explain yourself.

    Kevin Nash: Yanno Goldberg, with the way you're talking down to me, you must think I'm afraid of you. I'm not. I've beaten bigger and I've beaten badder than you. But you want to know why I interfered in your match at Survivor Series? Well, let me tell you a little bit about that opponent of yours, Triple H. Bad Blood. That has two meanings for us. First of all, we used to be tight. You all might remember a little thing called the Kliq. Well back in the day, Hunter, Shawn Michaels and I... and a few others used to be tight. We used to be like family. We used to have each other's back. So when I returned to the WWE earlier this year and found out that Hunter and Shawn were practically killing each other night in and night out, I felt like it was my duty as both of their friends to try and patch things up. Well, guess what? The only thing that was getting patched up was my head after Hunter busted me wide open with a damn sledgehammer! So yeah, you could say that there's a little bit of bad blood there. And then there's the other meaning. Badd Blood, the Raw brand pay per view from June. Me and Hunter beat the crap out of each other in a Hell in a Cell match, and somehow, some way Hunter managed to come out on top. But that wasn't enough for him... I decided to take a few months off to regroup, and train to make myself even bigger and even stronger for when I came back. And what did Hunter do? He exploited my decision to take time off, by saying he retired "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash. Well, here's a news flash for you all. I'm not retired. I'm back, and I'm here to take your title Goldberg...

    Goldberg: So that's your big problem with me Nash? My title?

    Kevin Nash: Well, no, you know what Goldberg, that's not the half of it. Sure I want the title, but it's far more than that. Since we took a little trip down memory lane back to Badd Blood, how about we go back a little bit further. How about we go back to our WCW days? I'm thinking, around Starrcade 1998. You were kicking ass and taking names Goldberg. You were unstoppable. You were undefeated! But, then that night I destroyed you! I ended your streak. I showed everyone that I was better than you Goldberg! And that was that, right? WRONG. I proved to everyone that I was better than you, but now you're here and you're the World Heavyweight Champion. That means that you're supposedly the best wrestler in the world... but you're not. I've beaten you before Goldberg, and I'm going to beat you again... and I'm gonna take your World Heavyweight Title while I'm at it.

    Goldberg: You want a match Nash? Name the place!

    Kevin Nash: Oh how about the TD Waterhouse Centre in Orlando, Florida on December 14... I'm talking about Armageddon. Me and you Goldberg... the Armageddon main event! Oh, oh, you know what. No, there's one thing that could make that match even better for me. How about we throw Triple H in and make it a Triple Threat match. I want to get my hands on both of you, and what better way than in a Triple Threat match?

    Goldberg: You're on!

    Kevin Nash: Good...

    Goldberg: And... YOU'RE NEXT!

    Goldberg charges in and Spears the hell out of Kevin Nash. Goldberg stands over Nash, shouting "I'm The Man!" before leaving the ring as we cut to a commercial break.

    Overall: 76

    Jim Ross: Welcome back everyone. We just saw Goldberg and Kevin Nash agree to a Triple Threat Match that will also include Triple H at Armageddon in two weeks!

    Jerry Lawler: That is going to be huge JR. All three of these men absolutely hate each other. This is more about their hatred than it is about the World Heavyweight Title!

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    We come back from our commercial break and Jacqueline is already in the ring. That's not usually a good sign. Then Molly Holly comes out to surprisingly decent heat. The crowd really has it in for her since she's been kicking the shit out of all their divas, especially Lita. Molly gets in the ring, drops her titles and immediately meets Jacqueline with a clothesline, taking her right down.

    Molly wastes no time whatsoever in putting the boots to Jacqueline by stomping right on the back of her head and neck. Molly picks Jacqueline up to her feet, before hitting her with a big snapmare that causes Jacqueline to grab her back. But that just draws attention to her back, as Molly punts her right in the spine! Jacqueline holds her back in pain, as she starts to slump forward. Molly then stomps right on the top of her head, now bringing her down to a complete laying position.

    Molly takes her time poking at Jacqueline with quick kicks, before locking Jacqueline in an Armbar. Jacqueline is wincing in pain for about thirty seconds before battling her way up to one knee. She uses her other arm and elbows Molly in the stomach, a few times. She goes for one strong elbow to break the hold, but as she's going for the elbow, Molly wrenches her arm over, and hits her spinning Armbreaker, taking Jacqueline down face first.

    After doing a bit of taunting, Molly picked Jacqueline up and gut wrenched her. She's going for the Piledriver that she's been using to destroy her recent opponents! She gets Jacqueline about half way up, but Jacqueline manages to fight out of it and drop back down to her feet. Then Jacqueline reverses it into a back body drop that sends Molly flying!

    Molly gets up but takes a wild punch to the forehead from Jacqueline that takes her right back down. She gets up, but Jacqueline takes her right back down with another hard punch. Then Molly gets up, and Jacqueline keeps hitting her with the punches but instead of falling Molly just backs up after each shot. Jacqueline winds up and goes for a big haymaker, but Molly snatches her arm out of the air and hits her spinning armbreaker again!

    Molly then goes and sits on the back of Jacqueline, and locks her in a Camel Clutch! Molly lessens the effect by taking one hand away, but then Molly starts pounding Jacqueline in the face with hard punches that hit everywhere from the cheeks to the nose. A little bit of blood starts to trickle from the nose of Jacqueline, as Molly then reverts her attention back to the Camel Clutch. After a few more seconds, a nearly unconscious Jacqueline taps out!

    Jim Ross: Molly has been steamrolling through the entire Women's Division recently. Who can stop her?

    Jerry Lawler: I don't know, but I know Jacqueline can't.

    Molly, seemingly content with winning her match, gets up and calls for her Women's Title to be sent in to the ring. Molly grabs her title, as the referee is helping Jacqueline get up to her feet. But, oh no, that's not where Molly wants to be right now. Molly charges at Jacqueline and absolutely waffles her right in the face with the Women's Title! But Molly still isn't done with her. Molly picks Jacqueline up and takes her over to the side of the ring facing the entrance ramp. Molly steps out onto the apron and then pulls Jacqueline down throat first on the top rope. Molly is choking her! The referee comes over to try and get in between them, but Molly runs along the apron and clotheslines the referee, taking him down! Then Molly goes back to Jacqueline, and hooks her up for a suplex... she lifts Jacqueline up, and then drops her on the outside of the ring! A suplex to the outside! Before Molly could do any more damage, road agents rush out to the aid of Jacqueline, as we cut to another commercial break.

    Jim Ross: Enough is enough Molly!

    Jerry Lawler: She is taking it too far again. If she keeps it up, I don't think anyone will get in the ring with her. We'll be right back folks.

    Molly defeats Jacqueline to retain her Women's Title

    OR: 66

    CR: 71

    MQ: 56


    Women's Title Gained in Image

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    We get back from our commercial break, and Jindrak is out to the ring first. He's got the leggy Stacy, and the eyebrowy Maven at his side. They get a decent pop, which is most likely all as a result of Stacy wearing a micro mini skirt that barely covers up her cooch.

    Then out come all three members of La Resistance in their ring gear. Sylvain Grenier and Rene Dupree are flanking Robert Conway, and waving their French flags much to the chagrin of the Sacramento crowd. Conway slides underneath the bottom rope, and gets into his corner, while Grenier & Dupree just stay on the outside of the ring with their flags flying high.

    As the bell rings, Jindrak and Conway lunge forward at each other, and lockup. The bigger Jindrak grabs Conway, and pulls him into a side headlock. Jindrak tries to put some strength into it, but before he can do much, Conway shoves him off into the ropes. On the rebound Conway goes for a leapfrog, but Jindrak stops right in front of him, and Conway comes down and lands in a precarious position, turning the sequence into some sort of Inverted Atomic Drop. Conway hops around holding his junk and then turns back around to face Jindrak who levels him with a clothesline. Jindrak goes for the pin.



    Jindrak gets up quickly and pulls Conway up with him. Jindrak whips Conway off into the ropes, and goes to scoop him up. Conway slides down the back of Jindrak and runs him forward into the ropes. Conway goes for a roll up but Jindrak holds onto the ropes. The ref turns his attention to Conway, which gives Dupree enough time to hop up onto the apron, grab Jindrak by the back of his head and pull him down across the ropes throat first. Jindrak grabs his throat, but he stops selling it as he turns around and sees Conway charging in. Jindrak uses Conway's momentum to back body drop him over the top rope, right into Rene Dupree and Sylvan Grenier.

    All three members of La Resistance are down on the ground. They pull each other up and start to huddle, while the referee starts to count Conway out. He gets to an eight count, as the three frenchmen are still huddled up on the outside. Jindrak then pulls the referee away, goes to the ropes, and using the ropes for leverage, dives over the top rope and onto all three members of La Resistance.

    Jindrak gets up, first with help from the ring apron. When Jindrak gets up, he goes to grab Conway, but Dupree and Grenier start kicking at him to keep him away. Jindrak starts stomping away on the downed Grenier. Dupree gets up, and is about to attack Jindrak from behind when Maven blindsides him with a big running forearm from out of nowhere. Maven then picks up Conway, and hands him over to Jindrak. Jindrak rolls him into the ring, while Maven lays the beatdown on Grenier for another minute or so, before going back over by Stacy.

    Meanwhile, in the ring Jindrak has Conway in a bad situation. Jindrak locks Conway in a rather weak looking chinlock. Conway quickly battles up to his feet, and pushes Jindrak off into the corner. But instead of colliding with the turnbuckles, Jindrak jumped up to the second turnbuckle, and went for a flying revolving clothesline on Conway. But Conway ducked, as Jindrak crashed and burned.

    Jindrak quickly got up to his feet, favoring his right arm. He went after Conway, who just snatched his arm and hit a nasty single arm DDT. Jindrak starts clutching his arm, and it looks like Conway smells blood. Conway drags Jindrak over to the side of the ring and places his arm on the bottom rope. Conway starts bouncing up and down on the bottom rope, before dropping his weight on Jindrak's arm. Jindrak shrieks out in pain, as Conway starts to bounce again. He jumps up, but this time Stacy takes Jindrak's arm off the bottom rope, leading to Conway dropping on his ass.

    Conway gets up, holding his fanny, and as he turns to face the now standing Jindrak, he gets met with a picture perfect Dropkick. Jindrak goes for a cover.




    That sneaky frenchman Dupree put Conway's foot on the rope, and the ref caught it at the last possible split second. Maven runs over to nail Dupree, but before he can get over there, Grenier attacks him from behind with the French Flag. One shot to the head and Maven goes down hard. The referee goes outside and tends to Maven who looks hurt. Jindrak goes over to the ropes and points to Dupree, threatening him to get in the ring. Dupree hops up onto the apron, as does Stacy. Stacy starts pointing at Dupree, and yelling at the ref. But the referee is busy on the outside with Maven.

    Jindrak and Dupree start fist fighting, with Jindrak's arm magically healed. He looks to be getting the better of Dupree until Grenier comes in the ring and attacks him from behind. Grenier and Dupree start beating the hell out of Jindrak, until Stacy hikes up her already short skirt, and starts slut dancing right in the face of Grenier, and Dupree. Grenier and Dupree just glance at her and shrug their shoulders before going back to their beatdown of Jindrak. Jindrak on the other hand, stopped defending himself as his eyes are now focused in tight on the body of Stacy Keibler. Hell even Conway, who is still down on the mat has his head propped up, and is staring at Stacy.

    Grenier and Dupree pick Jindrak up to his feet, and then hit him with their Double-Team Spinebuster, La Crepe. They go and grab Conway who still had his eyes glued to the dancing Stacy, and threw him right on top of Jindrak. Grenier ran over and chased Stacy off the ring apron, while Dupree went outside and pointed the ref to Conway pinning Jindrak. By the time the ref turned around, Grenier was out of the ring, Stacy was off the apron and Conway still had the pin on Jindrak.




    Robert Conway def. Mark Jindrak

    OR: 66

    CR: 54

    MQ: 79


    Jim Ross: Them French son of a guns have stolen another one from Mark Jindrak and Maven.

    Jerry Lawler: JR I really wish these guys would get out of our country.

    Jim Ross: Yeah, you and every other real American. You know something King, I bet Garrison Cade is going to somehow blame Stacy for making his partners lose this match. I don't know what's changed with him, but I don't like it.

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    The camera zooms in on Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley in their locker room. Bubba is leaning over with his foot on a chair, tieing his boots. D-Von is ready for the upcoming six man tag.

    D-Von Dudley: Come on bro, you ready?

    Bubba Ray Dudley: I'll be right out brotha.

    D-Von Dudley: Aight man, I'll see you out there. YO RVD.

    D-Von walks out of the locker room, obviously shouting for their partner for tonight, Rob Van Dam. After about ten seconds, there's a knock at the door.

    Bubba Ray Dudley: I told you I'd be right o...

    Trish Stratus opens up the door and takes a step in, and speaks uncharacteristically timid.

    Trish Stratus: Hi Bubba. Do you mind if I come in?

    Bubba is caught off guard by seeing the blonde beauty at his door.

    Bubba Ray Dudley: No, come on in Trish.

    Trish walks all the way in and closes the door behind her. After she comes in, she kind of just smiles at Bubba Ray without really saying anything. The epitome of awkward silence.

    Bubba Ray Dudley: Hey, look, it's nice to see you and all but I've got my mat...

    Trish Stratus: Thank you so much... for everything you did for me last week. I really, really apreciate it.

    Trish smiles even wider at Bubba, who returns the smile, just with less enthusiasm and more shock.

    Bubba Ray Dudley: Don't worry about it. I was just doing what any of the guys wou... you're welcome.

    Trish Stratus: Okay, well I'll let you get ready for your match now.

    Bubba Ray Dudley: Okay, see ya later Trish.

    Trish starts to walk out, but then she stops and locks eyes with Bubba. She starts to walk towards Bubba again, but stops, and just like a nervous teenage girl she heads for the door.

    Trish Stratus: Uh thanks again.

    Trish then walks out of the room. As she leaves, Bubba puts a smile on his face from ear to ear. Bubba sits there smiling for a little while before lacing his boots up again.

    Overall: 86

    Jerry Lawler: What...was...that? Come on Trish, get with a real man.

    Jim Ross: Like who King?

    Jerry Lawler: Me JR!

    Jim Ross: I think she's a little old for you King.

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    First up we hear Motorhead singing Evolution's theme song, leading out Randy Orton. He walks out from backstage and stomps on the ramp, smirking at the crowd. He stops and does his taunt. You know, the one where he has both of his arms out in the air, like he's trying to summon the power of Jesus. Then he goes down to the ring, to a decent amount of heat.

    With Orton in the ring it is time to "BREAK THE WALLS DOOOOOOOOWN". This brings out Raw's resident wall breaker downers, Chris Jericho and Christian, commonly known as Vitamin C. As the countdown ends, and the lights come back on, Jericho has his arms outstretched and his back to the audience, while Christian starts swaggering down towards the ring, while pointing at individual fans and referring to them as his peeps. Of course they are both decked out in equally flashy outfits. They get i nthe ring and start posing while we cut to a commercial break.

    And we're back... "One of a Kind" hits and out comes RVD. He walks right past his exploding pyro doing the thumb taunts. Van Dam then points at Chris Jericho before running down to the ring. He hops up on the apron and tries to get in, but kicks from Christian and Jericho keep him at bay, at least until the Dudleys come out. Van Dam drops off the apron and waits at the bottom of the ramp.

    Then KABOOM, the D-Bomb drops, and out comes... D-Von Dudley, and there is no sign of Bubba. D-Von's hand is taped up from the heinous attack with the chair leading up to the War Games Match. D-Von and RVD exchange puzzled looks on the outside, while waiting for Bubba to come down to the ring. RVD and D-Von have their backs to the ring, waiting in anticipation of Bubba Ray Dudley. But they don't get Bubba. Instead they get caught off guard when Christian launches himself over the top rope and to the outside, colliding with the backs of both D-Von and RVD.

    D-Von and Van Dam both fall down after the sneak attack, and by the time they get up Jericho, and Orton are outside the ring. D-Von and Van Dam fight off Jericho, Christian and Orton at first, but eventually the odds work in favor of Jericho, Orton and Christian. Orton gets Van Dam up against the barricade, and is unloading with chops to his chest. D-Von on the other hand is getting worked over with boots to the gut from Christian and Jericho. Orton, Jericho and Christian all glance at each other like they are setting something up. Orton then grabs Van Dam and whips him in the direction of Christian and Jericho, who return the favor and whip D-Von in Van Dam's direction. But D-Von puts on the breaks, and is used as a catapult by RVD to launch himself at Christian and Jericho. Christian and Jericho get taken down, and it looks like RVD and D-Von are taking care of business despite the odds not being in their favor.

    It looked like RVD and D-Von took the advantage, but a clothesline to the back from Orton took D-Von down. Van Dam was still in the process of pulling himself up to his feet when Orton came up from behind him and grabbed him by the back of the neck. Orton spun Van Dam around and then rammed him head first right into the steel ring steps. Randy Orton then picked up RVD and rolled him into the ring. Orton quickly got into the ring and made a cover on RVD.




    Van Dam kicks out just before the three count is made. Orton picked up Van Dam and backed him up into the ropes, where he went to work with chops to the chest of Van Dam. While this was going on, Bubba Ray ran out to the ringside area where Jericho and Christian were taking turns stomping on D-Von. Bubba cut off Christian first with a hard right hand. Then he hit a right on Jericho, and then another right hand on both men. Bubba then grabbed his crotch with both hands before ramming Jericho into Christian with a Double Noggin Knocker. Bubba helps D-Von up to his feet, and onto the ring apron where they watch on as Orton is still pounding away on Van Dam. Orton eventually switches from European Uppercuts and chops to a blatant chokehold. The referee starts counting, and Orton breaks the choke at three and a half. He's not too happy about the strict officiating, so he turns in a semi circle and argues with the ref before facing Van Dam and getting clocked in the head with a hard heel kick that knocked Orton goofy. Both men are laid out on the mat, as the referee starts to count them out. By the time he got to a three count, Orton was stirring but Van Dam was still laid out.

    Bubba Ray is stomping on the mat trying to get the crowd riled up for RVD, and it seems to be working as Van Dam is slowly pulling himself up to his hands and knees at the count of five. But by seven Orton is up on his feet and in hot pursuit of the crawling Van Dam. Van Dam is heading towards his corner, looking to make the tag in to Bubba Ray Dudley when Orton grabs his foot and tries pulling him backwards towards the heel corner. Van Dam manages to get his other leg up and in one fluid motion kick Orton in the face and roll forward towards his corner. Orton fell backwards, into the heel corner where Jericho slapped him on the back to make himself the legal man. Jericho charged into the ring to do some more damage to his nemesis, but just as he was about to attack, Van Dam jerked himself forward and made a lunging tag to Bubba Ray Dudley.

    Bubba came in and got in Jericho's way. Jericho puts on the brakes, and tries to beg off the incoming Bubba Ray, but he'll have none of it. Bubba takes Jericho down with a clothesline, and then another. He turns and blocks a punch from Christian, before hitting him with a Bionic Elbow to knock him down off the ring apron and to the floor. Bubba turns his attention back to Jericho, and narrowly dodges a clothesline. Jericho's momentum carries him into the ropes and then back at Bubba, where he walks right into a Sidewalk Slam. Orton gets into the ring now to try and halt Bubba's momentum, but he ends up getting himself halted by D-Von's spinny Back Elbow thing. D-Von says something to Bubba Ray, questioning him for being late to the match, but before Bubba can give him an answer, he gets blindsided with a clothesline from behind by Jericho. Bubba goes down, and Jericho decides to get in D-Von's face. The referee gets in between them before it can break out into a fight. D-Von gets forced out onto the apron by Rob Van Dam.

    Before Jericho can turn back around to face Bubba, he gets grabbed from behind. Bubba lifts him up, looking for the Bubba Bomb, but somehow Jericho manages to free himself from Bubba's grasp, and roll him forward into a pinning predicament where Jericho is sitting on the legs and rear end of Bubba.



    Bubba manages to push Jericho forward, and right into Christian making him the legal man. Bubba gets up to his feet, and Christian is reluctant to get in the ring. The referee starts to count Christian out, so he gingerly sets foot in the ring. Bubba approaches Christian, looking for a collar and elbow tie up, but Christian sidesteps Bubba and avoids the tieup. Then Christian holds his arm in the air, looking for a Test of Strength with Bubba. Bubba smirks and goes for the test of strength, but he gets kicked right in the kneecap by the creepy little bastard. Bubba hunches over and grabs his knee, when Christian drills him with a standing dropkick right to the side of his head. Bubba goes down, and Christian wastes no time before stomping Bubba so much it would make Ron Garvin think "Wow, that's a lot of stomping."

    With Bubba down and hurting, Christian takes the time to show off a bit, by pointing into the crowd at random "peeps" of his, and slapping his chest as if he's dedicating the match to them. Bubba has pulled himself up to his feet, and Christian goes right back on the offensive. He grabs Bubba from behind and looks like he's going for the Unprettier, but Bubba pushes him forward into a corner. With Christian off his tail, Bubba makes a tag to D-Von Dudley.

    Before Bubba can get out of the ring, Christian goes after him again, but Bubba snatches him up and hits him with a scoop slam. Bubba turns Christian around, and holds his legs up in the air, while D-Von climbs up to the top turnbuckle. The referee has his backed to D-Von and is trying to get Bubba to let go of Christian. He doesn't notice Chris Jericho getting off the apron, and going over to the timekeepers table where he grabs the Intercontinental Title. Bubba and D-Von stick their tongues out and do the whole Budweiser "WHAAASUUUUP" thing, and just as D-Von is about to jump off the top turnbuckle, Jericho jumps up onto the apron, and clocks him in the head with the Intercontinental Title. D-Von falls forward right off the top turnbuckle, right near Christian and Bubba. Jericho goes to hop off the apron, but instead Rob Van Dam grabs him and the two brawl down on the floor.

    Bubba lets go of Christian to check on his brother from another mother, but before he can get to D-Von, Randy Orton spins him around and hits him with an RKO. With RVD busy on the outside, and Bubba taken out from the RKO, Christian goes over to D-Von, rolls him over onto his back and makes a cover.




    As the bell rings to end the match, and Christian's music starts to play, Rob Van Dam throws a kick at Jericho to put some space between them. Then RVD slides into the ring to check on his fallen partners. And as he does, he gets circled by Christian, Orton, and Jericho. Van Dam lets go of D-Von, and gets into a fighting stance, as he wonders how he's going to escape all three men... then all of a sudden Christian's music cuts to the sound of shattering glass, and out comes the General Manager of Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    Austin slides into the ring, and right away Christian, Orton and Jericho scatter out of the ring and meet up on the bottom of the ramp. Austin calls for a microphone.

    Austin: Where ya guys goin? Come on, my team just beat you guys at Survivor Series so I could get my ass kickin privileges back. So why don't you all just get in the ring and line your asses up so I can give these fans what they came to see. Three Stone Cold Stunners for three stupid sons of bitches.

    As the crowd starts to cheer on Austin, Jericho Christian and Orton charge the ring, but stop when Van Dam and Austin look like they're going to stomp the hell out of them.

    Austin: Alright, well seeing as how you three don't want to get in the ring tonight, let's talk about ya getting in the ring at Armageddon, on pay per view in two weeks. Let's start out with... you, ya creepy little bastard. Ya remember last week when Animal called you out for a match at Armageddon? What'd you say Christian? I'll tell you what you said. You said no.


    Austin: You chickened out.


    Austin: You're yellow.


    Austin: A coward.


    Austin: You're chicken*bleep*.


    Austin: Ya creepy little bastard. But, Animal said to me after Raw last week "Hey Stone Cold, you remember that favor you gave us for being on the winning team at Survivor Series?"

    Christian throws a temper tantrum on the outside, bouncing up and down.

    Austin: So, to make a long story short, Animal is using his favor from Survivor Series at Armageddon where he's gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass Christian. Animal vs Christian, at Armageddon and there's not a damn thing your creepy little ass can do about it Christian.

    On the outside of the ring, Jericho and Orton are laughing at the fuming Christian.

    Austin: I don't know what the hell you two are laughing at, cause I've gotta talk to the two of you too. Orton, look in this ring, at two of these men standing at my side. They are the World Tag Team Champions, and at Armageddon, I'm giving you and your pal Batista the chance to take them titles from them.

    Orton nods his head and smirks.

    Austin: But since I'm giving the two of you an opportunity, I'm going to give The Dudleys an opportunity as well. I'm going to give them the opportunity to do what they do best... put beety eyed, mealy mouthed sons of bitches like you through a table. That's right, Bubba Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boys vs Randy Orton and Batista in a Tag Team Tables Match.

    The crowd pops at the idea of a Table match.

    Austin: And, now you Chris Jericho. Ya know, for someone that's been so much of a thorn in my side, I think I've been pretty fair to you. You tried to get me fired, saying I was too abusive of a GM. You had petitions, and forms, and charts and statistics against me, but when you really had your chance to do something about it, in the War Games Match at Survivor Series you got pinned by a woman! But I still put our differences aside and gave you an Intercontinental Title Match against Rob Van Dam, that you won. But what's the matter with you, using that damn title to win all your matches. The Intercontinental Title has always been about the wrestling, not cheating to win. So, seeing as how you have a bad habit of cheating with that Title I'm going to help you break that habit. At Armageddon you won't be able to use that title against Rob Van Dam.

    Jericho nonchalantly responds with a "How?" from the outside.

    Austin: Because it's going to be suspended from the rafters, and the only way to get the title is going to be by climbing all the way up a Ladder!

    Jericho's jaw drops, as RVD vs Jericho is announced to be a ladder match.

    Austin: Any questions? If you got a question just come in on here and I'll be sure to answer it for ya.

    The three heels huddle up on the outside, with Christian pointing at Austin, and then looking at Jericho and Orton and pointing at his fists. The three men nod in agreement, and then charge towards the ring. But Jericho and Orton put the breaks on and stop right at the ring apron. Christian, of course goes right into the ring, and squares off with Austin, RVD and the Dudleys. He looks back to say something to his allies, but they're still on the outside of the ring. Christian throws his hands up in anger, but then gets turned around, kicked in the gut and Stunnered!

    Austin: So no questions? Good, cause that's the Bottom Line, cuz Stone Cold Said So!

    The glass shatters, as Austin and company call for a few beers before we cut backstage.

    Christian pinned D-Von Dudley

    Vitamin C & Randy Orton defeat The Dudley Boyz & Rob Van Dam

    OR: 80

    CR: 81

    MQ: 80


    Jim Ross: Three huge matches for Armageddon were just announced! Randy Orton and Batista are getting a shot at the Tag Team Titles against the Dudley Boys in a Tables Match, Christian is being forced into a match with Animal, and most of all Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental Title just got changed into a Ladder Match.

    Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for this show JR. But, D-Von didn't look too happy with Bubba for taking so long to get out to the ring. Do you think they will be able to put that aside for their match?

    Jim Ross: They're brothers King, of course they can.

    Jerry Lawler: Yeah, well... I'd like to inspect that family tree.

    user posted image

    The camera fades to the backstage area, where we see Garrison Cade standing near a men's room, talking on a cell phone.

    Garrison Cade: Yeah, I saw it. Jindrak had the damn match won until she got involved.

    There is silence, and head nodding from Cade.

    Garrison Cade: I know, we were doing pretty damn good as a tag team until all of this crap with Shawn Michaels. We've been losing match after match ever since...

    He's listening again.

    Garrison Cade: Yeah, you're right. They've been losing match after match ever since Shawn Michaels decided to stick his nose in our business. He was supposed to be helping us out at Survivor Series, and what happened? He got eliminated first. Now he's given us Stacy Keibler as a manager, and she's been making us lose every match.

    Once again, he's listening.

    Garrison Cade: I know, we can get rid of her once and for all on Sunday the fourteenth at Armageddon, when you take over as our manager. I can only imagine what Shawn Michaels is going to do when he sees you show up.

    We then hear a toilet flush, and Shawn Michaels walk out of the bathroom wearing tight jeans, his HBK T-Shirt, and a Cowboy hat. He zips up his pants, drawing the Jeff Hardy pop from the ladies in the crowd.

    Shawn Michaels: Hey Cadey, who ya talkin to?

    Cade lowers the phone.

    Garrison Cade: Yeah, no offense or anything Shawn, but it doesn't concern you.

    Shawn Michaels: Maybe it didn't concern me, but after I was washing my hands in there I heard you mention the Heart Break Kid's name, so surely who you're talking to is of some concern to me.

    Cade picks the phone up.

    Garrison Cade: Look, I've gotta go. I'll see you in two weeks at Armageddon.

    Cade closes up his phone and puts it away.

    Garrison Cade: Oh, that? I was just telling my friend how exciting it was to team with you last week on Raw... even if you did lose the match for us.

    Cade smirks at Michaels and walks away, as Michaels adjusts his cowboy hat and shakes his head at Cade. Commercial time.

    Overall: 72

    user posted image

    Once we get back from our commercial break, we cut right to a "During the Break" package. Stacy Keibler comes out and she's got Shawn Michaels with her. She's carrying the Tee Shirt gun that they use to fire shirts into the crowd during intermissions at house shows, and commercials on live shows. Michaels has a load of HBK T-Shirts with him. Stacy and Shawn walk across the top of the ramp, right above where JR and King are doing commentary. They load up the gun together, and fire off a few shirts into the crowd. When they load a few more shirts into the gun, that lunatic Lucy and Scott Steiner walk through the side exit near the ramp that the wrestlers sometimes take. Lucy is looking just as nuts as ever, with part of her hair in a pigtail and part in braids.

    They start yelling up at Stacy and Shawn, who until that point didn't notice their arrival. Steiner and Lucy are obviously looking for a fight. They take up a fighting stance, and start waving Shawn and Stacy down. After a brief thought process, Shawn and Stacy walk down the stairs near the commentary table, and square off with Steiner and Lucy. The four of them go at it, with Stacy and Lucy going right for each others hair. They fall to the floor and roll around slapping each other. Steiner and Michaels seem to go punch for punch, until Shawn gets the upper hand. Shawn has Steiner reeling, but from behind comes Test with a vicious clothesline right to the back of Shawn's head. Shawn falls forward into Steiner, who rushes him forward and rams his back right into the commentary table. Steiner works over Michaels, while Test goes and grabs Stacy. He yells at her about her being his property, not Shawn Michael's. Test carries Stacy over to the commentary table, where he has Lucy hold her near the commentary table. Test then grabs Michaels, and hoists him up onto his shoulders, and with Steiner, Double Powerbombs Shawn Michaels through the announce table! Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler get out of the way just in time to avoid getting their faces splintered.

    Steiner and Test stand over Michaels, yelling about how he got what was coming to him, when Stacy breaks free of Lucy's grasp. She tries to make a run for it, but Steiner snatches her, and Gorilla Presses her. He looks like he's going to chuck her right down onto the broken table with Shawn Michaels. But wait, Jerry Lawler stands up and throws his headset down. Lawler approaches Steiner, who puts Stacy down and shoves the King. Lawler slugs him a shot right in the mouth, but when he turns to do the same thing to Test, he gets dropped with a huge right hand. Lawler gets up quickly, but by the time he is up Test has a chair in his hand and absolutely wallops the King with it. Steiner grabs Stacy again, but before he can do anything to her Mark Jindrak, Maven and a slew of road agents have pulled him off of Stacy. The trio of Test, Steiner and Lucy all leave with smiles on their faces.

    Overall: 72

    user posted image

    The video finishes playing and we go over to Jim Ross who is sitting on a folding chair in front of the table wreckage.

    Jim Ross: Well fans, my colleague Jerry Lawler just tried to defend a helpless woman, and ended up getting savagely beaten by those low lifes Test and Scott Steiner. I'll be doing the broadcasting alone for the rest of the show, but you can rest assured that the King will have something to say about this next week.

    Batista comes out first to Motorhead's "Evolution" theme song. Batista flexes his muscles a bit on the walk down to the ring, while Ric Flair struts a little bit. They take their time getting into the ring, and wait for Kevin Nash.

    And they don't have to wait much longer, as "Diesel Blues" plays, and Nash comes out holding his ribs after that Spear earlier tonight. He gingerly walks down to the ring.

    Nash goes to step over the top rope, but after he gets one foot over the top Batista charges in and nails him with a forearm. Batista goes to work on Nash with forearms, while Nash is still spread eagle over the top rope. Lucky for him, he's tall, or he'd be getting rope burn on his balls right about now. Anyway, as Batista is pounding away on Nash, Nash pulls his other leg over the top rope. Batista sees Nash on both feet, so he grabs his arm and whips him into the ropes. Nash reverses it and sends Batista flying into the ropes. On the rebound, Nash goes for a boot with his good leg, but Batista ducks underneath. Nash didn't get his leg up real high, so Batista had to work pretty hard to get underneath it. Batista bounces off again, but this time he gets snatched up by Nash and taken down with a Spinning Side Slam. Nash goes for the cover early.



    Batista managed to kick out before the two count. Nash rolls off of Batista and gets up to his feet. Batista sits up, and takes a boot right to the neck from Nash. Nash puts a few boots to Batista before locking him in a chinlock. Fast forward about thirty seconds and neither man has really moved an inch. Nash eventually lets go of Batista and pulls him up to his feet. Nash hammers Batista with a few punches, that have him backed up into the corner. Nash then switches over from punches to knee strikes to the abdomen. After about three or so knee strikes, Nash takes a few steps back and charges in at Batista. Nash was looking for a clothesline in the corner, but Batista managed to scoop Nash up, and drop him chest first on the top rope, hurting his already banged up ribs. Nash bounces right back to a standing position, holding his ribs. He doesn't see Batista behind him, and is caught off guard when Batista hits a chop block on Nash that takes him right down to the ground. Is Batista shooting on Nash!?!? A chop block could kill him!

    Nash is writhing in pain on the mat, while Batista is standing there waiting for him to rise. He's got him all lined up for his high impact Spinebuster. Nash finally hobbles up to his feet, and Batista grabs him. He's going for the Spinebuster, but Nash is fighting it by not letting Batista get him up. Nash frees up his arms, and ends up hitting Batista with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Nash hunches Batista's head over and tucks it between his legs. He's going for the Jacknife and completely forgetting to sell the ribs and leg. Nash is about to lift Batista up, when Ric Flair grabs his leg on the outside of the ring. Nash lets go of Batista, and turns around to face Flair. Flair throws a punch at Nash, but Nash blocks it and punches Flair with drops him off the apron. Nash turns around and gets booted by Batista, Batista goes to gut wrench him for his version of the Powerbomb. But Nash rushes Batista forward into the turnbuckles. Nash gets a head of steam and hits a corner clothesline on Batista, and as Batista begins to fall, Nash gut wrenches him and looks for the Jacknife again. But this time, Triple H takes his head off with a clothesline, ending the match in a Disqualification! Triple H, Randy Orton and Ric Flair are in the ring stomping the hell out of Nash. Nash tries to fight off the attack. He fends off Orton and Flair with a few punches, but while he's going at it with Triple H, Orton turns him back around and hits him with the RKO. Orton and Triple H keep stomping on Nash as the timekeeper keeps ringing the bell, like that will get Evolution off of Nash. While Orton and HHH are stomping, Ric Flair grabs Nash's legs, and locks in a Figure Four. Nash is trying to fight the pain, but he looks like he's losing consciousness.... but then...

    The D-Bomb drops! Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley charge out to the ring. Even though their music is playing, they catch Orton and HHH by surprise. They got to Orton first, when D-Von tapped him on his shoulder. When Orton turned around the Dudleys greeted him with a Dudley Death Drop. The Dudleys then went after Triple H, who slid outside the ring. The Dudleys got out too, and chased him around the ringside area. After a couple laps, Triple H slid back into the ring. The Dudleys did too, but when they got in, Flair stomped on D-Von. Bubba got up and went to chase after Triple H again, but he ran into Batista who hit him with a massive Spinebuster!

    Evolution was once again dominating all three faces who looked like they were out of it. But then that familiar drum beat started to play. The Gold-Berg chants started up, and the fans got what they wanted, as Goldberg was standing right at the top of the ramp. He had a brief staredown with Evolution, who decided they would stick around and fight. They clumped up together and started waving Goldberg down to the ring. They go their wish, as Goldberg charged down to the ring. He slid under the bottom rope, and ducked a Triple H clothesline, and lunged forward to spear both Ric Flair and Batista. Triple H saw Flair and Batista, and then got out of the ring and walked to the back with his eyes locked on Goldberg. Goldberg checked on The Dudleys, and just sort of looked at Nash, as Raw ended.

    Jim Ross: Goldberg has just chased Evolution away! If it wasn't for him, only God knows what they would have done to The Dudley Boys and Kevin Nash. We'll see you next week everybody!

    OR: 66

    CR: 78

    MQ: 52


    The quality may be off in some places, but I'm trying to get back into a groove so just bare with me for now.

    EDIT: Oh, and FWWE is over. I hate it.

  6. Anybody else play that Beat The Streak game from mlb.com? I started two days ago, so I've got a two game streak with Manny Ramirez and Pujols. But tonight I've got Justin Morneau, who should come through against the Royals for me. Pretty cool game.

  7. Yeah, it looks like there is hope for Heilman after all. He's been shit kicked quite a few times, but his outing tonight really showed what he is capable of. Wow, my Mets are a really fucking exciting team to watch this season. It might not be homerun after homerun, but damn these games will keep you on the edge of your seat... even if you are just watching that gameday thing on mlb.com


    Last week on Raw, Triple H was reluctantly forced into a match with Kevin Nash with the only upside for him being that if he won the match he would get a World Heavyweight Title shot at Armageddon on the line. But that match ended early when an infuriated Goldberg came down to the ring and speared Triple H! As of now Goldberg doesn't know who he will be facing at Armageddon, but you can be sure that light will be shed on this issue at Raw this Monday.

    And while we're on the subject of Kevin Nash, in the main event of Monday Night Raw he will be taking on The Animal of Evolution, Batista. Triple H went to Steve Austin after Raw went off the air last week and demanded that this match be made. If Kevin Nash can't beat Batista, then he will have a hard time making his case for number one contendor!

    Also, last week a melee broke out after the rematch between Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental Title. A massive brawl broke out with Chris Jericho, Christian, and Randy Orton fighting with Trish Stratus, Rob Van Dam, Animal, and Bubba Ray Dudley. As a direct result of this, Vitamin C and Randy Orton will take on The Dudley Boys, and Rob Van Dam in a six man tag this week.

    And Steve Austin made it official that if Eric Bischoff does not show up Monday on Raw for his match with Bill Goldberg, he will be suspended from Raw without pay. Will Eric Bischoff come to Raw and accept his fate or will he be the coward we all know he is?

    Tune into Raw for all this and more!

    Fantasy WWE Predictions

    Will Eric Bischoff show up and face Goldberg? +3/-3

    The Armageddon Main Event will be announced. What will it be? +3/-1

    Molly vs Jacqueline Women's Championship Match +2/-3

    Mark Jindrak vs Rob Conway +2/-3

    Trish Stratus will use her Survivor Series favor. What will she use it on? +5/-0

    Animal will use his Survivor Series favor. What will he use it on? +5/-0

    The Dudley Boys & Rob Van Dam vs Jericho, Christian & Randy Orton +2/-3

    Who will get the pin? +1/-0

    Who will get pinned? +1/-0

    Kevin Nash vs Batista +2/-3

    What will be the match of the night? +2/-1

    What will be the worst match of the night? +2/-1

    Sorry for the delay.

  9. There's this thing on the website for all the teams that shows you pitch-by-pitch what is happening in the games. I think it's called GameDay or something like that. It's not live action or anything, but it is a pitch by pitch account of the game, as it's happening. Not much, but I can't afford FSNY so that's how I get my Mets fix when they aren't on WB or MSG.

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