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Posts posted by Essa

  1. Hate to disagree with you here, but it really wasn't all that constructive for us. Had his criticisms been posted in the thread for the NWA Domination 2005 Scenario, it would have been constructive. We're all using a scenario, so fed locations and all that aren't really under our control. But yeah, it did get a wee bit out of control.

  2. January 31st Raw

    Alright, I'm reviewing this as I'm reading it so yeah. Just keep that in mind.

    Triple H really made Orton sound like a bitch to anyone that didn't watch the Rumble. If you didn't see the Rumble and you just heard Triple H's rambling then you would have thought the match to be a 8 second squash. And no rebuttal from Orton really doesn't help the situation. You seem to be going in the same direction of the real WWE with the whole "which brand will Batista choose" storyline. But that's not THAT bad, considering that it was a pretty decent, if not entirely predictable, idea.

    I like impromptu matches, but not the one between Batista and Viscera. You're trying to get Batista over as a powerhouse, but it just didn't add up with this match. It took Batista three clotheslines to take down Viscera, yet he scooped him up with ease for the Spinebuster. It just doesn't add up, and doesn't really help the continuity factor.

    You've got your Ric Flair down pretty good with his constant shilling of Triple H as the best. That segment came off pretty good, with Batista still seeming somewhat naive towards Flair and Triple H's plans for him.

    Maven's promo was very good to get his character across, and his match with Benoit was good. It didn't hurt Benoit at all, and it kept Maven's character alive and well. Good booking.

    The HBK and Orton segment was FUCKING BLAND. I expect that from Orton, but HBK usually seems energetic, exciting and has no problem with captivating the crowd. Really really sucked and didn't help regain any of Orton's lost heat from earlier in the night.

    The Hassan promo had a good premise, and was very good up until the end. Todd Grisham is an untrained announcer, so the chances of him taking a Modified STO onto the concrete is pretty ridiculous.

    Benjamin vs Tomko would have been better if it was lengthier. Then you could have played up the big man/small man situation, as well as Shelton's never say die attitude. But what has Tomko done to deserve a title shot? Not very sound booking.

    Raw = live TV. Edge saying bullshit wouldn't happen. Realism. Let's see it. I know his character is angry, but he still wouldn't be saying bullshit. But the highlite reel segment did set the stage for the triple threat match nicely.

    You've gotta watch the wording for some of your guys. Gene Snitsky saying the word buffoons just wouldn't happen. Word choice is really important, and it took your relatively decent Snitsky down a notch.

    You really dropped the ball with the cage match. You've got to put more detail into gimmicked matches, and you just flat out didn't there. Plus, you should have used the atmosphere of the match more. More involvement with the surroundings would have been nice. And you kind of made Kane look weak by needing Taker's music, and darkness to beat Snitsky.

    The main event was good up until the finish. Very detailed which was good. But, yeah the finish sucked. You should have played the "Will Batista side with HBK?" card, instead of having HBK just straight away attack Batista right off the bat. This kind of neutralized the previous segment with HBK trying to talk Batista into being on his side. Plus, HBK only did take out one of Batista's eyes, so he would still have some idea as to what he was doing or where he was going. Yeah, if you were going to have this finish then you just shouldn't have booked the previous segment the way you did.

    So what do I think of the first show? It was decent. I liked what you were trying to do, storyline wise and character wise (Maven, and Hassan's character, and the setting up of the Highlite Reel), but I strongly disliked your execution. (Batista not being able to clothesline Viscera effectively but somehow manages to hit an easy spinebuster, Grisham getting dropped face first onto concrete, bullshit on Raw, and the main event finish) But as time goes on it could get better.

  3. user posted image

    The bad boy of the NWA. That's what everybody refers to Hardcore City as. And they couldn't be more right. Hardcore City brings something to the NWA that can only be compared to it's partner on the west coast, NWA: Los Angeles. But Hardcore City has something that no other NWA affiliated promotion has, a combination of everything. The Hardcore City has a wide range of brawlers, hosses, speedsters, and tag teams that blend together to please the most rabid fan base in all of wrestling. And what makes these fans as rabid as they are? The intensity. The interactivity. And the genius that is Paul Heyman.

    So How Did The Hardcore City Become NWA: HC?

    Philadelphia was an untapped market for the NWA. The Philadelphia wrestling fans may have seen the NWA on television, but rarely ever did NWA: East Coast venture into Philadelphia. So when Paul Heyman began promoting out of Philadelphia, it drew big time, as the people saw him as the one man that truly cared about the Philadelphia fans. But, we've all heard about Paul Heyman's problems with balancing the books. This is where the NWA came in. They proposed the idea to provide some funding towards Hardcore City, as long as it agreed to come under the NWA banner, and tone down the excessive violence a little. So that's how Hardcore City, became NWA: Hardcore City. Right...?

    Wrong. Paul Heyman gave a resounding no to the NWA board. Hardcore City was his creation, and nobody else would leech off of it. And things continued going along the same path, that is, until more and more checks started bouncing. Workers morale was going down, and so were their performances. Who is going to give 100% when they may not even get paid for it? It all came to a head when Heyman's core group of individuals confronted him about the matter. And to make a long story short, they (Raven, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Taz, the Dudleys and Justin Credible) said that if Heyman didn't do something about it, they'd have to look for work elsewhere. So, Heyman, fearing losing his top talent, and probably the rest soon after, bit the bullet and signed under the NWA name.

    And that's that? Wrong again. Heyman does not get along with the NWA higher ups. The individual promotions, such as NWA: Detroit, NWA: Los Angeles, and NWA: Athletic Arts, have a good relationship with Heyman's Hardcore City, but the NWA brass doesn't. Heyman feels that there are far too many restrictions put on him creatively, with the NWA trying to retain some semblance of being family oriented. Heyman and the NWA Brass go back and forth with Heyman challenging their rules, and the higher ups cutting his funding. However, there are some signs that show that the relationship between the NWA and Hardcore City is improving. Recently the NWA Tag Titles were placed around the waists of Hardcore City champions, the Dudley Boys. But will Heyman accept the peace offering, or will he continue to disobey the NWA?

    What About Raven?

    Well, to find that out you're going to have to go and watch the shows put on down in the Carolina's. Raven, after losing to his long time lackey Stevie Richards, agreed to go down to NWA: AA and help them out creatively. The NWA board isn't too happy about this because Raven was always seen as Heyman's "apprentice", by helping him book the shows and just coming up with storyline ideas in general. The board doesn't want Heyman rubbing off on Athletic Arts through Raven. But I guess only time will tell if that happens or not. And what did NWA: HC get in return? NWA: AA agreed to establish a working relationship with NWA: HC, which so far has included allowing Air Paris to work any HC shows that he is booked on. The NWA sees a lot of potential in Air Paris, and they believe that honing his trade in different environments will help him learn and improve at a quicker pace.

    Dreamer And Taz... Staff Members?

    The two men that you would most likely identify with NWA: HC , Tommy Dreamer and Taz, are no longer on the active roster. And they can both owe that designation to Simon's Sideshow Freaks. Simon Diamond, the NWA: HC Television Champion's henchmen, Rhino & Boulder have been dominating all of Simon's opponents through sneak attacks and other nefarious methods. When a returning John Kronus challenged Simon for his title, he was promptly attacked by Rhino and (Horace) Boulder. But Tommy Dreamer just wouldn't stand for it. He formed a makeshift team with Kronus, and challenged Rhino & Boulder to a tag match at Hardcore City's big November event, November to Dismember. Dreamer's last match in a Hardcore City ring. He was piledriven off the ring apron, through a table by Rhino, emphatically breaking the neck and ending the career of Tommy Dreamer. Needless to say, Kronus was easy pickings for Rhino & Boulder.

    Now Taz, on the other hand is a different story. His back had been dodgy ever since his epic feud with Mike Awesome culminated in late 2003. But who wouldn't expect that, with all of them Awesome Bombs over the top rope? But the straw that broke the... Taz's back wasn't from Mike Awesome. It was from "The Angry Amish Warrior" Roadkill, and his impressive Chicken Choker, which is basically a Middle Rope Sit-Out Uranage.

    What's Roadkill up to now?

    After that occured, Taz's nephew Chris Chetti(whom had secretly been trained in the House of Hardcore) came into the ring to check on his uncle, resulting in him being on the receiving end of an Amish Hammer (Polish Hammer) from Roadkill, and a second rope splash. And since then, Chetti has made it his vow to avenge his uncle. With Hardcore City legend Taz as his mentor, Chetti may be just the man to stop Roadkill's mean streak.

    NWA: HC Heavyweight Champion

    Justin Credible

    Justin Credible won the Hardcore City title from the Sandman back in September, and he's been on a tear ever since then. He's beaten Tommy Dreamer, Raven and a slew of others. But now his newest challenge is "The Real Fucking Deal" Stevie Richards. Richards spent 2000 - December 2004 playing second fiddle to Raven, until Justin Credible decided to get in his ear. Credible, thinking that Richards turning on Raven would help him defend his title, started planting thoughts in Richards' ear about being better than Raven. And, at the major December event, Richards finally took action. Except, when Richards Steviekicked Raven, officially ending their alliance, he wasn't done. He then Steviekicked Credible, making his intentions known. He wants the Hardcore City Heavyweight Championship, and he proved that he very well may deserve it by beating Raven for the Number One Contendership back in February. Raven was so ashamed of himself for losing to Richards, that he officially left Hardcore City in embarassment. Justin Credible has since then been ducking every challenge from the self proclaimed "Real Fucking Deal", Stevie Richards. Drawing Richards out of Raven's shadow may have been the worst move Credible could have made.

    NWA Tag Team Champions, and Hardcore City Champions

    The Dudley Boys

    The most lethal tag team in the NWA, the Dudley Boys are running a muck all over North America, and especially Philadelphia with nobody being able to stop them. Spike Dudley, Bubba and D-Vons runt brother, tried with his then partner Balls Mahoney, but eventually succumbed to the strategy of "if you can't beat them join them." The Dudley trio, and their mouthpiece, Joel Gertner have been running roughshod all over anyone and everyone in Hardcore City. That is, until Rob Van Dam, Sabu and their coach Bill Alfonso have made their return to Hardcore City. The Dudleys were dismantling the flashy team of Danny Doring, and Christian York, also known as Erotica when Sabu, Rob Van Dam, and Bill Alfonso made their return and saved Erotica. Since then the Dudleys had been itching to get their hands on Sabu, and RVD and when they finally did, it was four against three. Bubba, D-Von, Spike and Gertner against RVD, Sabu, and Alfonso... until Balls Mahoney returned and evened up the sides, and get some revenge on Spike for turning his back on him.

    The Rest of the Roster

    2 Cold Scorpio

    Scorpio, the very first Hardcore City champion recently made his return to do battle with the cocky Joey Matthews. Matthews shows an intense hatred towards what Scorpio represents. Tradition.

    Air Paris

    Hardcore City's very own disgruntled flight attendant. The most gimmicked up wrestler on the roster hands down.


    Danny Doring and Christian York team up as a couple of brash, arrogant, and apparently sexy youngsters. But they've also been focusing in on singles gold. Simon Diamond's TV Title to be exact. But in order to get that, they've got to use teamwork to get through Rhino & Boulder, Simon's Side Show Freaks. And it doesn't hurt them to have the ultra sexy/trashy Dawn Marie as their manager.

    Dawn Marie

    Manager of Erotica. Maybe she makes some movies with them?

    Francine & Mike Awesome and Perry Saturn

    Francine manages Mike Awesome, pound for pound the heaviest hitter in all of Hardcore City. Awesome, famous for the Running Awesome Bomb, is even more famous for just flat out destroying everyone who steps in his path. And right now, that person is Perry Saturn. After Mike Awesome hit his Awesome Bomb on John Kronus at the last big show, Perry Saturn made the save for his long time friend and partner in the Eliminators.

    Nova and Tajiri

    Providing the workrate of Hardcore City

    Supreme and The Sandman

    Since Hardcore City established a working relationship with NWA: Los Angeles, it has brought one person from the west coast to the east coast, and his name is Supreme. But, not everyone greeted Supreme with open arms. The Sandman, for example, isn't too thrilled with this nobody coming into Hardcore City with a chip on his shoulder. The Sandman wants to teach Supreme a lesson, the hardcore way.

    NWA Hardcore City - Every Saturday Night!

    If any of this has interested you, then feel free to come to the Hardcore Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania every Saturday Night at 9 PM for all the NWA: Hardcore City action you can handle, and then some!

  4. Match of the Night: Tommy Dreamer vs Rodney Mack

    Worst Match of the Night: The Dudley Boyz vs Killer Cox & The Machine

    Overall Segment of the Night: Raw Highlights - Nash/Goldberg/HHH

    Worst Segment of the Night: The Dudley Boyz vs Killer Cox & The Machine

    Fantasy WWE Update

    D-Extreme: -1 Theodore Long Managed Rodney Mack to a loss

    Show Total: -1

    Grand Total: 5

    JStarr: 2 The stairs were used twice.

    Show Total: 2

    Grand Total: 12



    +3 Tommy Dreamer beat Rodney Mack

    +1 There was no physical interaction between Dreamer and Richards

    Show Total: 4

    Grand Total: 16


    -1 Tommy Dreamer lost to Rodney Mack

    -1 Dreamer and Richards didn't fight

    Show Total: -2

    Grand Total: -18


    +3 Tommy Dreamer beat Rodney Mack

    +1 There was no physical interaction between Richards and Dreamer

    Show Total: 4

    Grand Total: 10


    +3 Tommy Dreamer beat Rodney Mack

    -1 There was no physical interaction between Dreamer and Richards

    Show Total: 2

    Grand Total: 4


    +3 Bubba Ray Dudley

    +2 D-Von Dudley

    +3 Tommy Dreamer

    -1 Rodney Mack

    FWWE Leaderboard

    1 JStarr +16

    2 D-Extreme +10

    3 Stonecoldfan +4

    4 Kou -1

    5 Derek4jc -2

    5 Chris2k -2

    7 Maddog -18

  5. Monthly Recap

    The Competition

    NWA: Total Nonstop Action

    November was a very good month for TNA. Panda increased their funding, leading to Randy Savage, Ken Shamrock, and The Sandman making full time returns to TNA. It has also allowed TNA to sign exclusive contracts with AJ Styles, BG James, Chris Harris, Danny Doring, Desire, Don Callis, Dusty Rhodes, Erik Watts, Glenn Gilbertti, James Mitchell, James Storm, Jerry Lynn, Jimmy Hart, Joe E Legend, Johnny Swinger, Kid Kash, Konnan, Lollipop, Raven, Roadkill, Ron Killings, Shane Douglas, Simon Diamond, Sonny Siaki, Vampiro, Vince Russo and X. The wrestlers that refused to sign written agreements with TNA are still receiving work, but it is lower profile matches. For example, D'Lo Brown is now on the bottom of the card in a tag feud, with him and Shark Boy taking on the Harris Boys. As of now, Jeff Jarrett is the Heavyweight Champion, Sonny Siaki is the X Division Champion, and Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger are the tag champs. TNA may soon lose to of it's workers to the WWE. Julio Dinero and Chad Collyer have both signed up for a tryout with the WWE, and seeing as how they are not under an exclusive TNA contract, they can soon make the jump to WWE.

    Other Indy News

    Yankee Pro Wrestling has been running so low on funding that it had to cancel it's November show and release four talents, Mike Majors, Troy Bond, Tremor and The Crazy Mexican. The WWE has agreed to cut a deal with Yankee Pro Wrestling. The WWE will provide SOME funding towards YPW, and YPW will provide wrestlers for dark matches and Heat/Velocity squashes. This is very similar to the deal with the WWE and NWACF of last month.

    Combat Zone Wrestling may have had the best November on the Indys. In most peoples eyes, they have risen up to Cult status, much like ECW was. They signed a deal that will give them a Sunday graveyard slot show on DirecTV. The added revenue has also allowed them to sign open deals with Juventud Guerrera, La Parka, D'Lo Brown, and Sabu. But they did suffer one loss. Bobby Heenan, their color commentator, has said that he can not handle the traveling anymore and will not be doing any more CZW commentary. Also, La Parka will only be in CZW till the end of December, because he is headed back down to Mexico in the new year.

    A few of the older independent wrestlers are deciding to officially hang up the boots at the end of December. Abdullah The Butcher, Gran Hamada and Eddie Ruiz are the more well known retiring wrestlers. It will be sad to see them go, because they have all made an impact on the sport.

    WWE News

    Management likes the chemistry that Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley show in the ring. They believe that Bubba and D-Von feed off of each other very nicely in a tag situation, and feel that they could put on an entertaining match as opponents. But there are no current plans to turn a Dudley, so take that as a mere observation.

    Another possible Royal Rumble return was "The Godfather" Charles Wright. But, he just inked a written deal with IWA Puerto Rico, so he is now out of the question.

    One more retiring veteran will have a heavy impact on the WWE. Jerry Lawler, now 55, is retiring from the WWE after the Armageddon PPV. WWE officials are not very happy at the short notice, but respect his wishes. Expect the WWE to put together a quick feud building up to Armageddon involving the King so he can have that one last match. It is unknown as of now who will replace him as the color commentator on Raw. But I'm praying it's not The Cat, Dean Malenko or Hugo Savinovich.

    There are two more contracts that are nearing their expiration. They are Lucy's, and Maven's. The WWE still has till the end of March to negotiate these contracts, but I would expect both Lucy and Maven to be resigned. However, it would not surprise me if Lucy was not.

    WWE Birthdays - The Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla, has turned 34 years old. Christian, and A-Train have turned 31. Jerry Lawler is 55, and is nearing retirement. Down in OVW Nikita Fink has turned 23, and Asylum has turned 28. Miss Jackie has turned 23, Dawn Marie is 33, and Ivory is 43. Akio and Maven are now 27. Bill DeMott is 38, Bradshaw is 36 and Billy Gunn is 40.

  6. ********************************************************************************

    World Wrestling Entertainment Newsletter


    Monday Night Raw Preview

    This Monday's Raw (9 p.m./8 CT on UPN) will test two men in our main event. Kevin Nash has just returned to the WWE at Survivor Series, and since then he's just been itching to get back in the ring. He had the chance last week against Triple H, but Goldberg stopped that match from happening. Now he's got Triple H's running buddy Batista. Nash is looking to send a message to both Triple H and Goldberg that he means business, and that he wants the World Heavyweight Title. But the Animal of Evolution will try and prove that he can hang in the main event scene!

    Also, Booker T left Raw early last week, before his match with Batista were to happen. He was shunned by the rest of the Raw locker room, presumably for causing RVD the Intercontinental Title. How will this situation progress at Raw?

    We'll answer all these questions and more, this Monday night!


    Every Man For Themselves!

    This past Thursday on Smackdown, Rhyno and the US Champion Big Show defeated Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle in a Tag Team match that focused on Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit jockeying for contendorship to the Undisputed Title. However, Kurt Angle's ongoing conflicts with both the Big Show and John Cena came back to haunt him. After both Angle and Benoit were thrown off the turnbuckles and through the announcers table!, John Cena made his presence felt with vile chairshots to anything that moved. As Smackdown ended, one thing was known for sure... the battle lines have been drawn between Cena, Big Show and Angle!


    The Velocity General Manager's Tournament

    This past Saturday, the Velocity General Manager's Tournament kicked off with four high profile matches. Hardcore Holly beat Akio, Funaki beat Johnny Stamboli, Mark Henry beat Paul London, and out of our two surprise entrants, Bill DeMott beat Josh Mathews! Expect the hard hitting action to continue next week.



    After such an action packed weekend in the WWE, we ask you fans, what was your favorite Moment?

    1) Bill DeMott and Josh Mathews announced as the two final entrants to the tournament!?

    2) Funaki sneaking out the win over Johnny Stamboli?

    3) Richards announcing Malenko and Savinovich as the new announce team?

    4) Tommy Dreamer and Rodney Mack's brawl!?


    Recent Hardcore Title History

    10 Tommy Dreamer - Twelve Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Shawn Stasiak 8/17/03 - Lost To Shawn Stasiak 8/17/03

    9 Shawn Stasiak - Former Fifteen Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Tommy Dreamer 8/17/03 - Lost To Stevie Richards 8/18/03

    8 Stevie Richards - Twenty One Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Shawn Stasiak 8/18/03 - Lost To Tommy Dreamer 8/18/03

    7 Tommy Dreamer - Thirteen Time Hardcore Champion - Won Fron Stevie Richards 8/18/03 - Lost To Bradshaw 8/19/03

    6 Bradshaw - Seventeen Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Tommy Dreamer 8/19/03 - Lost To Crash Holly 8/19/03

    5 Crash Holly - Twenty Two Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Bradshaw 8/19/03 - Lost to Tommy Dreamer 8/19/03

    4 Tommy Dreamer - Fourteen Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Crash Holly 8/19/03 - Lost To Rob Van Dam 8/26/03

    3 Rob Van Dam - Four Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Tommy Dreamer 8/26/02 - Lost To Tommy Dreamer 11/9/03

    2 Tommy Dreamer - Fifteen Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Rob Van Dam 11/9/03 - Lost To Stevie Richards 11/9/03

    1 Stevie Richards - Twenty Two Time Hardcore Champion - Won From Tommy Dreamer 11/9/03 - Current World Cruiserweight Champion


    General Manager's Tournament Standings

    0 Losses

    Hardcore Holly

    Bill DeMott


    Mark Henry

    One Loss

    Johnny Stamboli

    Paul London


    Josh Mathews

    Two Losses



    Bill DeMott d. Josh Mathews

    Hardcore Holly d. Akio

    Mark Henry d. Paul London

    Funaki d. Johnny Stamboli


  7. user posted image


    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 2003


    Once the Sunday Night Heat opening video plays, we go to the backstage area instead of to the ring for pyro. Stevie Richards is shown pacing back and forth behind his desk. He's wearing a brown suit jacket, with a shirt and tie on underneath. That is, until he walks away from the desk, showing that underneath all that is a pair of pink shorts. Victoria is lying on the desk in her pajamas (with the buttcheeks cut out of course), rolling her around and tossing papers in the air.

    Stevie Richards: Alright, it's time for the show. And I'm faced with the tough decision of finding two of you to replace Al Snow and Johnathan Coachman as my Commentary Team.

    The camera pans out to show Hugo Savinovich, Gene Okerlund, Rodney and Pete Gas (yes, the Rodney & Pete Gas), Dean Malenko, and Harvey Whippleman.

    Stevie Richards: Now, unfortunately I can only pick two of you to do this job. And that means that five of you are going to have to leave Stevie Night Heat. So let's narrow the field down a little bit. First, Harvey, Stevie Night Heat is a family show (as he says this, the camera focuses in on Victoria's almost bare ass) and with your history in the WWE, I just don't think you'd be a good fit.

    Victoria: Look at me, I'm Harvina!

    Victoria then proceeds to stand up, scratch her head and tackle Harvey off the chair! She starts shaking the life out of Harvey, until Stevie calls her off.

    Stevie Richards: Now get rid of him for me honeybunchkins. Whose next...

    The camera shows everyone sitting there bracing themselves for bad news, except for Malenko who just looks like he doesn't care. Rodney is patting Pete Gas on the shoulder, Okerlund is crossing his fingers, and Hugo is giving Stevie the puppy dog eyes.

    Stevie Richards: Now one of the main credentials that I'm judging you all on is your experience. So, Gene and Hugo, that brings me to you two.

    Hugo Savinovich: Que?

    Stevie Richards: What? Yeah, I'm okay. Gene, I want an announcer with some experience...

    Gene Okerlund: I'll be glad to do the job for you Mr. Richards!

    Stevie Richards: BUT... Gene, you've gotta be pushing 150 years old, and quite frankly that's a safety concern. None of the millions of Stevie Night Heat Viewers want to see you keel over on my show. So Gene, go back to Confidential.

    Gene Okerlund: Bu...bu... but.

    Stevie Richards: Don't make me get my delicate flower Victoria to throw you out.

    Gene Okerlund goes out peacefully.

    Stevie Richards: So Hugo, you have just the right amount of experience for the job. Welcome aboard matey!

    Hugo turns and whispers something to Malenko. Malenko turns back to Hugo and whispers "Si." Hugo gets up and shakes Stevie's hand profusely.

    Hugo Savinovich: Mucho gracias Senor Richards!

    Hugo then got up and walked out of the way.

    Stevie Richards: Now, there are three of you left, Rodney, Pete Gas and Dean Malenko. Dean, I'm sorry my man, but me and my sweetness think that to be a commentator you need to have a certain... charisma about you. Like... any charisma whatsoever. So get out of here.

    Dean Malenko gets up to leave, but as he gets up, Rodney and Pete Gas start laughing at him and pointing their fingers at him. Dean then turns around and pushes Pete Gas back, knocking his chair tipping backwards. Gas falls on his ass, so Rodney gets up and shoves Malenko. Rodney goes to punch him, but instead Malenko takes Rodney down and locks him in the Texas Cloverleaf!

    Dean Malenko: So, do I have the job or not?

    Stevie Richards: Uh... Heh, I was just kidding around before...

    Dean Malenko: Do I have the job?

    Stevie Richards: Ummm... Yeah, but uh, it's been nice doing business with you, I gotta run. I don't want to be late.

    Richards bolts out of the room, Hardcore Title in hand. He sees Victoria on the outside still pummeling Wippleman.

    Stevie Richards: I've gotta go now my little dipsy doodle. Are you sure you can handle the show tonight?

    Victoria: Of course I can! Hehehe. But wait ooooooh wait Stevie. Are they here tonight?

    Stevie Richards: Yes sweetiepie, our entourage is here. Now I've gotta go. Have fun with Harvey.

    Stevie then runs into the parking lot. He sees his limo parked, and runs alongside a WWE truck, to go to his limo. From out of nowhere, the superhero in training, Rosey, pops out.

    user posted image

    Rosey was hiding behind a few garbage cans. He tries to surprise Richards and tackle him down so he can get the Hardcore Title. But Rosey launches himself at Richards, leading Richards to duck out of the way of the flying fatass. Rosey crashes right into the side of the truck and falls in a heap. Richards gets back to his feet and hightails it to the limo. He hops in the limo and speeds away, as the cameraman turns back around to see Tommy Dreamer stepping out of a SUV. Dreamer goes to walk into the building, and then looks at the speeding car. He shrugs his shoulders and then walks in... as the pyro finally gets to go off.

    OR: 75

    CR: 67

    MQ: 83

    Hardcore Title Gained In Image

    **3/4 Segment Rating

    After about twenty seconds of dead silence with the camera focused in on Malenko, and Savinovich.

    Hugo Savinovich: Hola! Senors and Senoritas me yamo es Hugo!

    Dean Malenko: Uh, Hello. This is Heat, and I'm Dean Malenko. This is Hugo. We're the new announce team.

    Hugo Savinovich: Siii.

    Dean Malenko: Yeah, here on Heat. We've got all the top Raw wrestlers here and stuff.

    Hugo Savinovich: Si senor Malenko.

    Dean Malenko: And, we show you what happened on Raw. And stuff. Like, yeah, here are the clips and stuff from Rob Van Dam's match with Chris Jericho.

    Hugo Savinovich: Para el Titulo Intercontinental!


    user posted image

    Rob Van Dam quickly hops up onto the ring apron. Van Dam springboards and then hits a straight kick right to the chops of Jericho who was still too preoccupied with the way Mike Sparks was treating his belt to notice that someone was about to kick him in the face. Van Dam and Jericho pop right back up, which leads to Van Dam hitting a series of forearms to the head of Jericho that backs him up into the ropes. An Irish Whip from Van Dam sends Jericho flying across the ring into the ropes. On the rebound, Jericho ducks a Back Elbow from Van Dam and bounces off the ropes again. This time Jericho goes to hit a Crossbody on Van Dam, but Van Dam counters this by hitting a front dropkick right to the exposed chest of Jericho. Jericho is down and it looks like he's got the wind knocked out of him.

    Van Dam gets up and he isn't letting up on Jericho. Van Dam pulls Jericho into the middle of the ring and then hits a quick spinning legdrop. Once again Van Dam is up quickly. He bounces himself off the ropes, and then hits the Rolling Thunder onto the prone Chris Jericho. Van Dam gets up and sizes up Jericho. He has him lined up, and is just waiting for him to get to his feet. Jericho finally gets up, holding his chest. Van Dam goes to hit Jericho with a spin kick, but Jericho ducks underneath of it. Van Dam then quickly attempts to sweep out Jericho's legs from underneath him, but Jericho jumps over Van Dam's leg. Van Dam gets back to a vertical base, and Jericho jumps onto the middle rope and hits a springboard Dropkick right to the face of Van Dam knocking both men down. Both Jericho and Van Dam take their time getting up to their feet.

    Jericho is up a split second before Van Dam, so he goes on the offensive with a knee to the stomach of Van Dam. Van Dam hunches over, and Jericho takes a page out of William Regal's playbook by jumping up and kneeing Van Dam in the head. Van Dam holds his head with one hand, leaving him vulnerable to attack. So Jericho does a quick double leg takedown on Van Dam and tries to turn him over into the Walls of Jericho. But Van Dam is fighting to stay on his back. Jericho can't turn him over, so he falls back and slingshots Van Dam. Van Dam lands on the middle turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault on Jericho. But Jericho catches him on his right shoulder. Jericho flings Van Dam over his shoulder and drills him with a Reverse DDT from the modified Fireman's Carry position. (Simonizer for you ECW marks) Jericho covers. One... Two... Van Dam uses his leg strength to kick out just in the knick of time.

    Van Dam is still laying on the mat, but he holds his head in pain. Jericho then decides to start working over the neck with a headlock. Van Dam starts fading away but after Mike Sparks lifts his hand, and drops it twice, Van Dam's arm shoots up. Van Dam starts battling up to one knee. He starts hitting elbows into the chest area of Jericho, but Jericho just leans into the Headlock to put more force on the hold. That stops Van Dam from firing off elbows, but he still is battling to his feet. Van Dam finally gets up to a vertical base, and once again starts hitting elbows into the midsection of Jericho. But Jericho keeps applying more and more force to the headlock to stop Van Dam from building any momentum. With one great burst of energy, Van Dam scoots himself behind Jericho, and drops him with a Back Suplex out of the headlock. Both men are down, but as Mike Sparks counts up to seven, Van Dam kips up and quickly hits a Standing Moonsault on Jericho.

    Van Dam covers. One... Two... Jericho kicks out. Van Dam gets up still favoring his neck. He picks Jericho up to his feet. Van Dam goes to Irish Whip Jericho, but Jericho reverses it and sends Van Dam flying into the ropes. Jericho bends down to go for a Back Body Drop on Van Dam, but Van Dam hops over Jericho's back and rolls up Jericho using his legs. One... Tw... Jericho powers out and staggers to his feet. Van Dam is up quickly and charges at Jericho, but Jericho goes around him and hits a Sleeping Neckbreaker on Van Dam which causes Van Dam's head to ricochet off the ring mat. Jericho gets up and cockily struts over Van Dam. Jericho puts one foot on the midsection of Van Dam and orders referee Mike Sparks to make the count. One... Two... Van Dam gets his shoulders up.

    Jericho takes a minute to taunt the crowd by doing Rob Van Dam's thumb taunt, when Van Dam rolls up Jericho, spins him around and tries to lock him in the Walls of Jericho! He has Jericho turned over, but Jericho crawls on his hands to the ropes and barely gets the ropes before Van Dam tries to pull him into the middle of the ring. Van Dam lets go of the hold, and hunches over to try and catch his breath. Jericho gets up and goes for his one handed bulldog, but Van Dam fights it off by bending his knees. Jericho lands on his ass after missing the bulldog. Van Dam quickly scoops up Jericho and hooks him up for a suplex. Van Dam lifts up Jericho in the suplex and then drops him stomach first across the top rope. Jericho's entire upper body is dangling over the top rope. Van Dam quickly hops up to the top rope, where he does the R...V...D... thumb taunts, and then leaps off the top turnbuckle with a Spinning Leg Drop to the back of the neck of Jericho that flings him right back into the ring.

    Van Dam drags Jericho into the center of the ring before running off into the corner. Van Dam hops up onto the top turnbuckle and once again does his thumb taunt. He's about to fly with the Five Star Frog Splash... Can You Dig It Sucka!!!? Booker T's music hits.

    Van Dam has a look of disgust on his face as he stands perched on the top turnbuckle waiting for Booker T to come down to the ring. But what's this? Christian hops over the barrier and grabs Jericho's Intercontinental Championship Belt.

    Christian hops up onto the apron and drills Van Dam in the back of the head with the Intercontinental Championship Belt. Van Dam falls and does a front flip off the top turnbuckle right onto the mat. Christian hops off the apron and then ducks on the side of the apron. Booker T's music stops playing, so referee Mike Sparks turns his attention back to the task at hand. He turns just in time to see Chris Jericho throw his arm over the chest of Rob van Dam. One... Two... Three!

    After the match is officially over, and Chris Jericho is declared the winner, Christian comes back into the ring. He picks up Rob Van Dam and then quickly drops him right on his face with the Unprettier. Christian then goes over to Jericho and helps him up to his feet. Jericho is totally spent but that doesn't stop him from putting the boots to Van Dam. Christian and Jericho take turns celebrating with the Intercontinental Championship Belt, and stomping the hell out of an unconscious Rob Van Dam. All of a sudden Trish Stratus titty jiggles her way out to the ring. She slides into the ring and stands over Van Dam, while yelling for Jericho to hit her. Trish slides Van Dam out of the ring and then goes back to taunting Jericho. First she shoves Jericho, but he doesn't get upset, he just smiles at her. Then Jericho says to her "I can't hit you, but he can." On cue with Jericho, Christian grabs a handful of Trish's hair. Trish screams out in fear, but the screams don't help her because Christian spins her around and drops her on her head with an Unprettier! Christian then sits on Trish's back and locks her in a Camel Clutch while Jericho bends down and starts taunting Trish. OOOOOOOOOOOH WHAT A RUUUUUUUUUSH It's Animal! Animal charges down to the ring and he does not look like a happy camper. Animal gets into the ring and takes Jericho and Christian down with a double clothesline. Animal then bounces into the ropes and hits both men with a double shoulderblock. Animal then calls for a microphone.

    Animal: Chris...tian... Me and you... At the... Armageddon... Pay... Per View. What... do you say?

    Christian gets up and shakes his head no at Animal.

    Animal: Wrong... answer.

    Animal then boots Christian in the stomach and hits a thunderous powerbomb. Animal goes to do the same thing to Chris Jericho but he gets blindsided by Randy Orton and the RKO! All hell is breaking loose here. Randy Orton goes and picks up the Intercontinental Championship Belt. He looks at it, and then starts to smile before dropping it and seeing that Trish Stratus is now back up to her feet. Orton shrugs his shoulders and then hits a big RKO on Trish Stratus. But then The D-Bomb Drops! And out runs Bubba Ray Dudley. He hustles down to the ring and slides in. Bubba goes face to face with Orton. Orton puts his hands up and says that "it isn't his fight." Orton then slides out of the ring, while Bubba Ray checks on Trish. Trish starts to come too and thanks Bubba. He picks her up and starts to carry her out of the ring, when he sees Jericho starting to get to his feet. Bubba then props Trish up in the corner, and waits for Jericho to get back to a standing position. Then Bubba delivers the Bubba Cutter to Jericho! The ring is an absolute warzone with Bubba being the only man left standing. He picks Trish back up and then carries her to the backstage area as we cut to commercial.

    Overall: 80

    Hugo Savinovich: Todo el infierno rompio la noche pasada floja de lunes!

    Malenko gives off a hearty laugh.

    Dean Malenko: Why yes, Hugo, I do enjoy potato salad.

    Hugo Savinovich: Dos cervezas andale aqui por favor.

    Dean Malenko: I can do quite the Speedy Gonzales imitation as well.

    Dean chuckles a little bit to himself, leading to some more dead air.

    Dean Malenko: Well, yeah, now let's go to the ring. For a match. It's the Tag Team Champions, the Dudley Boyz against

    Hugo Savinovich: Asesino Cox y La Máquina!

    Dean Malenko: No, actually its Killer Cox, and The Machine. What note sheet are you looking at Hugo?



    We go back to the ring where “Drop The Bombshell” hit’s the PA to a big pop, as D-on Dudley and his half-brother Bubba Ray stride down towards the ring, where Killer Cox and The Machine are situated already. The Dudleyz get into the ring and climb opposite turnbuckles, raising their arms in the air simultaneously, provoking more noise from the crowd, before making their way back down to the canvas. The Dudleyz have a brief exchange of words before D-Von exits the ring, as does The Machine, as the bell sounds.

    Dean Malenko: Well it looks to me like Bubba Ray Dudley will start the match off with The Machine. Most likely they will start off with a Collar and Elbow Tie up, but technical wrestling is really not either man's strongpoint. So it would not surprise me if Bubba Ray, or the Machine started off with a few striking attacks, rather than a headlock. Which really is a shame.

    Hugo Savinovich: Huh? Golpee su asno con el pie Dudley!

    Bubba Ray and The Machine circle each other for a minute, before locking up, and Bubba Ray tosses Machine to the mat. The Machine quickly gets to his feet, but is squashed in the corner by a Bubba Ray clothesline, and Bubba Ray proceeds to pummel and kick The Machine until he’s on his ass, at which point Bubba Ray aggressively yanks Machine to his feet, before knocking him down with a vicious clothesline.

    Dean Malenko: Bubba Ray Dudley would be a much better wrestler if he chose to focus more on wearing the opponent down on the mat, as opposed to pummeling them. Throwing punches wears out both you and your opponent, but a nice and tight armbar just weakens your opponent.

    Hugo Savinovich: Golpéelo con el pie en los dientes!

    Bubba goes for the cover.

    Dean Malenko: Now Bubba is going for the cover. But, I think he'd receive better results if instead of going right for the cover, he locked a leg submission on Machine. That would have weakened him up even more, meaning he'd have less leg strength to kick out of the pin attempt. Also, if you take out the man's legs, there is no way he'd be able to tag in his partner Killer Cox.

    Hugo Savinovich: Blah del blah de Blah, visión justa el fósforo!



    Hugo Savinovich: Aye papi! El golpeó con el pie hacia fuera.

    Machine kicks out at two. Bubba Ray wastes little time as he gets to his feet, picking up Machine. Bubba Ray backs him into a corner and tags in D-Von, before going to work with punches to the face of Machine.

    Dean Malenko: Now fans, this is where the experience factor comes into play. The Dudley Boyz have been tag teaming together for years, while The Machine and Killer Cox are more of a makeshift team.

    Hugo Savinovich: Los Dudleys se fuego!

    Dean Malenko: No Hugo, you leggo my Eggo!

    More laughing, while Hugo looks at Dean sort of puzzled.

    D-Von and Bubba Ray then send Machine off the ropes and nail a double elbow, as D-Von goes for a cover and gets 2, and Bubba Ray exits the ring. D-Von locks on a rear chinlock on Machine, but he manages to get to his feet, before connecting with a pair of elbows to the gut of D-Von. Machine then quickly hit’s a snap suplex on D-Von, before tagging in Killer Cox. Cox is quickly on D-Von, smashing his lower back with some semi-stiff kicks, before grabbing the jaw of D-Von, trying to yank his head off it seems. D-Von cuts off Cox with a pair of punches to the gut however, before kicking Cox in the gut and hitting a neck breaker.

    Dean Malenko: D-Von looks to be the more technically sound wrestler on the Dudleys team. That was quite the neckbreaker by D-Von, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Cox had just been tagged in, and he looked like he was ready to do some damage. But luckily for the Dudleys, D-Von managed to stop his offensive spurt, and possibly his chances of winning, with that beautiful 1/4 inch rotating, head and arm, falling capture hold drop, or as you all know it, a neckbreaker.

    Hugo Savinovich: ¡Deseo ver un poco de madera!

    Dean Malenko: Why yes Hugo, I did in fact have a pogo stick when I was a child. Why do you ask?

    Hugo Savinovich: Aye papi!



    Dean Malenko: Had D-Von put more force into hooking the leg, this match could be over right now.

    Killer Cox somehow manages to get out of the pinfall. D-Von picks Cox up and backs him into a corner, before whipping him into the opposite corner, and connecting with a hard clothesline. Cox falls down to the mat, as D-Von tags in Bubba Ray, who takes his time in picking Cox up, and connecting with three punches to the cranium of Cox, before sending him into the ropes and hitting a sidewalk slam.

    Dean Malenko: And there's a scooping, elevated, sideways, invertedly modified backbreaker...

    Hugo Savinovich: ¿Usted significa un golpe de la acera?

    Dean Malenko: How about you leave the match calling to me?

    Bubba goes for the pin.



    Kickout by Cox. Bubba Ray shouts “get up bitch!” at Cox, before backing him into a corner and connecting with chops. The Machine comes up to Bubba Ray from the comfort of the ring apron, nailing Bubba Ray with two double axe handles from behind, but Bubba Ray nails Machine with a punch to the gut, before hanging him up on the top rope. D-Von jumps off the apron and goes around the ring to where Machine is, before sending him into the steel ring steps, a sick thud echoing around the arena, to the sound of “ohh” from the audience. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Bubba Ray is going to work with jabs, before hitting the big bionic elbow. D-Von throws Machine into the ring, and Bubba Ray hit’s the Bubba Bomb on him, before holding back the legs of Machine. The crowd shout “was sup” in union with D-Von, as he flies off of the top rope with a painful looking head butt to the groin of Machine, who thrives around in pain. D-Von spins around, signalling for the end, as Bubba Ray scoops up Cox, and sends him into the ropes, as The Dudley Boyz connect with a thunderous Dudley Death Drop.

    Hugo Savinovich: Tres D, la gota de la muerte del Dudley!

    Dean Malenko: Del Dudley? I don't believe I've met that one yet. But, regardless, The Dudleyz just hit the Dudley Death Drop on Killer Cox! Bubba's going for the pin and this should be the end of the match right here.

    Bubba Ray hooks the leg




    And the Dudley Death Drop gets a three count, and the crowd cheers, but it appears as though the Dudleyz aren’t finished yet.

    Winners: Dudley Boyz

    OR: 51

    CR: 47

    MQ: 56

    Cox Sold Poorly and is Losing Overness... as if he had any


    Bubba Ray shoves D-Von, before shouting the all too familiar words.

    Bubba Ray: “D-Von……GET THE TABLES!”

    The crowd pop, and D-Von obliges, quickly exiting the ring, and sliding a table into the ring, before following it into the squared circle. Killer Cox has by now rolled to the outside, leaving The Machine to the mercy of The Dudleyz. Bubba Ray sends Machine into the ropes, and The Dudleyz execute a second sweet 3D, this time combined with the crunching sound of a table being broken by the anatomy of The Machine. The Dudleyz go back up on the turnbuckles, celebrating their win, as the crowd cheer.

    Hugo Savinovich: El Asesino Cox y la Máquina acaban de probar la madera.

    Dean Malenko: Yes, I agree Hugo, The Prisoner of Azkaban was the best Harry Potter book. But that's neither here nor there, because the Dudleyz just dropped The Machine through a table with their tandem lifting, elevated, flapjack combined with a rotating 270 degree revolving neckbreaker!


    The camera cuts away from the Dudleyz celebration and goes to the backstage area where Tommy Dreamer is pacing around the hallways. He's got a friend with him, named Stick, Kendo Stick. Dreamer looks like he's going nuts, hitting walls, garbage cans, and snack tables with his kendo stick, until Terri Runnels runs up to him with a microphone.

    Terri: Tommy, Tommy, what's going on!?

    Tommy Dreamer: Where is he? Where is Richards?

    Terri: He left Tommy, right before you got here! He looked like he was in a rush. What's wrong?!

    Tommy Dreamer: Damnit Terri, I'll tell you what's wrong. He's runnin around here with that Hardcore Title like he's hardcore Terri just because he somehow loopholed his way into being the champion. Well, I'll tell you this, I've made my living on wrestling hardcore. I've fed my family by wrestling hardcore, and I've entertained my fans by wrestling hardcore. And what Richards does is nothing close to hardcore. Every single time he "defends" that belt, or some idiot jumps out at him from a custodians closet, it's making a mockery out of hardcore. And I'm not going to stand for this crap anymore Terri. Do you understand?

    Terri: Yeah, Tommy, I und...

    Tommy Dreamer: No Terri, I really don't think you do. I see the look in your eyes, and you look like you don't give a damn about what I'm saying. Terri... do you want to see what hardcore really is?

    Dreamer raises the kendo stick in the air as Terri cowers in fear. But Tommy then pulls his shirt over his head to show his scarred chest, and arms.

    Tommy Dreamer: This, Terri, is hardcore. DO YOU SEE THESE SCARS TERRI? These scars are from barbed wire, and that's as hardcore as it gets. They're not here because of a cookie sheet, or a wiffle ball bat. And that's what makes me different from Steven Richards. I know a thing or two about getting hardcore... and all he knows about is getting lucky. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go show Rodney Mack just how hardcore I can get.

    Overall: 76

    Dean Malenko: Tommy Dreamer looks absolutely furius about the Hardcore Title situation. And I would not like to be Terri, back there interviewing him... or Rodney Mack whose actually got to wrestle him tonight. Or... or...

    Hugo Savinovich: Qué sobre richards del stevie?

    Dean Malenko: Or Stevie Richards. Tommy Dreamer obviously wants that Hardcore Title, and I don't know if Stevie is going to be able to hold onto it if Dreamer ever does get his hands on him. But, before we head to the ring for our main event, we're going to show you some more highlights from Raw, involving the Triple H, Goldberg and Kevin Nash Armageddon situation.

    Hugo Savinovich: ¿Kevin Nash y H triple? ¿Dónde está el cuarto de baño?


    We go backstage to Evolution's locker room, where we see all five members of Evolution. Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton and Ric Flair are crammed together on a three person couch that is directly across the room from Nowinski who is comfortably sitting on another three person sofa. It looks like nobody wants to go near him. Ric Flair is stuck in between Batista and Triple H. It looks like Flair is going to get absorbed by these two, so he stands up and starts talking while everyone keeps giving Nowinski dirty looks.

    Ric Flair: Tonight Triple H, Batista... Tonight, Randy Orton... is WHOOOO Evolution's NIGHT. Tonight we're going to make up for all the absolute... CRAP that happened to us last week. We WILL make up for Batista getting screwed over by that punk Garrison Cade. We WILL make up for you, Game, not getting a chance to knock Kevin Nash's teeth down his throat. We WILL make up for this punk weaseling his way into Evolution... And we WILL make up for Rand

    Randy Orton: I don't have to make up for anything. I did what I wanted to do at Raw last week... I took Maven out with the R...K...O. Just like I've already done tonight to Trish Stratus, and that has been Animal. And I'm not going to stop, cause tonight I'm going to bust out one more RKO when I beat Lance Storm later on.

    Ric Flair: That's fine Randy, but you just remember that we are a team. TOGETHER we are the EVOLUTION of this business. If Evolution has a bad night, then so does Randy Orton.

    Randy Orton: You know what Ric, you're right. We are a team, but make no mistake about it... I will beat Lance Storm tonight, and soon enough I will take the Intercontinental Title away from Chris Jericho. Now, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I've got a match up soon that I need to prepare for.

    Randy Orton gets up and walks out of the room while Flair looks flabbergasted. Triple H and Batista snicker.

    Triple H: Relax Naitch. He's just showing a little ambition. Whether we want to admit it or not, we were the exact same way when we were their age.

    Points to Batista when he says that.

    Triple H: But you know what, I gotta agree with ya Naitch. Tonight will-uh be Evolution's night. Last week I think I got a little bit too hot headed when I went off looking for Nash last week. I think it's better that I didn't find him because BEATING THE HELL-UH out of Nash would just distract me from my goal of getting one more shot at that Goldberg chump. I'm just going to play it cool until the time is right for me to ask Austin for another title shot.

    Ric Flair: That sounds like a good idea and all H, but do you really think that no good redneck with way too much power is going to give you a title shot?

    Triple H pats Batista on his chest.

    Triple H: I think we can be very... very persuasive if ya know what I mean.

    The four members of Evolution that are still in the locker room share a hearty laugh. Flair, Triple H and Batista all stop after a few seconds but Nowinski keeps on laughing like a bafoon. Eventually he stops and looks around the room and sees the stares directed at him.

    Christopher Nowinski: ...What?

    The rest of Evolution just shrug him off.

    Triple H: Anyway guys, we've got a busy night tonight. I'm gonna find Goldberg and kick his ass... You two guys have Booker T tonight, and Randy's got a match with some nobody...

    Christopher Nowinski: And what do I get to do tonight?

    The rest of Evolution laughs at Nowinski before walking out of there and slamming the door leaving him sitting there on a couch all by himself. Nowinski sits there muttering to himself about how Evolution must be so happy to have him in their group, when the door swings open and it's Kevin Nash. Nash walks over to Nowinski and yanks him up to his feet. Nash slams Nowinski against the wall.

    Kevin Nash: I heard you're little ring leader was lookin' for me last week. Where is he?

    Christopher Nowinski: He just left...

    Nash lets go of Nowinski. Nowinski goes from looking like he shat a brick, to looking over confident.

    Kevin Nash: Where'd he go?

    Christopher Nowinski: That's none of your damn business. What do you want anyway?

    Kevin Nash: I want a match with him tonight. I've already talked to Austin and he cleared it. Hell, he even said that the winner could wrestle Goldberg at Armageddon.

    Christopher Nowinski: Well Triple H said that he isn't concerned with you anymore...

    Kevin Nash: I don't ca

    Christopher Nowinski: But he did say he wanted another title shot. So you know what, I'll accept your challenge on behalf of Triple H.

    Nash laughs at Nowinski and then leaves the room.

    Jim Ross: Well King, it certainly looks like there is some tension in the Evolution locker room. Randy Orton said that he's not to blame for Evolution's shortcomings last week, and Ric Flair took offense to that.

    Jerry Lawler: They're a team. If the team screws up, then every person in that team screwed up.

    Jim Ross: Well that's your opinion King. I disagree, but that's not all that we just witnessed. Christopher Nowinski just agreed for Triple H to wrestle Kevin Nash. Triple H is going to be furious, especially after he just said that he doesn't want to fight Nash until he resolves his situation with Goldberg.

    Jerry Lawler: I don't think Nowinski will be a card carrying member of Evolution for very much longer.

    user posted image

    Triple H is very reluctant to get in the ring with Nash, especially because he did not even agree to this match. Eventually Triple H does get in the ring, but he stalls a lot until the referee, Earl Hebner just rings the bell to start the match without the consent of Triple H. Nash and Triple H start the match off with some not-so-friendly jaw jacking, which leads to Nash going off on Triple H with a series of punches to the face.

    Triple H gets backed up into the ropes with these punches. Nash whips Triple H into the ropes and on the rebound, Triple H eats boot. Nash picks up Triple H and chucks him into the corner. Nash charges in with an avalanche, but Triple H dodges it, and starts pounding away on Nash in the corner. But that offense is short lived as Nash grabs Triple H by the neck, and chucks him into the corner instead. Nash starts going to work on Triple H with knees to the gut, before whipping Triple H into the opposite corner. He had so much force behind the whip that Triple H came flying back out of the corner, and right into a Spinning Side Salto from Kevin Nash. Nash then did the nWo sign to the crowd for a bit of a pop.

    But then the TitanTron showed a jeep pulling up to the arena, and Goldberg getting out of it. He looked pissed off, as he started marching towards the ring. Nash noticed him and started staring at the TitanTron, when from behind Triple H hit an uppercut to Little Kev. Nash hunched over, and Triple H got him in a double underhook. He has him set up for the Pedigree, when Goldberg makes it to the ring. He gets in the ring and then charges at Triple H even with Earl Hebner trying to hold him back. Goldberg dives over the back of Nash and Spears the hell out of Triple H. Hebner calls for the bell, and calls the match a No Disqualification. Goldberg is back up after spearing Triple H. He lines Nash up and is ready to spear him too, but instead of getting up to his feet, Nash just rolls out of the ring. On the entire way back up the ramp, Nash just smiles at Goldberg, while holding his groin.

    Overall: 88

    Dean Malenko: Who will be declared the number one contender at Armageddon, in just two weeks time? Will it be Kevin Nash or Triple H?

    Hugo Savinovich: Tema la lanza!

    Dean Malenko: Yes, I am quite fond of Bonanza.


    user posted image

    Rodney Mack came out to the ring first, with his right hand man Theodore Long at his side. Long is talking Mack up, and raising the roof like every other African American male does. Mack starts shadowboxing on the outside of the ring. Instead of getting in the ring, he stands outside by the ring apron, waiting for Tommy Dreamer to come out.

    Dean Malenko: Well, Rodney Mack has come out to the ring with his manager Theodore R Long, but Mack looks like he took Dreamer's comments personally before. He doesn't want to start this in the ring, he wants to beat him out there!

    Hugo Savinovich: Bien, realmente decano, Rodney Mack es probablemente el trastorno justo que el soñador está mirando más allá de él hacia Stevie Richards y el título de Hardcore. Pienso que explicaría su humor asqueroso. ¿Usted no conviene?

    Dean Malenko: Oh... well, when you put it that way.

    And he doesn't have to wait long, as the opening chords of "Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains (hmm... going back to his old ECW music I see) hit. Dreamer steps out onto the rampway, with the Kendo Stick raised high above his head. Dreamer walks forward with the Kendo Stick pointed out at Mack. Mack starts huffing and puffing his way towards Dreamer, and the two meet right in the middle of the rampway. But instead of this breaking into fisticuffs, Dreamer decides to show his hardcore side by hitting Mack in the knees with the Kendo Stick. Mack drops down to one knee, so Dreamer rears back and coldcocks him with the Kendo Stick one more time, sending Mack rolling all the way down to the ringside area.

    Dean Malenko: That was a bad idea from Mack. Dreamer lives on the outside of that ring, and if Mack wants to get hardcore, I'm sure Dreamer would have no problem with it.

    Hugo Savinovich: ¿Qué lo dio lejos? ¿El hecho de que el soñador lo está aporreando a la muerte con ese palillo del kendo?

    Theodore Long goes over by Mack to check on him, but that doesn't seem like a good idea, because now Dreamer is stalking Long with the Kendo Stick. Long starts to beg off Dreamer. He's walking backwards with his hands in the air saying "Don't hit me playa". Long keeps walking backwards until he falls over the steel stairs, and lands on his black ass. Long pops right back up and now starts running around the ringside area, with Dreamer in hot pursuit. Long eventually runs past where Mack was laying, which baits Dreamer into a thunderous Mack lariat that caught Dreamer by surprise.

    Dean Malenko: That's why manager's should be banned from ringside, in my estimation. While this may not be a technical classic, Long just turned the momentum heavily into Mack's favor.

    Mack does the bark, like Junkyard Dog used to do, before picking the stunned Dreamer up and throwing him hard into the steel stairs. Dreamer flies into the stairs back first, causing him to slump down against them. Mack picks up the Kendo Stick, and goes for a homerun swing aimed at Dreamer's head, but somehow Dreamer moves, leaving the Kendo Stick to smash into the stairs, breaking it in half.

    Hugo Savinovich: ¡El soñador de Tommy acaba de esquivar esa bala, y el palillo del kendo acaba de conseguir roto por la mitad!

    Dean Malenko: Come on guys, grapple!

    Mack, with half the kendo stick still in hand, is shaking his hand like it hurt to hit the stairs with the Kendo Stick. This gives Dreamer the chance to get back in the match. He gets up and lunges himself at Mack with a few punches. Mack takes three punches, but blocks a fourth, and rams what's left of the kendo stick into the throat of Tommy Dreamer.

    Dean Malenko: Now, what you folks at home think you just saw was a random act of brutalization with Mack hitting Dreamer in the throat with that kendo stick. But in fact, it's much more than that. I'm sure that Mack strategically placed that blow to the throat of Dreamer so that he can more easily apply the Blackout, submission hold later on. Don't you agree Hugo?

    Hugo Savinovich: Ningún pienso que él lo golpeó en la garganta maldita.

    Dreamer slumps down against the ring holding his throat, and gasping for breath. Mack grabs Dreamer by the neck and slams him face first into the ring apron. Then Mack rolls Dreamer into the ring, and quickly follows him in. Oh yeah, the bell rings.

    Dean Malenko: Well, now the match is officially on.

    Mack picks up Dreamer and hits him with a series of forearms to the back, that sends Dreamer falling forward into the ropes. Dreamer is about to spill out of the ring, but Mack grabs him by his belt and pulls him backward before leveling him with a short clothesline to the back of the neck. Dreamer is down, but Mack stays on the offensive with a series of elbow drops to the back of Dreamer's neck.

    Dean Malenko: Rodney Mack is no cruiserweight. He's certainly using his weight advantage to put an exclamation point on them elbow drops to Rodney Mack!

    Mack then turns Dreamer over and goes for a cover.



    Hugo Savinovich: Dos! Dos! Dos!

    Dean Malenko: No, that was actually only a two count Hugo.

    Dreamer gets his shoulder up, breaking up the weak pin attempt from Mack. Mack picks Dreamer up, and gives him an Irish Whip into the corner. Dreamer hits hard, sternum first, and starts to stumble backwards until Mack steamrolls him in the corner. Dreamer crumples up in the corner and starts to fall until Mack scoops him up and goes for another Irish Whip into the corner. But Dreamer somehow reverses the Whip and sends Mack into the corner. Mack uses his momentum to spring up, and over the approaching Dreamer. But Dreamer stopped, and snagged the airborn heavyweight on his shoulder. Dreamer ran to the center of the ring and dropped Mack on his head with the Tommyknocker/Spiccoli Driver!

    Dean Malenko: Well fans that was a rope assisted, shoulder grabbing...

    Hugo Savinovich: Golpeador de Tommy! Golpeador de Tommy! Todo encima para Rodney Mack!




    Tommy Dreamer defeats Rodney Mack

    OR: 66

    CR: 57

    MQ: 75


    As Tommy Dreamer gets up and shakes the cobwebs out, he gets blindsided by the former Heat announce team, and Victoria. For some reason, Coach and Snow are wearing suits, and sunglasses. Think Men in Black. The Coach and Al Snow take down Tommy Dreamer with a flurry of punches and kicks while Victoria just stands there laughing, still wearing her assless pajamas. The beatdown commences with Teddy Long getting involved in the romperstomping. Eventually they decide that the damage has been done and leave the ring, with Victoria in between them.

    Dean Malenko: I thought that The Coach and Al Snow were fired by Steve Austin!

    Hugo Savinovich: ¡Deben ser entourage personal de Stevie Richards y de Victoria!

    Dean Malenko: What are they doing here? Well we'll just have to wait until next week to find out, won't we Hugo?

    Hugo Savinovich: Aye papi.

  8. user posted image


    This week on Sunday... Stevie Night Heat, Steven's challenge isn't lying in wait in the wrestling ring. Oh no, it's at the commentary booth. On Raw this past Monday, General Manager Steve Austin publically fired both Johnathan Coachman and Al Snow. So now, the General Manager is in a bind, that will only be fixed when he comes up with a new commentary team for Stevie Night Heat.

    But that won't be his only problem this week. Ever since the return of the hardcore title, Tommy Dreamer has been hot on the trail of Steven Richards. Tommy Dreamer has issued challenge after challenge to Steven Richards for the Hardcore Title, but none of them have been accepted. Will Tommy Dreamer use the 24/7 rule to his advantage and attempt to TAKE the belt from Richards? Well, whether he does or not, he can't be too preoccupied because he's already answered Rodney Mack's "White Boy Challenge." Dreamer will need to put his entire focus on Mack if he wants to win that match. Tune in to Sunday Night Heat, to witness all this action and more!


    One man will attempt to take the Hardcore Title from Steven Richards. Who will it be? +3/-0

    The world reknowned tandem of Killer Cox and The Machine will be on the receiving end of a squash. What tag team will be squashing them? +3/-0

    Tommy Dreamer vs Rodney Mack? +3/-1

    Will there be a physical altercation between Dreamer and Richards? +1/-1

  9. Fantasy WWE Update

    Derek4jc: -1 Paul London lost to Mark Henry

    Show Total: -1

    Grand Total: -2



    -2 Akio lost to Hardcore Holly

    +1 Mark Henry beat Paul London

    +1 Funaki beat Johnny Stamboli

    Show Total: 0

    Grand Total: 10


    -2 Akio lost to Hardcore Holly

    +1 Mark Henry beat Paul London

    -2 Johnny Stamboli lost to Funaki

    Show Total: -3

    Grand Total: -16


    +1 Hardcore Holly beat Akio

    -2 Paul London lost to Mark Henry

    -2 Johnny Stamboli lost to Funaki

    Show Total: -3

    Grand Total: 6


    -2 Akio lost to Hardcore Holly

    -2 Paul London lost to Mark Henry

    +1 Funaki beat Johnny Stamboli

    Show Total: -3

    Grand Total: 2


    +3 Bill DeMott

    -1 Josh Mathews

    +3 Hardcore Holly

    -1 Akio

    +3 Mark Henry

    -1 Paul London

    +3 Funaki

    -1 Johnny Stamboli

    FWWE Leaderboard

    1 JStarr +10

    2 D-Extreme +6

    3 Stonecoldfan +2

    4 Kou -1

    5 Derek4jc -2

    5 Chris2k -2

    7 Maddog -16

    JStarr's lead increased to four, due to incorrect predictions from D-Extreme. Maddog is still pulling up the rear after losing even more points. That's a shame, he deserves better for making me these graphics. But too bad. Derek is the only person to drop a spot after Velocity, going from being tied for fourth with Kou, to being tied for fifth with Chris.




    After the obnoxiously loud pyro goes off, the Velocity music starts playing again leading to the two Velocity announcers coming out to the ring. Bill DeMott and Josh Mathews are all smiles while they wave to the fans and slap hands with them all. But DeMott's smile seems a whole lot more wicked than Josh's. They step into the ring, instead of going to their broadcasting position. The two men absorb some cheers, until Josh calls for a microphone.

    Josh Mathews: Tonight it all starts Bill. Your brainchild, the triple elimination Velocity General Manager's Tournament starts tonight. But before it gets underway, I've just got to ask you, why make it a triple elimination tournament?

    Bill DeMott: Because Josh, I really want to find the best wrestler on Velocity to be the General Manager. And since everyone, but me of course, has bad days every now and then, I decided to make the tournament triple elimination, just to avoid the bad day factor.

    Josh Mathews: Good point, Bill. Now the one question that's been on my mind, and all of Velocity's fans minds, is who are your two surprise entrants into this tournament? We already know about Funaki, Hardcore Holly, Mark Henry, Paul London, Akio, and Johnny Stamboli, but there are two more that we are in the dark about. Care to shed some light on the situation for us Bill?

    Bill DeMott: Well kid I can tell you this. I can tell you that one of the mystery entrants is a world class athlete, having won titles in the United States, Europe and even Japan. He's a former two time United States Heavyweight Champion.

    Josh Mathews: And he's coming here to Velocity! And, the other entrant?

    Bill DeMott: Oh, him? He's just some Tough Enough loser that somehow ended up getting an announcer's contract.

    Josh Mathews: Well that's... wait, what's going on?

    Bill DeMott: Ring the bell.

    Overall: 58

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    Bill DeMott vs Josh Mathews

    Velocity GM Tournament

    Josh Mathews looks around the ring confused, until he gets folded up like an accordion by a massive short arm clothesline from Bill DeMott. Bill DeMott yanks Mathews up by his spiked hair. DeMott does his signature laugh, before calling Mathews a punk, and a Tough Enough loser. DeMott then gutwrenches Mathews and hits him with a sick looking stacked up powerbomb! DeMott has him in a pinning predicament, but he breaks up the pin and climbs up onto the top turnbuckle. DeMott chuckles for a second, before leaping backwards and hitting the No Laughing Matter moonsault. He then just covers Mathews with a lateral press.




    Bill DeMott defeats Josh Mathews

    OR: 62

    CR: 59

    MQ: 66


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    Akio w/ Kyo Dai Hardcore Holly

    Velocity GM Tournament

    Before the festivities begin, "Watch Me Now, I am the Greatest!" is heard on the PA system, leading to "The Cat" Ernest Miller dancing his way out to the commentary table. I guess DeMott was too winded to do commentary after that classic.

    Ernest Miller: The Cat is here on Velocity evrehbody! And I just gots to know, why is dis punk wit no funk Joshy Mathews in this tourneyment? They shoulda been pickin me. I'da been dancin all over that Billy boy 'n I'd be da new Geral Manager. But is too late now. An' up next we got that Harcore mackdaddy Bob Holly an' that Japaniard. Was his name? Nintendo? Honda? Tonto? I dunno, but les go to the ring turkays!

    Well, if the in ring action this week won't keep you all entertained, The Cat on commentary certainly... won't either. Anyway, Hardcore Holly and Akio are wrestling in the second match of the Velocity General Manager's tournament. Akio decides to start the match off on the defensive, and letting Holly come to him. That proves to be a pretty bad move because almost immediately Hardcore engulfs Akio with a flurry of stiff forearms to the face and then clubs to the back that turn Akio's yellow skin red. Holly has Akio in the ring ropes and is absolutely pummeling the kid. Holly breaks for a second at the request of the referee, but Akio turns around and tries to hightail it out of there. He gives new meaning to the Suicide Dive as he literally tries to dive through the middle rope to get out of harms way. But Holly grabs Akio's legs, and spreads them far apart. Holly is about to punt him in the balls, but Akio somehow manages to pull Holly forward using his leg strength and dump him over the top rope and to the floor. Holly gets up to his feet on the outside and he's shocked. So is Akio, judging by the look on his face. Holly goes to get back in the ring, but on the outside Tajiri and Sakoda pounce, each grabbing one of Holly's arms. Akio sees the opening, and bounces off the ropes on the far side to gather momentum and then launches himself over the top ropes, without even touching the top rope, and hits a picture perfect senton onto Holly, Sakoda and Tajiri!

    Sakoda picks up the stunned Holly and goes to whip him into the stairs, but Akio stops him and rolls Holly into the ring. Akio then slides into the ring and hops on top of Holly, hooking both legs.


    Holly powers out, and Akio's strategy of squeaking one out just isn't going to work. Holly and Akio get back up to their feet at about the same time, and Akio attempts to hit a dropkick on Holly, but Holly swats him right out of the air. Akio quickly scurries right back up and turns right into Holly's world reknowned Dropkick. Holly quickly pops up to his feet and holds his arms out in the direction of Sakoda and Tajiri. Holly yells out "Howdya like me now?," and then turns around. Akio goes for a sunset flip on Holly, but before he can land, Holly lifts him up on his back, rearranges him a little and then drills him with an Alabama Slam.




    Hardcore Holly defeats Akio

    OR: 62

    CR: 50

    MQ: 75


    Ernest Miller: Tha Hardco' Holly just kick a little bit'ta ass right there and now Shakiro is losin one outta three baby. Somebody better call his momma! And why you at it, call up Paul Lunnons momma too cause up next hes gonna be goin toe to chin wit Da Worlds Funkiest Man, Mark Henraaaaay.

    user posted image

    Mark Henry and Paul London size each other up, with Henry basically laughing in the face of the smaller London. The size and power difference between the two combatants is immediately exposed when they lock up, with Henry forcing London down to one knee, and elbowing the young Cruiserweight on the shoulder to knock him fully down to the mat. The 'World's Strongest Man' continues with his assault, dropping a knee to the ribs of the youngster, obviously without going to the mat, as he probably wouldn't be able to get up again. Henry then picks London up, and delivers one of his trademark Powerslams. Henry covers London.



    London barely manages to kick out at two. Henry uses London's longish hair to get him back to his feet, and whips London into one of the turnbuckles. Henry tries to follow up with an avalanche in the corner, but his slow speed means that London is able to get out of the way in time. London tries to stun the big man with some right hands, but Henry is able to easily shrug them off without much of a worry, and then delivers a huge clothesline that sends London spiralling to mat. The crowd don't seem to be getting into the match at all, but Henry continues his assualt with some more right hands that knock London down. Henry then bounces off the ropes to nail the Big Splash, sending all 300+ pounds of his body crashing down onto London's. Henry covers again.



    Henry yanks London up by his hair, and he's just toying with the kid now. Henry picks London up to his feet, and delivers the World's Strongest Slam to the already defeated London. Henry covers him once again.




    Henry mockingly wipes a bit of sweat from his forehead after the match, and flicks it down at his defeated opponent.

    Mark Henry defeats Paul London

    OR: 69

    CR: 65

    MQ: 74



    We go backstage into a room where we see all three members of the Full Blooded Italians, Nunzio, Johnny Stamboli and Chuck Palumbo in their locker room. Chuck Palumbo has his hands up, with Stamboli throwing punches at his hands.

    Nunzio: Johnnay-boy, tonight'sa important for'a FBI. Just think'a what we can get done if you win this tournament. Tha FBI in charg'a Velocity. Fugetabout wrestlin' Johnny. I'm talkin' placin bets and kickin ass every single Sattaday night. Chahear me Johnnayboy?

    Johnny Stamboli: Yeah I hear you.

    Nunzio: An' Johnnay, just thinka how happy you gonna make tha boss when they find out about us takin over the show.

    Johnny Stamboli: Us?

    Nunzio: Don't you go gettin all selfish on us now Bull. Were a team Johnnay, all three of us. Just think'a it as you doin' our dirty work. That's why da Boss hired ya, rememba Johnnay? You're da muscle.

    Chuck shoots Nunzio a glare.

    Nunzio: Da two'a'ya are the muscle of the FBI... 'n' I'm the brains. Ya can count on me Johnnay, I'll make sure ya come out on top.

    Johnny Stamboli: Just leave it to me.

    Stamboli then punches Chuck Palumbo's hand as hard as he can. Chuck grabs his hand with his other hand, while Stamboli just walks out of the room.

    Overall: 62

    Ernest Miller: Well it looks ta me like Mistah Stromboli wants ta beat up Smackdown's nummah one two three four or fivth jappie wrassler!

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    Stamboli comes out with Nunzio and Chuck Palumbo at his side. Stamboli is wearing a pair of sunglasses, and them buttoned down white windbreakers. Wait, he just ripped them off so he's standing there in his black undies with FBI embroidered in Green, Red, and White on his tuckus.

    Then the oriental sounding music that we all know and love rings through the arena meaning that either Akio, Sakoda, Tajiri, Funaki, or Ultimo Dragon are coming out to the ring. Turns out to be Funaki. Funaki hustles down to the ring, but there's a welcoming committee waiting for him. Funaki ducks underneath a haymaker from Palumbo. Funaki then barely dodges a dropkick from Nunzio, that accidentally connects with Palumbo. Funaki looks on with a smile at his not-so-handywork, before sliding in the ring.

    But that doesn't work out in his favor because right away Stamboli is putting the boots to him. Funaki battles up to his feet, and then hits a boot to the gut of Stamboli. Funaki then bounces himself off the ropes, and goes for a crossbody on Stamboli, but Stamboli counters it into a quick powerslam. Stamboli goes for the cover.


    Funaki kicks out quickly, but it seems like it was more on reflex than anything else because he was still down after the kickout. Stamboli violently yanks Funaki up by his arm, and whips him into the ropes. On the rebound Stamboli snatches Funaki up and hits him with a loud backbreaker, before scooping him up again, and slamming him near the corner. Stamboli then turns towards the corner, and in one quick motion he jumps up to the top turnbuckle, and jumps off, turns around and hits a legdrop to the throat of Funaki. Stamboli then covers Funaki one more time, and he should have him this time.



    Funaki just barely manages to get one of his shoulder's up in time. Stamboli is surprised, but he keeps his compsure and pulls Funaki back up to his feet. Stamboli grabs Funaki, and pulls him up to his feet. Stamboli has Funaki in a Military Press, and he's looking for the Fugeddaboudit, but Funaki somehow manages to slide down his back. Funaki tries to plant his feet, but he's wobbly, and falls backwards into the ropes. Nunzio pops up onto the apron to grab Funaki, but Stamboli charges ahead and goes to boot Funaki. Funaki ducks, and Nunzio gets sent flying into the barricade with the big boot. Funaki seizes the opportunity and grabs the stunned Stamboli. Funaki hits him with a quick Tornado DDT, before cradling him into a pin.




    Just as the ref counts three, Stamboli muscles out of the pinning attempt. Funaki's a little bit woozy, but he manages to scurry out of the ring before the angry Stamboli can exact any revenge.

    Funaki defeats Johnny Stamboli

    OR: 67

    CR: 59

    MQ: 75


    Ernest Miller: He did it! Someboday call The Cat's momma! She aint gon' believe it baby. Funkinaka aint losin and he gonna be da Velocy Geral Mager. I'd bet my dancin shoes on it! Alright well its time to go. Tha Cats got places to go and ladies to see. See yall next week turkeys!

    OVERALL: 63

    Match of the Night: Tie between Holly/Akio and Funaki/Stamboli

    Worst Match of the Night: DeMott/Mathews

    Overall Segment of the Night: Mark Henry vs Paul London

    Worst Segment of the Night: Three way tie between Holly/Akio, DeMott/Mathews and Full Blooded Velocity

  11. user posted image

    In The Hot Seat

    As we mentioned before, therre are two WWE contracts that are almost ready to expire. One belonged to A-Train, and the other, as evident by the picture above, belongs to 'The Colossus of Boggy Road' Nathan Jones. Right now Jones is in the middle of a tag team program with his partner Matt Morgan, The World's Greatest Tag Team, and Chavo Guerrero & Doug Basham. But should the WWE choose not to resign Nathan Jones, there would be enough time to end this program at the Royal Rumble pay per view because Jones will be under contract until the end of January. In the past the WWE has been high on Jones, thinking that he has 'the look' to get far in the business. Plus he's young and relatively inexpensive... Perfect for a long term contract. But will his slow workrate, and nonchalant attitude backstage end his WWE career early? I guess we'll have to wait until February to find out.

    Again, feel free to leave opinions.

  12. user posted image

    In the Hot Seat

    The WWE has two months to renew two contracts. The first of which is former Intercontinental Champion, The A-Train's. As of now, there are no long term plans for A-Train. The original plan dating back to the beginning of November called for a feud between Kurt Angle and A-Train, as was evident by the A-Train run-ins in Angle's matches. But it seems like the WWE has dropped all those plans in favor of an Angle feud with the Big Show, and John Cena. We aren't sure where this leaves A-Train, but with his contract expiring at the end of January, it could leave him on the unemployment line. However, that is highly unlikely because A-Train has the look, and style that the WWE likes. He also gets along well with everyone backstage, so that will not play a deciding role in the WWE's decision on whether or not to keep him. We'll keep you posted on what happens.

    So, you guys have any thoughts on the matter?

  13. WWE News and Notes

    We're going to start you off with some more Ohio Valley Wrestling news. The WWE has invited a slew of indepent wrestlers to work shows for OVW. However, not all of them have been issued developmental contracts. Consider this the WWE's way of saying that they've got their eye on them. The wrestlers that were issued developmental contracts are Arch Kincaid, Bobby Rude, Chad Collyer, David Flair, Eric Young, Joey Matthews, Julio Dinero, Mike Kruel, Onyx, Shawn Daivari, and Tyson Dux. Kincaid and Dux have worked many a dark match and Heat/Velocity squash so their signings are not very surprising. Joey Matthews has been courted by the WWE for a while now, and has now just officially signed the dotted line. However, don't expect him to say in OVW much longer, but more on that later. Julio Dinero is one of the more marquee signings, and he too may not spend much time in OVW.

    The wrestlers that are going to voluntarily work OVW shows, and train under Danny Davis, Jim Cornette, Dennis Knight, Ray Traylor, Mando Guerrero and Paul Diamond are Bobby Quance, Bobby Rude, Brad Hunter, Brent Dail, Derrick Neikirk, Dino Bambino, Jack Bull, Jimmy Vegas, Ken Anderson, Mike Hughes, Mike Knox, Navajo Warrior, Phil Brown, Ruffy Silverstein, Shawn Daivari, Tommy Suede, and Tony Kozina. The WWE will not be paying them for their appearances, but they do consider this as a way to get noticed by the WWE.

    The WWE has a few developmental wrestlers that are going to be called up for the house show circuit soon. Joey Matthews, Alexis Laree, and The Bell Brothers will all be working the Smackdown house shows soon. They are expected to work together in a stable when they get "THE" call up to Smackdown, under a gimmick that will be a take on the current Punk'd craze.

    Now onto the real news. Chris Benoit was pretty roughed up after Smackdown due to Rhyno working incredibly stiff. But due to the booking of the match Benoit wasn't really given a chance to retaliate. Next week on Smackdown Benoit will face Rhyno in a singles match. Benoit will obviously get a chance to retaliate, but Benoit is a true professional and will most likely not make an issue of it.

    Also, Animal has made it known to the Raw brand writers that before he officially hangs up the boots sometime around WrestleMania he'd like to work a small program with Scott Steiner. Whether or not it goes through is undecided yet because he is currently expected to be involved with Christian and then Randy Orton.

    In independent news, D'Lo Brown has officially signed on with Ring of Honor to work their February show. The WWE were considering a return for D'Lo Brown as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble. How this will affect that is unknown at the moment. In other news involving former WWE stars, Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart and Typhoon have all agreed to work dates for Pro Wrestling Iron. This is pretty unusual considering they are more based around workrate.

    That's all for this time.


    Last week on Velocity it was announced by Bill DeMott that there would be a triple elimination tournament between eight men to crown a superstar as the first ever Velocity General Manager. Among these names are The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry and one half of the muscle of the FBI, Johnny Stamboli. Tonight on Velocity this tournament starts off with a bang, as Bill DeMott will reveal to us all who the two mystery wrestlers are. All eight participants are scheduled to have their opening matches this Saturday night.

    The two mystery men are rumored to be facing each other! The high flying Japanese cruiserweight, Akio will take on Hardcore Holly. Just think of the trouble that Kyo Dai would cause if they were in charge of Velocity! Velocity, live from Tokyo every week! But if Hardcore Holly wins, we might as well throw the rule book out the window because this Alabama native is as hardcore as it gets.

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    Not only will Hardcore Holly wrestle Akio, but "The Worlds Strongest Man" Mark Henry will take on Paul London. These two did battle weeks ago on Smackdown, and the end result for Paul London was not a good one. But who knows what this lunatic will do to insure the victory, knowing that the General Manager position could be on the line.

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    And the main event this week will feature another tournament match. This match will pit Funaki against the FBI's young gun Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli. These men are different in every way shape and form. Funaki leads an honorable lifestyle, taught to him in Japan where he was trained to become a professional wrestler. But Johnny Stamboli uses his brute force to get what he wants. And right now that means, he'll attempt to use his brute force to start this tournament off with a win. Tune in to Velocity to see all this great action and more!

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    FWWE Predictions

    Akio vs Hardcore Holly

    Mark Henry vs Paul London

    Funaki vs Johnny Stamboli

    Bonus: Who are the two mystery workers? Three points awarded for each correct guess on the bonus.

    Okay, get your predictions in and any thoughts on Smackdown would be appreciated. Thanks.

  15. Fantasy WWE Update


    Kurt Angle -1

    A-Train -1

    Sean O'Haire +3

    Chair +2


    Sean O'Haire beat Rikishi +1

    Nathan Jones & Matt Morgan lost to Chavo Guerrero and Doug Basham -3

    Eddie Guerrero beat A-Train +1

    Benoit & Angle lost to Rhyno & Big Show -3

    Show Total: -1

    Grand Total: 9


    Big Show +3

    Charlie Haas 0

    Rey Mysterio Jr 0

    Paul Heyman 0

    Title Belts 0

    Ring Bell 0

    Sean O'Haire defeated Rikishi +1

    Doug Basham & Chavo won the Tag Title #1 Contendors Match +1

    A-Train lost to Eddie Guerrero -3

    Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle lost to Rhyno & Big Show -3

    Show Total: -1

    Grand Total: -13


    Chris Benoit -1

    Chris Kanyon -1

    Rhyno +3

    Paul Heyman 0

    Security Barrier +1

    Sean O'Haire beat Rikishi +1

    Doug Basham & Mystery Partner won +1

    Chavo Guerrero was the partner +3

    A-Train lost to Eddie -3

    Benoit & Angle lost -3

    Show Total: 1

    Grand Total: 10


    Kurt Angle -1

    Rey Mysterio Jr 0

    Chavo Guerrero +3

    Paul Heyman 0

    Security Barrier +1

    Rikishi lost to O'Haire -3

    Basham & Partner won +1

    Eddie beat A-Train +1

    Benoit & Angle lost to Rhyno & Big Show -3

    Show Total: -1

    Grand Total: -1


    John Cena 0

    Paul London -1

    Rhyno +3

    Dawn Marie -1

    Chair +2

    Sean O'Haire beat Rikishi +1

    Matt Morgan and Nathan Jones lost -3

    Eddie Guerrero beat A-Train +1

    Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle lost to Big Show & Rhyno -3

    Show Total: -1

    Grand Total: -1


    Kurt Angle -1

    The Undertaker -1

    Sean O'Haire +3

    Shelton Benjamin 0

    Torrie Wilson -1

    Ring Post +2

    Sean O'Haire beat Rikishi +1

    Nathan Jones & Matt Morgan lost -3

    Eddie Guerrero beat A-Train +1

    Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle lost to Rhyno & Big Show -3

    Show Total: -2

    Grand Total: -2


    Chris Benoit -1

    Sean O'Haire +3

    Shelton Benjamin 0

    Paul Heyman 0

    Title Belts 0

    Announce Table +2

    Sean O'Haire beat Rikishi +1

    Show Total: 5

    Grand Total: 5

    FWWE Leaderboard

    1 JStarr +10

    2 D-Extreme +9

    3 Stonecoldfan +5

    4 Kou -1

    4 Derek4jc -1

    6 Chris2k -2

    7 Maddog -13

  16. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs Big Show & Rhyno

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    Chris Benoit comes out to the ring first to "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace. He has his typical stern, focused look on his face as he marches down to the ring. Then "Medal" plays, as his partner Kurt Angle comes out. Angle is his usualy self, with the spinning around on the stage while his pyro goes off. But as he gets closer to the ring he starts mouthing stuff to Benoit about being the number one contender.

    Then "Weeeeellll It's The Big Show" is heard leading Big Show and Rhyno to come out together. These two obviously have the size advantage over their smaller, but more technically gifted opponents. They've both got big smiles on their faces, as they get into the ring. Rhyno goes in through the middle rope, but Big Show intimidatingly steps over the top rope.

    Referee Charles Robinson has the bell rung, kicking the match off. Big Show gets in the ring first for his team. But Benoit and Angle both try running at him. However, Robinson stepped in front of the men, stopping both men from going any further. Angle and Benoit start arguing with each other about who gets to start the match. This leads to Benoit shoving Angle, and Angle attempting to shove Benoit. But before he can shove Angle, Big Show takes down both men with a mammoth Double Clothesline. Big Show picks Benoit up to his feet, and throws him out of the ring by his tights.

    So I guess Big Show and Angle are starting it off. Big Show turns around to get his hands on Angle, but Angle gets to him first with a few punches and well placed kicks to the Big Show's gut. But Angle's momentum is halted pretty quickly by a knee to the gut from the United States Champion, Big Show. Angle drops to one knee, and then gets clubbed in the back dropping him down to the mat face first. Big Show bounces off the ropes, and then goes to drop one of his tree trunks across the throat of Angle. But Angle rolls out of the way. Big Show stays in a sitting position, giving Angle enough time to get up and go behind him. Angle locks in a bit of a choke hold while pounding away on Big Show with crossface punches. Before Robinson can break up the chokehold, Big Show stands up, with Angle clinging to his neck. Big Show then charges into the corner where he drops Angle face first onto the turnbuckle. Angle is laid out on the ground, so Big Show takes advantage of his 500 pound frame by walking right over the back of Angle. Angle's head shoots up, and he screams at the sudden pressure on his pack. Big Show then goes to walk on top of Angle again, but this time Angle somehow manages to roll through the legs of Big Show. In one sudden movement, Angle knocks out Big Show's legs from underneath him, and locks in the Ankle Lock. But the Big Show is in the ropes, causing Angle to break it as Robinson counts to four.

    Michael Cole: If Angle had better ring positioning, then this match could be over right now!

    Tazz: I don't know Cole, I don't think Big Show would tap out this early.

    Angle stomps away on the ankle of Big Show, before somehow getting the man up to his feet. Angle then whips Big Show into Benoit's corner. But Big Show reverses it and sends Angle flying into the corner. Benoit makes the blind tag, as Big Show charges in and absolutely crushes Angle in the corner. Angle flops down to the floor, but Big Show picks him up and stands him in the corner. Then Big Show puts his back to Angle, and backs up all his weight into the sternum of Angle, ala Andre the Giant. Big Show then steps out of the corner, only to throw his weight back again and squash Angle. Big Show goes to do it again, but before he can, Benoit climbs up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick right to the back of the Big Show's head.

    Big Show stumbles around grabbing his head, until Benoit boots him in the midsection. After a series of forearms to the face of the Big Show, he's backed up into the corner. Benoit starts unloading on the big man with hard knife edge chops that has the visible part of Big Show's chest turning red. Benoit goes for another knife edge but Big Show no sells it. Big Show then grabs Benoit by the arm pits and sends him into the corner. Big Show goes for a big chop on Benoit, but Benoit ducks out of it and goes through Big Show's leg. Benoit with a rollup. Robinson counts.


    Benoit puts his legs up on the ropes for added leverage.


    Rhyno stomps on the head of Benoit to break it up.

    Michael Cole: Benoit almost won it with a rope assisted rollup!

    Rhyno gets back out of the ring, but Benoit isn't just going to let him get away with that. Benoit gets up and nails Rhyno with a hard punch right to the face, that knocks Rhyno down onto the apron. Benoit goes to do some more damage to Rhyno, but Big Show grabs him by the back of the neck and absolutely murders him with the Hog Log! Big Show covers.



    Charles Robinson notices Benoit's leg underneath the bottom rope, so he breaks up the count. Big Show makes the tag into Rhyno. Rhyno comes in, and with the help of Big Show, whips Benoit into the ropes. On the rebound, Rhyno and Big Show just stay still as Benoit runs right into them and falls down flat on his back. Rhyno and Big Show start standing over Benoit, and laughing at him. Kurt Angle has had enough, as he charges in and runs at both men, but once again Robinson gets in his way. This time Angle doesn't stop and ends up sandwiching Robinson in between himself and Big Show. Angle hits Big Show with a clothesline that backs him up into the ropes, but doesn't take him down. Angle backs himself up into the ropes and lunges at Big Show for another clothesline, but Rhyno snatches him up and plants him with a massive Spinebuster.

    Big Show goes back on the offensive with boots to the downed Angle, while Rhyno goes to work on Benoit. Rhyno waits for Benoit to stand up, and once he does, Rhyno moves in for the GORE! GORE! GORE!, but no Benoit sidesteps it and BAMF Rhyno, meet steel ring post. Rhyno is knocked loopy, but he's still on his feet. Benoit takes this opportunity to hit a German Suplex on Rhyno, dropping him down on his surgically repaired neck. On the other side of the ring, Big Show had Angle tied up in the ropes. After hitting a few chops to the chest of Angle, which can only be compared to getting slapped with a massive salmon, Big Show gets a running start and tries to take Angle over the top with a clothesline. But, somehow Angle managed to duck, using Big Show's momentum to take him over the top rope.

    Tazz: The big man got taken over the top rope and out of the ring!

    Benoit climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and he looks to be going for the Diving Headbutt, as Tazz tells us that wolverines can fly. He's about to leap off, until Kurt Angle starts climbing to the top turnbuckle. Both men are positioned high atop the ring, with Benoit looking for a headbutt, and Angle looking for his Moonsault. The two men are arguing on the top rope about who gets to do their move.

    Michael Cole: This is it! I knew they couldn't coexist. Come on guys, get it together!

    Tazz: Aren't we supposed ta be neutral Cole.

    Angle shoves Benoit, and Benoit shoves Angle. In a bit of a blooper, Angle almost fell off, but Benoit grabbed his arm and steadied him out. But then from out of nowhere, Big Show stood up on the ring apron and shoved both men off the top rope and into the announcers table! Both men completely obliterate the table. Angle practically lands in the lap of Michael Cole, knocking him backwards off the chair!

    Tazz: Holy... Crap. Benoit and Angle just came flying through the announce table. Cole, Cole, are you alright?

    Both men, and Michael Cole are knocked unconscious. Big Show picks Kurt Angle up to his feet and then puts him in a military press. Big Show then takes a few steps forward and then launches him through the middle rope and back into the ring. Big Show then gets back in the ring, and places Rhyno on top of Kurt Angle. Referee Charles Robinson sees the cover being made.




    Rhyno has pinned Kurt Angle, but Big Show doesn't look like he's done quite yet. Big Show picks up Kurt Angle and goozles him. CHOKESLAM! The timekeeper is ringing the bell frantically. Big Show picks up Kurt Angle again, and once again goozles him.

    Tazz: Da Big Show and Rhyno pick up the win after Benoit and Angle tasted a little wood. We'll see ya next week...

    You Think You're Untouchable?

    Tazz: Nevahmind... I guess the show aint over yet.

    John Cena's music hits, and Big Show drops Kurt Angle. He stands there waiting for John Cena to appear. He starts yelling at him to come down to the ring. But he's already there. Cena came in through the crowd, with a chair. And BLAM there goes an unprotected chairshot to the back of the head of the Big Show, knocking him through the middle rope and to the floor. Cena drops the chair, and then yells something at Penzer. Penzer slides in the United States Heavyweight Title. Cena goes to get the US Title, but he sees Kurt Angle laying there. Cena shrugs his shoulders and then hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on an already knocked out Kurt Angle. Smackdown ends with Cena holding the US Title over his head.

    Tazz: John Cena just laid out the Big Show! He looks like he's ready to 'officiate' next week's US Title match. This is Tazz, speakin for my unconscious broadcast partna, Michael Cole, and we'll see ya next week.

    Rhyno & Big Show defeated Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit

    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 85

    Match: 82


    Rhyno gained overness from pinning Angle.

    Show Rating: 73

    Big Show gained overness for chucking Angle & Benoit


    Thursday November 27, 2003

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    Michael Cole: Hello wrestling fans and welcome to WWE Smackdown.

    Tazz: Yeah fans we got a real rocketbusta of a show for yas ta'night.

    Michael Cole: We certainly do Tazz. And we're going to kick it off with Tajiri defending his Cruiserweight Title against his long time nemesis Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Tazz: And ya gotta remember Coleslaw, where Tajiri goes, the rest of his group...

    Michael Cole: Kyo Dai.

    Tazz: Yeah whateva Cole. The Coyotes are always followin' Tajiri around, so he's definitely got the advantage goin' into this one.

    Michael Cole: But you can't underestimate Rey Mysterio. That man is quicker than a hiccup!

    Tazz: Yeah, ya got a point there but I'm sure that if Tajiri connects with one of them buzzsaw kicks Rey won't be running anywhere.

    Smackdown kicks off with a bang... or more of a pop, as Rey Mysterio pops up out of stage drawing a big reaction from the crowd. He gets in the ring and waits for Tajiri. But Tajiri doesn't want to come out to the ring alone. Instead he has Kyo Dai at his side looking menacing. Tajiri, Akio and Sakoda get in the ring to prepare for the match, but senior referee Jack Doan banishes Kyo Dai to the back before the match could even get going!

    Michael Cole: It looks like Kyo Dai won't be a factor in this match after all.

    Tazz: No doubt, but I wouldn't count Tajiri out of this one just yet.

    Tajiri tries to argue the call by yelling at Doan in Japanese, but Mysterio doesn't want to wait any longer. He starts unloading on Tajiri with forearms that back Tajiri up into the corner. Mysterio whips Tajiri into the opposite corner and then charges in, looking to pounce on Tajiri. But Tajiri gets out of the way, leaving Mysterio to land on his feet on the middle turnbuckles. Mysterio then does a picture perfect Twisting Crossbody onto Tajiri.

    Michael Cole: This is exactly what I was talking about Tazz. Rey's speed could prove to be way too much for Tajiri to handle.

    Tazz: You could be right Shoelace. Looks like Mysterio's going for the pin.

    Doan counts.



    Tajiri kicks out and quickly Mysterio pulls him up to his feet. Mysterio bounces himself off the ropes and then goes for Headscissors on Tajiri. But Tajiri catches Mysterio and prevents him from taking him over. Tajiri then grasps Mysterio's legs and shoves him off, causing Mysterio to flip backwards but still land on his feet. Mysterio regains his balance and charges in at Tajiri who nearly takes his head off with a bigtime spinkick.

    Tazz: Tajiri isn't showin' any signs of getting tired out by the quicker Mysterio.

    Tajiri quickly picks up Mysterio and whips him into the ropes. Tajiri goes to hip toss Mysterio but Mysterio lands on his feet. Tajiri goes to kick Mysterio in the back of again, but Mysterio counters out of it with a basement dropkick to the knee of Tajiri that takes Tajiri down to one knee. Mysterio gets up and follows one basement dropkick up with another one, this time connecting with Tajiri's nose. Tajiri's head snaps backward into the mat after the dropkick.

    Mysterio gets up and quickly drops a leg across the throat of Tajiri. Mysterio picks Tajiri up to his feet and goes for an Irish Whip, which gets reversed. Mysterio bounces into the ropes, and almost gets caught with a Handspring Back Elbow from Tajiri. Rey ducks out of the way, and then connects with a big dropkick to the back of Tajiri that sends him down to where he is leaning on the middle rope. Rey looks to the crowd as they start to chant 619. Rey bounces off the ropes and then runs to Tajiri and goes to hit him with the 619, but Tajiri scurries out of the ring, and onto the floor where he looks to regain his composure. Tajiri is ready to fight again, so he turns around to get back in the ring, but all he does is eat a rope assisted Front Dropkick from Rey. Rey then gets out onto the apron. Rey hops up onto the middle turnbuckle and then hits a big Asai Moonsault on Tajiri!

    Michael Cole: What a Moonsault from the inside of the ring to the outside and right onto the unsuspecting Tajiri!

    Rey picks Tajiri up on the outside and then rolls him into the ring. Rey climbs up onto the ring apron, and then Drops the Dime on the back of Tajiri's head! Tajiri is out of it! Rey goes back out onto the apron and waits for Tajiri to get up to his feet. He could be going for the West Coast Pop! Tajiri gets up, and Rey springs up onto the top turnbuckle...

    Tazz: Come on Tajiri, snap out of it!

    Michael Cole: This is it, it's the West Coast Pop!

    <span style='color:red'>BOOM

    Tazz: What the hell? Is this...

    Michael Cole: It's Kane! Through hell fire and brimst

    Tazz: We know who it is Coleslaw.

    Red fireworks shoot out from the turnbuckles as Slow Chemical from Finger Eleven plays. Kane slowly walks down to the ring with Rey Mysterio looking on, wondering what the hell is going on. Kane takes his time getting to the ring, distracting Rey the whole time. This gives Tajiri a chance to get up. Kane steps over the top rope, and right away Mysterio goes on the attack. He starts pounding on the chest of Kane but it's having no effect on the big man. Kane goozles Mysterio, and gets him up, but the fiesty cruiserweight tries fighting out of it with kicks to the chest of Kane. That is, until Tajiri connects with a kick of death to the back of Mysterio's head. Kane then picks Mysterio up all the way and Chokeslams him straight to hell!

    Tajiri laughs at his fallen opponent, before seeing Kane making his way towards him. Tajiri looks like he's seen a ghost, so he starts backpedaling at first. Then he starts bowing to Kane, as a sign of respect or whatever. But then Kane scoops Tajiri up, and nails him with a Tombstone! The camera shows Kane with a sadistic look in his eyes, before going backstage.

    Michael Cole: This man has no business out here! He just ruined our Cruiserweight Title Match!

    Tazz: Why don't you go tell him that girlpants?


    Overall: 84

    Crowd: 79

    Match: 89


    Cruiserweight Title Gained In Image


    The camera goes backstage into the General Manager's office. Paul Heyman is sitting at his desk, with Big Show and Brock Lesnar sitting in leather chairs across from him. Nathan Jones is standing on the left of Heyman, while Matt Morgan stands on the right of Heyman. Rhyno is standing by the door, looking more like a security guard than a wrestler.

    Brock Lesnar: Alright Paul, who is it gonna be? Benoit, or Angle? Who do I have to face at the Royal Rumble next month?

    Paul Heyman: Well the obvious choice is Kurt Angle. He's been a five time World Champion, and he's one hell of an athlete. And, well technically speaking he's never gotten a rematch.

    Brock Lesnar: So that's it Paul? I've got to wrestle Kurt Angle at the Royal Rumble because he didn't get to lose to me TWICE?

    Paul Heyman: Brock, please let me finish. But, then there is Chris Benoit. The Rabid Wolverine... One of the best technical wrestlers in the history of this great sport. And well, at Survivor Series, he well, you know what happened Brock.

    A You Tapped Out chant starts up.

    Brock Lesnar: So then I'm wrestling Chris Benoit?

    Paul Heyman: Well, no, not quite.

    Brock Lesnar: Then what the hell is going on?

    Paul Heyman: Quite frankly, I'm just not sure that either man is worthy of being the number one contender. There is no denying that they're good wrestlers, but are they worthy of competing in the same ring as you Brock? I'm just not quite sure I'm convinced that they are.

    A big smile lights up on Brock's face.

    Brock Lesnar: Well then who is going to get the World Title shot at Royal Rumble?

    Paul Heyman: You see, that's a tough question. But I've thought about this long and hard Brock. I think that there is enough time left for these two men to prove to me that they are worthy of receiving a Title Shot. There's nearly two months until the Royal Rumble, so Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle have two months to put up or to shut up. One little slip up between now and then and there will be no World Title match at Royal Rumble. You will simply have the night off, just like you do tonight Brock.

    Big Show: One little slip up is all you need? Well, I don't have one little slip up for Angle. I've got one 7 foot tall, 500 pound slip up for him. And boss, I've got it for him next week, right here on Smackdown.

    Paul Heyman: Excellent. You know what Show, I've got an even better idea. I'm going to make that punk John Cena the special guest referee of that match. And I'm going to make it for the United States Title.

    Big Show: WHAT? John Cena? Why?

    Paul Heyman: Well, Big Show, as you may or may not know, blatantly attacking referees is an offense that could be punishable by either a fine, or a suspension without pay. And with what's been transpiring between Cena and Angle for the past few weeks, I have no doubt in my mind that Angle will snap and attack Cena.

    Big Show: Not if I do first.

    Paul Heyman: Look Show. You're not only in this for yourself anymore. You're part of a team now. And this time is here to do what's best for both me and your champion Brock Lesnar. Is that understood?

    Big Show looks around at Heyman menacingly first, and then responds.

    Big Show: Yeah, I got it.

    Then Rhyno leaves his post at the door and walks over to the desk. Rhyno pounds on the desk and then growls out the following

    Rhyno: Next week I want Benoit!

    Paul Heyman: Oka...

    Rhyno: When we were a team, I carried his ass. I carried his ass right to where he is now!

    Paul Heyman: Alright then, so next week we've got you, big man taking on Kurt Angle with John Cena as the special guest referee. And we've got the Man Beast from Detroit beating the hell out of the wolverine from Canada. And since I'm in such a generous mood, I'll give you two a shot at them early. A week early. Tonight's main event will be Rhyno and Big Show against Chris Benoit and Kurt Ang

    Then Paul Heyman is cut off by Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin barging into the room and staring down Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan.

    Charlie Haas: What the hell is going on Paul? We have the Tag Team Titles for just a week and you're already sending these... muscleheads after us?

    Shelton Benjamin: Yeah Paul, what happened to us bein' yo' favorite team on Smackdown?

    Paul Heyman: First of all gentleman, let me make it aware to you that if this intrusion ever happens again, you're going to have to deal with a Man Beast at the door.

    Rhyno goes to attack Haas and Benjamin.

    Paul Heyman: Not now Rhyno, let me clear things up for these gentleman first. You're right, a few weeks ago you two were my favorite Tag Team on Smackdown. But that was only until I encountered these genetic specimens Matt Morgan, and Nathan Jones. These men, no, these machines are the future of Tag Team wrestling, and they will go through whichever team they need to in order to get the Tag Team Titles. Oh... and now, that team seems to be you too. Rhyno, now you may remove our guests.

    With that, Rhyno bumrushes Haas. Haas starts to fight him off, but simultaneous attacks from Matt Morgan and the Big Show stop that from happening. On the other side of the desk, Brock Lesnar and Nathan Jones are beating the hell out of Shelton Benjamin. Eventually, Haas and Benjamin get thrown head first into the walls, knocking them unconscious.

    Paul Heyman: Get them out of here.

    Rhyno then picks up both guys by their singlets and drops them outside of the room before slamming the door. The camera stayed outside focusing on Haas & Benjamin lying there unconscious.

    Overall: 85

    Tazz: Cole tonight were gonna see Rhyno and Da Big Show against Benoit and Angle. That'll be a chartbustah!

    Michael Cole: But how will Angle and Benoit coexist! These men haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye lately.

    Tazz: Well one things for sure, they're gonna need to coexist if they plan on getting past Rhyno and Big Show.

    Michael Cole: Definitely. And what about that heinous beat down by all of Heyman's goons on our new tag team champions?

    Tazz: Well, there isn't really much to say, other than the World's Greatest Tag Team might not be at their best next week against the winners of our number one contenders match... which could be the team that just put a beating on them... Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan.


    user posted image

    Watch Me Now, I Am The Greatest. Or so he says. Anyway, the James Brown-esque music means that it's time for everybody's favorite reject backup dancer to come out. His juking and jiving draws a decent pop from the crowd. Now out comes his opponent for tonight, Danny Basham with Shaniqua to pretty much no reaction. Basham doesn't look very pleasant after Doug Basham announced last week that he was going to find a new tag team partner.

    The Cat is in the corner remvoing his leopard print vest when Basham gets the bright idea to sneak attack him. Basham charges in at the Cat, as referee Mike Chioda gets out of the way, but the Cat does his own variation of the Moonwalk out of the corner, leading to Basham charging in to the corner sternum first. Miller starts throwing chops and open hand thrusts into the back of Basham. Basham falls forward into the turnbuckle, leading to Miller going for a quick roll up on Basham as Chioda counts.



    Basham kicks out at two, and quickly gets up to his feet. He's up before Miller, and takes Miller's head off with a hard clothesline. Basham starts dancing, mimicking the Cat before dropping an elbow across the throat of Miller. Basham then picked Miller up to his feet, and started hitting forearms to the back of Miller. Basham then pushed Miller forward into the ropes, but before he could bounce off of them Basham kicked him in the back, and put put Miller in an Inverted Facelock. Basham quickly dropped Miller with a Reverse DDT. Basham covered Miller and Chioda counted.



    Miller barely got his shoulder up. Basham went right back on the offensive with kicks to the forehead of The Cat. Basham once again started to mimmick Miller's dancing, but this time when he went for the elbow drop, Miller rolled out of the way. Basham hit the mat and then bounced back up, but walked right into a dance move followed by a spin kick right to the chops. Then Miller gets up and does the dance that Basham has been mocking, and then drops a chop across the throat of Basham. Miller gets up, and pulls Basham to his feet. Miller hits the Feliner on Basham and then goes for a cover. Chioda gets into position and then counts.




    Michael Cole: It's Kane again!

    Tazz: Alright girlpants, this is gettin' a little outta control here.

    Miller springs up to his feet, effectively breaking up the pinning predicament as the Big Red Machine comes down to the ring for the second time in two matches. As Kane steps up onto the ring apron Miller meets him with a variety of not-so-stiff kicks, and other martial arts moves. But that's halted, as Kane grabs Miller around the throat and chokeslams him, and sending his shiny red dancing shoes flying up two feet in the air. Kane steps into the ring, while Basham looks at him and then looks at Miller. Basham doesn't want anything to do with Kane, but he runs forward and dives through the legs of Kane and goes to cover Miller. But the referee has already thrown out the match, so Basham's pinfall is futile. Kane yanks Basham up to his feet by his leather pants, and then hoists him up for another Chokeslam! Kane laughs at the damage that he has done and then gets out of the ring and heads to the back, while Shaniqua looks down at Basham disgusted. She then shoots a look at Kane, and cracks a bit of a smile while nodding her head.

    Michael Cole: Kane just destroyed two more Smackdown superstars! Who will stop this man!?

    Tazz: Certainly not Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Doug Basham, or The Cat.

    Michael Cole: But he spared Shaniqua for some reason. And, Shaniqua actually looked impress. What's going on?

    Tazz: Calm down Cole. This aint good for your blood pressure.


    Overall: 71

    Crowd: 64

    Match: 79



    The camera goes backstage in a locker room where we see Shannon Moore sitting down on a steel folding chair that's placed right in front of a locker. He's got his head buried in his arms. The camera then pans out a little bit further and we see Matt Hardy pacing back and forth looking royall pissed off.

    Matt Hardy: Last week was my chance Shannon! It was my shot at getting back my Cruiserweight Title.

    Shannon Moore: Yeah, I know.

    Matt Hardy: You know? You know, Shannon? If you knew then why would you have eliminated from the battle royal?!

    Shannon Moore: Well, I just thought that maybe it would be kinda cool if I was, you know, Cruiserweight Champion for once.

    Matt is totally flabbergasted.

    Matt Hardy: You wanted a shot at the Cruiserweight title? YOU? Shannon, let me fill you in on a little something. People like you don't get title shots. Hell, people like you are lucky to even have a contract with the WWE. If it wasn't for me Shannon you'd be back home in Carolina flipping burgers or washing cars, and you know it. So tell me, who do you think is more of a contender for the Cruiserweight Title, the Sensei of Mattitude, or some fast food reject?

    Shannon Moore cowers a little bit at first, but then he stands up and stares at Matt Hardy.

    Matt Hardy: Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on Shannon. All I'm saying is that if one of us was championship material it would be me, Matt Hardy Version Oneuhhhh.

    Shannon Moore: Okay Matt, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thrown you out of the match last week. Happy now?

    Matt Hardy: Well, no, not really. You see, I can't exactly just let this action go unpunished. Shannon, just keep in mind that what I'm about to do is going to hurt me a lot more than it's going to hurt you.

    Matt then lunges forward to grab Moore. But Moore ducks out of his grasp causing Matt to crash into the locker. Matt clears his cobwebs and then turns to attack Moore, but Moore picks up the steel chair and just throws it at Matt Hardy. The chair dings off Hardy's head, knocking him down to the floor while Shannon Moore hightails it out of the locker room.

    Overall: 65

    Matt Hardy lost overness from looking weak.

    Shannon Moore gained overness both for getting the upperhand on Matt, and for officially turning on him.

    Michael Cole: Shannon Moore just rung Matt Hardy's bell with that chairshot!

    Tazz: Well, I guess Matt'll be lookin for a new MFer pretty soon. Interested Cole?

    Michael Cole: No thanks.


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    Rikishi is out to the ring first and gets the usual "dancing fat ass" pop. Then out comes Sean O'Haire to very very modest heat. I guess only a handful of people actually remember him from them vignettes he did leading up to his redebut a while ago, and we all know how that turned out. The two men stare each other down, but before the action begins the video from Velocity plays.

    Sean O'Haire comes out, wearing a grey business suit, looking like he just came from Wall Street or some business meeting. He walks down the ramp, and then enters the ring where he calls for a microphone..

    Sean O'Haire: Rikishi, I've got to say, that was impressive. The way you just came out here and demolished that guy was amazing. And you know what was even more amazing Rikishi?

    Rikishi has an odd look on his face. He doesn't know what O'Haire's business out here is. He takes the microphone.

    Rikishi: No, what?

    O'Haire takes the microphone back.

    Sean O'Haire: The crowd reaction that you're getting. These people just eat up everything you do. It's like you have them in the palm of your hand. And, why is it that you have so much control over them? Is it because you come out here every night and bust your ass? Is it because of you being such a talented wrestler? Or is it because all you're good at is coming out here and shaking your bulbus ass?

    Rikishi rears back like hes going to deck Sean O'Haire.

    Sean O'Haire: Whoa, hold on big man. I'm not out here to cause trouble. I'm out here to enlighten you about yourself, and about these people. The fact of the matter is this Rikishi. A long time ago when you were just starting here in the WWE, you would come out here, and give it 110% to entertain these people. But they didn't care. They wanted nothing to do with you. Every damn night you'd end up getting booed straight out of the arena. But now, years later you come back with one hundred extra pounds of fat injected into your ass, and now your one of the biggest WWE superstars... in more ways than one. These people don't care about Rikishi. They don't care about what you do in that ring. They care about you rubbing your ass in people's faces. What? Don't look so shocked. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  O'Haire waits a few seconds for people to absorb his old/new catchphrase. But there is one way to change that. You can turn your back on these people, like they did to you! Show them that you're more than just a walking, talking ass. Join me, Rikishi, on my quest to bring a new sense of reality to the WWE. Help me give everyone a reality check.

    Rikishi takes the microphone.

    Rikishi: I've got a better idea. How about I give YOU a reality check!

    Rikishi goes for a big haymaker on Sean O'Haire, which Sean ducks. Rikishi spins around and catches a boot to the midsection. O'Haire then effortlessly hoists Rikishi overhead, and then hits him with an Inverted Death Valley Drive, called The Prophecy. Sean stares at Rikishi before shrugging his shoulders and going to the back.

    Josh Mathews: Sean O'Haire is back in a BIG way. He just threw Rikishi like he was a cruiserweight!

  18. I wasn't expecting much more than tits and blood from House of the Dead, so I was satisfied. That Alicia chick had some big fucking slow mo bouncy ass titties. Her face was a little awkward but, damn her tits. My favorite part was when she stomped on the guys head at the end and his brain practically came out his mouth. But yeah, Double Dragon sucked.

  19. Not a bad show Punk. I loved the match writeups. I did have a problem, however, with how you brought in Richards, Test, and all three Dudleys, only to have them lose in their first match on Smackdown. Obviously, Spike losing isn't a big deal, and the way he did lose put him over pretty well. But, for the other guys, at least Test and Steven, you had a chance to sort of wipe the slate clean, and start at least one of them off with a decent push. But, you're the booker, and I'm sure there's some logic behind it. Anyway, I'm digging this so far, and I hope Fitzy's end is just as good.


    Following the confrontation between Bradshaw, and William Jones, an impromptu match between Jones and Doug Basham. During this match, Jones accidentally dropped Doug Basham right on the top of his head with a DDT. Basham tried to take it 'dangerous' style to put the newcomer over, but this resulted in Basham breaking his neck. The match was completely edited out of Smackdown. Basham is expected to miss at least eight months of action, and will in all likelihood never step foot in the ring, in a wrestling capacity, again.

    OOC: Diego dropped out. Anybody want to take over for him?

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