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Everything posted by Blink

  1. Alabama sickens me. Luckily, though, I sold my student ticket for $20 yesterday. (Y)
  2. Wow, I really should be paying attention to my professor, but that site is great. What I find more amusing are the comments left.
  3. It's much more attractive than the older RAW logo's. I'm definitely a fan of it.
  4. Mark Tremonti is an amazing, amazing guitarist. Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of the graphic. It would've been nice to get his awesome guitar into the image, but I can live without it. My main problem is that it seems clouded/crowded. The whole thing just seems too noisy, and the top left text isn't working at all.
  5. So I'm not completely unuseful. Just mostly.
  6. It's a secret, dude. Chill. PS: It's not /forum/index.php?showtopic=8004">here.
  7. By the way was horribly boring, I thought. Stadium Arcadium wasn't awful, but two CD's? My god, I could hardly handle listening to half of the first one all the way through. It's not awful, though.
  8. How can you say that? We've seen, what, one half of play from Romo? The game against the Giants was his first game to throw more than two passes. And even then, he was thrown into the mix in a very bad situation (ie. they were losing). Where is Testaverde now, anyways? I thought he was with the Jets, but I can't find out anything on that (despite ESPN listing him on their roster).
  9. The Format, Josh Ritter, and Sufjan Stevens.
  10. You could always read the manual that came with your purchase. (Y) Sorry, I had to have a smart-ass moment.
  11. I got this game for my birthday, and only plan to use it for PC use (ie. no online play). So if anyone wants to buy my CD key, step forward.
  12. Well, it's fairly obvious that Bama is slowly imploding. Let's hope for a certain change. Darby just looks horrible, almost as if he's a fullback with very little skill.
  13. I'm in. Same name as the other pools.
  14. Can of Kournikova. I'm in. (Y)
  15. Can of Kournikova is good to go.
  16. Eh, I have class from 2pm-3:15pm Thursday, so it may be tough to work in, but I'll manage to do it. I'm in.
  17. So, which is better? This or Winning Eleven 9/PES? I got this a few weeks ago for Xbox, and it's quite nice, but I may order WE9. Oh, and I know that WE9's rosters aren't accurate, but I can import the correct ones.
  18. It's really grainy. Is this your first sig, or your first graphic?
  19. This may have been posted already, but I won't be arsed to search. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0Rc8fnS_rw Oh, and it's Zidane's headbutt. Hmm, I'm not praising it, but it sure as hell gave me a laugh.
  20. Not a problem. We'll simply castrate you next time.
  21. Don't expect any kind of help unless you take the initiative to post in the right section. (Y)
  22. eyetwixthree@gmail.com I'll provide it free. I have about 1GB of free space and about 50GB of bandwidth that I never use... ever. Only catch is, you'll need to have an FTP program, which is easy to obtain.
  23. I like the effect on the left side of the graphic in the background, but I'm not so sure it fits well in this graphic. The AJ Styles cut is great, if you made it, but the brightness of it just clashes with my eyes; it just doesn't seem to go over too well with the rest of the graphic being black-and-white. A bit of an opacity change could work, though I'm not sure. If you were to take away the Hard Justice cut, what would be left? Honestly, imagine that it's not there, and see what you're left with. To me, I see a handful of misplaced cuts (save for the AJ Styles, perfectly in the middle) that don't seem to blend well at all. Despite the two previous mini-paragraphs seemingly shredding your graphic, I do have some praise. The Hard Justice cut, as I mentioned, is the life of this graphic... it's really the only solid thing going for it. Nice placement on that.
  24. Both seem really bland and unrealistic. I couldn't do better, of course, but my opinion still stays. My vote goes to Tyler.
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