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Everything posted by DoubleJ13

  1. On this please in this style Appreciate any assistance in this request.
  2. - Make Jimmy & Jules Uso's finishers the Samoan Spike & the Superfly Splash. - Make Sarona Snuka's finisher the Superfly Splash.
  3. Headbanger Thrasher, Rico, Kurrgan, Stacy "Miss Kitty" Carter, Harvey Wippleman, Joey Abs, Pete Gas, Rodney, Mae Young, & Monty Brown All these are from the Legends of the Ring convention held on May 15th 2010
  4. Jimmy & Jules Uso & Sarona Snuka
  5. Su Yung, who may or may not have a WWE deal. Akira Tozawa, Ricochet, & CW Anderson
  6. The TNA office called Booker T in for last night's show in Lake Charles, Louisiana when it became apparent AJ Styles would be unable to make it. Booker agreed to come in and made the two hour and twenty minute drive on Interstate 10 from his home in Houston, Texas. Booker worked as a heel and cut a promo before the match. He was paid a show payout for working but does not have a new TNA contract. Source: WNW - Booker could probably use a bump in attitude, since it seems like he could have just said no. He was trying to help out & it may be because RVD was who he was working & they are friends, but he could have blown them off. He drove two hours and twenty minutes to help a company he "hates". Seems like he has a decent attitude about it. - Raise Chelsea's overness by 5-10 points. For some reason she is insanely over based on the fact there have been a couple times where the crowd has chanted her name during segments.
  7. Amy Dumas, Alastair Ralphs (A1), Hiroshi Tanahashi, Lisa Marie Varon, & Mark Copani
  8. Jay Lethal & Randy Savage, just like looking in a mirror. Also a new Monty Brown just because I had it cut.
  9. The Edge is posted on page 623.
  10. Abdullah The Butcher, Anthony Garcia, Brian Lawler, Darren Drozdov, Kevin Sullivan, & Lance Storm
  11. Kiyoshi, Raven, Ben Dojo, & Marty Con (Dojo & Con are Team 3D students who had a tryout for TNA at the Impact tapings)
  12. I had to "suffer" through dozens of nude Shelly pics to find those, thanks again for the belt.
  13. Shelly Martinez Thanks for the belt cut Rocky, one of these days I'm gonna learn the belt cutting ways.
  14. Also a request of the WWE Diva's title plates cut on to this belt so that the strap is the pink strap but the Diva's title plates. Then I need it on this background in this style.
  15. Mike "Titan" Jarvi, already had this cut if I get time I'll try & cut the others unless someone beats me to it.
  16. - Remove Tony Atlas from WWE. - Funaki should be added to Zero1, he should also have a friendship with Yoshi Tatsu. Pro Wrestling EVE might need added. They're an all woman's promotion set to debut in May & are apart of the FFL, which is like a governing body for woman's promotions. The FFL is made up of ChickFight, nCw Femme Fatales, & EVE at the moment. Food for thought for the June update.
  17. Nobody seems to know at the moment, give it a day or two. It's possible that he is a student of the FCW school, like Jacob Novak.
  18. Rhys Aliis is Reon Mahima, a former amateur standout from New Zealand, he signed a WWE developmental deal in the fall of 2009, but took a long time to process his visa due to an assault charge.
  19. Rhys Aliis is Reon Mahima, a former amateur standout from New Zealand, he signed a WWE developmental deal in the fall of 2009, but took a long time to process his visa due to an assault charge.
  20. I didn't cut the belts but I don't remember where I found them, probably Grey Dogs forums. Credit to whoever did those.
  21. Santino Marella, MVP, Kelly Kelly, Buggy, Eric Young, Paul Orndorff, Richie Steamboat, Rob Terry, Rob Van Dam, Roddy Piper Generic TNA title & Generic X-Division tag team titles
  22. Tyler Reks and Vance Archer were quietly added to the WWE.com Smackdown roster today, making Abraham Washington the final member of the now-defunct ECW brand not to be assigned to a new brand. Washington has been back in FCW in Florida since ECW was shuttered.
  23. Tyler Reks and Vance Archer were quietly added to the WWE.com Smackdown roster today, making Abraham Washington the final member of the now-defunct ECW brand not to be assigned to a new brand. Washington has been back in FCW in Florida since ECW was shuttered.
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