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Everything posted by Hutch2004

  1. Quick question. In ladder matches, how do you put the ladder sideways in the turnbuckle? I remember seeing a video showing someone doing it, but I have no idea how.
  2. Thought I'd give this ago, since I got so caught up compiling a list of my top ten women, I actually forgot to post it when I was done. 1. 1984 by George Orwell- Great book. By the amount of votes it's getting, looks like we have a winner. 2. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 3. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K Dick 4. The Prestige by Christopher Priest- Not finished it yet, but hell, it's fantastic. 5. Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh 6. Hamlet by William Shakespeare- Although if you sat me down, and tried to get me to read it now, I'd fall asleep, but at the time, taking my time as I went through it, studying all the little nuances, I was convinced it's the most amazing work of literature ever created. 7. Ubik by Philip K Dick 8. Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon 9. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Purely because it gets a lot of undeserved stick. Yeah, it's overhyped beyond belief, and some of the prose is atrocious, but IT'S NOT THAT BAD. I'll gladly admit that I flew through it in one sitting, and loved every single page of it. A damn good story, unfairly criticised. There are FAR worse books out there regarded as "classics". If only someone'd pay Dan Brown on a writing course, and he learn how to write as well as plot, then we're sorted. 10. Dracula by Bram Stoker. A good book, although admittedly only on here because my mind's gone blank, and I was thinking about it this afternoon. The novel that got me through my first year at University, purely because I got pissed off at everything, and wrote an essay in which I argued Dracula was gay, expecting to get in a bit of trouble. I know, I'm such a rebel. But surprisingly, the lecturer loved it, and said it was one of the best, most well researched essays they'd read. Huh. So maybe I was on to something. EDIT: Forgot the negative votes. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. I hate this book. Not only are there about a million characters (90% of which are COMPLETELY useless), but shite all actually happens, and Oliver is a whiny, little bastard, who faints all the fucking time. If I was Fagin or the Dodger, I would have skinned the little shit when he passed out, and made a nice warm sleeping bag out of his skin, which was probably pasty white and clammy. Dickhead. NEVER have I hated the main character of a book as much as this guy. Have a Nice Day by Mick Foley. Entertaining, yes. One of the greatest books ever written? No. Not even a little bit. The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing. Dear Mrs Lessing (or probably Miss Lessing, as I doubt anyone would marry a total MORON), I hate your book, I hate your characters, and by association, I have come to hate you too. Please crawl into a pit and die you whingy "all men are bastards, but don't call me a feminist" feminist moose, for making the month of my life it took me to crawl through your dull, ego trip of a novel one of the most painful I have ever experienced. That is all. PS. I hate your face.
  3. Does anyone elses' 360 version crash? A lot?
  4. That twat from Theme Park. You switch him off, you don't know what the hell's going on. Leave him on, and you will be annoyed to death by his advice. And Otis from Dead Rising. You call me ONE MORE fucking time, and I'm going to march up to that security room, and stuff that freaking walkie-talkie so far up your ass.... You get the picture. Bastard. I'm getting my face torn off by about 30 zombies, while trying to escort 7 survivors, all of whom are USELESS and just cower in a corner until they get eaten (apart from one nutter who I gave a shotgun, and he managed to wipe out 3 other survivors, just from collateral damage), and I've got to do it all with my fucking radio calling me over and over again, just to tell me he thinks I should bring some wine with me next time I come back to the security room. Cheers, you useless prick! EDIT: And I completely missed the "Playable characters only" bit at the top. Never mind.
  5. I've always found Smackdown games tend to run a cycle of innovation and trying something new (This year, for definate), and the year after is refining that system and getting it right. And I hope the magic wand thing is just the reviewer being a bit of a prat and flippantly describing something where you have to take control of a diva. I really don't want magic in my Smackdown games. I struggled playing through the "Urn controls the Undertaker" storyline last year.
  6. Backbreaker 13, if I remember correctly.
  7. It was absolutely awesome. I was cringing knowing what was coming so many times, and it's so painfully funny when it does happen........ an absolutely fantastic movie, I'd highly recommend it. Although make sure the people you're seeing it with don't think that everyone in the film is an actor, because then the film sort of loses its point for them. Sigh.
  8. The biggest problem I have with the PSP is the games. It's biggest selling ones are GTA and various other things that are available on the Playstation anyway. I don't want to play GTA while I'm going somewhere on the bus, so I'd play it at home. And if I'm playing at home, I may as well stick San Andreas on my PS2. I haven't got a DS (yet) but everytime I'm around one of my mates houses, I'm always playing on his, or just fiddling about with it.
  9. Yeah, but the game came out before Carlito started using it (regularly, at least.) It's in there for Maven, who was using it for awhile. I've also seen Orlando Jordan and Rene Dupree use it before too. I know he had the Overdrive, and every movelist I'd ever seen prior to him using the Backcracker had him with it... what I want to know is why? Did he EVER use it? Was it an OVW finisher or something?
  10. Yeah, but I'd prefer the actual character model. Speaking of Create a Wrestler, I hope the crotch and ass blurs have been removed. The game has a 16+ rating, if I want to draw a big fat cock on the front of my wrestlers trunks, I should be able to. Not that I would.
  11. Why put the nWo title in the game at all? Surely last year would have been the year to put the nWo title in, as Hollywood Hogan was part of the game.
  12. I read this on a forum somewhere, although it was from a reputable source. I think. But Dusty Rhodes has the Million Dollar belt (which I don't understand why they kept if Dibiase isn't in the game.) And for Create a Belt, you can now create spinner belts, which if you press one of the triggers on the way to the ring, the belt'll spin itself magically.
  13. Ok, the finishers are listed right there on IGN, just click on each superstars countdown page, and go to the bottom. Dude Love has Piledriver 2 twice, Cactus Jack has double arm DDT twice, Mankind has Mandible Claw 2 and Double arm DDT, and plain old Mick Foley has Mandible Claw 1 and Double Arm DDT. I hadn't actually noticed till now that there were two versions of the Mandible claw. Probably one with Socko, and one without, which is good. Hopefully they're submission moves this year.
  14. It'd rule. They could even break it down into different eras, with a "Classic" era (Lou Thesz, George Hackenschmidt (sp?) etc), an 80's era (Hogan, Warrior, Savage), and a 90's era (The Rock, Mankind, Austin). Anyway, yeah, Metalman, the Hardcore title is in the game, along with.........
  15. I've always been surprised WWE haven't commissioned a "WWE LEGENDS" game, to fight the "Legends of Wrestling" series, as shit as that was. With the wrestlers they have on contract now, it'd be fantastic. Use the same controls etc as Smackdown, but with a roster exclusively from the 80's/90's. I'd buy it, definately.
  16. Here are mine, in no particular order. Tried sorting them into a top ten, but it's too difficult. 1) Shaun of the Dead 2) Dawn of the Dead (Romero) 3) 28 Days Later 4) Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back 5) Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith 6) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi- (Purely for Palpatine, the most quotable villian ever.) 7) Dog Soldiers 8) Alien 9) Batman Begins 10) Jaws 11) Superman 12) The Usual Suspects 13) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Always been my favourite) 14) The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 15) Memento There's LOADS I've left out. I might come back and take a few of the Star Wars films out, and narrow it down to just one, which'd give me two free slots. But then how do I decide between Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Sin City, Serenity, Napolean Dynamite, the rest of the Romero films, the rest of the Alien, Indiana Jones, and Die Hard films....... EDIT: Had to replace Predator with Batman Begins. I can't BELIEVE I forgot that one.
  17. My girlfriend generally thinks games are stupid, although she's played Hitman: Contracts and Dead Rising with me. I went through the "Meat King" level of Contracts, and got a Silent Assassin rating, just to show her how to do it. She said she'd give it a go, went in, forgot to dump her guns, got shot at, and killed every single person in the warehouse, including all the innocents. So she got a good rating too, albeit a bit of a messy one. She liked Dead Rising, but whenever a zombie grabbed hold of her, she'd scream and throw the control pad at me so I could do it. On both games, she nor any other girl I have ever seen play a console can grasp the two analogue stick system. They can move, stop, then look around, but are incapable of doing both.
  18. Just watched the repeat on BBC 2. All in all, not bad. It's not as good as Doctor Who, but I expect we'll get a lot more out of it once the series has progressed a bit, and we've got to know the characters a little. I enjoyed the first episode a bit more than the second. I was surprised with the amount of "adultness" that was in it (the security guard whacking one out over the CCTV video was a highlight) which helps set it apart from Doctor Who. I'll keep watching, in all likelihood.
  19. There has to be a graphic novel.... There HAS to be. Anything. I'd even settle for a DVD release of Joss sitting down in an empty room and giving a rough outline of potential Firefly storylines. What the hell did Book DO?! I was gutted when Serenity didn't answer that question.
  20. Until either IGN confirms it, or I hear it from more than one source, I don't believe it. I've heard from 3 or 4 different websites that custom soundtracks are available, so I'm going with the majority infulence and assuming that the one site that says custom soundtracks aren't available is talking shite. At least I hope they are, and I didn't spend ages downloading old wrestling themes for nothing.
  21. It'll take some getting used to, but the more I think about the analogue grappling system, the more I love it. It's just so natural, instead of having to press a button combination to grapple, you simply move the stick/or hold top right and flick the stick in the direction you want. It just seems so intuitive. Of course, I haven't played it yet, so it could be shit beyond belief. All complaints I've heard about it seem to be very minor, mostly nitpicking.
  22. This is odd, I've heard conflicting reports about the harddrive, I'm sure I read somewhere else recently that the custom soundtracks WERE available.
  23. Why didn't I spring for Xbox live? Why oh why oh why. I wish I could download this demo. The new controls seem a bit....... odd, like clicking the stick in to pick up your opponent. For those who've got the demo, fancy giving us a list of the controls and the various new things you can do?
  24. I'd assume you can, at least that's what I've heard anyway. Freakin' awesome Legends roster, probably one of the first Legends rosters that I'll actually play as nearly every single one. Mr. Perfect!
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