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Everything posted by Hutch2004

  1. Yeah, I had to recreate him. I'm attempting a "realistic" season mode. I'm entering season at 34 overness with basic attire, a really basic entrance and a VERY basic movelist with only one or two signature moves, and no finishers. Then the more I play, I'll introduce finishing moves, update my attire, give him a gimmick, give him a better entrance etc. Just to liven it up a bit.
  2. Does anyone have any idea how to REDUCE attribute points you've given to CAWs? I've given my CAW 81, and season mode just isn't any fun because I always win. I want it to be as if I'm starting at the bottom. Anyone have any ideas? Is it possible?
  3. You know, thinking about this has made me realise just how depressingly narrow my musical tastes have become recently. Bastard iPod. You throw 500 songs on there, and just listen to them over and over and over. That's what I'm doing tomorrow then. Refilling the damn thing. No music has ever changed my life, but I guess some tracks (some of them awful) have had a big impact on me, or reminded me of various times in my life. Rollin' by Limp Bizkit. You know, I used to loath Limp Bizkit, till this came out. I remember sitting in the house with the radio on, and it came on, and thinking "What the fuck was THAT?!" So I loved it, told my friend, who laughed at my sudden turnaround. It wasn't until I went to South Africa that Chocolate Starfish became the first CD I ever bought. By the end of the holiday I must have listened to it about a hundred times. I decided I wanted a guitar then too. And when I got back home, my friend had told a few people about my sudden Bizkit fandom, including one girl who adored them, who I ended up going out with. So, she cheated on me then dumped me when she decided she was a lesbian, but so fuck. I got to say "I was so awesome, after me, she never wanted another man again." Dealerman by OPM Went on holiday, and took a mate. He bought this CD from Woolworths while we were there, and in amongst that and Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory (which should get a mention) it's all we listened to. The first week of my life when I got trashed every single day. It was AWESOME. Outside by Staind The aforementioned Limp Bizkit loving friend and the following girlfriend (though later she became a friend, which suited us both much better) had a HUGE fight, based mostly because he mentioned that she reminded him of the song, because he could see through her.... Emo crap, and I thought it was stupid back then, even though it tore me up. I still question the sanity of them getting that worked up over a song every time I hear it. This song probably did change my life, as it pretty much led to the three of us splitting as friends, as much as I tried to make it work. Tribute by Tenacious D I can't not laugh hearing this. We played this SO many times, and just knew all the words, each taking different parts (I always had the devil) and ALWAYS cracked us up. The days of being 16, wish I'd appreciated them for the awesome days they were at the time, instead of being such a mopey difficult bastard. I believe in a thing called love by The Darkness For standing on a table with three of my best friends, belting it out as loud as we could..... and actually sounding really really good. A night that lives on in infamy amongst my friends, for various "ugly-bird" reasons and jokes that 4 years later, I STILL can't shake off. Everlong by the Foo Fighters Stood at Leeds festival, during this song, with my girlfriend, singing it into her ear, it felt like there was only us in the world, and I can honestly say, I've never felt happier than at that moment, when she turned around crying, and I've never seen anyone smile that much. That remains the only time in my life I've ever displayed an emotion besides hunger, lust and anger, and if anyone I know ever finds about it, I'll have to kill them.
  4. One thing I'm thankful for is the motion capturing in season mode is a MILLION times better than last year. When Rey takes out all three members of the Triple Threat it's a real mark out moment, and it looks awesome. And when Orton RKO's you a few times in another story, that just looks so smooth and realistic. Better than Undertaker's dodgy chokeslams and the WORST stunner ever that looks like someone from an old folks home performed it. Kick! .... ..... ...... ....... Wobble into position ..... .... .... ... .... Very slowly drop to your ass. Then sit there for a bit. A massive improvement this year, which helps season mode a LOT. Personally, I don't understand all the bitching about this game. I have it for the 360, and it's quite possibly the best Smackdown since HCTP.
  5. Had one of the best finishes to a match I've ever had today. I was playing as Mysterio vs Davari. Knocked him against the ropes, then did the "Fake Diving Attack" (edit Rey's moveset to give him it), and in case you didn't know, you'll do a non-finisher 619. Anyway, blasted Davari with the 619, did the Eddie tribute taunt, climbed to the top, and went for the frog splash..... Davari moves, and I go SPLAT onto the canvas (I love that counter.) Davari has a finisher stored, goes to the top rope, dives off with the Leg Drop, I do exactly the same counter, roll out of the way, go straight into a springboard legdrop JUST as he rolls over...... 1.2.3. Such a good finish, flowed amazingly well. I play as Rey more than any other wrestler. No idea why. Only lost ONE match playing as him, and that was against Gregory Helms. Again, hit the non-finish 619, went to the top, waited for him to stand up, dived off with a hurracanrana, he counters and powerbombs me into the ground. When I stand up, he charges at me, Shining Wizard. The AI has been improved SO much, it's very rare that I'll catch the computer doing any of the old glitches that used to plague Smackdown. (Unless it's a chamber match.) The only new AI loop I've found is the opponent will whip you into the turnbuckles endlessy.
  6. I'm guessing that probably has to do with weight limits as well. Hmm. I might have to have a Royal Rumble with me playing as Big Show and everyone else a cruiserweight, see what happens.
  7. It's all to do with weight classes. Though I think all the moves are a suplex and an awesome neck-breaker. I'd hope there's more, but I don't think there is, from what I've tried anyhow.
  8. You know, I did this challenge first time. Just using hit and run, rolling out of the ring, attacking whoever comes after you, then when they both exit the ring, roll into the ring and repeat. Psicosis was quite good for me, he even eliminated Kane with his leg-drop. Plus, if you get into a grapple and just hold it, he'll usually wander over and do a double team.
  9. Hoping it's not Peter. I'm expecting a Peter Parker, Mary Jane angle with Peter and Simone. She gets in danger, he tells her he doesn't love her, just to get her to go away and be safe away from him. I think Nikki is going to end up as one of the main villians, as well as a potential "turn" from one of the other cast. I love how even though the bad (or more suspect characters) such as Claire's dad aren't actually evil, and are doing everything they do for the right reasons, it's just the method that's bad. Using that reason, Nathan could even be revealed as one of the villians. Good stuff. The more I watch, the more obsessed I'm getting, which is always a good sign.
  10. I've got it, it's been out forever. I personally enjoyed it, thought it captured the claustrophobia really well, although the characters were a bit flat. Good stuff, any how.
  11. Good God, this thread makes me want to play San Andreas. If only I wasn't too lazy to unpack my PS2 and then complete the missions to the point where I can free roam again.
  12. Since I doubt we're getting this in the UK, I acquired all the episodes..... Damn, a good show. Are there any more episodes being made? I demand more Hiro awesomeness! Although I can't help thinking how much Peter looks like Alex Shelley, and wonder why they're wasting so much time on Nikki/Jessica, who is clearly the dullest character by FAR. And if I have to see her look in the mirror and see her "reflection"..... I'm sorry, but pouting and looking smug does NOT make you evil! Still, the series finale left quite a lot untouched. We found out who Sylar was (although it didn't explain how he is able to "acquire" other people's powers), but it left quite a lot of characters just sort of hanging. So, new episodes? Soon? Please?
  13. Go to options, and watch the Tutorial videos.
  14. Probably the "Lara Croft Nude" cheat that every Tomb Raider geeks swears he's done once, but can't remember how he did it.
  15. I would imagine so. I can't see them taking it off the 360 now. Which I sincerely hope they don't, as otherwise I'm screwed. No way in hell I can afford a PS3 for a good three/four years after release, judging roughly by the rate the PS2 went down in price. Oh, and anyone who has a parking lot brawl...... Play as Rey Mysterio, smash out the windows on the limo (using your opponents face), store a finisher, whip them against it, and use your finisher. An awesome instant KO move.
  16. Might have been body paint. Whenever I select a design or logo or anything, a huge "NO ONLINE" thing appears in the top right hand of the screen.
  17. ??? I concur. Please elaborate on this 'crotch blur'.
  18. And I think you can only go into the crowd in certain matches, rather than every match like on the 360. And PS2 has no crotch blur, while the 360 has a HUGE one. Bastards.
  19. I've read The Hobbit, and enjoyed it, however, I wouldn't put it on my lists. I tried reading The Lord of the Rings, but halfway through the Two Towers, I threw it away. I could be doing with that bilge, with the most pompous flowery language. It drove me crazy. God knows how I got through Fellowship without going insane.
  20. I love playing as Edge or my Christian CAW. Seriously, with 64 layers, even a mediocre CAW creater like myself can make a Christian that LOOKS as if he's in the game. Perfect. Edge especially rules in tables matches. Lay a table in the corner, whip your opponent into it, make sure you have a finisher saved, then use it, for an AWESOME spear through the table.
  21. It is SO irritating to lose a Money in the Bank match after 45 minutes, to Kid Kash, who you only put in the match in the first place because you thought he'd be one of the easy ones. Bastard. My own fault. I had almost got the briefcase when he started punching me, I managed to counter, and throw him off the top. Then, I used two arms to reach for the case, which I was SURE was directly above me. I fell, he miraculously recovered and won. Git.
  22. It's so easy. Doing what you would have done last year WILL NOT WORK. Moving the pointer in the "colours" part of the screen down will no longer reduce the brightness, it'll just take the colour out of it, much like the shade bar last year. The Shade bar this year controls the (surprisingly) shade. Turn it down to 0 for black, or up to the top for white. It's very very easy.
  23. I thought it was good, very realistic, but it could have done with a change of pace every now and then. It's all just interviews. I know that's the point, but it really could have done with, say, a written report detailing the history of the war up until that point. Still, massively enjoyable, but I'll like anything with zombies in it anyhow.
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