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Posts posted by Hutch2004

  1. Seriously, unless you have a BIG TV (like, 50 or more inces) it's worth seeing in the cinema. Go alone to an early showing and our coke on the seats around you to get some space to yourself.

    If you have any interest in Batman/Joker/Harvey Dent... Go and see this film.

    I have a 61 inch hi-def TV in my room. :P


  2. The Long Halloween is the best damn comic I've ever read. It's BRILLIANT.

    I'm halfway through The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I'm enjoying it a lot. Just finished Marvel Civil War: X-Men, and I was distinctly underwhelmed. I enjoyed the standalone Civil War book, but the X-Men one was just....... meh. I wanted to collect the set (for no other reason than I'm a completist, and the set'll look good on my shelf), but I'm having second thoughts now, unless Spider-Man and Iron Man can redeem the series.

  3. I can't recommend the sound track enough. "Watch the World Burn" is brilliantly tragic (played during Dent's "We tried to be decent men!" speech). All horns and strings, echoes of "Harvey Two-Face", Dent's theme, as well as the Joker's drone at the beginning. Good soundtrack, although the first few are a little same-y.

    Watching the original Batman now, I can't even begin to imagine how some people are saying this is better film than Dark Knight. Nicholson is just Nicholson being Nicholson, which is great, but honestly just feels like he's on auto-pilot, where as Ledger was convincing. Liking Keaton as Bruce though, nice and tragic, but he doesn't have the burning desire to rid Gotham of crime you got from Bale.

  4. That create a finisher is so much more impressive than I thought it would be. It's going to be so much fun to edit little parts of moves, like put a bitch slap before an RKO and a taunt after, for adding extra insult during a long match.

    EDIT: Surprised this isn't posted yet. The IGN superstar countdown begins here, and the first superstar is Santino.

    And check out the way he winds the match. Brilliant.

    Santino Marella

  5. I always thought that the whole "originals are better" thing was a load of crap. Then I got the DVDs, and the originals are so much better it's not even funny. It's not until you see the originals again, you realise just how much the CGI interupts the flow of the films, and stands out like a sore thumb. The originals with purely model based sequences just FITS better, and there's not that noticable jump to where a CGI section is used.

    The only thing I ever really liked from the special editions was the shot of the Falcon lifting out of Mos Eisley spaceport. I could live with that. The rest of it just ruins the pacing, which is one of the best things about the Star Wars films.

    Oh, and the re-shot Emperor dialogue in Empire Strikes Back is a huge pile of poop. Honestly. Poop.

  6. So only a passing interest in New Order, this thread has inspired me to go looking for some stuff, and...... wow. So a greatest hits album is the best place to start? Any particular one to recommend as a place to start??

  7. The sheer enjoyment of spending ages befriending someone online while playing with your mates, everyone piling into a helicopter....... and then you and your mates diving out of the helicopter over the sea, and letting it plumment towards the coast. Or getting in a car with a group of strangers, and just holding onto a grenade, blowing you all to hell. Wonderful. I realise I'm an asshole, but I never realised how fun it was on this side of the joke.

  8. The plane rescue scene in Superman Returns. Not a HUGE fan of the film, but that scene is immense. Just the shot of a red and blue flash shooting past the window........ I have goosebumps just thinking about it. But then again, I get goosebumps whenever someone says the "They are a great people Kal-El, if the wish to be. They lack only the light to show them the way...." speech. It's actually rather embarassing.

  9. Based on a few comics and various other ideas I've heard discussed, if they HAVE to make a third film (and I really hope they don't actually, it would almost tarnish it), I'd like it to go sort of like:

    Dent survived, and Gordon and Batman had him locked in Arkham under an assumed name, along with Joker. Gordon promotes Dent as Gotham's White Knight. Dent is locked away without a trial and is locked away "for security", which he torments Batman and Gordon about. Gordon battles with the morality of holding Dent, when he is showing signs of improvement. Gordon pursues Batman, not really trying too hard. Scarecrow has re-emerged, and is running amok, but someone seems to be guiding him, as his attacks seem to have a purpose, eliminating Gotham's crime family one by one. Batman tries to stop Scarecrow, investigating the crimes, but is run ragged and exhausted, as the new D.A Janice Porter seemingly nearing the truth on Batman's identity. Gordon can't help him, and Porter seems to be getting closer all the time. Bruce loses faith in humanity, and is upset when Fox resigns, saying he can't go on knowing Bruce Wayne MAY be a murderer.

    Anyway, to save me writing my whole idea out, it turns out Scarecrow (with his in depth knowledge of Arkham, gained while he was director there) has been sneaking in, and conversing with Dent, who has been instructing him. Bruce is behavingly increasingly erratic, because of a dose of fear gas Scarecrow unleased on him early in the film. Dent is also manipulating Porter, as they went to college together, as he has figured out that Batman HAS to be Bruce Wayne. Dent escapes, and Gotham is forced to confront the fact their hero embodies the potential for downfall in all of us, and Batman must again become a hero, and after Dent murders Porter, Gordon withdraws the warrant to allow him to take Dent and Scarecrow down. Dent, having FINALLY eliminated Gotham's crime family, kills Scarecrow on the flip of a coin but is taken down by Batman.

    If you REALLY wanted to, you could even introduce Dick Grayson (NOT Robin though, I just can't see it), as admittedly, I've ripped most of that storyline off from Dark Victory, the sequel to Long Halloween, but combining it with the bits Dark Knight didn't use for Long Halloween. Anyway, if they HAD to make a sequel, I'd like to go something like that.

    On a side note, I've just seen it for a second time, and made plans to see it a third time, so I may be a little obsessed at the moment.

  10. I thought this movie was horribly subpar. The script was in major need of fixing and as most people mentioned none of the Jones ever felt in danger.

    The thing about the previous three movies is that the script was believable enough for one to buy into the weird things like face melting but this one the script and the direction made the movie just feel unbelievable. A lot of the time during the movie I would be watching a scene and just having to blurt out to myself "Come on."

    In the warehouse when the metal in the gunpowder is attracted to the chest from across the warehouse but when they open the chest the magnet is only strong enough to lightly pull on their dogtags and doesn't effect their guns at all. Come on.

    Indiana was able to ride in the Fridge for miles and the door didn't come off and he was able to stand and walk afterwards with no problems. Come on.

    In the jungle when they blew up the tree cutting machine yet they were able to then drive around for 15 minutes into the uncut desert and not have a single problem. And how the blade ripped apart the front of a few veichles yet they were all able to drive away. Come on.

    Mutt's adventure with the Monkey's and then the Monkey's attacking the Russians afterwards but no attack Mutt who invaded their tree. Come on.

    The Ants I didn't mind to much except for their ability to make that pryamid and having superior vision to know where to go to get the humans. Come on.

    The driving the jeep off the cliff and onto the tree and the tree bended and not break from the superior weight. Come on.

    All the other unreal things that happened in the movie but I am to tired to list. Come on.

    Overall a 4/10. The action was alright in parts but there were many scenes where I was unable to suspend my imagination.

    Wow. It was a film. Come on.

    Sorry, that's a bit harsh. I know a lot of people have been upset about this film, but was anything you saw too far removed from the original Indy films? Yes, Mutt swung from some vines, but Indy also regulary swings from a whip, which is probably next to impossible. The monkeys were a little daft, yes, and I grant you the fridge stuff was a bit far fetched (although it's also one of my favourite parts of the film), but everything else I feel is more than justifiable given the world that Indy lives in, and the other adventures that he's had. It's a crazy, rip-roaring adventure, too much logic would bog the whole thing down. It's a little far fetched than the other films, but given that those had knights that had lived for centuries, a radio for speaking to God, a Nazi monkey, voodoo slaves, removing hearts from chests, giant vampire bats, snake surprise, a German airplane crashing perfectly through a tunnel alongside a car without causing any damage, and people jumping out of a plane in a rubber dinghy, surviving and using it to surf down a mountain then float along a river. Next to all that, gunpowder being attracted to a supermagnetic box and monkeys that sympathise with Mutt because they have a similar hairstyle and a tree supporting a cars weight don't seem that farfetched at all.

    On a personal note, I loved it. Like everywhere, it divided the people I was seeing it with, but I really enjoyed it. I wasn't a fan of the alien angle, but as previously mentioned, it's a 50's set adventure film, so focusing it around the Roswell incident is all pretty fine with me. Good stuff.


  11. My friend and I were playing the other day (taking it in turns on free mode). A bunch of guys (about 8 or 9) were gathering weapons and driving to the abandoned mansion on the top left of the map. They were chatting about staying there, and trying to get the highest wanted level they could, and trying to withstand the onslaught. So we got excited, because there's nothing better than ruining some people's day. My friend drove to the airport, got a helicopter. While we were doing that, they decided to go to the roof of a multi storey car park instead. We parked on top a building, waiting for them to gather there. They all did, and started discussing strategy. My friend, who is a shit hot pilot, flew at street level all the way to car park........

    Before rising up slooowly in a badass Vietnam war movie style, before letting them all have it with the machine gun. They all started screaming "fuck this guy!" (it had taken them about half an hour to organise this) and all left immediately after. Hilarious. Hearing everyone say "what the hell is he....... oh my God!" was brilliantly worth it.

  12. Look at the Star Wars trilogy. Models= awesome, CGI= terrible and fake looking. I'd rather them use something physical if they can, rather than just doing the whole thing on CGI, purely because I think it looks better on film if there's actually something there.

  13. I HATE people, who as they sense the movie is about to finish, put their coats on, or start packing away the various crap they've brought with them. And the SECOND the film fades to black, they stand up and start walking out. That's why Return of the King was so funny, they had to keep going back to sit down.

    It just drives me mad. What's the rush? They don't burn the place down after every use, you know. You might not want to stay to the very end of the credits, but at least wait until the characters have stopped speaking! That's why I love smaller cinemas, (like the Tyneside in Newcastle) where the credits are where you sit and discuss with your friends what you've just seen, not run for the exit to be the first out of the door.

  14. I've played it. Oh yes. Now who wants to touch me?

    My housemate works for Gamestation, and they had a delivery today, so put the display copy on. As it was quiet, they let us have a go for 10-15 minutes. Technically, as it's an 18, they shouldn't even have it on.

    It was awesome. The sense of scale is phenomenal. You actually feel lost, like you would in a real city. Crashing your car and hurling out the windscreen when you crash into a pylon is hilarious. I also got nailed by a taxi when crossing the street. NOTE: You now need to check for traffic when crossing the street. You are not safe to just dive into traffic anymore. Which is AWESOME. Running up stairs is great, and feels like it really takes effort. Very much a fan of the new cop system too.

    It still feels like GTA, just an update. Not a fan of the hand-to-hand contact system, but as the game had JUST started, I assume that'll upgrade.

    I only played it for ten minutes, but it KILLS me I now have to wait till Tuesday to play it again.

  15. I posted this below, but this thread will probably be more suitable.

    I'm looking for a cut of the WWE Money In The Bank breifcase, as I've created it as a title on TEW07. As I don't have photoshop or any other image software, could anyone make one up for me? I'd prefer a breifcase with a WWE logo on it, but wouldn't mind some of the "personalised" breifcases the superstars have been using.

    But hey, get creative, go with whatever you think is best. Thanks in advance!

    BTW: This is the background I'd prefer, cheers!


  16. Just stemming from a discussion I was having in the pub the other day, what films can you think of that are better than the original book? It has to be a direct adaptation, so for example, Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now doesn't count.

    The discussion came up after watching Enduring Love, which is far, far better than the Ian McEwan novel, must mostly because McEwan is an incredibly dull author. The Jurassic Park novels are another that the films improve immeasurably.

    So, any more?

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