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Posts posted by Hutch2004

  1. I've never managed to get a Googlewhack. The lowest I got was four, which is much harder than it sounds, considering BOTH words have to be in the dictionary (Ie: Underlined on the top right of the screen after the search), and the links aren't allowed to be from dictionary websites. It's nigh-on impossible, just how they managed to find them all I have no idea.

  2. I wrote an essay on how fan culture can keep a series going, and Firefly was a big part of that. The fans get a movie made, a comic book, but somewhere in the dark recesses of the web there's a group of people writing scripts to "lost" (ie: Making them up) episodes, explaining bits about the characters. I think it was called "Into the Black" or something like that.

  3. I love it. I was SO worried about what the Joker was going to look like in this movie, but that is AWESOME. It completely fits with the "dark and realistic" tones of the new Batman movies. I can't wait for this film.

    Great advertising. I must get me one of those Joker cards.

  4. That was a very good episode. The Captain was a shit actress. Enjoyable and very tense episode though. I liked how the Doctor looked really pissed after Martha kissed that guy. (Unless I missed something and he was pissed off about something else).

  5. It looks quite good. A lot of those are on the "most played" part of my iPod. I very rarely make compilation CDs though, because I find you get sick of them really really quickly.

  6. I'm looking for a good WWE-centered pic pack. I've just downloaded the TEW07 demo, and want to give it a go as the WWE to see if I like it enough. I never can get into the Cornellverse game, no matter how hard I try.

    I've done a couple of searches, but not come up with anything. Any help?

  7. How is Venom not dead? You saw Eddie Brock's SKELETON, and then you see the last bits of the symbiote burning away to nothing. He's very very dead. It's Darth Maul syndrome here, cool villian, not enough screen time, blatantly dead, everyone wishes he was still alive.

    Unless Connors kept that TINY little bit of symbiote, and it somehow multiplies. I'll post more detailed thoughts later, but I'd give it about 6-7 out of 10. Good at best.

  8. I second the Idlewild B-sides.

    There's Glory In Your Story in particular is one of my favourite songs. Pure pop genius, but didn't fit with the tone of the album, so ended up a B-side, which is a damn shame. The Work We Never Do, Everything Flows (Teenage Fanclub cover) and It'll Take A Long Time are three that anyone, not just Idlewild fans should check out too.

  9. I'd seen it happen on Youtube, but it's the first time it's ever happened to me! Usually I get the counter where they kick you in the stomach, so you land on your feet and stumble, so your opponent must have to out-weight you by two classes, similar to how you do the different ladder grapples.

    EDIT: Oh, and if anyone ever tries to do the Non-Eddie frogsplash on you while you're standing, press L2 to counter and you do an awesome scoop slam reversal. Just found that one out. I marked.

  10. Just had a fucking awesome series of matches.

    I gave Khali the Hardcore title in an elimination chamber match. I was Khali, and came in at 6, and it took me less than a minute to destroy (with no dirty tactics like strong irish whip) everyone and pin them. So then I decided Khali needed a challenger, so who better than the Giant Killer.... Shane O'Mac.

    I got my ass whooped in two hardcore matches, and a Last Man Standing match.

    The first Hardcore match, he clotheslined me, then pinned me using the Jericho "foot on the chest" pin.

    Second match, Daivari interfered, so I hit him with a chair, turn around into a standing big boot, 1-2-3.

    And the final match, I made Khali bleed, hitting him with chairs, belts, sledgehammers, everything. He nearly had be after a sledgehammer shot to my face, I nearly beat him off the Elbow Drop through an announce table move, but we both got up at 9. I twatted him with a ring bell, he went down, I climbed the top and waited...... He stood, I leapt off with a clothesline, he caught me by the throat and chokeslammed me over the top rope to the floor, and got the win.

    He can keep the Hardcore title, Shane O'Mac is fucking dead. Great fun to play though.

  11. Wow, that was a depressing episode. Good, but depressing!

    For some reason, the janitor being the one who bought the drinks was the saddest part. Good stuff.

  12. Night of the Living Dead

    Great film. I've been having a discussion with a friend today though. It's a GOOD film, and obviously, it's a classic, and it's hailed as a masterpeice by so many critics, but it's just a GOOD film.

    I really have to fight myself to give it ****, and I don't think I can do it.

    One of my favourite films, but *** is all it gets. Which is better than average, it's a good rating.

    Anyway, the whole thing turned into an "entertainment" vs "cinema" debate, and that why if you enjoyed a film immensely, you wouldn't give it *****.

  13. I would absolutely love the Doctor to cautiously move closer to the Face of Boe, listening intently, placing his hand on the glass, cocking his head, listening for the wisdom that has been held back for generations, till this moment. The Face of Boe opens his eyes, coughs, and with his last breath, whispers to the last of the Time Lords........

    "I like short shorts."

    Then keel over and die, as the Doctor just stares in disbelief.

  14. Great programme, even if it frightens me how much my thoughts are like Marks. I've been sat laughing then suddenly thought "I do that." Then got depressed.

    Still, great news it's coming back.

  15. Avril's always been hot, even when it was slightly perverted.

    It always makes me laugh whenever any singer (I refuse to call them "artists") does something different (in this case, not even THAT different) people immediately jump on them, saying they've sold out.

    If I was even a LITTLE bit famous, I'd sell out so fast, I'd be a new media sensation over night, and then back to not being famous at all two days later. I just like money.

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