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Posts posted by Hutch2004

  1. Funny story. Through a bizarre series of events, me and a few friends wandered into her catering department at Northumbria Uni when she was doing a show there, and I accidentaly full-on walked into her. Stupid cow, should watch where she's going if she doesn't want to get knocked over.

  2. UPS picked up my box an HOUR after I phoned them. Now THAT is service!!

    So my Xbox is now winging it's way across the country to get fixed.

    The box I had was HUGE, so I wrapped the Xbox in bubble wrap, then used nearly a whole roll of cellotape to create a kind of scaffold around it to hold it in the middle of the box. I just hope it doesn't come lose, otherwise, it'll be in bits.

  3. Stupid Microsoft and their stupid cheap solder. My Xbox cut out while I was playing Dead Rising, and didn't start again, just flashing the dreaded three red lights of doom, which apparently signifies a hardware failiure. So now I need to get it fixed. I spent ages on the website, before I reached the horrible conclusion I'm going to have to do this over the phone. Sigh.

    So, not unsurprisingly, I get an elderly Pakistani woman. Who, through no fault of her own, is impossible to understand, and finds my accent impenetrable. The next agonising half hour went like this.

    "Ok, sir......... *sigh*. What's your.......*sigh* name please?"

    "Andrew Hutchinson".

    "Fart lettuce please."


    "Fast Lettuce Peas."

    "What? I can't understand what you're saying."




    "Got you."


    "Oh right! A..... N.....D"

    "A for Alpha?"

    "Uh.... yes."

    "Ho-k. *sigh* Next lettuce peas."


    "M for Mountain?"

    "N! N for News"

    ...........And it went on like that. For half an hour. I had to spell my name, my address, and repeat my phone number about 6 times. I feel so fucking drained. I don't even know what I'm meant to do once the UPS guy turns up, because she mumbled when she explained it, again when I asked her to repeat it and then just went straight on with her instructions. Do they provide the box or what?

    Has this (the technical problem, not so much the mind-numbing phone call) happened to anyone else? What did you do about it?

  4. Wow. What an absolute humdinger of an episode. Every single week, Heroes reminds me why it's my favourite show.

    Mr Bennet just became possibly the best character. He's gone from villain to hero very believably. Awesome stuff. Although seeing Eccleston in the past was interesting. I hope for more flashback style things from his character.

  5. Awesome awesome awesome! Absolutely hilarious, and a damn good film to that. Good storyline. Edgar Wright has seriously become one hell of a confident director.

    Loads of movie references, from the very subtle to the outright rip-offs, and all of them hilarious. I can't believe I was the only person out of my friends who noticed the old couple who owned the pub are the couple who own the Winchester in Shaun of the Dead. Great stuff, already making plans to see it again.

  6. Best Film

    1.) Casino Royale

    2.) The Prestige

    3.) Borat

    4.) Pan's Labyrinth

    5.) Superman Returns

    Best Director

    1.) Christopher Nolan (The Prestige)

    2.) Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth)

    3.) Martin Campbell (I think) (Casino Royale)

    4.) Bryan Singer (Superman Returns)

    5.) Larry Charles (Borat)

    Best Actor

    1.) Daniel Craig (Casino Royale)

    2.) Sacha Baron Cohen(Borat)

    3.) Sergi Lopez (Pan's Labyrinth)

    4.) Hugh Jackman (The Prestige)

    Best Actress

    1.) Ivana Baquero (Pan's Labyrinth)

    Best Supporting Actor

    1.) Doug Jones (Pan's Labyrinth)

    Best Supporting Actress

    1.) Judi Dench (Casino Royale)

    Best Visual Effects

    1.) Pan's Labyrinth

    Best Cinematography

    1) The Prestige

    2.) Pan's Labyrinth

    3.) Superman Returns

    Best Fight(Verbal or Physical)

    1.) Bond vs the two guys in the stairwell (Casino Royale)

    2.) Borat vs his manager (Borat)

    Best Villain

    1.) Captain Vidal (Pan's Labyrinth)

    2.) Lex Luthor- Kevin Spacey (Superman Returns)

    3.) Le Chiffre (Casino Royale)

    Best Animated Film

    Didn't see any.

  7. Ok........

    Playing as my Goldberg CAW against my Lesnar CAW (Both 92 overness), I just got the win in 58 seconds. I did a sidewalk slam, a couple of knee drops, and Ultimate Control Samoan Drop, did the "Goldberg Wake Up" move, hit the running spear, covered and got the three. Quickest match I've ever had, especially against someone of that difficulty!

  8. Just watched the latest episode, and holy shit, Christopher Eccleston! Him being involved just makes Heroes that little bit more awesome. Curious as how come everything seems to lead back to Linderman. I'm thinking he's a lot more involved in the whole "Hero Genome" thing than has been shown so far.

  9. Good stuff. I'm amazed they made Blair as likeable as he was. I was expecting going into this a "spoof" of Blair's time in office, showing him as an insensitive git. Instead, he was naive, and charming. The Iraq war was made a big deal of, unavoidably, but Blair's choices were shown to be made from a genuine belief that he was helping the world. I actually found myself caring about the character, and seriously disliking Gordon Brown, although that could be due to the actor.

    Robert Lindsay ("Britain's Best Loved Entertainer") was a perfect choice for the role, but the guy who played Brown was a bit rubbish. I don't know if he's ACTUALLY Scottish and just very irritating, or is just shit at accents, but he didn't really convince.

    Good bit of TV that I wasn't intending to watch, but then found myself watching quite intently. I've got to say though, the dream sequences could have been got rid of. We KNOW Blair feels guilt about Iraq, we don't need a dream of him being faced with a hurt child to realise that. That's my only real complaint. As I said before, mostly I'm just shocked they made him as likeable as he was. It's a bit of a trend to bash Blair at every available opportunity (One of the reasons I'm bored of Have I Got News For You, Ian Hislops smirking little face just got too much), and it's nice to see something taking an opposing stance on that, and reminding us that for all his poor decisions, he's a human being, which I think it did quite nicely.

  10. I've just watched the first episode I've ever seen of the Daily Show. It was rubbish. And it was a "Best of" compilation as well. Big bag of cack. I'm a firm believer in that you have to watch two or more episodes of a show before you can properly judge it, so I'll give it another try. Not looking forward to it though.

  11. The Wayan's brothers suck ass. A parody film shouldn't be just a direct COPY of whatever it's parodying. Their parodies are so specific that there's no room for the jokes, they're just direct copies.

    And Little Britain can be funny, but it definately took a dip in quality after the first series. Definately not worth that "Greatest Sketch Show Ever" award it won a few years ago.

  12. Correction. It needs more GOOD sitcoms. And not new BBC sitcoms that are cancelled after one week.

    Check, so Febuary for Lost. Although I have to download it now it's on SkyOne.

    Because I can't be arsed dredging up the topic, and seem as though it's quite relevant, when's the next episodes of Heroes on, or is that the lot for now? I honestly can't get my head around how TV works in the US.

  13. What the hell has happened to all the good tv? There's bugger all on, near enough every single night, apart from one night a week, where they might have something half decent. "Celebrity" Big Brother is a big part of the problem, usually Channel 4 can be depended on to have something watchable on, but they seem to have devoted their entire schedule to this.

    So, to the point of this thread, when's the good stuff coming? What are you looking forward to this year?

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