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Posts posted by Hutch2004

  1. 1: Mr. Burns- Awesome evil genius.

    2: Homer- He's got to be in the top 3

    3: Groundskeeper Willie- "Ya yoosed me Skinner! Ya yoooooooooooooooooused me!"

    4: Skinner- "Mother, that sailor suit doesn't fit anymore!"

    5: Moe- "Is this where you come to confess my sins? I've done some stuff I'm not proud of. And the stuff I am proud of, is disgusting."

    6: Gil- Just a bit part, but he's so pathetic, he always makes me laugh

    7: Hank Scorpio- "As a matter of fact, I didn't even give you my coat!"

    8: Cheif Wiggum- *cleans his ear with his gun*

    9: Grandpa Simpson

    10: The Sea Captain- "Yarrgh. I don't know what I'm doin'."

  2. "The Remote Part" - Idlewild

    I love that album waaay to much.

    Every Idlewild release is awesome, although The Remote Part is probably the best of them. 'You Held The World In Your Arms', 'A Modern Way Of Letting Go', 'American English' and 'I Never Wanted' make up possibly the best opening tracks to an album ever.


  3. I HATE it when the villian in a comic book movie is killed off. So, since Joker is perhaps my favourite villian ever (maybe barring Two Face), if they kill him off at the end of DK I will be pissed.

    However, Batman Begins is one of my favourite films, and Nolan is one of my favourite directors, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and I think the Joker's fate is in safe hands.

  4. Tom Hank's second appearance during the credits was awesome.

    "Hello, I'm Oscar winning actor Tom Hanks. I hope you enjoyed the movie. Remember, if you see me in public....... Let me be."

    And I second the love for Albert Brooks performance. One of the best things about the movie.

  5. Hey guys. Bit of an unusual request. In my TEW Game I'm unifying the WWE, World and ECW titles to create a "Triple Crown" championship, where the champion would carry around all three belts.

    So since I don't have photoshop, and my laptop isn't powerful enough to run it anyway, I was wondering if I could request a belt picture on the background below featuring: The WWE Championship (Current Cena Spinner belt), the World Heavyweight (The current "Big Gold" variety) and the ECW title from you kind, kind, kind people?

    They can be arranged however you like, I'll just be happy to have the picture I need.


    Thanks, and hope to hear something back.

  6. I'm looking for a fairly rare CD, as in it's not in many shops where I look for it. I've found it on Play.com, but it's quite expensive. Anyone know of anywhere cheap I can look for it, that'll deliver to the UK??

    The CD is Roddy Woomble "My Secret is my silence", if it helps.

  7. Yeah, we do. But I use Randy Orton a lot, and it's always bugged me that they got the finishing move of one of their biggest stars very very wrong, when for the most part, their animations are very good.

    Having said that, I was playing on one of the older Smackdown's today, and I was amazed how much better some of the animations were than the ones we have now. And I don't think it's a coincidence that all the ones I dislike are directly ported from Wrestlemania 21 on the Xbox, with it's terrible, terrible motion-capturing.

  8. Never, but it an all likelehood, it'll hardly ever happen in the game. I'm excited about the fact that they're making a big deal about having reanimated a lot of the moves. It's great, as a lot of those animations were starting to look very dated, and a new RKO! Finally! Just hope this one looks convincing.

    One thing I REALLY hope they've got rid of is the "crotch on the ring ropes" UC grapple. I was having an awesome match earlier today, went 20+ minutes, when about two minutes from the end, my opponent sticks me on the ropes, and bounces me until his stamina runs out, then pins me. And wins. Completely ruined that whole match for me.

  9. I second the Jedi Academy boss. That was awesome. Usual spiel about how I've let my arrogance corrupt me etc..... Kyle switches on his lightsabre, and lunges for me.... I switch to powerful stance, and bring it down right into his face. He dies. I laughed for a good 20 minutes.

    Oh, and the final battle on Hitman: Blood Money. On the top of the White House, in the rain, atmospheric music. I've chased the guy out of the White House, which is on panic stations due to the grenade the fellow used to stun me. I'd dropped all my weapons, but even if I had them, I can't draw them because the White House security would swarm me. He charges up to the roof, I get there, he takes a shot at me with a rifle, JUST misses. I crouch behind an air vent....... and spy my silenced pistol, right where I left it behind the door so I could sneak in. Grab it, wait for him to take a shot, stand up, take aim........ BAM. One shot, right in between the eyes. I have NEVER been able to replicate the awesomeness of that moment.

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