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Everything posted by BuddyAwesome

  1. Nice, I have 4 singles ready to roll in the fusion chamber.
  2. I got the worst hand I think over ever had.
  3. I'm pretty sure we have this under control. Good work team let's finish out the last points we can.
  4. Just missed being able to max my Battleground cards :/ Remember if you're losing a bout close out of the game so it doesn't count against you.
  5. If anyone's interested a good friend runs a Facebook group called For The Love Of Video Games. Good people and good chats.
  6. Honestly I didn't think about TBG being affected at all just put the cards in training in to get those ready and trained sooner.
  7. Ready and raring to go all day for the event, no excuses. We should start Battleground like an hour before TRD.
  8. Guys I screwed the pooch this BG :/ sorry. Work got pretty hectic and I just passed out after. Meant to get those attacks in but just spaced it before going to sleep early.
  9. I'm right there with Bleh and coming to report a ton of network kicks. No available Wi-Fi so having to use cell data. Still gonna get in what I can :/
  10. Oooooooh OK! Never thought of that! Should be able to top off my BG charges. Work is steady right now. Worst case I got the top cards that I'll be using maxed up. I've notices if I play on cellular data I get kicked out of games a lot, but if I'm on wifi it's not happening. Weird.
  11. Turns out you can't store Royal Rumble picks for TRD:(
  12. I've been getting kicked a lot mid game. Lesnar isn't a help to me personally but I'm down to push for him since it also helps with charges. Got a good hand in BG too! At work now so grinding when I can but I'm all in for whatever you all are.
  13. MITB Alexa Bliss, WM 33 pro Braun and Orton.
  14. I'll join. Been a few weeks off and I'm ready to play again.
  15. Has anyone played Tales From Borderland? I haven't played any of the Borderlands games and I'm wondering if it's ok to play it standalone? Or would I be missing out on anything pivotal having not played the other games?
  16. That's why I like the HOF showcase this year. Was fun to play a match as everyone. And I really enjoyed the Godfather/Shango match.
  17. I was going to say it wasn't that long ago that they had a mode centered around the steak. I wouldn't mind it again so long as they included every Taker Mania match... So I can play as Giant Gonzalez and Nathan Jones.
  18. Well, there's Roman Reigns.
  19. If it helps bump you into WM33 I can join the team. I'm still not ready to really play again yet, but for team events if the boost helps I'm in. All my top cards were WM33 pros.
  20. Red Faction still holds up as far as just being a fun game to play with a good story. Has anyone played the later installments?
  21. Right? I mean, goals, sure, but to try and use THAT as a slight? Come on...
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