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Everything posted by BuddyAwesome

  1. I just used a WM pro MITB prize to feed the last SS pro I'm going to bother with... Crazy.
  2. So I pulled an HD Xavier Woods while grinding through wild mode for energy! Him, with Gallows and Styles being pro soon and the upcoming ultimate MITB prize tomorrow night officially makes my weakest card in RTG HD Rich Swann... So I'm not even going to bother with my SS Kalisto and focus only on HD and higher. Something tells me the ULT prizes this go around in MITB will be James Ellsworth and Dean Ambrose.
  3. 5 cards to level up now and get matches for... SS AJ Styles and Luke Gallows, who will both make pros. SS Kalisto, HRD Rollins, SS fusion Zayn, and SS Kalisto. Not to mention the new SS pro Karl Anderson who I got to level 22 before getting a burst of new cards to train up. With the those 3 additions of SS pro, and the HRD Rollins, and 2 more days until new MITB prizes reveal and I snag one of the ultimate so right away, I think I'm done messing with SummerSlam cards from here on out.
  4. I'm going to try and push but I'm back at work today. Styles would be a pro, so I wouldn't mind getting him. That would take off my last WM MITB prize from my RTG team... Guess it was inevitable.
  5. Too busy this weekend to grind for AJ but I got Karl easily. Did pull hardened Sensational Sherri manager which is a major boost for me andv the team. Barely edged into hardened KOTR and started it this morning, just got to 15-0 so I'm fairly confident in my odds to win this. Hopefully. So long as I can keep up with the energys I should be fine. Just a few more days too and I'm getting one of the upcoming MITB prizes the minute they're available! This time next week my team is going to be waaaaay stronger. It's going to be a great week for Supercard!
  6. I'm already through Becky in this RTG! Got my dads funeral and a lot of family visiting for it so I'm going to try quickly plowing through and getting Karl. Just want to get him for the pro and help my KOTR, MITB, and event teams.
  7. Submitted my join request. Like I said I know the team RTG events would take a ton of grinding so I'm not too stressed there, just as long as we get the hardened RD prize It'll be really close to whether or not I sweep up the Ultimate MITB Goldbergs or just wait to the next go around too. Definitely will not pro that any time soon. But it'll be a huge boost to me and the team.
  8. Ah that's cool then, mine are MITB SS pro Lesnar and Jericho with WM fusion pro Lita and SS Mr. Perfect manager. We should be good.
  9. I'll take the spot. Team RTG I know is a little tougher to grind through, but so long as we get to Hardened tier and can get the prize from at least TRD I'm all for it. That's really it for me. I don't want to be rude either but I just want to be on a team that will push me forward, you know? As for this event, Karl is a pro for me and usually I've come juuuuuust shy by about 10 points or so before I can't get the SS in RTG, but my team has improved a lot so hopefully I can get Karl this time around, which if I do, would make the weakest person in my RTG deck WM pro Austin. Also, just pulled a SS Mr. Perfect manager card which makes my two support cads managers with him and WM Zeb Colter! As a heads up I was also offered another spot on a Hardened team, but I would rather be on EWB. So hopefully my cards joining the ranks push us into that tier.
  10. The team I stumbled upon has 3 players participating including myself. All 270+ points but barely going to make Stardust. Oh well. SS fusion Bo makes another pro which might bring me to HD in KOTR. Pretty excited to find out what the new MITB prizes will be since I'll have enough to get one of the top prizes right away and then a match shortly after.
  11. I'll seek on the Supercard forums. Worst case we can start something up. I've created a team called Otherwise, the Hardened tier is required to join. I could probably adjust that to SummerSlam, but I'm definitely up for trying to get a new team off the ground floor. 2nd edit, just started a new Mega Maniacs. SS tier. Hoping for Hardened though.
  12. Eh, I really liked it a lot. More so than Wolf Among Us, less than Walking Dead. Literally the only things that irk me are Denuded the game
  13. I had probably the most competitive match I've ever had in any of these games playing as Tatanka against the British Bulldog in a ladder match.
  14. Awesome! Speaking of, episode 4... Excited to see how this season ends. To me, Batman right up there with Walking Dead. Just under because Lee was such an amazing character.
  15. Rich Swann pro will be better than the Cass pro. By himself though Swann won't be as strong as a Cass pro.
  16. I'm at just below 7k in MITB and shooting for Goldberg of course, but I'll likely wait until the very end to see if I have enough or just settle for Wyatt. Or, of course wait to see who next picks are too... But I really want Goldberg!
  17. I'm at the oh so fun spot of being just a sliver away from the next tier... Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be getting Sami let alone Rusev from RD.
  18. My 4th if I'm counting the Brock and Jericho MITB cards.
  19. That freebie Enzo is a pro for me!
  20. I joined up with my old season 2 team with Ace. Do you get an unlimited amount of videos you can watch for more MITB bouts? I legit think I've done about 15 now...
  21. With any luck the SS will be a pro for me because I'm really close to the hardened tier as is. Probably won't get too far in RD since I'll be in the mountains all day Saturday but it'll be fun to try at least.
  22. Really liking season 3 thus far. Super close to Hardened. Glad I picked it back up because it's been fun again. Making pretty easy work of SS KOTR my first time back. Royal Rumble is fun. I will say though it's probably going to be tough time wise to keep up with all the modes now.
  23. So can you pick up season one cards too?
  24. Is anyone still having the crashing problems that ultimately broke the game for me and a few others? I may step back in.
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