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Posts posted by BuddyAwesome

  1. After this team event I am going to no longer be playing. I have accepted a new job and will no longer have ample free time at work to play on my phone. On top of that, working for AT&T gives us half off cell phone service and since I'll no longer be there, I'm switching to a low data plan and since I'm cheap and don't want to upgrade from my Galaxy S4 and will no longer have a work device which is a newer cell phone, mobile gaming just isn't something I want to try and do on an outdated and slow device. Until Wednesday though I'll still play like usual if we wanna set up BG as usual :)

  2.  I'm of mixed opinions on that because the Warrior ad was amazing and honestly seeing a childhood favorite who I never thought would do anything WWE again hyped me more than any wrestling video game ad ever has. I'm still a fan of the current product, but what I love about WWE games is being able to mix things up and do random matches with say The Revival vs Natural Disasters, Sid vs Sami Zayn etc; Every year I find myself saying I'm going to hold off a year, and they real me in somehow with likes of Goldberg and Warrior. If they didn't have any legends, I honestly don't know if I'd pick it up, at least right away. I don't think I'm alone in this either, as honestly, their strategy seems to work. And, at the end of the day it's a business. I know if they said the pre order bonus was an every day guy like say, Dean Ambrose, or Neville, I'd personally not pre order and wait for a price drop. Unless they added in something else that I just had to try. But honestly, the focus of a past superstar as a pre order bonus is brilliant on their part.

  3. I'm up to not run a BG this weekend if you guys don't want to. I'm going to try and get the RTG prize Joe since he's  pro but have some backpacking plans so it's not super likely. I'm up for whatever you guys want to do.

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