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Everything posted by Y2JFan111

  1. Great Job Bill! I agree with all of Mancuerda's charisma changes especially Dolph and McIntyre they're far too high! Ambrose at 83 is far too low, he should be pushing 90. Make reDRagon's finisher 'Chasing The Dragon'.
  2. Yeah I would agree Sandow I would say does deserve high 80's, he's phenomenal. Cody doesn't really do it for me, I'd say around 84/85
  3. I'd lower Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow's charisma to around 86. I'd also Raise Eddie Kingston's to around 91.
  4. Deactivate Hardy and Harris Deactivate Quacksaw Deactivate Team Lightning Deactivate Team Frightning Deactivate Team Frightning II
  5. Remove the Gekido stable and remove 17 and combatANT from Chikara Remove The Swarm Stable Add Delirious and Ophidian to The Batiri and make Delirious the leader. Chikara's roster page lists them as members Deactivate Gekido I-VII Switch the The Swarm and The Swarm IV Make Haku's gimmick machine and change his speak to yes Check SS Look for Reby Sky Rockstar Spud is the OVW Television Champion Epiphany Jones is the OVW Women's Champion.
  6. It was reported several months ago his contract would he up in March, and with him speaking in the past tense about TNA I think safe to remove him, but if you think it's better to leave him in until something is more concrete I'm fine with that
  7. Could I please have these on Kyky? Thanks in advance http://www.chikarapro.com/images/jagged-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/shane-matthews-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/assailant-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/jakob-hammermeier-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/archibald-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/jigsaw-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/ophidian-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/deviant-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/max-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/blaster-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/sidney-head.jpg http://www.chikarapro.com/images/turtle-head.jpg http://www.rohwrestling.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/wrestler_profile_featured_photo/corinobio_0.png http://www.rohwrestling.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/wrestler_profile_featured_photo/silasyoung.png
  8. Check announcer for Dasher Hatfield Make UltraMantis Black an Upper Midcarder in Chikara Make Frightmare a Midcarder in Chikara Make Lacey Von Erich a Non Wrestler Make AJ Styles a tweener and change his gimmick to Highlight Reel Raise Karl Anderson's over to 42 Make Super Dragon a Non Wrestler Deactivate Two Husky Black Guys Deactivate Appetite For Destruction Deactivate Ryan and Morgan Reactivate Team 3D Make Bryan Clarke's gimmick No Gimmick Needed Make GOKU-DO's gimmick Old School Heel Make Paul Diamond's gimmick Old School Face Make Ace Steel's gimmick Old School Face Make Wes Brisco a Midcarder Remove Rob Van Dam from TNA Make Rudy Boy Gonzalez gimmick mentor Turn Blind Rage Face Make Adam Cole an Upper Midcarder in ROH and a Main Eventer in PWG Make Shane Matthews and Scott Parker Midcarders in Chikara Remove Eric Santamaria from ROH Make Player Uno and Player Dos Midcarders in PWG Make Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly Midcarders in ROH Change Jimmy Jacobs ROH gimmick to Grunge Change Roderick Strong's ROH gimmick to No Gimmick Needed Make Sugar Dunkerton a Midcarder in Chikara Make The Colony VII, VIII and IX's finisher Ants Go Marching Add Thrillseekers tag team with Chris Jericho and Lance Storm - 85 exp. Add Storm and Skipper with Lance Storm and Elix Skipper - 25 exp. Add Christian and Lance Storm - 40 exp. Add Impact Players with Justin Credible and Lance Storm - 70 exp. Add Venis and Storm with Sean Morley and Lance Storm - 20 exp. Add freindships with Lance Storm and Bret Hart, Edge, Christian, Elix Skipper, Dawn Marie, Sean Morley and William Regal.
  9. Could I please have these on Kyky? Thanks in advance http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac234/GVSG/My%20Games/Trivia%20Rumble/Wrestler%20Images/giant_silva.jpg http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac234/GVSG/My%20Games/Trivia%20Rumble/Wrestler%20Images/stevie_richards.jpg
  10. Add a friendship between Kevin Steen and Colt Cabana Add a dislike between Kevin Steen and Scorpio Sky.
  11. Seth Rollins 81 charisma? Nigel McGuinness is only 79 and is much more charasmatic. Raise Nigel's charisma to 81 and lower Rollins to 76.
  12. Add Amasis to Chikara, make him a midcarder Make Steve Corino the leader of S.C.U.M.
  13. Remove Bobby Fish's touring commitment with NOAH Change Jimmy Rave's gimmick to Old School Heel?
  14. Great data, absolutely love it so far! Remove John Nord, Manny Fernandez, Brian Knobbs and Maxx Muscle from WCW Lower The Renegades overness to 54 Deactivate Yokozuna and Owen Hart Lower George Souths wages to 20000 Remove the loyalty relationship between Hogan and Savage Add a friendship between Kevin Nash and Rick Rude Add a friendship between Sunny and British Bulldog.
  15. Add a dislike relationship between Kassius Ohno and Justice Pain Remove the friendship between Kassius Ohno and Mike Quackenbush, possible even add a dislike? These are based off of Chris Hero's Smart Mark Video shoot interview for anyone wondering.
  16. Could I please have these on Kyky? Thanks in advance http://psd-dreams.de/render.php?image_id=56141 http://psd-dreams.de/render.php?image_id=56970
  17. Make Brian Cage a face in PWG. Possibly change his gimmick to machine?
  18. Could I please have these on Kyky? Thanks in advance http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me3ppn6kGm1qcd18do1_400.jpg http://www.thewrestlingrevolution.com/images/teams/LegionOfDoom.jpg http://photos.imageevent.com/supplex55/supplex55wwfpromophotospseries/572
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