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Heel Turn

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Posts posted by Heel Turn

  1. Just watched this. Seems pretty good, but I think they're going to have a lot more problems sustaining momentum than they had last season. Unless the writers on this show are more creative than I give them credit for, this is rapidly going to turn into building to a set of near catches, only to have Michael, Linc, and the rest narrowly escape at the last possible second. Good first episode, but they'd better be able to keep it up.

  2. Der Untergang. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Rashomon. Shaolin Soccer. 28 Days Later. Battle Royale. Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance. Oldboy. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Killer. Hard Boiled. Yojimbo. Akira. Triumph of the Will. City of God.

    Especially Der Untergang, though. Fantastic film. Go out of your way to see it.

  3. If I want something that I feel hesitant about buying due to price, I typically give it a couple weeks. If I'm still thinking about it, and intensely wanting it, I'll buy it. There's nothing wrong with buying expensive stuff from time to time -- the trick is to filter out the stupid impulse buys you'll regret later on.

    Like, say, spending $200 on wholesale fireworks, and only managing to set off a fraction over the 4th of July. Sigh.

  4. I think Home Movies is a little bit of an acquired taste. It's that sort of "smart" humor that's either going to resonate with you or it's just going to look like shitty flash animation with characters cutting eachother off all the time. But god, the dialogue is so SHARP and I am a sucker for sharp dialogue.

  5. I just got done marathoning all the episodes of this series, and god damn. This is, hands down, the funniest show on television right now. Every cast member brings something fresh and hysterical to the program, and the writing is every bit as tight as Arrested Development or Seinfeld in its heyday. Plus, the interactions between Dennis, Mac, and Charlie are eerily similar to the interactions I have with my friends. Please, please tell me I'm not the only one watching this unbelieveably awesome show right now.

    And to those not watching, DL as many of these episodes as you can possibly lay your hands on.

    EDIT: From the episode where they coach a children's basketball team.

    Dennis: *to little kid* Okay. These are for you. Now there's a steel toe in there, don't be afraid to use it on whoever has the ball.

    Kid: Thanks, Dad!

    Dennis: *immediately* I'm not your dad.

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