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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. That would be a very big task... So many variables to take into consideration. But the amount of clicking and finding who and what to delete... Painful just thinking about it. Closest is April 11th 2006 which is about 1 week post WrestleMania... No Idea what the Data is like though. http://www.ewinvento...se/ew/bb-v8.zip
  2. I'll have a crack at it but I'll need more info... •Do you just want them slapped onto an image? •Any logo's etc you want added? •Do you masked or unmasked psychosis? •Would you prefer studio shots or action shots? Hey, thanks for the reply man...Ah any kinda background image would do whether plain or if ya wanna make up somethin thats cool too...No logos...And masked Psychosis (sorry bout not being clear on that haha) And action or studio shots would be cool, totally up to you... Ahhh...Meh(???) nothing special...
  3. I cant find Danny Marlow, Penelop Carwin, Rey Leppan and Brandon Boham. Thanks for those Donny Marlow, Penelope Carwin, Rey Leppan & Brandon Bonham
  4. Surely I'm not he only to have had inappropriate thoughts about replying to that question That is true... but I don't want to be annoyed by PM's popping up on my screen asking for help, as i am sure, you'd feel the same. I'll have a crack at it but I'll need more info... •Do you just want them slapped onto an image? •Any logo's etc you want added? •Do you masked or unmasked psychosis? •Would you prefer studio shots or action shots?
  5. Out of curiosity... How many people do you plan on losing their matches at your First Blood PPV?
  6. I don't know what a fantasy logo is??? If it's the logos for the original fantasy database game this is TheWhos' Fantasy Logo Pack http://www.ewinventory.com/dlbase/ew/FANTASY%20LOGOS.zip
  7. There isn't ONE place which has been made for all loading screens/skins etc... I guess I could try to make a folder on my PhotoBucket... but then I'LL have to do the searching for Screens to add to it. + I'd want to have permission to host everyone's work Unless I went through and just made a bunch of them myself... Which would be made to my preferences no one elses. This will be more the style of what I'd do...
  8. Have a look through here >>> http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=quick_search&search_app=core&fromsearch=1 Someone may have posted it.
  9. It wouldn't be as competitive but will still work in the same way... You'll have to set the ground rules etc Who gets first picks? Are there a certain amount of rounds before the lower (Cult, Regional) etc etc etc But I'm keen on which ever way you want to do
  10. Derek Sanders & Nate Rulez I think... are the other two... but don't hold me to that
  11. If your images are squashed when you are re-sizing them to 150X150 it can only be one reason... The original image is not square... i.e you're trying to re-size images where the axis do not match. (250X300 etc) Are you cropping the image first? The link doesn't work again... 404 Not Found
  12. If you can get the pics a lot of people would cut them for you... Searching for the pics just sucks when people request specific images The Border Patrol pic didn't work for me... just comes up with 'Posted Image'
  13. Do you mean having the background black??? just open paint.. make the screen black re-size it to 720X540 and viloa...
  14. I've actually never tried that... Is saying "It's too technical" gonna make me sound like a dumb-ass I would also mention that right click 'copy', right click 'paste' works but I don't want blow your mind. Any feedback? (Sorry for that Josh Barnett pic as I did request someone else to do it, then the Briscoe Brothers came round and i had no choice but to MAN UP). They look good... I'm not too sure but is Sylvia's face looking squashed... maybe he took too many drops on the head.. I don't know Good work... Resize them to 150X150.. It's traditional like that..when in game the images are about 90X90 I think it's just his head haha, you can be the judge: Ahhh not as bad there as he's got that bit on top which was cropped in your cut
  15. I've actually never tried that... Is saying "It's too technical" gonna make me sound like a dumb-ass I would also mention that right click 'copy', right click 'paste' works but I don't want blow your mind. Any feedback? (Sorry for that Josh Barnett pic as I did request someone else to do it, then the Briscoe Brothers came round and i had no choice but to MAN UP). They look good... I'm not too sure but is Sylvia's face looking squashed... maybe he took too many drops on the head.. I don't know Good work... Resize them to 150X150.. It's traditional like that..when in game the images are about 90X90
  16. The hardest part about cutting that would be the amount of black... It blends into everything and everyone making the outlines near impossible to make out.. I'm going to work so I'll leave it for someone else to play with
  17. I've actually never tried that... Is saying "It's too technical" gonna make me sound like a dumb-ass
  18. Hybrid Wrestling @ Ratman add the image tags to the link next time For those who don't click links If you hover over your pic there should be a link titled 'IMG Code" Use that one in forums...
  19. Unless it's a clear background it'll be the same to edit... And I just tested it on a random Batista pic and the image dimensions are the same too. I think it'll be more of a preference thing... You way is an excellent way to get background images off of flash enabled pages.. Could come in handy (Y)
  20. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: That actually made me laugh.. Like Jess & Eddie have stated... I am waaaaay too lazy to do work of that quality so no I'm not Kupy... I said that the work should look familiar because I've seen his work on quite a few wrestling forums etc. Have you not seen their work elsewhere?
  21. I think it's Black Pearl... I think that's his name..
  22. This one gets more attention because people haven't been requesting the 'non-wrestlers' much lately. Otherwise that thread would be recommended to them And thanks for the acknowledgment of that guide:rolleyes: just as a suggestion.. try and clean up the edges more... you can still see outlining on certain parts of the cut. (I know... pot calling kettle black, yeah, yeah) other than that... good work.(Y) That, too, is a good cut for a first attempt the only thing lame is the pic you chose to cut:lmao: Nah jokes... He's a good man... Good man.
  23. @ Bold Print The only thing Alter Egos would be used for in an alternate scenario would be to help find workers who are under a new name from what you know them to be... For Example; Brutus Beefcake was known as The Disciple in his last run in WCW. I know that was in '98 or '99 but it's an example
  24. If you look in the top right corner of the image it tells you You may not be able to see the link... but the logo is quite well known for Wrestling Wallpapers Maybe I should just link you to the page http://kupywrestlingwallpapers.info/ You'll probably recognise a lot of the work on there too
  25. I like that one... It just seems you put in the effort:unsure: And I've only just realised I had forgotten Kaz
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