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Posts posted by Khain

  1. The word around here is Kevin Harbottle is on his way to Colorado Rapids, he is a spectacular player when he tries, but I think he has an attitude problem. I wonder if he'll end up there and if he will succeed.

    The other word around here is Mirosevic on his way back to Universidad Católica from Columbus Crew. I don't know how he has performed over there even if he has played, so I ask you if anyone has seen him play

  2. I wonder if he'll count as their star player now that Beckham has left?

    Right now Robbie Keane occupies that spot by default since Beckham's gone and Landon Donovan is on some sort of existential journey finding himself.

    Don't you get two designated players or whatever they're called? Does feel a waste using that on a keeper mind.

    LA Galaxy had 3 I think. Beckham, Keane and Donovan. I think teams can trade the spots, I'm not sure though

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