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Posts posted by Khain

  1. Went to the pub and came home, my mum asked me how pissed I was 'cause I admitted to Ajax playing well.

    Lars, Quasi, WHAT THE FUCK was up with that commentator? Kept banging on the fact that Man City aren't from England anymore but instead they're from Abu Dhabi, but people in Abu Dhabi think manchester city is a city.

    I guess you must be in love with Iturra, what a lovely pass he made. The best thing is he is a friend of my family so I have met him a couple times :blush:

  2. Two things I don't understand.

    How has someone earnt over 91,000 match coins before the game has even been released?

    And since, theoretically, the richest player on the game only has 91,000 coins, how are people managing to bid hundreds of thousands for players at auction? The economics of it don't make any sense.

    The game is officially "released" for those with the EA Season Ticket which allowed an early access version of the game to be downloaded at 6pm last night. Judging from when your post was though it probably is a hack of some kind, nobody can play 136 games in 2 hours 40 mins, unless he's some kind of beta tester.

    Speaking of one of those people with an EA Season Ticket (I bought it yesterday as I'm off work all next week and can now play it non-stop) I can tell you that not much in the game has changed. Career mode is pretty much the same, Ultimate Team has a new layout which is pretty cool, and the Football Club aspect has been developed a bit more and is actually worth checking out.

    Here in South America it was released two days ago. Maybe thats the reason but it seems weird that someone would play 136 matches in two days.

  3. Neymar will leave Brazil in 2013, simply because Santos won't finish in the Top 4 this year and therefore, wouldn't offer him Libertadores football. Without this, Santos will have to sell him unless they want to be in a financial crisis.

    They will have no Recopa either, we're gonna tear them apart. Not that it means something in Neymar's career but anyway.

    dry.gif Even non-league teams can beat Santos without Neymar.

    Even a Japanese team can beat La U withour Angelo Henriquez :(

  4. Neymar will leave Brazil in 2013, simply because Santos won't finish in the Top 4 this year and therefore, wouldn't offer him Libertadores football. Without this, Santos will have to sell him unless they want to be in a financial crisis.

    They will have no Recopa either, we're gonna tear them apart. Not that it means something in Neymar's career but anyway.

  5. Fernando Torres is the goalscorer in the Prem with 35 goals. Luis Suarez came in a second place with 34. Robin Van Persie with 24 in a third place.

    I managed to make Luis Suarez score 70 goals in 59 games and it's my first season in charge. I love this game

  6. The problem is we need someone like him to play, I know the system that Rodgers will play same as Cruyff, Bielsa, Pep, etc. and sometimes is lacking a big man who can penetrate the defenses like Carroll does, Barça had this problem against Chelsea, Chile with Bielsa had it too, but thats why Athletic Bilbao did so well last season, because of Llorente. I was so behind him last season, but if that's the manager decision, I hope it will work out well.

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  7. Just watching yesterdays highlights, does Tevez have a different message under his shirt every single game just in case he scores? And why does he never get booked for lifting up his shirt?

    It said "Villa La Ñata", and it's a poor village around here in Buenos Aires, he sponsors a different village every week if he scores a goal, the shirt is to indicate which village does. He said it was to remember his roots and the kids could play futbol.

    Edit: And you're not booked unless you lift your shirt above your head

  8. Fiorentina have been assembling a pretty nice team lately. Add Berbatov to signings such as Matias Fernandez, David Pizarro, Alberto Aquilani, Borja Valero - alongside Stevan Jovetic who is already there and they've got quite a good squad for this season.

    Matias Fernandez is shit, I don't know how he keeps playing in Europe

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