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Everything posted by phenomenal_waffles

  1. How does that have anything to do with the subject... Edit: Nevermind. I'm not looking to start a flame war, sorry guys.
  2. You couldn't be any more incorrect. I had no idea people were so defensive about video games. Please actually use some common sense before simply passing me off as an internet tough guy or a troll. I am honestly just astonished that you could possibly conceive the thought that I am trying to be cool on a message board by "hating" on Call of Duty, when I was simply asking for an explanation on how you guys aren't bored of this repetitive series.
  3. Are you guys not bored of this shit yet?
  4. Well I'll be darned. Reckon there's only two songs in this here topic.
  5. Yeah I've only checked out the earliest historical update on the inventory, and there was no effort whatsoever put into the stats of the workers.
  6. Yeah I've only checked out the earliest historical update on the inventory, and there was no effort whatsoever put into the stats of the workers.
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