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Posts posted by notatardis

  1. picking up from earlier posts, I think it's a bit of a stat inflation issue causing some weird comparisons/ranks. While we're all pretty keen on raising stats when needed, I don't think we're nearly as good at lowering them and that creates a sort of imbalance or odd number in relation to someone else.I don't know if things are supposed to be normalized, but I think they've gotten a bit away from there.

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  2. To play devil's advocate, isn't this based on American/United States popularity as opposed to world popularity? I recall that reason being used a bit back on the lack of inclusion of a couple promotions.

    Bill, what you said pretty much summed up my thoughts exactly.

    I don't have a further opinion on AAA and CMLL being I don't think I can accurately argue much except from a game playing/logistical stance. I think there's good points being made though.

  3. Part of the issue with ROH though and their wrestler overness is that once they get to that level-ish in real life, they are signed away. So naturally they won't have those guys as the E and TNA will sign them. By nature, ROH is a company with massive turnover, a kind of feeder. Once they get guys at those levels, the big 2 will be looking to pick them up and the cycle repeats. Now, you could also use that as an argument as to why they are not national, but I think the company as a whole has reached that level, and the talent is catching up to it.

    That said, I guess they could be 95 Cult and see what happens, could even run an experiment ourselves to save Bill time.

    Also, I do think TNA qualifies as a low level global, as they currently are.

  4. ROH stuff:

    Add Rhino to ROH, add him to the House of Truth, make Truth Martini his manager.

    Add Ricky Reyes to ROH

    Add Matt Taven to ROH

    Both of them around around often enough, even if as jobbers.

    Would it be out of the question to bump them up to a very low level National? They've gained a lot of traction over the last few months. I hate to use an anecdotal, but a lot of folks I know who barely pay attention to wrestling these days have become aware of them. I also see their name mentioned quite a bit, especially as the head and shoulders above everyone 3rd promotion.

  5. Sydney Eick needs to be removed from ROH Staff, he left in January.

    Also, I think referees Alexander Bird, Brandon Tolle, and Garry Morere need to be removed too. I know ROH doesn't list them as part of the team, and I don't recall the last time I saw them, though someone else can correct me if need be.

    Is Eric Santamaria still around?

    Same with Shane Hagadorn, can't recall seeing him around save his last one off with Hero before Hero left.

  6. Throwing my thoughts in on the ROH bit:

    I mostly agree and say drop Agent Sly Stetson, Bobby Dempsey, Courtney Prezleigh, Jamilia Craft, Jessie Brook, Marker Dillinger, Ricky Reyes, and Rob Wolf, but keep Mike Sydal as he's worked dark matches at least semi recently.

    Make Mr. Ernesto Osiris a manager of Prince Nana. That whole situation is insane. I'd even make Archibald Peck/RD Evans a manager for Nana too since he actually does wrestle, though hasn't in ROH to the best of my knowledge.

    I'd also drop Shane Hagadorn since the rest of the Kings of Wrestling are gone unless I missed something with him. He was also a PWR student too in addition to being a manager.

  7. I, personally generally try to make it 3 consecutive shows, or a few shows in the span of 6 months or so, I think that usually serves as a good baseline, unless it's someone significant (like WGTT and ROH last year)

    As I have time, I'm going to try to go through each promotion and weed out some of the 1 shot only deals, it's not too difficult, just involves going down a roster and plugging a person into cagematch. Just have to be aware how often they wrestle and possible injuries. FREX, some people haven't wrestled in 6 months or so, but that last match was with a certain company, think Jerry Lynn, who blew out his back and ROH.

  8. Remove the following wrestlers from PWG, it's been over a year that most any of them have been at even 1 show:

    Alex Shelley

    Brian Kendrick

    Chris Sabin

    Colt Cabana

    Karl Anderson

    Kenny Omega

    Phoenix Star

    Scorpio Sky


    Also, it seems Christina Von Eerie hasn't been around according to Cagematch, I'd remove her too, unless someone objects.

    I'd also drop their image to 15 Cult level

  9. If you think there should be a change, by all means suggest it. That's pretty much the only way I know that someone feels that something isn't right.

    Obviously, reasons behind suggested changes are a big plus, so others can see why you're suggesting the change.


    Sweet, I think some things are a little out of date, so I was just making sure it wasn't an untouchable type thing.

    I'd raise Chikara to Cult. They've been consistently putting on shows that draw huge crowds, much more than a regional company would draw. I'd argue that they're just as popular as CZW, if not more so.

    I'd also say raise ROH to 10% National. Seems like they're doing business head and shoulders above AAA, CMLL, PWG, and others.

    While I'd love ROH to be national, I just can't see it yet, but a raise is needed. Kris' works.

    Chikara definitely needs a huge boost and the one I had in mind.

    I disagree with raising ROH to national. They are a huge cult federation, but not a national one. I'd say put their PI at 85 cult.

    This works. If they had a floursing TV deal I could see an argument otherwise. The massive success of the IPPV's definitely warrants a bump.

    As for Chikara, I agree with raising it to 20 cult. I'd suggest the following overness adjustments for the Chikara roster:

    I'd so say more so perhaps. I think they have become arguably the second biggest "indy" (DGUSA can be argued, among others) and have surpassed PWG who run less shows now and don't have the benefit of a few folks who have left for TNA hurting some of the interest they used to have. Folks like Alex Shelley haven't been there in over a year, and when I get a chance, I'll work on who really should be removed.

    -Mike Quackenbush to 67.

    I think this is fine, but he'll almost immediately get signed by another company, since he already does. Considering the only other promotion he's really worekd for recently is DGUSA and this:

    On February 21, 2011, Dragon Gate USA announced that Quackenbush had decided to disband the Chikara Sekigun stable and take a leave of absence from the promotion in order to concentrate on defending his newly won Campeonatos de Parejas in Chikara.[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Quackenbush#cite_note-45]
    Since him leaving Chikara, well, obviously makes no sense, I'd move to make his Chikara contract unsackable.

    -Add Caleb Konley to ROH. Raise his overness to 16, selling to 70, and charisma to 55.

    I'd hold off on this, it seems right now it was just a 1 night fill in thing.

  10. Chris Daniels heel turn in ROH, hitting Generico with the book of truth and Cabana with the angels wings on night 2 of their latest ippv.

    I guess that didn't make it over from the March thread, so....

    Add Christopher Daniels to the House of Truth and make Truth Martini his manager. Make him a heel.

    Also Charlie Hass and Shelton Benjamin won the ROH tag titles

    I didn't put these in because they happened after the game start date of April 1st... They have all been adjusted and, assuming nothing changes, will be present in the May update. :)


    Ahh, okay that makes sense then. :)

    On to other stuff:

    Remove staff member announcer Mike Hogewood from ROH, he's contracted to HDNet, and won't be staying with ROH.

    Also, how are the PI numbers calculated for feds? Do we suggest changes like we do with workers and such?

  11. Chris Daniels heel turn in ROH, hitting Generico with the book of truth and Cabana with the angels wings on night 2 of their latest ippv.

    I guess that didn't make it over from the March thread, so....

    Add Christopher Daniels to the House of Truth and make Truth Martini his manager. Make him a heel.

    Also Charlie Hass and Shelton Benjamin won the ROH tag titles

  12. -If Eddie Edward's overness is 66, I'd say raise Davey Richards' to 69.

    That's fine, I've generally tried to be fairly conservative on all ratings.

    -I think Christopher Daniels is a heel in ROH? At the very least he is a tweener.

    Well, it depends on how much weight you want to assign last night. Last night was pretty much the first actual signs of a turn as compared to just what people figured. I was contemplating saying make him a Tweener, so that'd be fine by me if so. I'd hold off on heel for now though.

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