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Posts posted by notatardis

  1. MsChifs' NWA Woman's title is the kicker as she does not wrestle in any NWA promotion in the game. I think her promotions are just ROH and SHIMMER.

    And on top of it, as far as ROH is concerned she really only wrestles in ProwrestlingRespect, the "developmental territory" these days if I recall correctly.

    Speaking of:

    I'd suggest removing these wrestlers from ROH, the dates they last worked for ROH follow their names and they are not on any scheduled upcoming cards:

    KENTA: August 14th 2009 (I'm aware of the knee injury, but he's been active for awhile now)

    Brent Albright: March 6th, Two events in 2010, his myspace seems to indicate he's done with wrestling too. The last TV match(es?) he taped never aired.

    Eddie Kingston: March 6th, Five events in 2010, though three were same day TV tapings. After his bit with the Embassy ended, he seems to have only been working in Chikara as far as I know.

    Bison Smith: March 27th, Two events in 2010

    Joey Ryan: March 27th, Eight events in 2010, though three were same day TV tapings. Similar to Kingston's bit, but PWG instead of Chikara, again, as far as I know.

    Petey Williams: April 24th, Four events in 2010

    J-Sin, Lance Lude: May 22nd, Four events

    In addition, there's Adam Pearce: Maybe make him a non-wrestler for ROH? He's wrestled four matches since he's become head booker, which has been a little less than 2 years.

    I'd also move MsChif (Oct 8th 2009) and Ricky Reyes (May 22nd) to developmental as they've constantly been on PWR's shows and have barely been on the "main roster". I don't know if a corresponding lowering of overness would be suitable in addition.

  2. Just curious, how exactly is it determined if/when someone stops working for someone? Like Brent Albright and Bison Smith have barely worked for ROH this year but are still listed with the promotion.

    Also, was wondering if Tyler Black's overness should be raised a couple of points from 64 to 66.

    Sorry in advance for any stupid comments/questions.

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