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Posts posted by wrathofcarnage

  1. Haha, Mile High Messiah.

    I hope South Park does a Tebow ep. sooner rather than later.

    I thought of this almost immediately after I saw Tebow with the Denver cap, glad I wasn't the only one. If Trey & Matt gave it to Cutler like they did I absolutely can't WAIT for Tebow.

    Any Bears fans on the board? I know secondary was an issue, but what's the word on Major Wright?

  2. I didn't want you to use the sunset rule as a game mechanic because I was using it as an activity booster. I wanted to use it to establish I wasn't messing around with deadlines and wanted to keep activity flowing. I was merely saying that intentionally stagnating discussion to hit a deadline and making those intentions clear in a thread where I could see them might not have been the best idea in the world. It was never really established WHAT I would do if a game hit the final deadline and the assumption of "random townie death" makes "deadlining" a viable scum tactic, which I don't believe in. I think hitting a deadline should be just as dangerous for a scum player which is why I would have done something like "random player (any alignment)" or (more likely) a "Draft Lottery" of the least active players.

    So it wasn't meant as a threat, moreso a warning that you shouldn't tell me you are working to actively stop discussion because you assume you know how I'm running a deadline/sunset rule. Although I guess even then I shouldn't have intervened and said anything because that warning could be construed as giving you an unfair advantage. I guess really I just got put off by someone suggesting stopping activity as a strategy so I was perhaps out of line with putting that comment out there. I see your point and I'll take it into account the next time I run a game.

  3. Hate to say it but naiwf is right. Wish the Bulls coule pull of a miracle but I'll just assume they get a better coach and Bosh this offseason and then get read to DOMINATE! Agree that Magic and Mavs have the toughest series because they're lazy as shit. LBJ with Jamison and wingman will be tough to overcome this season. OKC might be the toughest series the Lakers have during the playoffs. I'll go "boring, no upsets" and say Lakers-Cavs final.

  4. Lots of teams go for stretches upon stretches of not winning Super Bowls or not even making the playoffs. Stewart and Maddox playing average ball and making the playoffs I would DEFINITELY qualify as "just fine" for any number of teams. Getting used to winning SuperBowls or making conference championships every other year doesn't make an average season a TERRIBLE season. When's the last time Pitt drafted in the top three? The Steelers consistently put a good enough/entertaining enough team on the field to sell tickets and remain a draw. I'm not sure what more you can ask for out of an NFL market. Kordell Stewart/Tommy Maddox does NOT a perennial loser/embarrassment make.

  5. I can absolutely see Ben in a Rams jersey next season. Tehy're the type of team that will take the hit for a few seasons of rebuilding just so they can maintain a good "character" image. Steelers fans will keep waving the terrible towels and Pittsburgh will make Bradford their franchise QB. This is the team that did just fine with Kordell Stewart and Tommy Maddox for crying out loud. Bradford on the Steelers and Ben on the Rams makes a ton of sense when you look at the philosophies of the two teams.

  6. Nash was given the MVP because around that time the popularity of the NBA wasn't doing very good. Kobe, Shaq & AI were all pretty popular but a lot of the current big names hadn't been created yet. The MVPs for Nash helped showcase an exciting brand of basketball to get viewers hooked. They didn't win any championships or make it to the finals, but those Phoenix teams were fun to watch. The NBA wanted to push the run and gun style since there was a distinct lack of name players at the time. Right after and right around that time you started getting your "name" players back as Lebron, Wade and Dwight all started to emerge to join Kobe. (I would argue that Shaq and AI don't hold the same appeal currently. Well... maybe Shaq, but no way for Iverson.)

  7. I'm going to keep sign-ups open through the weekend as I'm out of town until late Sunday and don't have access to my old files. Keep signing up though, first come first serve unless I get a ton of people wanting to play. Then I'll have to.. *creative way of saying something about the waiver wire or the summer league non sequitur non sequitur joke trail off ending*

  8. 24 players needed.

    1. RuKing Ellis

    2. Maxx

    3. ChrisWalkerBush

    4. Mr. Potato Head

    5. C-Mil

    6. Eddie 'AW' G

    7. theburninator

    8. DMN

    9. Blazer Ramon

    10. thuganomic

    11. Ace Break Kid

    12. Molly

    13. MeaconO

    14. Blitz

    15. RW-Truth

    16. Mr Evil Guy

    17. Ben D.D. Cuntface

    18. oldskool

    19. El viaje de ego

    20. Metallic12345

    21. HailtotheKing

    22. Numfork

    23. Split Second

    24. D-Extreme

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