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Posts posted by Trench

  1. Trench, when's good for you?

    Late Friday or sometime Saturday?

    Is that British or US time? I'm in the UK, so I'm home from 3am Friday night and I'm free until 4pm (ish) Saturday day.

    US, what time is that in US?

    I'll be available on Friday from about 10pm your time. I'll be available until about midday on Saturday.

    That should be cool, I will add you next time I am on and Friday should be okay, or I will get up early Saturday to get it done.

  2. Ok tonight I will sim us to the actual season. Be sure to make whatever cuts you need. Make the trades you want to and we will get this show on the road. If you guys notice anything weird that doesn't play right let me know so we can adjust the sliders to make it better.

    Could you sim to the next week so we can make the cuts if we need to? Not sure if the CPU will auto cut if you have it, but I would prefer if they did not make the cuts for me. Also, I do practice...but that is not a huge deal.

  3. Ended up super simming everything after the first quarter. Very slow I is....too slow...oh, and how can i change my scheme?

    You cannot change your defensive scheme or offensive scheme as a whole, but you can change what you "look for" under strategy I think it is. You can set if you like pocket passers more, etc...

  4. Why does it say the 49ers are locked and I can't choose them?

    It shouldn't. I may need to restart the league and make it private with a password. Sounds like maybe some randoms joined.

    We went from having no team in the NFC East taken to every single one except the Redskins?

    Again "It shouldn't. I may need to restart the league and make it private with a password. Sounds like maybe some randoms joined."

    I will make the password EWBPS3 tonight.

    So you will be sending out invites again tonight?

  5. Is Fantasy Draft just basically reshuffling all the rosters or something else?

    You draft a roster from everyone in the game until you fill the roster so I guess kind of a reshuffling?

    And I hope this means we can edit rosters soon also. I really like playing 4-3 and it would be nice to just move LBs to DE with a permanent change in position. I guess you would have to be able to change the defensive scheme also.

  6. Is Kick Ass 2 any good? I don't really read many comics at all but I just finished the first one and enjoyed it. Only thing stopping me from buying it straight away is, if it's anything like the first one, it won't take very long at all to read so maybe isn't worth spending £10 on right now unless it is really worth it.

    The only other graphic novel I've read was Watchmen which I loved. Are there any others like this that I should check out? I can see myself getting really into the whole genre so any 'classics' would be appreciated.

    New Frontiers is a darker look at the Justice League that I got Watchmen vibes off of while reading. I believe it is the same writer that is on some of the Before Watchmen comics out now also and New Frontiers is available in trade so you may like that.

  7. Agreed on all points, but it kinda all added to the charm, I thought. Poorly acted at times, a concept that didn't quite pan out each time, kind of a sleazy vibe throughout, a little confusing at times, some pretty messed up stuff, plenty of scares... don't see enough of that in horror anymore.

    Yeah, the webcam one actually had me jump. I really enjoyed the last segment though and wish more stuff like that was done (well) in horror films.

  8. Fuck, I forgot about Spider-Man. I'm definitely picking up Spider-Man.

    Marvel NOW is basically a fresh start for Marvel. All the stories will be finished and all comics start from #1 again, so it'll be a great place to jump in on any characters you've wanted to read in the past.

    I was thinking of picking up the new Captain Marvel, but the cheapest copy I can find of it is £6.

    It really sucks that Uncanny X-Men is being cancelled for it, but I guess it makes sense with out AvX is playing out. That is really the only book I will miss, Spider Man is being reset too though?

  9. So anyone else going to be trying out the Marvel NOW series? I'm pretty excited to start some of my favorite comics from the first issues. I think I'll pick up Iron Man, Thor, X-Men, Deadpool so far. I'm kind of interested in Avengers but not really at all interested in the Uncanny Avengers thing where it's an Avengers/X-Men team up.

    All New X-Men sounds interesting and I may look into Uncanny Avengers, I have never been a big fan of Thor, Iron Man or really any of the Avengers so I will play the others by ear and see how they are.

  10. I read a bit of comics in the past two days.

    I get Ultimate Spider-Man via Marvel Subscriptions. It´s good qualety, they ship in a plastic voile with cardboard backing. The only problem is that they usually only arrive in Germany when the next issue is already out in the US. But since i did not read the past 15-20 issues till yesterday... >_>

    I love the price, you also get a free online version of the USM book for free. (they charge 3€ for that on comixology).

    Death of Ultimate Spider-Man. Pretty boring, not terrible but especially when you announce his dead beforehand there should be a bit more happening i guess. But i did not read the Avengers vs ultimates event so i might have missed something there. (like why they let Spidey shot on the bridge) - Ultimate Fallout hat a few good moments, but all in all i was not blown away either.

    Only read the first issue of the new USM. Can´t comment on that yet.

    Read "Chew" TPB #2. Great book. Everyone should read it.

    Read "WE3". It´s a three issue concluding story, sort of like a good Outer Limets Episode. I´ed say go get it. Fun read.

    Right now "Rising Stares" is on sale at comixology, i might get that compendium for 20$, don´t know about the spinofs for 10$ yet.

    I do want to try this, but how is it put in your mailbox? I assume it is shipped through your mailman and not UPS right? Do they just stuff it in your mailbox and possible bend it like other magazines?

    Edit: Forget you are in Germany, not sure if you guys have UPS. But basically another mail service that brings packages usually.

  11. [REC]3: Genesis

    A movie has not pissed me off this badly in a long, long time. It joins WaterWorld, Lady in the Water and The Happening as one of my most-hated movies.

    If it wasn't a part of the [REC] franchise, it would've been a fine little campy horror movie. Predictable and cliché, but mostly fine. However, with the [REC] name attached, they not only made a shitty movie, they killed an entire series.

    Where did you watch this? Is it on Netflix? I am scared because I enjoy the [REC] serious, but I have to see it.

  12. I really enjoyed the new Spider-Man movie, but I actually really like Tobey as Peter Parker more so than Garfield. Garfield was a much better Spider-Man under the mask it seems though, but that may mostly be the writing. Am I the only one that preferred Tobey? I mean, I enjoyed the film and I do not think Garfield did a bad job, I just really liked Tobey.

  13. I can't remember if I asked this before, but anyway, here it goes.

    Can anybody tell me if The Walking Dead is worth reading? I've seen the show but I'm not the biggest fan of it. I liked a few moments and episodes but I often found the writing to be terrible. I'd still like to check out the comics though, so without spoilers, what can I expect from them?

    I would say yeah, I watched the show first and recently caught up on the comics and I really enjoy the comics. It is a lot to catch up on though, 16 volumes so far and coming up to the 100th issue next month.

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