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Everything posted by Gendron21

  1. Good god almighty! Moron! You chose that to be your only post in over four years? Moron LOL agreed... but c'mon. His response wasn't totally unwarranted.
  2. Other than due to the sheer amount of orgs in the game, I don't think that's true, unless by certain data file you mean certain promotions. I think the likelihood is increased if you're the #1 promotion at start of the game and there isn't anyone to really contend with you and not more than 15-20 promotions. I rarely if ever see those two promotions, or even just WDW, pop up during gameplay as TNA or even WWE with the current data set since there's so many promotions. I'm pretty sure you have to be WWE for them to come up, buyt I also thought it was only with a certain data file bcuz I've completely changed one of my files to rid myself of anyone I didnt know, wouldnt use or thought should have retired already(the Hogans, Flairs, etc) and even with only 10 companies left, never got that until I used a certain, if im not mistaken, 2003 data file.
  3. the WDW and NPW feds only pop up with a certain data file tho.... make sure youre using the correct one.
  4. My baby girl was born tonight at 8:06pm est :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LUKIE


      Add her to the pool of kids for the "midget" wrestling promotion please.

    3. Summers
    4. S.V. Ellis

      S.V. Ellis

      congratulations! i remember when my son was born it was the greatest day of my life.

  5. I am loving the Febuary 2000 data. I'm playing as both ecw and wwf in different saves. its awesome.
  6. I fully agree with making Taker a Non-Wrestler. He hasn't worked a full schedule since his ABA days pretty much, and I'd also say drop his stats. Brawl to 81 Speed to 10 Technical to 25 or so. Kofi Kingston is only a 67 on technique and he can chain wrestle far better than Taker. Charisma and Overness can stay the same, but he is just about useless all year, and pulls one great match out of his ass at every WrestleMania.
  7. WWE could easily just rename itself World Wide Entertainment... What is to happen with WRESTLEmania? If they arent about wrestling, they surely can't have wrestlemania anymore. 2012 "WWE presents 'Mania!?" That shit don't work for me, son!
  8. -New secondary finisher for Matt Hardy also potentially. Entirely possible.
  9. Daivari is denying that he has signed with TNA, so I would wait to see if he actually shows up at the tapings today or tomorrow before putting him back with TNA. That solves that. Also... -New Fortune Member Revealed. -New secondary finisher for Matt Hardy also potentially.
  10. Does anyone have a scenario from the time in the WWF just after the Rockers break up? I dont really mind how thorough it is as I have every intention of being the WWF.
  11. I dont see why youd have to have them with low behavior/attitude for the simple fact they were in porn.... If it's lets say Beaulah McGillicuty who did the uhh Daydreamers or whatever its called movie, and she was never a problem, why punish her? I'd say now, take Jasmin St Claire. She no showed her own promotion.... thats warranting low A/B for sure. I dont see a necessary tie between nudity and behavior in the game. Maybe that just me, but hey.
  12. Most of the updated pics, as well as a ton of the randomly requested can be found in the pics request thread. I havent seen a fully up to date "pack" though, not since the resource site went down. Hopefully with those you'll be able to patch in the ones you're unhappy with until a full updated pack is put out.
  13. Booker T is apparently getting some of the bigger pops on Smackdown when he's introduced, maybe his Overness should be upped a little bit? I don't mind if not, as I never use him as anything but a commentator,if at all, but the last few weeks on Smackdown, it sounds like he's getting better bigger reactions than guys like Wade Barrett and Sheamus,etc. Also, if not already mentioned, drop "King" from Sheamus for next month.
  14. I was attempting to think of a new gimmick for RKO... I thought Rebel,Psycho,Machine and Ice Man were the best choices. Psycho basically because of the "voices".
  15. I'd hold off on that because he appeared as himself the day following his 2 appearences as Axel. Wait to see if it's going to stick around.
  16. Well if you dont take the time to read the topic at hand, since thats all that was discussed on the last page and a half... no one but you is at fault if you were displeased. Don't use them if you dont like them. Thats all. They werte requested by a fair few, so they were posted.
  17. Well I assumed that was a given,considering that what weve been talking about with my loading screens since earlier on.
  18. 2 Full Sets, and 4 extra ones if theres any you choose to replace. Cheers. I dislocated my shoulder and didnt have the time to do the others.
  19. Add,if not already in, a dislike or hate relationship between Velvet Sky and Ashley Massaro.
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