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Posts posted by Azazel

  1. I somehow managed to binge through all of Outback over the weekend.

    Season 1 was good, but didn't have the most likable cast.  I liked Richard, but a lot of the other players I wasn't big on (though I won't blame Rudy for some of his opinions since he was born in the 20's).  Outback had a way more likable cast outside of a few people.  I did remember more about it than I thought once I saw it and enjoyed it a lot more.  Africa is next.  I looked up a spoiler free cast and I don't recognize a single person so this will be my first time going in blind.

    Overall the favorite players are slim for season 1 and would probably just be Richard.  Season 2 has a lot more likable and hateable people.  With Jerri, Mitchell and Kel being high on my did not like list (Jerri is obvious, Mitchell was just a follower and Kel looked like a tool at the reunion).  Where as Mad Dog, Michael, Elizabeth, Rodger, Colby, Tina, Nick, Jeff, Amber and Alicia were all likable people.

  2. I'm going to finish Season 1 tonight and start on Outback, I want to see how much I remember about that.  I know Tina, Colby, Michael and Jerri (though I could be wrong).  I'll probably recognize some other faces once I see it because I think I actually watched that one when it aired and was 100% behind Michael winning.  I don't think I have a clue who won season 3 or who is even on it and everything after that I have no idea.  The only other thing I know is Johnny Fairplay due to his ties to wrestling and Danny Bonaduce breaking his face, but I have no idea what season he was on, if he won or even if he was hated while on the island.  Basically I have a ton of completely new material to watch.

  3. I have 2 episodes to go on Season 1, and I remember how it goes down so I'm not in for any surprises.  Rudy is a very interesting character.  He doesn't care for homosexuals or having children out of wedlock, which I can understand coming from someone born in the 1920's. However, he never makes anything out of it and just accepts it despite not agreeing with it.

    It's easy to saw knowing more about how the game works now, so it's understandable not everyone would be playing smart the first season, but some of them are pretty awful at it.  Sean doesn't want to vote for everyone, and even though they all suspect an alliance between Rich, Rudy and Sue, nobody every tries to do anything about it.

  4. I'm excited for Season 3 and on since I don't know a single thing about any of them.  Season 2 I remember the final 2 and might remember some more players once I see it, but that's about it.

    The opening has some spoilers in it though, like Rudy with a beard even though its half way in and he doesn't have one yet.... though I assume he has the ability to shave because its been 27 days and even I would have more facial hair then all of them and I can't grow a beard at all.

  5. After seeing this threat I decided to check Survivor out since I wanted something to sort of watch while I did other things.  I only remember parts of season 1 and 2 from when I was young so most of it will be completely new to me and I can see it evolve quickly over time.  I'm halfway through the first season and I now realized 14 year old me was dumb and Richard is easily the best.

    • Like 5
  6. In older games you would find the common pokemon for a long time afterwards on just normal routes.

    The new Experience Share thing tends to over level you, I actually have an active team of about 15 Pokemon that I'll swap in and out to give myself more variety and also keeping my levels relatively close to what I am facing.  Although wild pokemon are always a few levels lowers than trainers.

  7. Girlfriend got me Sun for Christmas, just finished Melemele Island.  Going to on and off work on getting a living Pokedex and pursue a nother goal I've had for years that I just never got around to doing that requires a living dex (though legendaries are less important for this).

  8. I've been playing around doing random challenges in various games to make them more enjoyable.  Currently I'm like halfway through a Nuzlocke variant called a Soul Link.  Basically Nuzlocke rules apply except I'm playing Fire Red and Leaf Green games and the Pokemon I catch from each route are linked.  They both have to be on the team for me to use them and if one dies it's pair in the other game dies as well.  Plus to make it even harder I can only have one of each type on both teams (so if I have Charmander on one team I can't have any other fire types on either team).  This only counts for their primary type so Bulbasaur who is Grass/Poison only counts as Grass and I can still use a Poison type.  I'm also using a randomizer with trainers powered up 15% in level

    Currently just beat Silph Co.  My active pairs are:
    Hitmonchan - Exploud
    Swalot - Venusaur
    Donphan - Dragonite
    Aerodactyl - Duskull
    Blastoise - Absol

    My starters were Gastly and Pinsir who died thanks to a Critical Self Destruct.  I did the Fighting Dojo and the leader had a level 43 Metagross that cost me Slowbro (linked with Omastar who were my Route 1 combo) and Misdreavus (linked with Quilava who I just got at Pokemon Tower) but I got the Blastoise/Absol combo out of it.  The only other pairs I don't have are a Mareep/Beldum combo because I couldn't catch the Beldum and my Silph Co. present (replacing Lapras) which was Cloyster/Wingull because they are both Water types and therefor cannot be used.

  9. I felt weird about it the first time, but I mean, its not like I'm going to talk to anyone during the movie anyway.  I haven't done it in a while but if there is a movie I want to see and nobody can or wants to go with me then I would do it.  My only issue with it is if I have to take a piss before the movie, but I can't leave my snacks/coat unattended.

  10. 47 minutes ago, punky said:
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    I'm not understanding the disappointment with any of the episodes this season, I think it's been a really good season so far. They are tying up stories from the past season and laying groundwork for the eventual uprising that is bound to take place against The Saviors. I also don't think it's the last we heard Oceanside since they have guns/ammo and people with a reason to fight back, if they band all the communities together.

    I think the pendulum swung back the other way from people being angry with the show for too much zombie violence and gore, now people are mad at the pace of the storytelling and not enough action. 


    About Episode 7, spoilered just in case..


    The season would be way better if they didn't dedicate entire episodes to side stories and mixed them together so each week they all moved forward, over watching something for an hour, then the next week watching an entire different part of the story and only seeing the results each episode 3-4 weeks later.


    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Fly the W! said:

    Day in the limelight?

    Yes, an episode where its about a secondary characters adventure away from the main story line.  The Walking Dead has done this a bunch, like Morgan and the Cheesemaker, The Governor and Tara's family, Beth at the cop hospital place.  They have their place in the story, but in these case it just seems like an awful lot of them in quick succession that is delaying Alexandria/Saviours arc, and after such a big moment.

  12. Answers for people guessing

    Who is Bart's Bigger Brother?

    Where did Marge plan a Family Vacation to (that was switched to Itchy and Scratchy Land)? Route 9 Bird Sactuary
    Who was the Grand Marshal on the Monorail's maiden voyage? Leonard Nemoy
    Who runs Kamp Krusty? Mr. Black
    What epidemic is caused by the Juice Loosener? Osaka Flu
    What Band plays at Flaming Moes? Aerosmith
    Who replaces Apu at the Kwik-E-Mart to research a movie role? James Woods
    What Hockey Team does Lisa play for? Kwik-E-Mart Gougers
    Where does Homer trick Barney into getting his Plow stuck? Forbidden Widow's Peak
    What name is on Homer's Fake ID? Brian McGee
    What cereal jingle does Homer sing while reentering orbit? Golden Grahams
    How does Moe save Earth from Kang and Kodos? Board with a Nail in it
    That starting Line up of which hockey team was on the Jury of the Damned? 1976 Philadelphia Flyers
    What is the Springfield Elementary Mascot? Puma
    What is the name of the Ivory Dealer that tries to buy Stampy? Blackheart
    Who is Aristotle Amadopolis? Owner of the Shelbyville Power Plant
    Who was the celebrity guest for the Junior Campers raft trip? Ernest Borgnine
    Who does Bart call in Austrailia? Bruco Dundridge
    What did Barney and Wade Boggs get in a bar fight over? Britian's Greatest Prime Minister
    What are the names of Mr. Burns' goons? Crusher and Low Blow

  13. As I mentioned before I'm doing this big Simpsons trivia thing for some friends and I'm not sure if the questions are too easy or too hard.  So in a bit of a test/for fun here are 20 of the questions randomly selected.  Note that some of these will be done in a lightning round so they might be easier for that reason.  Lets see if you can guess them.

    Who is Bart's Bigger Brother?
    Where did Marge plan a Family Vacation to (that was switched to Itchy and Scratchy Land)?
    Who was the Grand Marshal on the Monorail's maiden voyage?
    Who runs Kamp Krusty?
    What epidemic is caused by the Juice Loosener?
    What Band plays at Flaming Moes?
    Who replaces Apu at the Kwik-E-Mart to research a movie role?
    What Hockey Team does Lisa play for?
    Where does Homer trick Barney into getting his Plow stuck?
    What name is on Homer's Fake ID?
    What cereal jingle does Homer sing while reentering orbit?
    How does Moe save Earth from Kang and Kodos?
    That starting Line up of which hockey team was on the Jury of the Damned?
    What is the Springfield Elementary Mascot?
    What is the name of the Ivory Dealer that tries to buy Stampy?
    Who is Aristotle Amadopolis?
    Who was the celebrity guest for the Junior Campers raft trip?
    Who does Bart call in Austrailia?
    What did Barney and Wade Boggs get in a bar fight over?
    What are the names of Mr. Burns' goons?

  14. 1 hour ago, Benji said:

    I liked the episode, it was the weakest of the season so far, but nothing bad as far as I was concerned. Though I did not know what the fuck the burning things were that Michonne saw until I looked elsewhere (they were the mattresses, in case you too weren't aware).

    Thanks for answering that, I had no clue.  Episode 1 was a good mood setter, but after that its just been not particularly interesting, like they really slowed down after episode one to the point where I remember why I prefer to watch this show in a binge instead of weekly.

    My biggest fear is that they are going to ruin Negan.  He's a great character but if he is so heavily featured all the time it kind of ruins it.  Maybe its just me but if you want a real bad ass villain, he needs to be rarely seen to keep up his mystique instead of overexposing him.  So far this season we have seen more Negan than anyone else on the entire show.

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