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Everything posted by MDK

  1. Bait and switch I am a Nintendo fanboy, but I won't be buying anything on launch. There is nothing out there that is doing anything for me. Really, there are only a few games that are inspiring me these days.
  2. Great, van Persie is a right twerp. Good work getting yourself sent off, you fuck, you've lost me points. EDIT - I bet he meant that lob >_>
  3. Well, it wouldn't be international if they weren't foreign
  4. Alot of the ones mentioned are good, so I don't want to start repeating what has been said. The Business had a good sountrack, it really fit the film. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch had good soundtrack.
  5. Does anyone remember Kevin Keegans Football Manager (or something to that effect) on the SNES/Mega Drive? That was wicked bad back in the day, me and my mate would constantly play it.
  6. I think that might be it. Altho I remember it looking a little different in my mind... Hmm. I'll still keep on looking but that is the closest we have got. Cheeeers.
  7. Good, so I didn't imagine playing this... I dunno if that is the right one, I am checking on a website but it doesn't look like it
  8. Okay, this is going to be really vague, but I will try anyway. I am pretty sure it was an arcade game, multiplayer, it was set in the wild west and you were a bunch of cowboys. It was side-scrolling, lots of shooting and you could ride horses and stuff. Seriously, I remember this game and a few of my mates do, so I am SURE I didnt imagine it all. Help me, please
  9. Fanboy much? Did you not see some of the balls Becks was playing?
  10. I seriously don't understand the Hargreaves substitution. Why not bring on a more attacking player? Fucked. Merdé, or something to that effect.
  11. Considering that in the last game, Gerrard apparently didnt know what his role was, I think I will go ahead and blame the manager on this one. I normally don't, but I think he is completely off with this 4-5-1 formation. Like RM said on msn, with Owen, Defoe and Rooney, we shouldnt be playing with one up front.
  12. Give credit to N Ireland, they had a game plan and they stuck to it. Combined with us playing 4-5-1 we were not going to get lucky like we did against Wales. Fucking hell, that was awful.
  13. This is ridiculous. I was screaming at my tv at that. Fucking hell. EDIT - The Hargreaves subsitution.
  14. Well, when England are playing with 1 man up front and N. Ireland are parking the bus in front of the goal, its difficult to do anything. Seriously, no more 4-5-1.
  15. POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE, FEEL IT. ← Just beaing realistic. I'd love it if we managed it. We need to beat Moldova and Belarus which may sound easy but Scotland always seem to stutter against the smaller teams and play out of their skins against the big ones (Italy, Holland) ← Well, I am gonna support them. Normally I hate the Scottish football team, but I always want them to qualify. THEY WILL QUALIFY. I always root for the underdog, thats why I am an Orient supporter
  16. Nice, but I was dissapointed when nobody fell into the nuclear waste...
  17. Well done Scotland, keep it up and hopefully we'll have three UK teams in the World Cup.
  18. MDK


  19. MDK


    BUT ITS SO CUTE. I want to fluffle ickle doggies and poke them and stuff ^______^ ^_^ ^_^ ^______^
  20. MDK

    Best Remixes?

    Adrenaline (Tweaker remix) - Bush is awesome, it packs more of a punch than the original.
  21. Well, I prefer Ignition over all their other albums but like someone said, Smash is what most people reckon is their best work. But I would recomment Ignition over it, just my personal preference.
  22. I suppose so, they are a symbol of our generation. I would still rate fun > entertainment any time. *sigh* I'm gonna turn into one of them 'Back in my day...' type of old person.
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