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Everything posted by MDK

  1. If he does leave I reckon it is to somewhere like Barca. Or Orient. I can hope
  2. Gotta be Toady. The best thing I remember about him was when he had to drive this yellow car around backwards, but a copper stops him and it was amusing.
  3. Pffft, I was flicking between the man u match and the bayern match, what a load of rubbish. Fuck this shit, Orient should have been on TV.
  4. I know everyone knows the matches but I thought I'd repost them with a preview from Skysports.com I don't know what match to watch, at the moment I am thinking of Bayern vs Juve. What other match looks decent for a neutral? Villarrea vs Benfica looks good to me as well
  5. I want them to do it in my local kebab shop.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4353480.stm Interesting, wonder if it'll happen in the UK? Might actually make me want to go into McDonalds. Not to eat, obviously, I'd rather eat dirt.
  7. SCREW YOU ALL. I've been watching the Rocky series on sky movies and they all RAWK. Seriously, Rocky V wasn't half as bad as everyone makes out. Even the bastardised version of Eye of the Tiger wasn't that bad. Anyway, in order of greatness it goes Rocky > Rocky IV > Rocky II > Rocky III > Rocky V
  8. You fucker, I thought I had missed something. *suplex* EDIT - Nice run from Rooney, so far this has looked really confident from us.
  9. This guy is a joke. But I wouldnt mind playing the game just for fun tho >_>
  10. I'd like to see Bent and Horsefield up front on Wednesday. Why? They are the top scoring English strikers. Pity Horsefield isnt in the squad, eh? And I think England desperately miss Gary Neville, he is so underrated it is a joke. He is by far the best English right back.
  11. That would take so long to do, but it would be so much fun to watch.
  12. Yes, international time. Beckham back to the right wing? Sounds good to me, its his best place. Crouch and Owen will work in my opinion, good old little and large partnership.
  13. I don't understand why people are getting upset that so-and-so arent in the list or are placed too high up... This is a list of what music EWB listens to, right? It isnt like God has come down and said that this is the definitive list of bands/artists... Lighten up. Not everyone can be a pretentious music fan.
  14. I played it on 4* and scored wonder goal and comfortably won. I played it on 1* and it was 0-0. How perculiar.
  15. I just want the lead song, awesome riff.
  16. Most of the FIFA games. They may be shit, but damn the music is good. F-Zero had the BEST tune I reckon, absolutely awesome.
  17. You'll pull a muscle in your back carrying it home from the shop.
  18. This game is boring, I walked around, I caught some fish and then walked around some more.
  19. So that is how our studio is gonna make our money? >_>
  20. Woo hoo, I am like a leader or something.
  21. Pavement are familiar, I've sure they've been on MTV2 or something.
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