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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    @Blehschmidt you have a Legendary Pro? I am infinitely jealous right now
  2. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    My Ryback is now an Epic Perfect Pro. And when I get Barrett, I'll be able to pro him as well
  3. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Alright so im kicking Mads out when the event is over RW.....Buddy......Srar? Any of you want in? First come First in.
  4. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Well I'll give Mads 24 hours to say something if he's from EWB or I'll boot him.
  5. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Bravo boys.I lead from the front with 448, and Franklin made 415. Chris2K (203), Bleh (193), and Ellis (190) all deserve props too. On the flipside, DB, that was disappointing. RW, how many points did you end up making? And is Mads someone from EWB, or did I just add a random person because they requested it?
  6. That is the most un-Deadpool deadpool ad I have seen.
  7. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Depending on how this Team RTTC event goes, there may be a couple of vacancies by Friday
  8. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Keep your weekend free, but Mon - Wed your needed. Your allllll needed, TEAM RTTC!!!
  9. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Good luck C2K! Let us know how you go.
  10. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Agreed on that, Chris. I've got Kane and Rusev ready to pro, but I'm trying to do right and train them up first :-/
  11. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Two days ago I won an Epic KOTR and got a Paige. There's my 2nd Epic Pro Diva. Christmas Morning, I pull an Epic Dean Ambrose off the board. Bam. Another Epic Pro. Then, by mid-afternoon I win my next Epic KOTR, and got a Rusev. And within the hour finished Kane off on RTG. Two more Epic Pros. So much luck right now If I can get Ryback, he'll be my first Leg Pro
  12. West Wing was fantastic and I'll not hear any besmirching about it!
  13. Ace

    The Flash

    Because her Father got her one when she was a kid, clearly. The same father that was killed by Weather Wizard, because they hadn't slammed that point home enough.
  14. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Started my day with just Rock/Roman as Epic Pros. Pulled a second Epic Mark Henry off the board. Got a second Epic Brie Bella out of a KOTR. Just trying to decide whether to do all the matches first or combine them now. Thinking it'll be worth it to make them perfect.
  15. 1. Fallout 4 (Ten Points) 2. Batman: Arkham Knight (Nine Points) 3. NBA 2K16 (Eight Points) 4. Witcher III (Seven Points) 5. Dying Light (Six Points) 6. WWE 2K16 (Five Points) 7. Just Cause 3 (Four Points) 8. Mortal Kombat X (Three Points) 9. NHL 16 (Two Points)
  16. 1. The Flash 2. Daredevil 3. Girl Meets World 4. Elementary 5. Agents of SHIELD 6. Jessica Jones 7. Arrow 8. Supergirl 9. How to get Away with Murder 10. Supernatural
  17. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    So, got Kane from RTG today. Also managed to get an Epic Goldust from a KOTR. I now have 13 Epics, and only one of them is a Pro. I am unimpressed :@
  18. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    So, wife buys me $30 iTunes card for my birthday. Thanks to Legendary Sale I get myself a Legendary Ryback. That's enough to get me into Legendary tier. And my my freebie is Natalya. Yessssssss!
  19. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    Okay. The network issues have been figured out and are being worked on. Thats awesome news to me. And I've figured out the points/teams thing too. Each team has their own rank. Its visible just under the pic. Blue = SR, Purple = UR, Orange = Epic and Yellow = Legendary. So when you go to take a match, dont just check the points, check the tier of the team your facing. We're an Epic team. Avoid Legendary's and we should be fine.
  20. 122 - 115. I was watching Grant Gustin lose his shit on Twitter as it wound down. Was hilarious.
  21. Ace

    The Flash

    Mine too. So good. Can't see where it's going at all. And I love that.
  22. Ace

    WWE Supercard

    160/165 on D-Bry. Dammit. You escape me this time Beardface!
  23. Ace

    Fallout 4

    Trust me, Lukie. Stick to the Raiders. Had a mate over tonight, and in the span of thirty minutes he managed to come across an Alpha Deathclaw, a Legendary Brahmin, and a tribe of Super Mutants. Finally he decided to go the other way, only to walk across Swan's Pond. I could do little but laugh after that.
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