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Posts posted by Magus978

  1. Congratulations to Manchester United. Heartbreaking for Chelsea. I don't know what you guys would think of it, but maybe as a future rule change (not sure if it was discussed many a time), would UEFA ever consider using the Golden Goal rule after 30 mins of Extra Time?

    Typical American logic, no? Congrats again to Manchester United :)

    No way. Pens may be cruel but they add so much drama to a game.

    You're right about the drama part. It does make sense to keep with the penalty shootout, I just kinda' threw it up as a base for future discussion :)

  2. Congratulations to Manchester United. Heartbreaking for Chelsea. I don't know what you guys would think of it, but maybe as a future rule change (not sure if it was discussed many a time), would UEFA ever consider using the Golden Goal rule after 30 mins of Extra Time?

    Typical American logic, no? Congrats again to Manchester United :)

  3. Yeah, I'm mid-way into the season now and I'm getting hit with injuries. I had Liam Lawrence, Richard Cresswell, and Andy Griffin go down for more than 2 weeks...doesn't help me that I've pretty much overused Rory Delap, Salif Diao, and Dominic Matteo. I've had to rotate them out and put in lesser personnel. When all those players are not playing, we usually lose :(

    Moved up to 2nd in the standings, but leaders Burnley have like 3 games in hand.

  4. Parkin's still at Stoke in this update (February 2008).

    Thank god he's still here...also, I have acquired Kasey Keller in a loan deal from Fulham, and he's done pretty good so far. Except for giving up 3 goals against Derby in a 3-2 loss...he's been lights out in two games so far in the league.

    I'm gonna have to try and sign this guy full time if we can get more money into the club.

    EDIT: Er, on second thought...maybe as a coach :P

    Steve Simonsen > Kasey Keller

  5. An update on my Stoke game...

    We're 4th in the Championship! I don't know how the hell we did it, but it has something to do with some Romanian forward I got for cheap and Jonathan Parkin. Glenn Whelan leading the team in goals, and Salif Diao/Dominic Matteo not being total garbage help too :P

    Also: Russell Hoult is the most worthless pile of trash to ever put on a jersey. He did the unthinkable, and gave up 3 goals to SCUNTHORPE UNITED. You don't do that and expect to get promoted. Needless to say, I sent his worthless ass to the reserves.

    As for the site...here you go.

    Clicky! Now! Do it dammit :P

  6. I found a place that still has CM 01/02 being updated. It's another forum, so I don't know if I should link it here without violating some sort of advertising rule.

    Its latest update is February 2008 if you're interested :)

    EDIT: Started a new game with Stoke City (using February update). 1.1 mil for transfers? Yeah, nice job board...how the hell am I supposed to be competitive for promotion with that? :P

  7. For me, it's also about the upsets. I call it the Larranaga effect (Jim Larranaga coached George Mason to the Final Four in 2006). Even with all the huge favorites, there is ALWAYS a mid-major or a low-major that catches the attention of the nation, and seemingly for the duration of the tournament, becomes America's Team. I also love the fact that the tournament has become so accessible, with all the games being online now via March Madness on Demand. That way, if we have a vested interest in one game, but that game is not on TV, you can hop online and watch.

    It's the greatest two weeks in sports, IMO. I enjoy being able to watch 15-30 games each tournament year. If you need more reasons as to why I feel that this is the ultimate basketball experience, you know where to find me :P

  8. I always like the underdog stories...so for that reason, I want to see Gretna beat this. Survive this rough patch, sell off any remaining players, and pretty much start over. I don't know if Raydale Park meets the Division 1 requirements, if any...because I know they had to move to Fir Park (Motherwell) to play their SPL games this season.

    Just a case of a team growing too fast, too soon. IMO, they can beat this...if they can make it to the end of the season and get the money that goes with being in the SPL, that could go a long way in their long term survival in the Scottish Football League

  9. I got Scarface: The World is Yours on eBay (I consider it the world's bargain bin :P) for like $10 + the strategy guide, which I really didn't need, but makes for decent bathroom reading material <_<

    The game itself, is great. Controls take a mission or two to get used to, but after that, it's good. Always love taking the Enforcer out for a spin and start shooting random people :P

  10. If I may be so blunt...

    Fuck Jack Thompson. He's a fucking quack who ought to shut the fuck up for once. Is he so pathetic as to blame EVERYTHING on video games? I strongly suggest that he try to find something else to do with his remaining years, because he's sounding like a complete waste of a human being.



  11. I just saw it...wow, extremely horrifying. I'm glad Richard Zednik is going to be okay, but that had to be gruesome to people who were in attendance. I too am shocked that this doesn't happen more often, but at the same time I'm happy that it's a rare occurance.

    I hate to imagine the pain Zednik was in skating off the ice.

  12. Best. Postseason. Ever.

    Well not really, but the Yankees, Phillies and Cubs all losing in the first round is awesome. I'd be content with any of the four remaining teams winning the World Series, but if I had to order them I'd go Sox, Rockies, Indians and then D'Backs. The ratings for the remaining games will more than likely suck, but any season which doesn't end with Derek Jeter celebrating is a good one.

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