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Everything posted by A-Dub

  1. If Halo is on here.....I'll.....I'll......shake my fist really fast....
  2. Spice 1 is good stuff, but why shouldn't one get into mainstream rap, thats like saying "I don't like Anti-Flag anymore because they got popular."
  3. A-Dub

    A Song Lyric

    During football today, I had to sit out because of blisters on my achillies tendons from my new cleats. So, he stands next to me, looks at me, and proceeds to say "They go blisters on their fingers," so I have him a weird look, then he asked if I was a "rocker" so I told him, no, not really. And now I'm wondering what it's from, to bring it up tomorrow. Help would be nice as I can't find it anywhere. Thanks, The Dub.... Also, do you like my closing? Or is it too much, I'm thinking it was too much, but I wanted to try it.
  4. BIg Pun is good, a lot of Tupac is the bling bling, but a lot also isnt. Of course, NWA and stuff from The Chronic 2001, but thats more or less just angry rap. And I'm REALLY into Petey Pablo right now, defintly something to check out.
  5. I LOVE GTA3, actually I prefer it to GTA: VC. A little mixed on MGS:2, yeah it was a great game, but I dont think it held a candle to GTA3. EDIT- WOOHOO!! 600th Post!!!
  6. I said save it. It's a good thing. And Johnny Perfect's sig is awesome. The Glory years of WCW.
  7. He doesnt like wrestling. But I gotta give him credit for giving it a go, a lot of guys in wrestling wouldn't have made it even this far, he's a great athlete. I bet he at least makes a practice squad next year, espically if he goes to Europe or the CFL.
  8. When I played Manhunt, I didn't find it fun at all, sure the first few plastic bag killings were fun, but after that it just got boring and chore-like.
  9. HAHA, classic Squancho at it's best.
  10. If AoE is on, Rise of Nations has to be on as well, that game is amazing.
  11. Ugh, no way, I hated the Getaway.
  12. diving for a couple of loose balls makes you a great team guy and and a great basketball player? I thought that was basic skill? ←
  13. But the guy everyone said was overrated, LeBron, is not only awesome, but also a team guy. A great BASKETBALL player
  14. See I hate this stuff. Women come out with songs attacking men all the time, and they don't get replied to (that I've heard) but a man comes out with a song of his own sayin that his girl is dirty or a nagger (in the Ying Yang case) and theres reply to try and rde the coat tails.....get original.
  15. More lyrics would help, but it sounds like something Bubba Sparxxx would do.
  16. THanks, and the one thing I'd add to that list is RB by comitee. Because I like to have Najeh Davenport in a lot, but I don't want Amahns skills to diminish before the season ends because i wanna trade him for the 1st draft pick.
  17. I'm doing a Franchise with the Packers, and if I sim the preseason games, will it take Favre out early? Or will it keep him in for a 1/2 or something?
  18. I'm sorry dude, but the Beasties are nowhere near the Beatles. I'm not saying the Beasties dont have a huge following, but it doesnt really hold a candle to the beatles.
  19. A-Dub

    PS2 Problems

    i got it fixed for now, i just opened it up and blew the dust out...again, so we'll see what happens.
  20. A-Dub

    PS2 Problems

    The damn thing keeps givin me the Disc Read Error, and I keep having to open it up and cleaning out the dust or something, but after I close it it works for 2 or 3 times, and then i get the Disc Read Error again....ne advice?
  21. Franz > Chevelle.....And I was wrong in thinking that ESPN was gonna be better, since i primarily run the ball, i find the run physics much better.
  22. Ah, Thanks, that makes sense now.
  23. Is it just me or is Warren Sapp not in the game? Like they don't even have a "#99" on DT for the Raiders...
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